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Deoxynivalenol (DON) has drawn global attention because of its prevalence and significant effects on human or animal health. Biological remedies for DON have been developed from preharvest to postharvest. Applying microbes, including bacteria, fungi (yeast and molds), and enzymes, results in inhibited synthesis, structural destruction, or adsorption of DON. DON can be degraded into masked forms by phase I metabolism or phase II metabolism. During food processing, DON content changes dynamically and is even transformed. Physical, chemical, thermal, or biological processes physically reduce DON content. Temperature, heating time, enzymes, food additives, microorganisms, food composition, contamination level, and other ingredients are key factors. Although DON content can be reduced during food processing, increases in other toxins, such as DON‐3‐β‐d ‐glucoside and 3‐acetyl‐DON, can be potentially risky. The application of biodegradation methods in food processing bears research significance. Both microorganisms and enzymes can be potentially used. Novel techniques, such as RNA interference, omics technologies, or enzymes coupled with the genetic engineering method, can be introduced. This review systematically updates the understanding of masked forms of DON, biological degradation strategy, fate of DON during processing, and future trends for biodegradation. Challenges to the successful application of biological methods may include the stability and suitability of the detoxification agents, security of degradation products, and successful application for industrial production.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite the associated health benefits of whole grains, consumption of whole grain products remains far below recommended levels. Whole wheat bread is often associated with many distinctive attributes such as low loaf volume, firm and gritty texture, dark and rough crust and crumb appearance, bitter flavor, and reduced shelf-life. There is a need to improve its quality and sensory characteristics so as to increase consumer appeal and, ultimately, increase the intake of whole wheat bread. The inclusion of various ingredients improves dough and bread properties.Scope and approachThis review examines the effects of enzymes, emulsifiers, hydrocolloids, and oxidants on the properties of whole wheat bread and dough, with particular attention to effects on loaf volume and hardness. Wheat gluten and other plant materials are also discussed. Gaps in the research into whole wheat bread are identified, and future research needs are recommended.Key findings and conclusionsXylanase reduces the water absorption of whole wheat flour and increases loaf volume and crumb softness by hydrolyzing ararbinoxylans. α-amylase can be beneficial under certain conditions. Phytase may activate endogenous α-amylase. G4-amylase is promising but needs validation by further research on its effect on loaf volume, crumb hardness, and staling. Vital wheat gluten overcomes many of the challenges of whole wheat bread production and is found in the majority of commercial whole wheat breads. Emulsifiers DATEM and SSL can improve the volume, texture and staling profile of whole wheat bread. Several types of improvers are generally needed in combination to provide the greatest improvement to whole wheat dough and bread.  相似文献   

BackgroundFruits are the rich source of bioactive compounds (vitamins, phenolics, carotenoids, and flavonoids) attributing to the antioxidant potential. To make these fruits available for consumption during off-season, the fruits are processed into shelf-stable products like jam and jellies. However, the bioactive compounds mostly decrease during processing and storage of these products. The loss may vary with the process severity (temperature and time of processing) and product composition (sugars, pectin, fruit, etc.).Scope and approachThe overall changes in bioactive compounds during processing and storage of jam and jellies have been summarized in this review. The factors affecting these differences and the mechanisms responsible for such reactions have been discussed in detail. It might be helpful to a food scientist or a food industry in improving the product with respect to its quality and for health implications altogether.Key findings and conclusionsThe presence of high sugar content and pectin with a low degree of esterification can preserve the bioactive compounds during thermal processing by reducing the adverse reactions in jam and by interacting with functional components through hydrogen or hydrophobic bonding. The change in bioactive compounds may continue during storage depending on storage conditions, where the storage temperature and duration have a significant effect. Lower the temperature of storage, better is the retention of biologically active compounds in jam and jelly. Encapsulation and use of non-thermal processing can be explored to preserve the bioactive compounds in food products against various adverse conditions.  相似文献   

