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Pseudorabies virus (PRV; suid herpesvirus 1) infection causes heavy economic losses in the pig industry. Therefore, vaccination with live attenuated viruses is practiced in many countries. This vaccination was demonstrated to induce extrathymic virus-specific memory CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes. Due to their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted proliferation, it is generally believed that these T lymphocytes function as memory T-helper cells. To directly prove this hypothesis, 15-amino-acid, overlapping peptides of the viral glycoprotein gC were used for screening in proliferation assays with peripheral blood mononuclear cells of vaccinated d/d haplotype inbred pigs. In these experiments, two naturally processed T-cell epitopes (T1 and T2) which are MHC class II restricted were identified. It was shown that extrathymic CD4+CD8+ T cells are the T-lymphocyte subpopulation that responds to epitope T2. In addition, we were able to show that cytokine secretion can be induced in these T cells through recall with inactivated PRV and demonstrated that activated PRV-primed CD4+CD8+ T cells are able to induce PRV-specific immunoglobulin synthesis by PRV-primed, resting B cells. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the glycoprotein gC takes part in the priming of humoral anti-PRV memory responses. The experiments identified the first T-cell epitopes so far known to induce the generation of virus-specific CD4+CD8+ memory T lymphocytes and showed that CD4+CD8+ T cells are memory T-helper cells. Therefore, this study describes the generation of virus-specific CD4+CD8+ T cells, which is observed during vaccination, as a part of the potent humoral anti-PRV memory response induced by the vaccine.  相似文献   

The increased susceptibility of neonates to infections has been ascribed to the immaturity of their immune system. More particularly, T cell-dependent responses were shown to be biased towards a Th2 phenotype. Our studies on the in vitro maturation of umbilical cord blood T cells suggest that the Th2 bias of neonatal response cannot be simply ascribed to intrinsic properties of neonatal T cells. Phenotypically, neonatal CD4+ T cells are more immature than their adult CD45RO-/RA+ naive counterparts and they contain a subset (10-20%) of CD45RO-/RA+ CD31- cells which is very low in adults and displays some unique functional features. The activation and maturation of neonatal CD4+ T cells is particularly dependent upon the strength of CD28-mediated cosignal which dictates not only the cytokine profile released upon primary activation but also the response to IL-12. Activation of adult as well as neonatal CD4+ T cells in the context of low CD28 costimulation yields to the production of low levels of only one cytokine, i.e. IL-2. In contrast, strong CD28 costimulation supports the production of high levels of type 1 (IL-2, IFN gamma and TNF beta) and low levels of type 2 (IL-4 and IL-13) cytokines by neonatal T cells. The low levels of naive T cell-derived IL-4 are sufficient to support their development into high IL-4/IL-5 producers by an autocrine pathway. The ability of IL-12 to prime neonatal CD4+ T cells for increased production of IL-4 (in addition to IFN gamma) is observed only when CD28 cosignal is minimal. Under optimal activation conditions (i.e. with anti-CD3/B7.1 or allogenic dendritic cells) the response and the maturation of neonatal and adult naive T cells are similar. Thus the Th2 bias of neonatal immune response cannot be simply ascribed to obvious intrinsic T cell defect but rather to particular conditions of Ag presentation at priming. Unlike CD4+ T cells, neonatal CD8+ T cells strictly require exogenous IL-4 to develop into IL-4/IL-5 producers. Most importantly, anti-CD3/B7-activated neonatal CD8 T cells coexpress CD4 as well as CCR5 and CXCR4 and are susceptible to HIV-1 infection in vitro.  相似文献   

