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A new and simple qualitative teaching method incorporating online (cyberspace) resources (e.g. Google Maps) aimed at introducing the concept of industrial symbiosis (IS) to chemical engineering students is described. This method has been trialled as an exercise for a module as part of a chemical engineering degree programme taught in Singapore with integrated local industries and circumstances. A compilation in the form of eclectic mix of IS initiatives showing by-product and utilities flows in Singapore is also provided. The result of a student survey suggests favourable reception of the teaching methodology, which aided their understanding of the general IS concept as applied to the Singapore context. The method is envisioned as a useful complement to conventional IS lectures and workshops due to the convenience and high accessibility of Google Maps and online company information which can be readily employed without incurring significant costs.  相似文献   

Chemical engineers assume a broad range of roles in industry, spanning the development of new process designs, the maintenance and optimization of complex systems, and the production of intermediate materials, final products and new technologies. The technical aptitude that enables chemical engineers to fulfill these various roles along the value chain makes them compelling participants in the environmental assessment of the product in question. Therefore, the introduction of life cycle assessment (LCA) and ecodesign concepts into the chemical engineering curriculum is essential to help these future professionals to face design problems with a holistic view of the technical, economic, social and environmental impacts of their solutions. The teaching of these and other disciplines by means of student-centered methods, based on a holistic structure, have demonstrated better teamwork and communication skills. For that reason, this paper proposes a Micro (Assess-Analyze-Act) (M-3A) model of assessment mainly focused on closing the loop of the learning activities. This model has been applied to an ecodesign case study of the “University master’s Degree in chemical engineering” of the University of Cantabria/University of the Basque Country, with positive feedback of the students. They felt that the approach has allowed them to utilize their analytical skills in quantifying a situation before applying other subjective measures, and that the public discussion of the results was a satisfactory element for improving their communication skills. Moreover, the students found that the workload was nicely adjusted, highlighting the acquisition of 4 competences preferentially: teamwork, creativity; relevance of environmental issues and initiative and entrepreneurship. Finally, the students suggest that the application of this methodology into their degree could motivate future students improving their performance.  相似文献   

With the global outbreak of COVID-19 in March 2020, there was an immediate shutdown of face-to-face classes and a sudden shift to on-line learning. Confinement required finding innovative approaches to teaching and student assessment. This paper aims to share the experience of adapting the course in Biochemical Engineering, part of the Biotechnology program at Francisco de Vitoria University (Madrid, Spain), to remote learning.A sequence of collaborative learning activities, with active student participation, was designed to replace the traditional mid-term exam. Activities were carefully implemented, considering the range of learning styles. Engineering skills, transversal competences and higher-order thinking skills were fostered through these activities.The analysis of the teaching/learning experience was based on teacher observations, academic performance and student surveys. All indicators showed that the adopted methodology had a positive impact of student performance. Student participation, especially among those repeating the course, also improved. Furthermore, students gained a more accurate and positive perception of the link between Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, which may have a favourable impact on the teaching of Bioreactors in the coming academic year.  相似文献   

This review defines chemotherapeutic engineering as an engineering discipline that applies and further develops chemical engineering principles, techniques and devices for chemotherapy of cancer and other diseases. It provides new challenges as well as new opportunities for chemical engineering. Chemical engineering has substantially changed the human civilization through its services and products to improve the quality of life for human being. It is now time for chemical engineering to contribute to the most important aspect of the quality of life—human health care. Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are the leading causes for deaths. Chemotherapy is one of the most important treatments currently available for cancer and other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. The present status of chemotherapy is far from being satisfactory. Its efficacy is limited and patients have to suffer from serious side effects, some of which are life-threatening. Chemotherapeutic engineering is emerging to help solving the problems in chemotherapy and to eventually develop an ideal way to conduct chemotherapy with the best efficacy and the least side effects. This review gives, from an engineering point of view, brief introductions to cancer and cancer treatment, chemotherapy and the problems involved in chemotherapy, and the possible roles of chemical engineering in solving the problems involved. Progress in developing various controlled and targeted drug delivery systems is reviewed with an emphasis on nanoparticles of biodegradable polymers and lipid bilayer vesicles (liposomes). Preparation, characterization, in vitro release, cell line experiments and animal testing of drug-loaded polymeric nanoparticles are described with paclitaxel as a prototype drug, which is one of the best anticancer drugs found in nature. A novel drug delivery system, liposomes-in-microspheres, is used as an example for possible combinations of the existing polymer- and lipid-based delivery systems. Research of molecular interactions between the drug and the cell membrane is also reviewed, with the lipid monolayer at the air-water or oil-water interface and bilayer vesicles as models for the cell membrane. Finally, mathematical modeling in chemotherapeutic engineering is discussed with typical examples in the literature. This review is a short introduction of chemotherapeutic engineering to chemical engineers, biomedical engineers, other engineers, clinical oncologists, and pharmaceutical scientists, who are interested in developing new dosage forms of drugs for chemotherapy of cancer and other diseases with the best efficacy and the least side effects.  相似文献   