Carotenoids in nature are predominantly C40 hydrocarbons that may contain oxygenated functional groups. Although they are well‐recognized to exhibit key human health benefits, they cannot be synthesized in the human body and must be obtained from the diet. Fruit and vegetables are the primary dietary sources of carotenoids because plants automatically synthesize these compounds to protect cells from oxidative damage that may occur upon photosynthesis due to light. Biosynthesis and accumulation of carotenoids in plants begin during cultivation through postharvest storage. However, these compounds naturally degrade upon plant senescence and also during food processing (e.g., blanching, pasteurization, and drying). In this article, evolution of carotenoids during cultivation, postharvest storage, and food processing is comprehensively reviewed. Appropriate conditions and methods to cultivate, store, and process fruit and vegetables to help retard carotenoid degradation and enhance carotenoid biosynthesis are also reviewed and identified.  相似文献   

Much research has been done to understand the contribution of different flour constituents to the cookie quality. Most authors agree on the role of starch in cookies, which, although it is the main flour constituent, has a relatively small influence on cookie quality. Flour proteins, which are quantitatively less important than starch, seem to have a more pronounced role in cookie baking. However, in literature, there is no consensus about their role and influence on the product quality. As for starch, there is much more agreement about the role of non-starch polysaccharides and flour lipids. Not only flour, but also other ingredients of the cookie (dough) formula, such as shortening (fat), sugar, and water are important for the quality of the end product. We here provide the different points of view in this area and speculate on the functionality and quality determining properties of flour constituents, sugar, fat, and water and their role and influence during the different stages of cookie baking and on the end quality of sugar-snap cookies.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca) is a key micronutrient of high relevance for human nutrition that also influences the texture and taste of dairy products and their processability. In bovine milk, Ca is presented in several speciation forms, such as complexed with other milk components or free as ionic calcium while being distributed between colloidal and serum phases of milk. Partitioning of Ca between these phases is highly dynamic and influenced by factors, such as temperature, ionic strength, pH, and milk composition. Processing steps used during the manufacture of dairy products, such as preconditioning, concentration, acidification, salting, cooling, and heating, all contribute to modify Ca speciation and partition, thereby influencing product functionality, product yield, and fouling of equipment. This review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence of Ca partition on dairy products properties to support the development of kinetics models to reduce product losses and develop added-value products with improved functionality. To achieve this objective, approaches to separate milk phases, analytical approaches to determine Ca partition and speciation, the role of Ca on protein–protein interactions, and their influence on processing of dairy products are discussed.  相似文献   

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a fruit plant of family Anacardiaceae, widely grown all over the world, and is a very popular fruit in the world market. Mango fruit is the second most traded tropical fruit and fifth in terms of production globally. Large quantities of mango processing coproducts are generated (peels and seeds), which usually are discarded as waste, yet are a potential source of fat, protein, carbohydrate, and certain bioactive compounds. Mango kernel is a remarkably rich source of macronutrients and micronutrients including calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, E, K, and C. Phytochemicals with a notable therapeutic potential such as tocopherols, phytosterols, carotenoids, polyphenols (gallotannins, flavonols, benzophenone derivatives, mangiferin, homomangiferin, isomangiferin, anthocyanins, kaempferol, and quercetin), and phenolic acids (4‐caffeoylquinic acids, caffeic, coumaric, ellagic, gallic, and ferulic acid) are reported. The phytochemicals have high antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, and, antiproliferation activities and could be used for food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. The nutritional composition of mango kernel constitutes 32.34% to 76.81% carbohydrate, 6% to 15.2% fat, 6.36% to 10.02% protein, 0.26% to 4.69% crude fiber, and 1.46% to 3.71% ash on a dry weight basis. The nutritional profile of the kernel suggests its usability as a food ingredient in the development of value‐added products such as mango kernel oil, mango kernel butter, mango kernel flour, and biofilms among other diverse products. This comprehensive systematic review explores mango kernel as a potential and novel food ingredient to meet the needs of a health‐conscious population. The review also provides a remedy to waste management and environmental pollution.  相似文献   

