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黄姜皂素废水厌氧处理间歇试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对黄姜皂素废水的特征采用三种不同的厌氧处理工艺对其进行静态厌氧处理试验,在试验条件相同的条件下,测得三种厌氧工艺的处理效果。试验表明,三段式两相厌氧工艺处理后的出水残留COD在相同时段内明显低于两相厌氧工艺和单级厌氧工艺。通过对其处理过程的产气动力学分析,得出三种厌氧工艺的动力学参数,并分析了三段式两相厌氧工艺优于其他厌氧工艺的机理及缘由。  相似文献   

Fenton试剂法氧化处理黄姜皂素废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄姜皂素废水为研究对象,采用Fenton试剂深度氧化技术进行降解处理。研究结果表明,原水COD的质量浓度为34676mg/L,色度为3500倍,浊度为475NTU,在Fe2+投加量为2.92g/L(绿矾14.48g/L),H2O2投加量为70g/L,pH值为1左右,反应时间0.5h的最佳条件下,COD、色度、浊度去除率分别达到91.15%、95.71%、94.74%。通过甲基紫-分光光度法测定羟基自由基浓度,为最佳反应条件的确定提供了理论依据。此方法具有反应时间短(0.5h),无需调节pH值,不受SO42-浓度影响,不产生二次污染等特点。  相似文献   

采用UASB厌氧反应器处理高浓度皂素废水,试验结果表明,当温度控制在35~40℃、pH在6.8~7.5之间、COD容积负荷保持在6.0kg/(m3.d)时,COD去除率可达到90%以上。  相似文献   

黄姜皂素生产废水混凝处理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对黄姜皂素废水中和预处理中存在的沉淀效率低的问题,通过试验研究了PAM对黄姜皂素废水中和液沉淀效果的改善作用。试验结果表明,经过二次混凝处理可在35 min内有效降低出水浊度。初次混凝时PAM可明显改善中和液沉降性能,当投加量为0.3 mg/L时,中和液完成沉淀时间由100 min下降到15 min,但上清液仍较浑浊;为降低上清液的浊度,对中和废水进行二次混凝试验,确定了最佳沉淀时间为20 min,混凝剂最佳投加量为8 mg/L,在最佳沉淀时间、混凝剂投加量下初沉废水的浊度去除率为82%。  相似文献   

贝壳固定化微生物处理黄姜皂素废水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用厌氧+好氧工艺,考察以贝壳为载体固定化微生物(以下简称B组)与游离污泥床(以下简称A组)处理黄姜皂素废水的启动运行特征。研究结果表明:(1)由于B组反应器内载体贝壳中的CaCO3的溶解为反应提供碱度,使反应器里的微生物免受酸性的抑制,致使B组的启动时间缩短;(2)贝壳本身特有的三层层状结构,使许多微生物聚居其中,免受废水中的有害的抑制成分的毒害,在整个实验运行期间,其COD去除率和NH3-N的去除率均高于对照组A组。  相似文献   

郑蓉  梅明 《净水技术》2010,29(2):42-44,48
研究了化学氧化法处理黄姜皂素废水生化处理出水的脱色效果,考察氧化剂种类、投加量、pH值及接触氧化时间对脱色效果的影响。结果表明:常温时处理后出水色度指标均可达到国家行业标准,且最佳条件下次氯酸钠较双氧水具有更好的脱色效果,次氯酸钠处理成本也相对较低。  相似文献   

曲江  李生敏 《煤化工》2009,37(4):61-63
介绍了外循环厌氧(EC)反应器处理中煤龙化哈尔滨煤化工公司含酚废水的启动运行情况,分析了反应器的启动运行过程以及内部污泥分布的特点。运行第95天,污泥产甲烷活性达到0.55kgCODCH4/(kgVSS.d);运行第100天,进水有机负荷达到6.4kgCOD/(m3.d),COD去除率可高达60%~70%。结果表明,EC厌氧反应器处理有毒有害、难生物降解的含酚废水是可行的,可为后续废水处理的达标排放创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

