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近年来,随着我国居民对健康的重视程度不断提升,食品安全问题也逐渐成为人们关注的焦点问题。食品供应链物流环节较长,容易引发食品安全问题,因此对食品供应链物流运行机制的研究具有重要意义。本文通过分析食品供应链物流的现状,指出了食品供应链物流中制约食品安全的因素,包括:食品物流包装不合格、食品供应链物流基础设施不完备、信息化程度低和缺乏食品安全监督机制。最后提出了建立保障食品安全的食品供应链物流运行机制,主要从建立食品供应链物流企业信用评价体系、建立食品供应链物流的科学协同机制、建立食品供应链物流的信息化保障机制以及监督机制4方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

近几年,我国经济高速发展,市场经济体制给我国经济带来了较大的发展空间,同时也产生了很多问题。其中食品安全问题逐渐凸现,每年我国食品安全问题都会被频繁曝光,比如苏丹红事件、毒大米事件、三鹿毒奶粉事件等,这些问题的出现给我国的食品安全管理带来了较大的困难。因此需要制定食品供应链管理措施,解决食品安全问题。本文主要从食品供应链管理机制下分析食品安全的影响因素,并提出解决这些问题的对策,为食品安全管理工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

作为一种商务模式,电子商务在很多领域中得到了广泛应用。利用电子商务能够充分发挥食品供应链的优势,通过食品供应链和电子商务的有机结合,食品企业能够更好地保障食品安全,有效应对行业内日益激烈的市场竞争,全面提升企业自身的市场竞争力。本文对电子商务在食品供应链及食品安全中的作用和优势进行了论述和分析,介绍了基于电子商务的食品供应链和食品安全管理的理念,并立足于信息共享机制的建立和协同整合对其前景进行了介绍和分析。  相似文献   

李霞  卢越  李凤廷  王培培 《食品与机械》2021,37(12):227-231
通过分析电商模式下传统品牌休闲食品供应链存在的问题,提出品牌休闲食品企业应紧跟商业模式创新步伐,降低生产成本、扩大产品销售渠道、提高物流配送效率;指出品牌休闲食品企业亟须在创新商业模式背景下重构供应链,打通线上线下全渠道供应链,提升整体流通效率,构建良性零售圈。  相似文献   

Food hazards can appear at any stage of global food supply chains, making it essential to define critical control points to capture the data about ingredients, manufacture and dates-certain (sell-by, use-by), etc., and provide it in a transparent manner to supply chain participants and consumers. The government of Taiwan has appointed a non-profit research organization to conduct a pilot project to launch a potential national-wide food traceability system to increase the intangible value of purchased food and to enhance food safety. This paper discusses a financially viable business model for a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) application to a food traceability system. We conduct a case study of RFID implementation in the chain of convenience stores in Taiwan. The Taiwanese experiment may have implications for policy-makers, industry and public health officials elsewhere.  相似文献   

在分析食品供应链与食品安全的关系基础上,从政府监管制度体系及建设、市场主体安全行为两个层面,按照法律和法规等规制体系及效率、质量与安全标准认证体系、可追溯技术体系、供应商安全行为、生产者安全行为、消费者安全行为六个知识模块对食品供应链安全管理的研究现状和发展进行了梳理与评述。   相似文献   

采用扎根理论研究法,对网购食品的消费者差评信息进行三级编码,基于供应链视角对网购食品安全风险进行系统识别,并利用定量的Borda序值法对子风险的严重程度进行评估。结果表明,网购食品安全风险包含4个核心风险和8个子风险,后果严重程度最高的风险是电商销售环节的监管缺失或不足风险和物流运输环节的物流运输服务专业化不足风险,其次是食品加工环节的食品原辅材料质量风险、电商销售环节的信息不对称风险和物流运输环节的仓储运输条件不合格风险等。为保证网购食品安全,电商平台应加大对投机企业的惩罚力度、物流企业应对食品的运输实施有差异的标准化管理、食品企业应把好食品原辅材料的进口关。  相似文献   

