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Equal gain and selection combining for bandlimited binary phase-shift keying systems in Nakagami fading with cochannel interference are considered. Spectrum raised-cosine and Beaulieu-Tan-Damen pulse shapes are employed. Average bit error rates are derived for arbitrary orders of diversity and fading parameters. The computational complexity of the solution does not grow with the diversity order. Slow flat fading, asynchronous timing and independent fading gains are assumed. 相似文献
Precise BER analysis of dual-channel reception of QPSK in Nakagami fading and cochannel interference
A precise bit error rate analysis is performed for bandwidth-efficient dual-channel quadrature phase shift keying in Nakagami fading with Nakagami-faded asynchronous interfering signals. In contrast to previous works, the analysis accounts for the dependencies between the quadrature carriers owing to nonRayleigh fading and cochannel interference. The impact of the interfering users' fading severities on the desired user bit error rate is investigated. A comparison of the bit error performance for binary phase shift keying and quadrature phase shift keying is given. 相似文献
An exact closed-form expression for the average bit error rate (BER) of coherent BPSK using maximal ratio combining (MRC) with correlated branches in the presence of cochannel interference (CCI) and noise is derived. This expression is valid for an arbitrary correlation structure under the assumption that the branch gains of the desired user signal and interfering signals experience correlated Rayleigh fading with the same correlation eigenvector matrix. 相似文献
Exact closed-form expressions are derived for the bit error rate of binary phase shift keying in Rayleigh fading channels with maximal ratio combining diversity in the presence of cochannel interference and additive white Gaussian noise. The desired signal and the interferer signals are subject to correlated Rayleigh fading and binary phase shift keying modulation is used by all users. 相似文献
瑞利衰落信道下MPSK信号调制方式识别 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
调制识别是非协作通信系统接收机设计中的重要研究课题。在实际环境中,噪声和信道衰落是影响信号调制方式识别的重要因素。针对瑞利衰落信道上MPSK较难识别的情况,提了基于似然比的识别算法,并根据最大似然准则对瑞利信道的参数进行了估计完成对2种调制信号的识别。仿真结果表明:在存在高斯白噪声的瑞利衰落信道的环境下,以BPSK和QPSK为例,正确识别率达到90%。 相似文献
对多输入多输出差分混沌相移键控(MIMO-DCSK)通信系统在瑞利衰落信道下的性能进行了分析,给出了基于中心极限定理的高斯近似误码率表达公式,并与计算机仿真数据进行比较。仿真结果表明:随着扩频因子的增大,高斯近似误码率曲线与实际仿真误码率曲线的一致性也随之增强;相比DCSK系统,随着发送天线数量和接收天线数量的增加,MIMO-DCSK系统的误码性能有较大提升,且增加接收天线的数量可以比增加发送天线的数量获得更大的增益;随着发送天线数量的增多,不同天线间信号的非正交性导致理论误码率曲线与仿真曲线出现差别,在扩频因子增大后趋于一致。 相似文献
基于AWGN信道中MQAM和MPSK的BER性能的近似准确分析结果,本文导出并分析了MQAM和MPSK在Nakagami-m衰落信道中采用或不采用MRC分集时的BER性能。分析结果表明,在AWGN信道、瑞利衰落信道甚至莱斯衰落信道下,现有采用或不采用MRC分集的系统性能分析结果均可以作为本文分析结果的特例。 相似文献
In this letter, we extend the method that has been proposed in the literature for calculating the bit error probability of two-dimensional (2D) RAKE receivers in asynchronous direct sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) over flat, slow Rayleigh fading channels to the case of frequency-selective, slow Rayleigh fading channels. We also compute and plot the lower bound on the performance that can be achieved in the above system 相似文献
In this letter, we develop a simple series representation for the symmetric capacity of a Rayleigh fading channel with BPSK/QPSK when perfect channel state information is available at the receiver. This series expansion provides a simple and numerically efficient way to calculate the capacity. We also note that the bounds on the capacity developed in the paper by Baccarelli and Fasano (2000) are loose under the cases considered in this letter 相似文献
A strikingly simple and fast to compute expression is derived for the performance of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) with maximal ratio combining (MRC) diversity in a Nakagami (1960) fading channel. The expression is valid for all Nakagami-m parameters. Furthermore, no concession is made as far as the accuracy of the results is concerned. 相似文献
The bit-error rate (BER) of bandlimited binary phase-shift keying in a fading and cochannel interference (CCI) environment is derived for the case of perfect coherent detection. The fading-and-interference model assumed is general and of interest for microcellular system studies. The model allows both desired signal and interfering signals to experience arbitrary amounts of fading severity. A precise BER expression is derived using a characteristic function method. Using this accurate analytical result, the impact of the interfering users' fading severity on the desired user-error rate is examined. The BERs obtained under perfect coherent detection are also valid as lower performance bounds for practical realizable receivers where ideal coherent detection is difficult to implement. The error-rate performance of a novel bandwidth-efficient pulse shape is determined for the general fading and CCI environment. Analysis and numerical results show that the new pulse can provide better BER performance than the widely used raised-cosine pulse. 相似文献