In many African cultures, insects are part of the diet of humans and domesticated animals. Compared to conventional food and feed sources, insects have been associated with a low ecological foot print because fewer natural resources are required for their production. To this end, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations recognized the role that edible insects can play in improving global food and nutrition security; processing technologies, as well as packaging and storage techniques that improve shelf-life were identified as being crucial. However, knowledge of these aspects in light of nutritional value, safety, and functionality is fragmentary and needs to be consolidated. This review attempts to contribute to this effort by evaluating the available evidence on postharvest processes for edible insects in Africa, with the aim of identifying areas that need research impetus. It further draws attention to potential postharvest technology options for overcoming hurdles associated with utilization of insects for food and feed. A greater research thrust is needed in processing and this can build on traditional knowledge. The focus should be to establish optimal techniques that improve presentation, quality and safety of products, and open possibilities to diversify use of edible insects for other benefits.  相似文献   

BackgroundSensorial, nutritional and microbiological deteriorations of alveolar bakeries are mostly hazardous for producers that are threatened by the loss of consumers’ confidence and market shares. These alterations induce loss of the freshness, which is the first feature of purchasing. Hence, monitoring the quality of baked products has been determined by using different analytical techniques (e.g., rheology, chromatography, sensory analyses, etc.). To date, these tools are used as reference ones, but, they come under criticism due to their destructive and sophisticated aspects. Therefore, many newest techniques have been investigated in order to provide reliable data in a short time and a cheap way without the need of samples preparation.Scope and approachThis review will discuss firstly the techno-functional properties of the lipid component in the formulation of alveolar products and attempts of its reduction and/or substitution. Then, the optimization of bakeries processing will be presented. The macroscopic and molecular techniques commonly used for monitoring quality, freshness and alteration of the alveolar products are finally reviewed.Key findings and conclusionsThe potentialities of vegetable oils combined with fibers to reduce the saturated fatty acids content in recipe are highlighted. This review provides also a comprehensive approach for the optimization of alveolar goods processing in order to maintain the nutritional quality of the final product. Regarding quality and freshness control, this review emphasizes the complementarity between traditional methods and innovative ones, including spectroscopic techniques in combination with chemometric tools for understanding the molecular and macroscopic structure of alveolar baked products.  相似文献   


In recent years, there is a rising interest in the number of food products containing probiotic bacteria with favorable health benefit effects. However, the viability of probiotic bacteria is always questionable when they exposure to the harsh environment during processing, storage, and gastrointestinal digestion. To overcome these problems, microencapsulation of cells is currently receiving considerable attention and has obtained valuable effects. According to the drying temperature, the commonly used technologies can be divided into two patterns: high temperature drying (spray drying and fluid bed drying) and low temperature drying (ultrasonic vacuum spray drying, spray chilling, electrospinning, supercritical technique, freeze drying, extrusion, emulsion, enzyme gelation, and impinging aerosol technique). Furthermore, not only should the probiotic bacteria maintain high viability during processing but they also need to keep alive during storage and gastrointestinal digestion, where they additionally suffer from water, oxygen, heat as well as strong acid and bile conditions. This review focuses on demonstrating the effects of different microencapsulation techniques on the survival of bacteria during processing as well as protective approaches and mechanisms to the encapsulated probiotic bacteria during storage and gastrointestinal digestion that currently reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Plesiomonas shigelloides is a unique Gram-negative polarly flagellated pathogenic bacterium native to aquatic animals and environments. The genus Plesiomonas consists of a single homogeneous species. Its metabolism is similar to that of the genus Vibrio in that sugars are fermented with acid production but no gas. 5S rDNA sequencing has indicated the organism to be closely related to the genus Proteus. Diarrhea is the major symptom although extra intestinal infections, including septicemia, are known to occur with predisposed individuals. Oysters are the major food incriminated in outbreaks in the United States. A temperature of 42–44°C is recommended for isolation to eliminate aeromonads. The utilization of inositol with acid production is a unique characteristic of the organism that is exploited with several agar media developed for its selective and differential isolation. The organism is β-hemolytic and produces a cholera-like (CL) enterotoxin in addition to a thermostabile (TS) and a thermolabile labile (LT) enterotoxin. A large plasmid (>120 mdalton) has also been found to facilitate invasion. A variety of factors have been found to influence results obtained from application of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to the DNA of the organism.  相似文献   

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