文章在Web of Science网站上通过主题词搜索筛选出相关文献,运用CiteSpace软件绘制了相关文献的关键词共现知识图谱,并进行了整体分析;发现物联网与区块链技术的结合已成为食品供应链溯源体系发展的主流趋势;阐述了基于区块链的食品供应链溯源体系目前的优势以及未来的挑战。  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,数据作为新的生产要素起到了越来越重要的作用。在食品安全领域,频发的食品安全质量问题引起人们对食品质量的高度重视,其主要原因在于食品供应链环节存在风险,因此,对供应链流通链条的风险控制、进行食品信息的可追溯构建显得尤为重要。由于食品交易的信息不对称性,一旦发生食品安全事件,食品流通过程的数据信息将对问题的溯源起到至关重要的作用。因此,本文试图从供应链的角度对食品流通过程的信息进行整合分析,基于各个环节的风险管理目标,通过对食品从采购、到加工、贮存、运输、销售的各个环节的信息进行全方位的记录,提出建立食品流通数据库的基本构想,以期对国家食品流通数据库的建设提供参考,为食品安全质量控制和国家宏观调控做出贡献。  相似文献   

任立肖  宋宣  张丽  周娜 《食品与机械》2021,37(11):232-239
目的:探究区块链应用于食品供应链的影响因素及食品供应链各参与方的行为问题。方法:运用演化博弈方法,构建食品企业、政府和消费者的三方博弈模型,并建立复制动态方程;分析了不同初始值、接入成本、溢价系数、信息真实度等参数变化对于三方策略选择的影响。结果:系统的稳定状态与初始策略人群占比有关;区块链接入成本对食品企业的策略选择影响较大,过高的接入成本会抑制食品企业信息上链的积极性,不利于区块链技术在食品溯源体系的应用推广;因接入区块链导致的溢价会影响消费者购买的积极性;区块链技术的不可篡改性可以提高食品溯源信息的真实度,从而有利于三方主体向着理想状态演化。结论:为从根本上解决食品溯源信息的真实性问题,食品企业应在保证溯源信息真实性的前提下降低可追溯食品溢价程度的价格,政府应在控制可追溯食品的溢价的前提下提高消费者购买的积极性。  相似文献   

慕静 《食品工业科技》2012,33(10):49-51
针对现有食品安全监管模式在食品安全风险控制中存在的弊端,基于供应链视角,在分析食品安全监管模式创新成因的基础上,构建了食品安全监管模式的创新体系,指出食品安全监管创新链包含的传递路径是全程监管、联动监管、法律监管、社会监管;基于监管创新链,提出食品供应链安全风险控制策略,希望为食品安全监管部门以及食品行业相关决策部门提供一定的决策支持。   相似文献   

基于构建可持续供应链食品安全保障体系背景,结合危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)及HACCP认证发展应用的现状,初步分析了HACCP在食品可持续供应链构建中的作用,提出HACCP认证发展建议,以期为认证机构和管理部门有效实施HACCP认证提供理论基础,使HACCP认证成为市场调节食品安全管理资源配置的一个重要的工具。  相似文献   

Food supply chain is a rapidly growing integrated sector and covers all the aspects from farm to fork, including manufacturing, packaging, distribution, storing, as well as further processing or cooking for consumption. Along this chain, smart packaging could impact the quality, safety, and sustainability of food. Packaging systems have evolved to be smarter with integration of emerging electronics and wireless communication and cloud data solutions. Although there are many factors causing the loss and waste issues for foods throughout the whole supply chain of food and there have been several articles showing the recent advances and breakthroughs in developing smart packaging systems, this review integrates these conceptual frameworks and technological applications and focuses on how innovative smart packaging solutions are beneficial to the overall quality and safety of food supply by enhancing product traceability and reducing the amount of food loss and waste. We start by introducing the concept of the management for the integrated food supply chain, which is critical in tactical and operational components that can enhance product traceability within the entire chain. Then we highlight the impact of smart packaging in reducing food loss and waste. We summarize the basic information of the common printing techniques for smart packaging system (sensor and indicator). Then, we discuss the potential challenges in the manufacturing and deployment of smart packaging systems, as well as their cost-related drawbacks and further steps in food supply chain.  相似文献   