During flow cytometric analysis of lymphocytes from healthy donors, we identified a donor (donor A) with 22% CD4+ CD8+ cells (versus values of < 4% for 65 other controls). To determine if CD4+ CD8+ cells from donor A and other controls were similar, we first defined the phenotypic profile of control CD4+ CD8+ cells. Enriched CD4+ CD8+ cell populations for 10 controls were prepared by a two-step positive selection scheme with anti-CD4-coated magnetic beads and anti-CD8-coated culture flasks; the selected population averaged 69% CD4+ CD8+ cells and 31% CD4+ CD8- cells. For all 10 controls, two subsets of CD4+ CD8+ cells, CD4dim CD8bright and CD4bright CD8dim, were observed. Phenotypic profiles of these two CD4+ CD8+ subsets were defined by pairing anti-CD8 with other monoclonal antibodies, and the profiles were compared with each other and with those of CD4+ CD8-, CD4- CD8bright, and CD4- CD8dim cells. CD8bright and CD4bright CD8dim cells differed in their proportions of CD62-L+ cells and in their levels of CD11a and CD2 expression. Both CD4+ CD8+ subsets resembled CD4+ CD8- cells in CD45RA, CD45RO, and CD25 expression; the comparable CD- CD8+ cells in CD62-L expression; and CD4- CD8bright cells in CD11b, CD11b, CD16/56, and CD28 expression. CD38 expression in both CD4+ CD8+ subsets was decreased compared with those of other cell subsets. Whereas control CD4+ CD8+ cells averaged 33% CD4dim CD8bright, CD4+ CD8+ cells from donor A were > 90% CD4dim CD8bright. Donor A CD4dim CD8bright cells exhibited proportional decreases in CD25 and CD62-L expression and increases in CD11b and CD54 expression compared with those of control CD4dim CD8bright cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The biologic role of each CD3 chain and their relative contribution to the signals transduced through the TCR/CD3 complex and to downstream activation events are still controversial: they may be specialized or redundant. We have immortalized peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes from a human selective CD3 gamma deficiency using Herpesvirus saimiri. The accessibility of the mutant TCR/CD3 complex to different Abs was consistently lower in immortalized CD8+ cells when compared with CD4+ cells, relative to their corresponding CD3 gamma-sufficient controls. Several TCR/CD3-induced downstream activation events, immediate (calcium flux), early (cytotoxicity and induction of surface CD69 or CD40L activation markers or intracellular TNF-alpha) and late (proliferation and secretion of TNF-alpha), were normal in gamma-deficient cells, despite the fact that their TCR/CD3 complexes were significantly less accessible than those of controls. In contrast, the accumulation of intracellular IL-2 or its secretion after CD3 triggering was severely impaired in gamma-deficient cells. The defect was upstream of protein kinase C activation because addition of transmembrane stimuli (PMA plus calcium ionophore) completely restored IL-2 secretion in gamma-deficient cells. These results suggest that the propagation of signals initiated at the TCR itself can result in a modified downstream signaling cascade with distinct functional consequences when gamma is absent. They also provide evidence for the specific participation of the CD3 gamma chain in the induction of certain cytokine genes in both CD4+ and CD8+ human mature T cells. These immortalized mutant cells may prove to be useful in isolating cytosolic signaling pathways emanating from the TCR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

The TCR confers immunity by the specific recognition of foreign Ag peptides in the context of self-MHC molecules. The mechanisms controlling TCR selection and repertoire generation are not clearly understood and seem to occur in an apparently random, (self) Ag-driven manner. To address the question to what extent the TCR repertoire is randomly shaped or genetically predetermined, we have analyzed the alpha beta TCR repertoire of the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets of peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures of monozygotic twins by using the polymerase chain reaction technique with TCR V region gene family-specific oligonucleotide primers. Our studies demonstrate that there is high concordance in the overall patterns of V gene usage within a pair of twins, particularly in V beta usage (mean V beta CD4+ R2 = 0.869 and CD8+ R2 = 0.833) and to a lesser extent V alpha usage (mean V alpha CD4+ R2 = 0.621 and CD8+ R2 = 0.627); whereas the patterns between unrelated individuals show more variability. This study has also demonstrated that the V alpha and V beta genes are not randomly used within the CD4+ and CD8+ subsets. We observed significant preferential skewing of several V alpha or V beta gene families to either the CD4+ or CD8+ subset in the majority of individuals analyzed (p-value range = 0.0476 to < 0.001). In particular, V alpha 11, 17, 22, and V beta 3, 9, 12, 18 were skewed to the CD4+ subset; whereas V alpha 2, 6, 12, 15, 20 and V beta 7, 14, 17 were skewed to the CD8+ subset. Furthermore, a number of the V genes showed patterns of skewing consistent only within a pair of twins. In three pairs of twins, V beta 2 was skewed to the CD4+ subset, whereas the fourth pair used almost equal frequencies of V beta 2 in both subsets. This observation was made for the V beta 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 19 and V alpha 7, 16, 18, 21 families. Finally, the ratio of the relative V gene usage frequency that could be observed within an individual was conserved within the sets of twins; for instance, the relative amount of V beta 2 to that of V beta 3 was higher in both individuals of one set of twins, whereas it was lower in all of the other three sets. Together these observations suggest that the predominant influence shaping the TCR repertoire is genetically predetermined, of which, HLA-predicted selection mechanisms exerted during thymic maturation might be contributing factors.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the role of CD4+ T cells in regulating immune responses, orchestrating both the amplification and deletion of immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. These two functions, which represent only an apparent contradiction, appear to be two faces of the same process of regulation. In fact, because the immune response, once activated, needs to be carefully controlled or switched off when the antigenic stimulus is eliminated, the immune system has developed several strategies either to regulate clonal amplification or to avoid useless expansion of activated cells. In particular, we have reported many data demonstrating that CD4+ T cells may be indicated as the regulatory element in the activation as well as the deletion of CD8+ T cells. New data are also reported on the ability of anergic CD4+ T cells to suppress CD8+ T-cell activation through induction of apoptosis, and on the need for CD8+ T cells for antigen recognition in inducing cell death in CD4+ T cells. Moreover, the central role of CD4+ T cells in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been widely described.  相似文献   

