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美国南加利福尼亚大学的比洛克·霍什内维斯(Behrokh Khoshnevis)教授发明的轮廓工艺(contour crafting)是一种由数字控制的建造工艺,通过分层制造技术,可以直接按照计算机模型制造部件。由于无需使用传统混凝土施工中的模板,轮廓工艺可以大大降低成本和建造时间。通过机器人进行建造,最大限度地减少了劳动力的消耗,使该技术凸显巨大的潜力,尤其是在相对危险的环境中,比如充满对人体极具损害的高度辐射的月球。目前,由美国宇航局资助的研究正在探索使用轮廓工艺在月球上建造建筑的潜力,建造所需材料来自月球表面丰厚的风化层。本文对该项研究进行介绍,并对在月球上使用轮廓工艺的优势进行评估。  相似文献   

美国南加利福尼弧大学的比洛克·霍什内维斯(BehrokhKhoshnevis)教授发明的轮廓工艺(contourcrafting)是·种由数字控制的建造工艺,通过分层制造技术,可以直接按照计算机模型制造部件。由于无需使用传统混凝土施工中的模板,轮廓工艺可以大大降低成本和建造时间。通过机器人进行建造,最大限度地减少了 劳动力的消耗,使浚技术凸显巨大的潜力,尤其是拒相对危险的环境中,比如充满对人体极具损害的高度辐射的月球。目前,由美国字航局资助的研究正在探索使用轮廓工艺往月球上建造逢筑的潜力,建造所需材料来自月球表面丰厚的风化层。本文对该项研究进行介绍,并对在月球上使用轮廓工艺的优势进行评估。  相似文献   

本文按照类型提取相似特征,将具体工程现实模型抽象成计算机逻辑对象,然后利用计算机智能化信息处理、基于当今主流开发平台NET Framework4.0开发出一款高效、便捷、函数库丰富的施工组织设计系统。  相似文献   

介绍一种新型平台施工升降机的结构和工作原理,并重点对装载平台的结构进行了详细说明。  相似文献   

彭志辉 《山西建筑》2006,32(15):130-131
结合工程特点,介绍了大体积基础承台混凝土的施工对施工人员及材料的要求,详细阐述了其施工技术,通过施工,该工程混凝土的质量达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

软件项目研发是一个团队集体智慧的体现,建立和谐的研发团队不仅有利于提高软件项目研发的效率,提高软件产品质量和成功率,也有利于加强团队成员之间的交流,增进相互之间的了解和友谊。就软件项目研发过程中,有关项目团队建设的重要性、项目团队建设过程和如何建立一个胶冻团队等问题展开分析,探讨软件项目研发团队的建设。  相似文献   

The industrialization of building production was the subject of heated debate in Japan during the 1960s and into the 1970s. Various concepts of ‘component-based design’ were introduced with the purpose of stimulating innovation and creating a more efficient building process. In this paper these concepts are reviewed from today's perspectives, and the necessary revisions are examined that might make them more useful in contributing to the future development of the Japanese construction industry.  相似文献   

分析了土木工程类专业在实训教学过程中存在的问题,提出了土木工程类专业实训平台的建设思路。按人才市场需求从土木工程类专业实训教学平台、工程计算实训平台、校企合作实习基地及面向全校工科专业综合实训平台等方面,全面剖析了存在问题和建设思路。研究成果对四川轻化工大学土木工程专业建设和毕业生综合素质提升起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

To increase the degree of automation and frequency of data collection for monitoring construction sites, there has been a rapid increase in the number of studies, in the past few years, that developed and/or examined mobile robotic applications in construction. These vision-based platforms capable of autonomous navigation and scene understanding are becoming essential in many construction applications, namely construction sites surveying, work-in-progress monitoring, and existing structure inspection. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and object recognition for proper context-aware motion planning are some of the core vision techniques that are driving innovation for these robotic systems. To characterize the limitations of current techniques on real-time performance and identify challenges in integration and implementation for construction applications, this paper proposes a mobile robotic platform that incorporates a stack of embedded platforms with integrated Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). This paper presents three case studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. The results demonstrate the robustness and feasibility of developing and deploying an autonomous system in the near future.  相似文献   

李淮 《建筑机械》2012,(11):92-94,18
以Visualbasic为编程手段,依据相关标准对系列高空作业车总体计算软件进行开发,实现整体稳定性、驱动机构受力及关键部件受力的计算;为该产品快速系列化的计算提供借鉴。  相似文献   

乔国强 《山西建筑》2010,36(30):150-151
探讨了在高温天气下,采用优化混凝土配合比设计、冷却管降温及双掺技术等多项措施,成功地控制了承台大体积混凝土由于温度应力产生的裂缝,积累了丰富的现场施工经验。  相似文献   

工程教育质量和工程人才培养已成为高等教育急需解决的重要课题。分析了土木工程专业在实验教学、设计计算、实践实习、学科竞赛和创新创业活动等方面存在的问题,提出了打造土木工程专业工程实训平台的建设理念。从土木工程专业实验教学平台、"科研反哺教学"的实践教学平台、土木工程专业工程计算教学平台、新型"校企协作"实践教学平台和土木工程专业创新创业平台等方面,阐述了五个子平台的建设思路和建设方案。研究成果对西安建筑科技大学土木工程专业建设水平和人才培养质量提升起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