We derive a new expression for the exact bit-error probability for the detection of a coherent binary phase-shift keying signal experiencing a number of asynchronous interferers having unequal power levels in Rayleigh fading channels. The new expression is readily computed in terms of the coefficients of a Hermite polynomial. 相似文献
A new expression for the average bit-error rate (BER) of differential quadrature phase-shift keying in slow frequency-nonselective Nakagami fading is derived for a space-diversity receiver having a cascade arrangement of L groups of M-branch selection combiners and an L-branch maximal-ratio combiner (MRC). This allows the use of a large number of antennas, for performance improvement, and a small number of M inputs to the combiners, for low complexity. The average BER performance of the cascade receiver is investigated for different fading severity conditions characterized by the Nakagami m factor, and compared with the conventional MRC receiver. As the fading gets less severe (m increases), performance improvement over the conventional MRC scheme is only noticeable for the larger range of average signal-to-noise ratio. 相似文献
Coherent trellis-coded modulation (TCM) systems employing diversity combining are analyzed. Three different kinds of combining are considered: maximal ratio, equal gain, and selection combining (SC). First, the cutoff rate parameter is derived for equal gain combining (EGG) and SC assuming transmission over a fully interleaved channel with flat slow Rayleigh fading, which permits comparison with previously derived results for maximal ratio combining (MRC). Then, tight upper bounds on the pairwise error probabilities are derived for all three combining techniques. These upper bounds are expressed in product form to permit bounding of the bit error rate (BER) via the transfer function approach. In each case, it is assumed that the diversity branches are independent and that the channel state information (CSI) can be recovered perfectly. Also included is an analysis of MRC when the diversity branches are correlated-the cutoff rate and a tight upper bound on the pairwise error probability are derived. It is shown that with double diversity a branch correlation coefficient as high as 0.5 results in only slight performance degradation 相似文献
Khoa N. Le 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2010,10(2):306-311
This paper derives the analytical bit error rate (BER) of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems employing selective diversity in Rayleigh fading environments. First, the probability density function (pdf) of inter‐carrier interference (ICI) power in Rayleigh fading environments is derived. Second, the pdf of the signal‐to‐interference ratio (SIR) is then derived. The cumulative distribution function (cdf) and hence pdf of the SIR with selective diversity are then given in the third and fourth steps. Using the BER expressions of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and differential BPSK (DBPSK) modulation in an added white Gaussian noise (AWGN), the corresponding BER expressions of OFDM systems can then be derived. Detailed discussions are given. Possible future work is also outlined. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
BPSK/QPSK调制方式下的STC-OFDM系统性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对STC-OFDM系统模型进行了详细介绍,分析了系统在BPSK和QPSK调制方式下的误码率性能,并与OFDM系统进行比较。仿真结果表明,将空时编码技术和OFDM系统结合在一起,可以进一步提高系统性能。此外,对于OFDM系统,BPSK和QPSK调制的误码率性能是一样的,但在STC-OFDM系统中,BPSK调制的误码率性能明显优于QPSK。 相似文献
Calculation of the throughput of a carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) packet radio network with capture over slow Rayleigh-fading channels is presented. The effects of capture on the throughput of the system are related to the modulation and coding technique of the transmission system, the general distribution of terminals in the area and the length of the transmitted packets. BPSK modulation and BCH coding are considered.<> 相似文献
Lei Xiao Xiaodai Dong 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2005,9(2):136-138
New closed-form bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived for multibranch switched combining (SWC) systems with independent Nakagami faded diversity branches having integer Nakagami 717-parameters. Constellations considered include BPSK, M-PSK, M-PAM and M-QAM. The analysis is also applicable to the generalized hierarchical PAM and QAM modulation formats. 相似文献