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《Annals of Nuclear Energy》2001,28(16):1583-1594
RETINA has been developed for modeling of two-phase flow situations in full-scope simulators of nuclear power plants. A special feature of RETINA is that both RETINA V1.0D (drift-flux — 5 equations) and RETINA V1.0-2V (two-fluid — 6 equations) approach are available in the code and the same constitutive relations are used in both cases. The governing equations are discretized implicitly, and an automatic derivation algorithm determines the Jacobian matrix, which is partitioned taking into account the special structure of nuclear power plants. Partitioned inverse formula is used to solve the global equation system providing the possibility of multi-level parallelization. Heat structures are modeled in two dimensions and are coupled to the flow equations explicitly. Since the code will be used in real-time simulators, we paid special attention to time-effective solution. In this paper, we demonstrate the ability of our code by simulating a small loss of coolant accident Paks Model Circuit (PMK). The simulation results are compared to real measurements obtained by Paks Model Circuit.  相似文献   

Using the MELCOR code, we simulated and analyzed a severe accident at a Chinese pressurized reactor 1000-MW (CPR1000) power plant caused by station blackout (SBO) with failure of the steam generator (SG) safety relief valve (SRV). The CPR1000 response and results for three different scenarios were analyzed: (i) seal leakage and an auxiliary feed water (AFW) supply; (ii) no seal leakage or AFW supply; and (iii) seal leakage but no AFW supply. The results for the three scenarios are compared with those for a simple SBO accident. According to our calculations, the SG SRV stuck in the open position would greatly accelerate the sequence for a severe accident. For an SBO accident with the SRV stuck open without seal leakage or an AFW supply, the pressure vessel would fail at 9576 s and the containment system would fail at 124,000 s. If AFW is supplied, pressure vessel failure would be delayed nearly 30000 s and containment failure would delay at least 50000 s. When seal leakage exists, pressure vessel failure is delayed about 50 s and containment failure time would delay about 30000 s. The results will be useful in gaining an insight into the detailed processes involved and establishing management guidelines for a CPR1000 severe accident.  相似文献   

This study is part of an overall program to understand the uncertainty in best-estimate calculations of the local fuel enthalpy during the rod ejection accident. Local fuel enthalpy is used as the acceptance criterion for this design-basis event and can also be used to estimate fuel damage for the purpose of determining radiological consequences. The study used results from neutron kinetics models in PARCS, BARS, and CRONOS2, codes developed in the United States, the Russian Federation, and France, respectively. Since BARS uses a heterogeneous representation of the fuel assembly as opposed to the homogeneous representations in PARCS and CRONOS, the effect of the intercomparison was primarily to compare different intra-assembly models. Quantitative comparisons for core power, reactivity, assembly fuel enthalpy and pin power were carried out. In general, the agreement between methods was very good, providing additional confidence in the codes and providing a starting point for a quantitative assessment of the uncertainty in calculated fuel enthalpy using best-estimate methods.  相似文献   

This report describes the results of the jet discharging experiments conducted at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. The tests were done under BWR and PWR Loss of Coolant Accident conditions using 4 inch, 6 inch and 8 inch test pipes, and varying distance between the pipe exit and the target plate.Simple and practical experimental formulae to estimate the maximum pressure on the target plate and maximum pressure distribution are given. Further, relations between pipe reaction thrust forces and jet impingement forces are described.  相似文献   

This report describes the temperature increase on the target plate after jet impingement on it from a ruptured pipe under BWR/PWR Loss of Coolant Accident Conditions. From test results it is shown that the temperature on the target can be conservatively estimated by taking it equal to the saturated temperature corresponding to the pressure on the target, which is given by the steam table. An experimental formula is presented to estimate the maximum temperature increase on the target.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new 1D Neutronics/Thermal-hydraulics code ATAC-1D based on the advanced Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov (JFNK) method and the low dimensional equivalent strategy. Conventional operator-splitting (OS) strategies are used to maintain its accuracy with small time steps and linearization of the nonlinear problem, which leads to slow computation speed and linearization error. The JFNK method solves the troubles in the coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics problems mentioned above. Furthermore, a core-wide three dimension to one dimension equivalent method has been developed to provide variable few-group parameters. Finally, the performance of the coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics code ATAC-1D is studied by simulating four OECD/NEA CRP PWR rod ejection benchmark problems. The simulation results are compared to the reference ones, which proves that the developed 1D code has a good accuracy and practicability in nuclear reactor transient calculation.  相似文献   

