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Patients registered at the author's hemophilia center between 1982 and 1994 were studied to establish whether major orthopaedic surgical procedures accelerate the fall of CD4 lymphocyte counts of patients with hemophilia who are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, and whether patients who had surgery had different rates of development of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or death when compared with patients who did not have surgery. The patients were divided into four groups: Group 1, 22 patients who were human immunodeficiency virus positive undergoing orthopaedic surgery; Group 2, 89 patients who were human immunodeficiency virus positive not undergoing orthopaedic surgery; Group 3, 18 patients who were human immunodeficiency virus negative undergoing orthopaedic surgery; and Group 4, 135 patients who were human immunodeficiency virus negative not undergoing orthopaedic surgery. There was no significant difference between the rates of decline of CD4 lymphocyte counts for patients who were human immunodeficiency virus positive who underwent surgery when compared with human immunodeficiency virus positive patients who did not undergo surgery, nor was there any significant difference between the two human immunodeficiency virus negative groups. There were no significant differences in the rate of development of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or mortality rates between patients who had surgery and those who did not.  相似文献   

A patient who presented with severely decreased bilateral vision was found to have syphilis and neurosyphilis that responded well to a 14-day course of penicillin and prednisone. The patient tested positive for HIV, which can alter the natural course of syphilis, often making the diagnosis and treatment difficult. Conventional therapy for syphilis may not be effective in patients with HIV. Any patient with syphilis who is in a high-risk group should be tested for HIV; conversely, any patient with HIV should be tested for syphilis if signs or suspicions exist.  相似文献   

1. The structure activity relationships for the insulin secretagogues N-benzoyl-D-phenylalanine (NBDP) and related compounds were examined at the sulphonylurea receptor level by use of cultured HIT-T15 and mouse pancreatic beta-cells. The affinities of these compounds for the sulphonylurea receptor were compared with their potencies for K(ATP)-channel inhibition. In addition, the effects of cytosolic nucleotides on K(ATP)-channel inhibition by NBDP were investigated. 2. NBDP displayed a dissociation constant for binding to the sulphonylurea receptor (K(D) value) of 11 microM and half-maximally effective concentrations of K(ATP)-channel inhibition (EC50 values) between 2 and 4 microM (in the absence of cytosolic nucleotides or presence of 0.1 mM GDP or 1 mM ADP). 3. In the absence of cytosolic nucleotides or presence of GDP (0.1 mM) maximally effective concentrations of NBDP (0.1-1 mM) reduced K(ATP)-channel activity to 47% and 44% of control, respectively. In the presence of ADP (1 mM), K(ATP)-channel activity was completely suppressed by 0.1 mM NBDP. 4. The L-isomer of N-benzoyl-phenylalanine displayed a 20 fold lower affinity and an 80 fold lower potency than the D-isomer. 5. Introduction of a p-nitro substituent in the D-phenylalanine moiety of NBDP did not decrease lipophilicity but lowered affinity and potency by more than 30 fold. 6. Introduction of a p-amino substituent in the D-phenylalanine moiety of NBDP (N-benzoyl-p-amino-D-phenylalanine, NBADP) reduced lipophilicity and lowered affinity and potency by about 10 fold. This loss of affinity and potency was compensated for by formation of the phenylpropionic acid derivative of NBADP. A similar difference in affinity was observed for the sulphonylurea carbutamide and its phenylpropionic acid derivative. 7. Replacing the benzene ring in the D-phenylalanine moiety of NBDP by a cyclohexyl ring increased lipophilicity, and the K(D) and EC50 values were slightly lower than for NBDP. Exchange of both benzene rings in NBDP by cyclohexyl rings further increased lipophilicity without altering affinity and potency. 8. This study shows that N-acylphenylalanines interact with the sulphonylurea receptor of pancreatic beta-cells in a stereospecific manner. Their potency depends on lipophilic but not aromatic properties of their benzene rings. As observed for sulphonylureas, interaction of N-acylphenylalanines with the sulphonylurea receptor does not induce complete inhibition of K(ATP)-channel activity in the absence of inhibitory cytosolic nucleotides.  相似文献   