Unit Operations and Modelling and Simulation have been for long time a staple of the academic formation of any chemical engineer. Both are integral to the analysis of any chemical process, discretizing it into smaller specific processes that can then be characterized and modelled through the solution of balance, thermodynamics and transport equations. However, students usually perceive these subjects as separate fields of knowledge, and they do not develop the ability to correlate and integrate them to solve real-world problems in their future profession. On account of this, a Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology was proposed in the redesign of the abovementioned undergraduate courses, focusing initially in Unit Operations. This PBL method was implemented alongside a joint course project, consisting on the design, assembly and characterization of a centrifugal pump, to be analyzed experimentally and computationally. To assess the success of this methodology, a survey was conducted on the students after they finished their courses. The results were mostly positive (85%), as the students appreciated the design component of the project, considering that it benefits their learning process, as well as the challenge it presented. This difficulty forced them to resort to different sources of information and areas of knowledge, alien to those provided in the courses. The limitations of the chosen project revolved around its limited scope and lack of connection with other topics of the courses (i.e. distillation columns). These limitations will be addressed with the design of transversal projects, which can cover more of the subjects seen in both classes.  相似文献   

Industrial facilities collect large volumes of data, store them according to prescribed protocols, and then interpret them for process decision-making. Several sources and types of error contaminate these data for various reasons, but especially because they come from unreliable or unpredictable instruments. Data (or signal) processing corrects measurement errors to improve fidelity. Here, we highlight decision-making applications and signal processing methods. To fully appreciate the state-of-the-art, we interviewed plant data experts and software developers in the pulp and paper industry to examine how they apply signal processing methods in the context of decision-making, including the value of process data, how these data are used, and the major barriers that prevent plants from using data. Process experts clean data thoroughly with basic approaches compared to the advanced techniques available in the recent literature. The interviews demonstrate that decisions in industry are primarily based on steady-state process operating data. Challenges and barriers that prevent the use of process data to their full potential relate to resource limitations (people, time, and money), an entrenched culture, and access to recent technology. In practice, experts consider, implicitly or explicitly, data that represent the process operating under steady-state conditions. A plant model that represents steady-state operations is easier to interpret, is presented in a form that is usable by plant operators, and in this way, better enables decision-making.  相似文献   

In this article, we review the mathematical foundations of convolutional neural nets (CNNs) with the goals of: (i) highlighting connections with techniques from statistics, signal processing, linear algebra, differential equations, and optimization, (ii) demystifying underlying computations, and (iii) identifying new types of applications. CNNs are powerful machine learning models that highlight features from grid data to make predictions (regression and classification). The grid data object can be represented as vectors (in 1D), matrices (in 2D), or tensors (in 3D or higher dimensions) and can incorporate multiple channels (thus providing high flexibility in the input data representation). CNNs highlight features from the grid data by performing convolution operations with different types of operators. The operators highlight different types of features (e.g., patterns, gradients, geometrical features) and are learned by using optimization techniques. In other words, CNNs seek to identify optimal operators that best map the input data to the output data. A common misconception is that CNNs are only capable of processing image or video data but their application scope is much wider; specifically, datasets encountered in diverse applications can be expressed as grid data. Here, we show how to apply CNNs to new types of applications such as optimal control, flow cytometry, multivariate process monitoring, and molecular simulations.  相似文献   