In MTR research reactors, heat removal is, safely performed by forced convection during normal operation and by natural convection after reactor shutdown for residual decay heat removal. However, according to the duration time of operation at full power, it may be required to maintain the forced convection, for a certain period of time after the reactor shutdown. This is among the general requirements for the overall safety engineering features of MTR research reactors to ensure a safe residual heat removal. For instance, in safety analysis of research reactors, initiating events that may challenge the safe removal of residual heat must be identified and analyzed.In the present work, it was assumed a total loss of coolant accident in a typical MTR nuclear research reactor with the objective of examining the core behavior and the occurrence of any fuel damage.For this purpose, the IAEA 10 MW benchmark core, which is a representative of medium power pool type MTR research reactors, was chosen herein in order to investigate the evolution of cladding temperature through the use of a best estimate thermalhydraulic system code RELAP5/mod3.2.  相似文献   

Using the thermal hydraulic code MERSAT detailed model including primary and secondary loop was developed for the IAEA's reference research reactor MTR 10 MW. The developed model enables the simulation of expected neutronic and thermal hydraulic phenomena during normal operation, reactivity and loss of flow accidents.Two different loss of flow accident (LOFA) have been simulated using slow and fast decrease time of core mass flow. In both cases the expected flow reversal from downward forced to upward natural circulation has been successfully simulated. The results indicate that in both accidents the limit of onset of subcooled boiling was not arrived and consequently no exceed of design limits in term of thermal hydraulic instability or DNB is observed. Finally, the simulation results show good agreement with previous international benchmark analyses accomplished with other qualified channel and thermal hydraulic system codes.  相似文献   

张丽莹  邢继  毛亚蔚 《辐射防护》2016,36(4):206-210
压水堆核电站氧化停堆过程中,一回路冷却剂中58Co的停堆释放峰值可达上百个GBq/t,对工作人员的职业照射剂量及停堆进程都有很大影响。本文介绍了压水堆核电站氧化停堆过程,分析了对58Co活度浓度变化有显著影响的因素,如一回路水化学、蒸汽发生器传热管材料、循环中停堆、化学和容积控制系统的净化等,同时提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

In the field of fast breeder reactors the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) is conducting coordination and harmonisation activities as well as its own research at the CEC's Joint Research Centre (JRC). The development of the modular European Accident Code (EAC) is a typical example of concerted action between EC Member States performed under the leadership of the JRC. This computer code analyzes the initiation phase of low-probability whole-core accidents in LMFBRs with the aim of predicting the rapidity of sodium voiding, the mode of pin failure, the subsequent fuel redistribution and the associated energy release.This paper gives a short overview on the development of the EAC-2 code with emphasis on the coupling mechanism between the fuel behaviour module TRANSURANUS and the thermohydraulics modules which can be either CFEM or BLOW3A. These modules will also be briefly described. In conclusion some numerical results of EAC-2 are given: they are recalculations of an unprotected LOF accident for the fictitious EUROPE fast breeder reactor which was earlier analysed in the frame of a comparative exercise performed in the early 80s and organised by the CEC.  相似文献   

In the FPT0 test of the PHEBUS/FP program, it was observed that the fraction of liquefied UO2 reached 50%, which is much larger than the expected maximum value of 20%. Most of the post-test analyses with various computer codes underpredicted the bundle temperature during a late phase and could not reproduce such a large core degradation. In most of the previous analyses, the shroud thermal conductivity evaluated based on the Pears' ZrO2 specific heat data and the thermal diffusivity measured by JAERI was used. However, recent thermal property data books adopt a lower specific heat than measured by Coughlin and King's at high temperature. The present analyses with ICARE2 showed that the FPT0 bundle behavior could be mostly reproduced by using the shroud thermal conductivity based on Coughlin and King's. If the present calculation is assumed to be correct enough, the shroud thermal conductivity at high temperature could be smaller than the current evaluation based on the Pears' data. Since the shroud thermal conductivity has thus a strong effect on the bundle behavior, further measurement and evaluation of the thermal properties of the shroud are highly recommended.  相似文献   