姚立胜 《山西建筑》2014,(14):113-114
以苏州市轨道交通2号线地下盾构区间疏散平台施工为例,论述了施工中技术改进和设备改造措施及疏散平台步板现场混凝土快速运送、浇筑等施工方法,达到了疏散平台尺寸及限界控制到位、混凝土浇筑作业效率高、缩短工期等目的。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes ongoing research aimed at developing knowledge, methods and tools required to implement automated robotic crane erection processes for the construction industry. In the proposed approach, construction cranes are treated as multi-degree-of-freedom robots and modeled in a virtual environment. Virtual cranes are provided with motion-planning algorithms that enable them to find collision-free and time-efficient paths for each piece that needs to be erected. Inverse kinematics are then used to determine the crane motions required to move elements in previously computed paths. By using an effective method to coordinate the tasks and motions of multiple cranes, the system is also extended to construction projects that require simultaneous use of closely-spaced cranes. The virtual crane model provides realistic visualizations of erection processes and detailed erection schedules.  相似文献   

通过指导大学生创新创业训练项目,开发了基于图像处理技术的道面损伤识别软件,结合室外模型实验开发了道面数字图像畸变纠偏程序,建立了基于图像识别技术的仿真教学平台。教学平台包括室外实验、图像处理和结果处理三部分,为学生提供了独立实践机会,在促进学生更扎实地掌握理论知识的同时,还锻炼了实际工作中所需技能。仿真教学平台技术先进,功能完备,是科研成果向教学工具转化的典型实例,体现了卓越工程师培养的要求。  相似文献   

结合某软件学院基本建设项目的成功案例,从投资、质量、进度三个方面分析了项目管理的作用,证明业主方实行项目管理可以在建设项目目标控制中产生巨大效益.  相似文献   

Indoor exposures to allergens, mold spores, and endotoxin have been suggested as etiological agents of asthma; therefore, accurate determination of those exposures, especially in young children (6-36 months), is important for understanding the development of asthma. Because use of personal sampling equipment in this population is difficult, and in children <1 year of age impossible, we developed a personal sampling surrogate: the Pretoddler Inhalable Particulate Environmental Robotic (PIPER) sampler to better estimate their exposures. During sampling, PIPER simulates the activity patterns, speed of motion, and the height of the breathing zones of young children, and mechanically resuspends the deposited dust just as a young child does during running and crawling. The concentrations of allergens, mold spores, and endotoxin measured by PIPER were compared to those measured using traditional stationary air sampling method in 75 homes in central New Jersey, United States. Endotoxin was detected in all homes with median concentrations of 1.0 and 0.55 EU/m(3) for PIPER and stationary sampler, respectively. The difference in median concentrations obtained using the two methods was statistically significant for homes with carpeted floors (P = 0.0001) in the heating season. For such homes, the average ratio of endotoxin concentration measured by PIPER to the stationary sampler was 2.96 (95% CI 2.29-3.63). Fungal spores were detected in all homes, with median fungal concentrations of 316 and 380 spores/m(3) for PIPER and stationary sampler, respectively. For fungi, the difference between the two sampling methods was not statistically significant. For both sampling methods, the total airborne mold levels were statistically significantly higher in the non-heating season than in the heating season. Allergens were detected in ~15% of investigated homes. The data indicate that the traditional stationary air-sampling methods may substantially underestimate personal exposures to endotoxin, especially due to resuspension of dust from carpeted floor surfaces. A personal sampling surrogate, such as PIPER, is a feasible approach to estimate personal exposures in young children. PIPER should be seriously considered as the sampling platform for future exposure studies in young children. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: This study investigated potential indoor bioaerosol exposure of young children using a Pretoddler Inhalable Particulate Environmental Robotic (PIPER) sampler platform. The results show that the traditional stationary air-sampling methods can substantially underestimate personal exposures to resuspended material, and that a personal sampling surrogate, such as PIPER, offers a feasible surrogate for measuring personal inhalation exposures of young children.  相似文献   

基于信息化平台的项目施工管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙政  吴文宪 《山西建筑》2008,34(10):365-367
在介绍基于网络信息化平台项目管理的概念、功能、组织前提的基础上,重点阐述了项目协同工作和信息交流过程,并在此基础上提出了我国发展基于网络平台项目管理的建议,以提高我国的项目管理水平。  相似文献   

建筑企业是我国国民经济发展中的重要力量,不仅为国家的经济增长提供了源源不断的动力,同时还为人民提供了良好的居住、生活与工作空间。施工技术是保证建筑企业健康与稳定发展的关键,直接关系到施工质量的好坏以及建筑企业的形象与信誉。而BIM技术的管理平台是保证建筑施工技术质量的重要基础,研究了BIM技术概述以及该技术施工管理平台的优势,同时还深入的分析与研究了BIM技术的施工管理平台,希望能够通过对该平台的研究,加强施工技术的管理,提高施工技术质量,进而促进建筑企业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

Prefabricated construction has become increasingly popular over the recent years, given its benefits including higher construction speed, lower cost, and improved quality. To facilitate the operations of prefabricated construction, various technologies have in parallel been introduced. However, due to its project-based feature and the involvement of numerous Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the adoption of information technologies is insufficient and varies between SMEs, thereby hindering the improvement of the efficiency of prefabricated construction. Considering these issues and aiming at realizing lean prefabricated construction, this paper proposes an integrated cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) platform through exploiting the concept of cloud asset. Its operation model has also been worked out to enable SMEs to adopt IoT technologies economically and flexibly. Besides, to make the platform compatible and scalable on managing diverse physical assets in different companies and scenarios, a unified cloud asset data model is proposed. Furthermore, an IoT service-sharing module is developed to support different levels of service-sharing on the platform. Finally, a real-life prefabricated construction project in Hong Kong and several lab-based LEGO construction models are adopted to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed platform.  相似文献   

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