A WebLab is an experiment operated remotely via Internet. Besides the strictly technical aspects of such an experiment, which may contribute to the learning of Chemical Engineering fundamentals, there is also important feedback when teams of students of two different countries are working together: the WebLab becomes an intercultural experience, enhancing the communication skills of the students. A WebLab between Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DEQ/UFSCar) and the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques (ENSIACET) is presented in this work. A mass transfer experiment in a bench scale reactor (stirred and aerated) had to be studied by mixed teams, thus emulating challenges that will be common in future working environments. In order to perform the experiment, students in Brazil and in France were put into groups. The students had to make decisions about the procedure for executing the experiments. All the students were able to control the equipment, no matter where they were physically. Students communicated using video conference software. The students’ and teachers’ opinions of this experience were very positive. This methodology is an important contribution to the education of engineers in a world integrated by modern communication technologies.  相似文献   

The rise in popularity of chemical engineering among students entering university has prompted expansion of the UK provision, through increased intake into current degree programmes and with the rise of new providers. The former entails logistical challenges of processing larger numbers through existing infrastructures whilst maintaining the student experience. The latter entails challenges of designing and introducing programmes that build harmoniously on existing non-chemical engineering provision, within the constraints of university validation procedures and physical resources, and in the face of uncertainty around student and staff recruitment, while aspiring to implement best practice in chemical engineering content and pedagogy. Following a review of the UK chemical engineering landscape and a critique of literature guidance on the appropriate content of chemical engineering curricula, this paper illustrates the issues of new programme development through the approaches and experiences of a new provider, the University of Huddersfield, which introduced new chemical engineering programmes from academic year 2013–2014. The paper addresses specifying the content of chemical engineering programmes to align with accreditation requirements and literature advice while maintaining distinctiveness. The constraints imposed by the need to specify and validate courses internally and to minimise substantive programme changes subsequently, whilst responding to the opportunities that arise as staff are recruited and to external developments and unplanned incidents, are highlighted and illustrated, in order to draw lessons that might help to guide other new entrants.  相似文献   

Thirty years ago, an editorial on metrology in the March 1971 issue of AlChE Journal noted the following: “Recognizing the inevitable, the AlChE Journal will require that all papers submitted after July 1, 1971 conform in notation to the SI System (Système International d'Unités)”. This decision was the starting point for the gradual introduction of the use of the SI System in chemical engineering textbooks, at a substitute for the preceding British System. As a consequence, the use of the gc conversion factor has been also diminishing, gradually but at a slower pace In this paper, the changeover to SI and the declining use of gc in chemical engineering textbooks is analyzed. Firstly, some representative books published before 1971 are studied. Secondly, a special analysis is devoted to transport phenomena books. Finally, a few but significant books published since 1971, have been selected in order to carry out the analysis of the changeover to SI System and the evolution of the use of gc  相似文献   

To respond to the changing needs of the chemical and related industries in order both to meet today's economy demands and to remain competitive in global trade, a modern chemical engineering is vital to satisfy both the market requirements for specific nano and microscale end-use properties of products, and the social and environmental constraints of industrial meso and macroscale processes. Thus an integrated system approach of complex multidisciplinary, non-linear, non-equilibrium processes and phenomena occurring on different length and time scales of the supply chain is required. That is, a good understanding of how phenomena at a smaller length-scale relates to properties and behaviour at a longer length-scale is necessary (from the molecular-scale to the production-scales). This has been defined as the triplet “molecular Processes-Product-Process (3PE)” integrated multiscale approach of chemical engineering. Indeed a modern chemical engineering can be summarized by four main objectives: (1) Increase productivity and selectivity through intensification of intelligent operations and a multiscale approach to processes control: nano and micro-tailoring of materials with controlled structure. (2) Design novel equipment based on scientific principles and new production methods: process intensification using multifunctional reactors and micro-engineering for micro structured equipment. (3) Manufacturing end-use properties to synthesize structured products, combining several functions required by the customer with a special emphasis on complex fluids and solid technology, necessating molecular modeling, polymorph prediction and sensor development. (4) Implement multiscale application of computational chemical engineering modeling and simulation to real-life situations from the molecular-scale to the production-scale, e.g., in order to understand how phenomena at a smaller length-scale relate to properties and behaviour at a longer length-scale. The presentation will emphasize the 3PE multiscale approach of chemical engineering for investigations in the previous objectives and on its success due to the today's considerable progress in the use of scientific instrumentation, in modeling, simulation and computer-aided tools, and in the systematic design methods.  相似文献   