IL-10 is essential for an early phase of diabetes in nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice, but later becomes protective against its development. The mechanism by which IL-10 mediates the pathway to diabetes in these mice is unknown. Herein, we dissected the cellular and costimulation requirements for diabetes in transgenic (tg) NOD mice that expressed IL-10 in their pancreatic islets (IL-10-NOD mice). We found that IL-10 alone did not cause diabetes because the offspring (IL-10-NOD-scid mice) from back-crosses of IL-10-NOD mice with NOD-scid mice had no diabetes. Moreover, these IL-10-NOD-scid mice were free of lymphocytic infiltration. Treatment of IL-10-NOD mice with depleting anti-CD4 mAb or control mAb had no effect on diabetes. Surprisingly, depletion of CD8+ T cells by treatment with the corresponding mAb inhibited diabetes without attenuating insulitis, demonstrating a critical role for CD8+ T cells in the disease process. Interestingly, B cell-deficient IL-10-NOD mice readily developed diabetes with kinetics and incidence similar to those observed in wild-type mice, demonstrating that B lymphocytes as APCs were not required in the disease process. Administration of anti-CD40 ligand (CD40L) mAb did not prevent disease, indicating that CD40/CD40L costimulation is not required for diabetes in IL-10-NOD mice. Immunization of IL-10-NOD mice with CFA or heat-shock protein 65, known to block diabetes in NOD mice, had no effect on their diabetes. We demonstrate that IL-10 contributes early to the pathology of diabetes via a CD8+ T cell pathway, eliminating the requirement for B lymphocytes and CD40-CD40L costimulation. Our findings provide a mechanism for the participation of IL-10 in the early development of diabetes.  相似文献   

CD8+ T lymphocytes confer significant but ultimately insufficient protection against HIV infection. Here we report that activated neonatal CD8+ T cells can be productively infected in vitro by macrophage-tropic (M-tropic) HIV-1 isolates, which are responsible for disease transmission, whereas they are resistant to T cell-tropic (T-tropic) HIV strains. Physiological activation of CD8-alpha/beta+ CD4- T cell receptor-alpha/beta+ neonatal T cells, including activation by allogeneic dendritic cells, induces the accumulation of CD4 messenger RNA and the expression of CD4 Ag on the cell surface. The large majority of anti-CD3/B7.1-activated cord blood CD8+ T cells coexpress CD4, the primary HIV receptor, as well as CCR5 and CXCR4, the coreceptors used by M- and T-tropic HIV-1 strains, respectively, to enter target cells. These findings are relevant to the rapid progression of neonatal HIV infection. Infection of primary HIV-specific CD8+ T cells may compromise their survival and thus significantly contribute to the failure of the immune system to control the infection. Furthermore, these results indicate a previously unsuspected level of plasticity in the neonatal immune system in the regulation of CD4 expression by costimulation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One of the most controversial areas in patient selection and donor allocation is the high-risk patient. Risk factors for mortality and major infectious morbidity were prospectively analyzed in consecutive United States veterans undergoing liver transplantation under primary tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. METHODS: Twenty-eight pre-liver transplant, operative, and posttransplant risk factors were examined univariately and multivariately in 140 consecutive liver transplants in 130 veterans (98% male; mean age, 47.3 years). RESULTS: Eighty-two percent of the patients had postnecrotic cirrhosis due to viral hepatitis or ethanol (20% ethanol alone), and only 12% had cholestatic liver disease. Ninety-eight percent of the patients were hospitalized at the time of transplantation (66% United Network for Organ Sharing [UNOS] 2, 32% UNOS 1). Major bacterial infection, posttransplant dialysis, additional immunosuppression, readmission to intensive care unit (P=0.0001 for all), major fungal infection, posttransplant abdominal surgery, posttransplant intensive care unit stay length of stay (P<0.005 for all), donor age, pretransplant dialysis, and creatinine (P<0.05 for all) were significantly associated with mortality by univariate analysis. Underlying liver disease, cytomegalovirus infection and disease, portal vein thrombosis, UNOS status, Childs-Pugh score, patient age, pretransplant bilirubin, ischemia time, and operative blood loss were not significant predictors of mortality. Patients with hepatitis C (HCV) and recurrent HCV had a trend towards higher mortality (P=0.18). By multivariate analysis, donor age, any major infection, additional immunosuppression, posttransplant dialysis, and subsequent transplantation were significant independent predictors of mortality (P<0.05). Major infectious morbidity was associated with HCV recurrence (P=0.003), posttransplant dialysis (P=0.0001), pretransplant creatinine, donor age, median blood loss, intensive care unit length of stay, additional immunosuppression, and biopsy-proven rejection (P<0.05 for all). By multivariate analysis, intensive care unit length of stay and additional immunosuppression were significant independent predictors of infectious morbidity (P<0.03). HCV recurrence was of borderline significance (P=0.07). CONCLUSIONS: Biologic and physiologic parameters appear to be more powerful predictors of mortality and morbidity after liver transplantation. Both donor and recipient variables need to be considered for early and late outcome analysis and risk assessment modeling.  相似文献   