水解-激波厌氧-好氧工艺处理皂素废水研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了水解——激波厌氧(ABSW)——好氧组合工艺处理黄姜皂素废水(硫酸提取工艺),经过三个月的培菌驯化、逐步增加负荷最终达到满负荷运行。成功实现初期既定目标。据此认为该组合工艺非常适合于皂素废水处理,为相关高浓度工业废水处理提供了借鉴作用。  相似文献   

本文通过对黄姜废水的水质分析,设计并检验了铁碳微电解-Fenton-絮凝-EM处理方案.主要研究的是EM菌对预处理废水的深度降解,并通过逐一对影响处理效果的的各方面因子等进行了比较分析并讨论了其影响特点.实验结果表明,对于有机黄姜皂素废水,本方案的去除率可以普遍到达98%以上.影响因子分析表明,在温度32℃条件下,EM菌处理预处理废水pH为5左右时,EM投加量为水样的0.7%,处理时间为48h时,处理效果最好.  相似文献   

UASB反应器处理淀粉废水的快速启动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
淀粉厂废水产生量大,有机物浓度高,某淀粉厂废水处理采取了UASB与生物接触氧化相结合的处理工艺。文章重点对UASB反应器快速启动技术进行了研究。试验结果表明:UASB反应器采用低浓度、高水力负荷、间歇进水的运行方式,实现了大型工业化UASB反应器的快速启动。当进水COD为8052 mg.L-1时,反应器稳定运行负荷达到4.03 kg/(m3.d),COD去除率为94.8%。  相似文献   

田鹏  蔺洪永  马位博 《广东化工》2010,37(11):163-164
文章对内循环厌氧反应器的结构、运行原理、优点进行了简单介绍,并介绍了学者对反应器的启动和颗粒污泥培养进行的研究,最后对内循环厌氧反应器的应用进行了概述并对其发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

厌氧折流板反应器处理有机磷农药废水的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
在有效容积27.6L的厌氧折流板反应器中,处理预处理后的农药中间体甲基氯化物生产废水,当进水CODCr为6421.5mg/L、HRT为94h时,CODCr的去除率可达68%,与废水75%的生化极限接近。反应器的处理效果随温度下降而降低,当系统温度由35℃下降至25℃时,反应器的CODCr去除率下降12%。反应器具有较强的耐浓度冲击能力,冲击后完全恢复需20d。  相似文献   

A novel anaerobic reactor, jet biogas inter-loop anaerobic fluidized bed (JBILAFB), was designed and constructed. The start-up and performance of the reactor was investigated in the process of artificial glucose waste-water treatment. With the wastewater recycle ratio of 2.5:1, the recycled wastewater with biogas could mix sludge and wastewater in the JBILAFB reactor completely. The start-up of the JBILAFB reactor could be completed in less than 70 d through maintenance of hydraulic retention time (HRT) and stepwise increase of feed total organic carbon (TOC) concentration. After the start-up, with the volumetric TOC loadings of 14.3 kg·m-3·d-1 the TOC removal ra-tio, the effluent pH, and the volatile fatty acids (VFA)/alkalinity of the JBILAFB reactor were more than 80%, close to 7.0 and less than 0.4, respectively. Moreover, CH4 was produced at more than 70% of the theoretical value. The reactor exhibited high stability under the condition of high volumetric TOC loading. Sludge granules in the JBI-LAFB reactor were developed during the start-up and their sizes were enlarged with the stepwise increase of volu-metric TOC loadings from 0.8 kg·m-3·d-1 to 14.3 kg·m-3·d-1. Granules, an offwhite color and a similar spherical shape, were mainly comprised of global-like bacteria. These had good methanogenic activity and settleability,which were formed probably through adhesion of the bacteria. Some inorganic metal compounds such as Fe, Ca,Mg, Al, etc. were advantageous to the formation of the granules.  相似文献   