This article describes a prospective longitudinal study of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infections in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected children, designed to determine their natural history of VZV infection and possible effects of VZV on the progression of HIV infection. Varicella was usually not a serious acute problem, and it did not seem to precede clinical deterioration. The rate of zoster was high: 70% in children with low levels of CD4+ lymphocytes at the time of development of varicella. It is predicted that immunization with live attenuated varicella vaccine is unlikely to be deleterious to HIV-infected children. Moreover, if they are immunized when they still have relatively normal levels of CD4+ lymphocytes, they may have a lower rate of reactivation of VZV than if they were allowed to develop natural varicella when their CD4+ cell counts have fallen to low levels as a result of progressive HIV infection.  相似文献   

Adverse reactions to drugs are common in patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In these patients pulmonary reactions to drugs may be difficult to differentiate from opportunistic pulmonary infections. We report a HIV-infected patient who on two occasions developed acute pulmonary edema related to the administration of ibuprofen.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis causes more extensive and life-threatening disease in patients with HIV infection than in immunocompetent persons. To investigate the hypothesis that these severe manifestations of tuberculosis may be due to alterations in cytokine production, we evaluated cytokine patterns in HIV-infected tuberculosis patients. Upon stimulation with Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro, PBMC from HIV-infected tuberculosis patients had reduced proliferative and type 1 responses, compared with HIV-seronegative tuberculosis patients. The reduction in proliferative responses was independent of the CD4 cell count, but the reduced type 1 response was a direct result of CD4 cell depletion. There was no enhancement of type 2 cytokine production in HIV-infected patients, although production of IL-10 was prominent in all tuberculosis patients. In HIV-infected tuberculosis patients, M. tuberculosis-induced proliferative responses were significantly enhanced by neutralizing antibodies to IL-10 but not by antibodies to IL-4 or by recombinant IL-12. The M. tuberculosis-induced type 1 response was augmented both by antibodies to IL-10 and by recombinant IL-12. Tuberculosis in the context of HIV infection is characterized by diminished type 1 responses, probably induced by immunosuppressive cytokines produced by macrophages/monocytes, rather than by type 2 cells.  相似文献   

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo developed in a patient with perilymph fistula 3 years after closure of the fistula which was in the lower margin of the annular ligament. The patient's symptoms were long-lasting and intractable. The macula utriculi and utriculoampullary nerve were irradiated by argon laser beams through the stapedectomized oval window. Singular neurectomy was performed using Argon laser, although the nerve could not be identified. After surgery, the patient's symptoms disappeared. Pure tone average of the operated side was 50 dB which remained unchanged after surgery. The macula utriculi may have been completely destroyed. Ocular counter-rolling was indicative of hypofunction of the irradiated utricle. The singular nerve may or may not have been sectioned. The ampullary nerves to the lateral canal and probably the anterior canal were intact, judging from the normal caloric reaction.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal infections constitute an unusual clinical manifestation in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Available information about patients' characteristics and their clinical course has been obtained mainly from case reports and small retrospective studies. Our retrospective study is the largest in the literature providing detailed information about the clinical and laboratory characteristics of HIV-infected patients with different musculoskeletal infections. We identified 30 patients with various infections of the musculoskeletal system during a 5-year period among a cohort of 3,000-4,000 HIV-infected patients, and we describe them along with all cases of musculoskeletal infections in patients with HIV reported in the literature since 1985. Septic arthritis was the most commonly reported infection of the musculoskeletal system. It usually affects young men with a median CD4 count of 241. The exact contribution of a previous history of intravenous drug abuse in the pathogenesis of septic arthritis is unclear from the present and previous studies. Staphylococcus aureus was the most commonly isolated agent (31.3%). Numerous atypical pathogens were also identified as causes of septic arthritis. Approximately 90% of patients recovered with appropriate antibiotic treatment. Osteomyelitis was a more serious infection which also affected young individuals but with lower CD4 counts (median, 41). Half the cases were due to atypical mycobacteria. The mortality rate in the previously reported cases and in our series was high (20%). Pyomyositis is an increasingly recognized infection of the striated muscles in HIV-infected patients. It affects almost exclusively males with advanced HIV infection (median CD4 count, 24). Most cases are due to Staphylococcus aureus (67%). Drainage of the involved muscle(s) accompanied by proper antibiotic treatment resulted in resolution of the infection in the majority of patients (90%). Although the incidence of musculoskeletal infections in patients with HIV from this and previous studies appears to be low (0.3%-3.5%), these infections add a significant morbidity and mortality in the affected individuals. Better understanding of their pathogenesis and clinical course would aid the proper diagnosis and management of these infections.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report a patient with optic nerve avulsion caused by forceful rotation of the globe that occurred when his thumb penetrated the orbit while he was diving. METHODS: A 17-year-old boy was initially examined for sudden loss of vision after jumping feet first from a bridge 50 feet above a river. Upon hitting the water, he felt his right thumb push into his right globe. The patient underwent ophthalmologic and imaging examination. RESULT: Examination disclosed a tear of the optic nerve head from the sclera temporally in the right eye. CONCLUSION: Optic nerve avulsion occurs secondary to forceful rotation of the eye with tearing of the optic nerve as it exits the globe.  相似文献   