We recently showed that brief complement inhibition induces accommodation of hamster cardiac transplants in nude rats. We have reconstituted nude rats carrying an accommodated xenograft with syngeneic CD4+ or CD8+ T cells to investigate the cellular mechanism of xenograft rejection. We show that CD4+ T cells can initiate xenograft rejection (10 +/- 1.7 days) by promoting production of IgG xenoreactive Abs (XAb). These XAb are able to activate complement as well as to mediate Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Adoptive transfer of these XAb into naive nude rats provoked hyperacute xenograft rejection (38 +/- 13 min). The rejection was significantly (p < 0.001) delayed by cobra venom factor (CVF; 11 +/- 8 h in four of five cases) but was still more rapid than in control nude rats (3.3 +/- 0.5 days). CVF plus NK cell depletion further prolonged survival (>7 days in four of five cases; p < 0.01 vs CVF only). CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats rejected their grafts later (19.4 +/- 5.8 days) and required a larger number of cells for transfer as compared with CD4+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats. However, second xenografts were rejected more rapidly than first xenografts in CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats (9 +/- 2 days), indicating that the CD8+ T cells had been activated. This study demonstrates that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells can both reject xenografts. The CD4+ cells do so at least in part by generation of helper-dependent XAb that act by both complement-dependent and Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity mechanisms; the CD8+ cells do so as helper-independent cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

T cell activation through the T cell receptor is necessary to achieve a specific and effective immune response. We report here that stimulation of CD8+ T cells through the T cell receptor complex leads to de novo expression of the CD4 antigen on the cell surface that results in susceptibility of CD8+ T cells to HIV infection. In addition, activation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HIV-infected individuals results in the appearance of double-positive CD4+/CD8+ T cells, which become infected by endogenous HIV. HIV DNA sequences could be detected in uncultured and sorted mature CD3+CD8+ T cells from HIV+ individuals. These results suggest a new mechanism by which HIV could attack the immune system and may help to explain the CD8+ T cell defects in AIDS patients.  相似文献   

Direct activation of human cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) by interleukin (IL)-18 was observed in a system in which CTL effective against autologous tumor cells were generated. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from tumor-bearing patients, after removal of natural killer (NK) cells, were cultured in a medium containing IL-1, -2, -4, and -6, with or without IL-18, and stimulated with autologous tumor cells. IL-18 increased the activity of the CTL and the proportion of autologous CD8+ T cells present after 28 days in the induction culture. When purified CD8+ T cells were cultured in the presence of IL-18 and IL-2 for 7 days, the CTL showed enhanced cytotoxic activity against autologous tumor cells. Moreover, a purified CD8+ T cell population, which did not exhibit any apparent cytotoxic activity against autologous tumor cells, displayed cytotoxic activity after 7-day incubation with IL-18. These results suggest that IL-18 may be useful to generate autologous CTL in humans and may thereby contribute to adoptive immunotherapy for tumors.  相似文献   