针对目前服装供应链存在上下游企业信息不对称、协同率低、产品溯源难等问题,探索区块链技术在服装供应链上的应用前景。对区块链技术的概念、关键技术和特征进行探究,分析区块链与服装供应链间的耦合关系,从对象维度、属性维度、功能维度3个方面对区块链技术在服装供应链上的应用进行可行性分析,提出基于区块链技术的服装供应链的逻辑框架,并构建采购交易平台,实现各成员企业间的信息共享、交易信息的公开透明,优化服装供应链的监督管理体系,提高成员企业间协同制造的能力。为服装供应链的转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

我国食品冷藏链的发展与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍食品冷藏链的基本概念和基本特点,分析冷藏链的相关技术和我国食品冷藏链的现状,并在和国外冷藏链比较的基础上,提出发展我国食品冷藏链的对策和措施。  相似文献   

It is a common finding that men compared to women are less concerned about food hazards and technologies. While previous literature analyzed determinants such as trust in public actors in order to explain gender differences in food risk perception, a systematic analysis of women’s and men’s cognitions (associations) and emotions (feelings) is lacking. This study focuses on the very first associations and the deeper motives and values that women and men link to three potential food hazards: mycotoxins, pesticides and irradiation. Means-end chain theory was applied and in-depth laddering interviews were conducted with 34 women and 35 men in Munich, Germany. The results reveal that food hazards threaten self-centered and socio-altruistic values of men and women alike and that ‘care for others’ is not only a motive for women.  相似文献   

The new conceptual framework for food supply chain assessment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Food industry is the first in European Community for revenues, with more than 8 millions of employee. Logistics and supply chain management play a crucial role in food industry.  相似文献   

Excessive waste along the food supply chain of 71 (UK, Netherlands) to 82 (Germany) kg per head per year sparked widespread criticism of the agricultural food business and provides a great challenge and task for all its players and stakeholders. Origins of this food waste include private households, restaurants and canteens, as well as supermarkets, and indicate that 59–65% of this food waste can be avoided. Since ~50% of the food waste is fruit and vegetables, monitoring and control of their natural ripening gas – ethylene – is suggested here as one possible key to reducing food waste. Ethylene accelerates ripening of climacteric fruits, and accumulation of ethylene in the supply chain can lead to fruit decay and waste. While ethylene was determined using a stationary gas chromatograph with gas cylinders, the new generation of portable sensor‐based instruments now enables continuous in situ determination of ethylene along the food chain, a prerequisite to managing and maintaining the quality and ripeness of fruits and identifying hot spots of ethylene accumulation along the supply chain. Ethylene levels were measured in a first trial, along the supply chain of apple fruit from harvest to the consumer, and ranged from 10 ppb in the CA fruit store with an ethylene scrubber, 70 ppb in the fruit bin, to 500 ppb on the sorting belt in the grading facility, to ppm levels in perforated plastic bags of apples. This paper also takes into account exogenous ethylene originating from sources other than the fruit itself. Countermeasures are discussed, such as the potential of breeding for low‐ethylene fruit, applications of ethylene inhibitors (e.g. 1‐MCP) and absorber strips (e.g. ‘It's Fresh’, Ryan'), packages (e.g. ‘Peakfresh’), both at the wholesale and retail level, vents and cooling for the supply chain, sale of class II produce (‘Wunderlinge’), collection (rather than waste) of produce on the ‘sell by’ date (‘Die Tafel’) and whole crop purchase (WCP) to aid reducing food waste. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Although inter-firm coordination of quality management is increasingly important for meeting end-customer demand in agri-food chains, few researchers focus on the relation between inter-firm quality management systems (QMS) and inter-firm governance structures (GS). However, failure to align QMSs and GSs may lead to inefficiencies in quality management because of high transaction-costs. In addition, misalignment is likely to reduce the quality of end-customer products. This paper addresses this gap in research by empirically examining the relation between QMSs and GSs in pork meat supply chains. Transaction-Cost-Economic theory is used to develop propositions about the relation between three aspects of QMSs − ownership, vertical scope and scale of adoption − and the use of different types of GSs in pork meat supply chains. To validate the propositions, seven cases are examined from four different countries. The results show that the different aspects of QMSs largely relate to specific GSs used in chains in the manner predicted by the propositions. This supports the view that alignment between QMSs and GSs is important for the efficient coordination of quality management in (pork meat) supply chains.  相似文献   

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