Cerebellar disorders associated with HIV infection are typically the result of discrete cerebellar lesions resulting from opportunistic infections such as toxoplasmosis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy or primary CNS lymphoma. Clinical symptoms and pathologic abnormalities related to the cerebellum may also be observed with HIV dementia. A primary cerebellar degeneration with HIV has not previously been reported. Ten patients were identified over an 8-year period at five medical centers. All patients had clinical, laboratory, and radiologic evaluations, and three had neuropathologic examinations. Patients presented with progressively unsteady gait, slurred speech, and limb clumsiness. Examination revealed gait ataxia, impaired limb coordination, dysarthria, and abnormal eye movements. Cognition, strength, and sensory function remained normal. CD4 lymphocyte counts varied between 10 and 437 cells/mm3. Neuroimaging studies showed prominent cerebellar atrophy. Neuropathology showed focal degeneration of the cerebellar granular cell layer and unusual focal axonal swellings in the brainstem and spinal cord. Cultures, histopathology, and immunochemical studies showed no conclusive evidence of infection. We report a syndrome of unexplained degeneration of the cerebellum occurring in association with HIV infection.  相似文献   

Kaposi's sarcoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were among the earliest recognized manifestations of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) epidemic. Excluding these two tumors, the overall risk of all other cancers in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals is similar to that of the general population. However, varying levels of evidence link several additional neoplasms to HIV infection. The evidence is strongest for an association with Hodgkin's disease, with lower relative and absolute risks than for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Anogenital intraepithelial neoplasia also appears to be HIV associated, but increases of invasive disease are still uncertain for both cervical and anal cancers. Various studies have suggested associations with testicular seminoma, multiple myeloma, oral cancer, and melanoma, but the data are inconsistent. Leiomyosarcoma and benign leiomyomas have increased in incidence in HIV-infected children but are unusual in HIV-infected adults. Conjunctival carcinoma is seen in HIV-infected individuals in sub-Saharan Africa but it is uncommon in Western countries. Most other cancers do not seem to have increased incidences in HIV infection. The etiologic mechanisms of HIV-related cancer likely differ among these diverse cancers and do not globally increase cancer risk.  相似文献   

We report a 53-year-old female autopsy case of multiple sclerosis with bilateral continuous cystic lesions along the lateral ventricles and caudate-callosal angles (Wetterwinkel). The pathophysiological mechanisms underlying these peculiar huge cystic lesions can be explained by the appearance of necrotic tissue during the recurrent relapsing stages of the disease, and then, by the absorption and scavenging of activated microglias. Poor astrocytic gliosis, which might be an effect of frequent use of corticosteroids during the clinical course makes the cavities bigger.  相似文献   

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