Infectious diseases caused by intracellular microbes are responsible for major health problems, and satisfactory control will ultimately depend on efficient vaccination strategies. The general assumption is that activation of protective immune responses against intracellular microbes dominated by CD8+ T cells are achieved only by live vaccines. In contrast, we here demonstrate stimulation of protective immunity in mice against the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes by vaccination with heat-killed listeriae. Vaccine-induced immunity comprised cytolytic and interferon gamma-producing CD8+ T lymphocytes. CD8+ T cells from vaccinated donor mice transferred protection against listeriosis. Moreover, vaccination with heat-killed listeriae induced production in CD4+ T-cell-deficient, H2-A beta gene-disrupted mutant mice. We conclude that antigens from killed listeriae are introduced into the major histocompatibility complex class I pathway and thus are recognized by CD8+ T cells. The practicability of killed vaccines against human infectious diseases therefore should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that requires long-term therapy. Oral antibiotics and topical metronidazole successfully treat rosacea. Because long-term use of systemic antibiotics carries risks for systemic complications and adverse reactions, topical treatments are preferred. OBJECTIVE: To determine if the use of topical metronidazole gel (Metrogel) could prevent relapse of moderate to severe rosacea. DESIGN: A combination of oral tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel was used to treat 113 subjects with rosacea (open portion of the study). Successfully treated subjects (n = 88) entered a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study applying either 0.75% topical metronidazole gel (active agent) or topical metronidazole vehicle gel (placebo) twice daily (blinded portion of the study). SETTING: Subjects were enrolled at 6 separate sites in large cities at sites associated with major medical centers. SUBJECTS: One hundred thirteen subjects with at least 6 inflammatory papules and pustules, moderate to severe facial erythema and telangiectasia entered the open phase of the study. Eighty-eight subjects responded to treatment with systemic tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel as measured by at least a 70% reduction in the number of inflammatory lesions. These subjects were randomized to receive 1 of 2 treatments: either 0.75% metronidazole gel or placebo gel. INTERVENTIONS: Subjects were evaluated monthly for up to 6 months to determine relapse rates. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Inflammatory papules and pustules were counted at each visit. Relapse was determined by the appearance of a clinically significant increase in the number of papules and pustules. Prominence of telangiectases and dryness (roughness and scaling) were also observed. RESULTS: In the open phase, treatment with tetracycline and metronidazole gel eliminated all papules and pustules in 67 subjects (59%). The faces of 104 subjects (92%) displayed fewer papules and pustules after treatment, and 82 subjects (73%) exhibited less erythema. In the randomized double-blind phase, the use of topical metronidazole significantly prolonged the disease-free interval and minimized recurrence compared with subjects treated with the vehicle. Eighteen (42%) of 43 subjects applying the vehicle experienced relapse, compared with 9 (23%) of 39 subjects applying metronidazole gel (P<.05). The metronidazole group had fewer papules and/or pustules after 6 months of treatment (P<.01). Relapse of erythema also occurred less often in subjects treated with metronidazole (74% vs 55%). CONCLUSION: In a majority of subjects studied, continued treatment with metronidazole gel alone maintains remission of moderate to severe rosacea induced by treatment with oral tetracycline and topical metronidazole gel.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endogenous interleukin (IL)-10 production has been associated with the lack of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in human recipients of MHC-disparate donor grafts. Paradoxically, we have shown that the exogenous administration of high doses (30 microg/dose) of IL-10 to murine recipients of MHC-disparate grafts accelerates GVHD lethality. METHODS: The effects of IL-10 on GVHD mediated by either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells was examined in studies involving exogenous IL-10 administration or the infusion of T cells from IL-10-deficient (-/-) donor mice. The role of interferon (IFN)-gamma on IL-10-induced GVHD acceleration was studied using IFN-gamma-deficient (-/-) donor mice or neutralizing monoclonal antibody. RESULTS: IL-10 was found to have a dose-dependent effect on the GVHD lethality mediated by either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells. High doses of exogenous IL-10 accelerated GVHD lethality. IFN-gamma release was not responsible for the IL-10 facilitation of GVHD lethality. Paradoxically, low doses of IL-10 protected mice against GVHD lethality. The GVHD protective effect of the bioavailability of small amounts of IL-10 was confirmed by demonstrating that the infusion of T cells from IL-10 -/- donors accelerated GVHD lethality. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that IL-10 has a dose-dependent effect on the GVHD lethality mediated by CD4+ or CD8+ T cells, such that high doses accelerate lethality, while low amounts of bioavailable IL-10 are protective.  相似文献   