A novel anaerobic reactor, jet biogas inter-loop anaerobic fluidized bed (JBILAFB), was designed and constructed. The start-up and performance of the reactor was investigated in the Process. of .artificial glucose wastewater treatment. With the wastewater recycle ratio of 2.5 : 1, the recycled wastewater with biogas could mix sludge and wastewater in the JBILAFB reactor completely. The start-up of the JBILAFB reactor could be completed in less than 70 d through maintenance of hydraulic retention time (HR~I") and stepwise increase of feed total organic carbon (TOC) concentration. After the start-up, with the volumetric TOC loadings of 14.3 kg·m ^-3·d^-1, the TOC removal ratio, the effluent pH, and the volatile fatty acids (VFA)/alkalinity of the JBILAFB reactor were more than 80%, close to 7.0 and less than 0.4, respectively. Moreover, CH4 was produced at more than 70% of the theoretical value, The reactor exhibited high stability under the condition of high volumetric TOC loading. Sludge granules in the JBILAFB reactor were developed during the start-up and their sizes were enlarged with the stepwise increase of volumetric TOC loadings from 0.8 kg.m^-3.d ^-1 to 14.3 kg.m^-3.d^-1. Granules, an offwhite color and a similar spherical shape, were mainly comprised of global-like bacteria. These had good methanogenic activity and settleability, which were formed probably through adhesion of the bacteria. Some inorganic metal compounds such as Fe, Ca, Mg, Al, etc. were advantageous to the formation of the granules.  相似文献   

附加气IC反应器启动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对IC(Internal Circulation)反应器启动过程中循环量小,污泥颗粒化困难的缺点,采用强制气体循环的试验性附加气IC反应器处理高浓度有机废水,并与普通IC反应器进行对比试验。结果表明,附加气IC反应器比普通IC反应器在启动时间上缩短20%,最大有机负荷提高25%。  相似文献   

The anaerobic digestion of leachates from a solid urban wastes landfill was studied using an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor in pilot scale. The strategy of start-up and acclimation was based on gradual substitution of easily biodegradable feed with landfill leachate. All modifications were based on the attainment of 70% COD removal. Having completed the start-up, the kinetics of leachate biodegradation were studied and the values of kinetic parameters were obtained by fitting experimental data to the equation of Chen and Hashimoto. The biodegradability assays indicated that 40–50% of COD in leachate was biodegradable. The highest COD removal was 90–100% if only the biodegradable matter was considered.  相似文献   

IC反应器处理洁霉素废水的启动研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究IC反应器处理洁霉素废水的启动特性及处理效果。废水COD的质量浓度为1.9~12.3g/L,BOD5的质量浓度为0.8~5.2g/L,pH值为5.2~6.5,启动研究6个月后,反应器出水COD浓度和pH值没有明显变化,反应器运行十分稳定,启动完成。结果表明,IC反应器处理洁霉素废水COD去除率达到75%左右,出水挥发酸(VFA)的质量浓度在200mg/L以下,pH值保持在6.5~7.5,反应器内部形成具有一定机械强度、沉降性能良好、粒径为1~3mm的颗粒污泥。  相似文献   

姚学东  杨鹏玺 《广州化工》2014,(12):184-186
对中部某造纸厂麦草制浆造纸洗草水进行水质分析,了解了洗草水的水质特性。采用IC厌氧反应器处理麦草制浆造纸洗草水,试验结果表明:洗草水有一定的可生化性,沉降性能一般,但其混凝沉淀性能很好。正常运行阶段COD去除率为17.07%~35.27%,平均去除率仅为31.37%,产气率整体一直在较低的水平6.63~45.12 L/h,平均12.91 L/h。由此可知,麦草制浆造纸洗草水并不适合进行深度的厌氧处理。  相似文献   

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