Gas physisorption is an experimental technique based on equilibrium Van der Waals interactions between gas molecules and solid particles, that quantifies the specific surface area (SSA), pore size distribution (PSD), and pore volume of solids and powders. The performance of catalysts, absorbents, chromatography column materials, and polymer resins depends on these morphological properties. Here we introduce the basic principles and procedures of physical adsorption, especially nitrogen physisorption, as a guide to students and researchers unfamiliar with the field. The Brunauer‐Emmett‐Teller theory (BET) is a common approach to estimate SSA that extends the Langmuir monolayer molecular adsorption model to multilayer layers. It relies on an equilibrium adsorption isotherm, measured at the normal boiling point of the adsorbate, eg, 77 K or 87 K for N2 and Ar, respectively. Web of Science indexed 45 400 articles in 2016 and 2017 that mentioned N2 adsorption porosimetry—BET and BJH (Barrett‐Joyner‐Halenda) keywords. The VOSViewer bibliometric tool grouped these articles into four research clusters: adsorption, activated carbon in aqueous solutions for removal of heavy metal ions; synthesis of nanoparticles and composites; catalysts performance in oxidation and reduction processes; and photocatalytic degradation with TiO2. According to the literature, the accuracy of the density function theory (DFT) method is higher than with the BJH theory and it is more reliable.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the gelation behavior of polyvinylalcohol (PVA) and natural rubber latex (NRL) using two methods: The first was chemical gelation by adding sodium borate as a crosslinking to obtain a modeling clay gel able to draw easily under tension (using drum mill) or by using hand pressing. Irradiation was then applied at 2.5 Mrad to possess more crosslinking effect, where stable and rubbery‐gel shape in the dimension was obtained. The second method, where samples of liquid PVA were frozen and thawed for three consecutive cycles. The obtained gel was quite rubbery but completely soluble in hot water at 70°C. Irradiation was performed at 2.5 Mrad to produce a highly rubbery gel and resistant to boiled water. Also, blending of NRL with PVA induced a significant increase in gel‐elasticity and resistivity to boiled water. Factors affecting the properties of the prepared gel such as gel draw ability and gel strength were studied. The study was supported with thermal and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to investigate the modification of PVA‐gel behavior through irradiation and blending with NRL processes. The results indicated that the PVA‐gel obtained by chemical method or blended with NRL through freezing–thawing gelation gave a superior ability for cement loading. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2010  相似文献   

The development of a comprehensive set of skills, including technical, professional, and technology expertise, is critical to succeeding in the increasingly competitive global job marketplace. We proposed to develop such skills in our junior students (third year) via a flipped-classroom approach, a PO-PBL problem, and interactive e-learning tools. The intervention was implemented in the core course of Unit Operations and led to an increase in the students’ perception of the development of teamwork and people-related skills. Despite the benefits of promoting student learning, our intervention revealed that we still need to conduct work to approach more robust peer-to-peer interactions and connectedness. In this regard, students showed a marked tendency to have superficial discussions, which reflected their inability to develop superior emotional connections with peers. This is critical to promote complex thinking and ideation as well as continued engagement with the course contents and will be the focus of our future work.  相似文献   

Quantum chemical SCF calculations of some parameters of benzimidazoles were correlated with their inhibition efficiency in case of steel in aqueous acidic medium. Geometric structures, total negative charge on the molecule (TNC), highest occupied molecular orbital (EHOMO), lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (ELUMO), dipole moment (μ) and linear solvation energy terms, molecular volume (Vi) and dipolar-polarization (π*) were correlated to corrosion inhibition efficiency. The correlation between quantum parameters obtained by AM1 calculation and experimental inhibition efficiency has been validated by single point calculations for the semi-empirical AM1 structure using B3LYP/6-31G* as a higher level of theory. Equations were proposed using linear regression analysis to calculate corrosion inhibition efficiency. It was established that the increase of the orbital energies EHOMO favors the inhibition efficiency toward steel corrosion. The proposed linear equations were applied to predict the corrosion inhibition efficiency of some related structures in order to select molecules of possible activity from a library compounds.  相似文献   

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