The identification of the protein targets for dengue virus-specific T lymphocytes may be useful for planning the development of subunit vaccines against dengue. We studied the recognition by murine dengue virus-specific major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted, CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) of dengue virus proteins using recombinant vaccinia viruses containing segments of the dengue virus genome. CTL from H-2k mice recognized a single serotype-cross-reactive epitope on the nonstructural (NS) protein NS3. CTL from H-2b mice recognized a serotype-cross-reactive epitope that was localized to NS4a or NS4b. CTL from H-2d mice recognized at least three epitopes: a serotype-specific epitope on one of the structural proteins, a serotype-cross-reactive epitope on NS3, and a serotype-cross-reactive epitope on NS1 or NS2a. Our findings demonstrate the limited recognition of dengue virus proteins by CTL from three inbred mouse strains and the predominance of CTL epitopes on dengue virus nonstructural proteins, particularly NS3. Since human dengue virus-specific CTL show similar patterns of recognition, these findings suggest that nonstructural proteins should be considered in designing vaccines against dengue.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes normally express their Ag receptors in association with the CD3 proteins, which include CD3zeta. In CD3zeta eta(null) mice thymic and peripheral T lymphocytes do not express the TCR/CD3 complex on their surface due to retention in the endoplasmic reticulum of the remaining polypeptide chains. However, intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIEL) of CD3zeta eta(null) mice do express surface TCR, because the Fc epsilonRI gamma chain replaced the CD3zeta chain in the TCR/CD3 complex. Here we report that in a subset of CD8alpha alpha+ iIEL the presence of the Fc epsilonRI gamma chain could be accounted for by the surface expression of the Fc gammaRIII(CD16) complex. Because in wild-type (wt) mice only CD16+ iIEL coexpressed Fc epsilonRI gamma and CD3zeta, we concluded that the presence of Fc epsilonRI gamma was dictated by its required participation of CD16 complex. CD8alpha alpha+ iIEL bearing CD16 and B220 were also detected in the intestinal mucosa of RAG-2(null) mice from 12 days after birth onward. Two independent experimental settings were used in an attempt to demonstrate that CD16+ iIEL matured into CD16- T cells. First, in the RAG-2(null) mice, iIEL responded to in vivo administration of an anti-CD3epsilon mAb by progression to a more mature stage of development, characterized by a loss of CD16 and B220. Secondly, a conversion to CD16- iIEL occurred upon transfer of wt CD16+ iIEL into RAG-2(null) mice. We conclude from these experiments that in both RAG-2(null) and wt mice, a precursor/progeny relationship may exists between CD16+ B220+ CD8alpha alpha+ and CD16- B220- CD8alpha alpha+ iIEL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Chronic pancreatitis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease of the exocrine pancreas that is associated with the replacement of functional parenchyma by extended fibrosis and with a massive infiltration of T lymphocytes. However, to date further characterization of infiltrating T cells in chronic pancreatitis has not been undertaken. METHODS: Using the novel method of multiepitope imaging with fluorochrome-tagged specific monoclonal antibodies, which allows the simultaneous localization and characterization of T cells in tissues, we analyzed the distribution and phenotypes of T cells infiltrating the pancreas in chronic pancreatitis. RESULTS: The mean CD4:CD8 ratio in 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis was 2.4:1. In order of decreasing frequency, the following markers were observed: CD45RO, CD18, TCRgammadelta, and CD103. The lymphocytes, especially of the CD4+ subset, were found mainly in the fibrous stroma, but T cells were also observed periductally. A T-cell subset bearing the phenotype CD8+CD103+, analogous to intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes, was found intracalating between the cells of the ductal epithelium. CONCLUSIONS: Phenotyping of the T lymphocytes in chronic pancreatitis supports the concept of the involvement of cell-mediated cytotoxicity in the pathogenesis of this disease. In addition, intraepithelial lymphocytes were found interspersed between the ductal epithelial cells, pointing to a role of this T-cell subset as a first-line defense against deleterious epithelial events in chronic pancreatitis.  相似文献   

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