Incorporation of full three-dimensional models of the reactor core into system thermal–hydraulic transient codes allows better estimation of interactions between the core behavior and plant dynamics. Considerable efforts have been made in various countries and organizations to verify and validate the capability of the so-called coupled codes technique. For these purposes appropriate Light Water Reactor (LWR) transient benchmarks based upon programmed transients performed in Nuclear Power Plants (NPP) were recently developed on a higher ‘best-estimate’ level. The reference problem considered in the current framework is a Main Coolant Pump (MCP) switching-on transient in a VVER1000 NPP. This event is characterized by a positive reactivity addition as consequence of the increase of the core flow. In the current study the coupled RELAP5/PARCS code is used to reproduce the considered test. Results of calculation were assessed against experimental data and also through the code-to-code comparison.  相似文献   

A modification of the PWR control system is suggested, based on the introduction of a gaseous absorber to the core thimbles. The absorber under consideration is 3He. The advantage of the suggested method is the possibility of controlling the reactor during burnup without affecting the moderator reactivity coefficient, and without distorting the reactor axial power distribution. The suggested method also provides a redundancy of the control system. Initial calculations corresponding to this modified control system are presented, while its advantages and disadvantages are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of surface oxide and absorbed hydrogen on the behavior of the loss of the coolant accident (LOCA) were investigated in this study. High temperature ballooning and thermal quench tests were performed for Zircaloy-4 cladding which had been prepared with up to 50 μm of oxide and 1000 ppm of hydrogen, respectively. In the high temperature ballooning test, the initially pressurized cladding was heated until a rupture. Threshold oxidation (ECR) of each condition was evaluated in the thermal quench test in which oxidized cladding at the LOCA temperature was quenched by water. Ring compression test was performed to assess the ductility of the quenched cladding The results showed that both the oxide and hydrogen affected the high temperature ballooning property due to the constraint of the α phase by the surface oxide as well as the expansion of the β phase by the absorbed hydrogen. In the quench test, the pre-oxide and absorbed hydrogen did not affect the high temperature oxidation whereas the threshold ECR decreased in the hydrogen charged cladding because the absorbed hydrogen increased the maximum oxygen solubility inside the residual β layer to reduce the cladding ductility.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the dominant effects which finally ensure the core coolability of a pressurized water reactor in a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA).The main results are summarized as follows:
• — The cooling effect of the two-phase mixture which is intensified during reflooding increases temperature differences on the cladding tube circumference and thus limits the mean circumferential burst strains to values of about 50%.
• — An unidirected flow through the fuel rod bundle during the refill and reflooding phases causes maximum cooling channel blockage of about 70%.
• — The coolability of deformed fuel elements can be maintained up to flow blockages of about 90%.
All effects investigated indicate that in a LOCA no impairment of core coolability and public safety has to be expected.  相似文献   

It is necessary to develop PSA methodology and integrated accident management technology during low power/shutdown operations. To develop this technology, thermal-hydraulic analysis is necessarily required to access the trend of plant process parameters and operator's grace time after initiation of the accident. In this study, the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the loss of shutdown cooling system accident during low power/shutdown operations at the Korean standard nuclear power plant was analyzed using the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic analysis code, MARS2.1. The effects of operator's action and initiation of accident mitigation system, such as safety injection and gravity feed on mitigation of the accident during shutdown operations are also analyzed.When steam generators are unavailable or vent paths with large cross-sectional area are open in the accident, the core damage occurs earlier than the cases of steam generators available or vent paths with small cross-sectional area. If an operator takes an action to mitigate the accident, the accident can be mitigated considerably. To mitigate the accident, high-pressure safety injection is more effective in POS4B and gravity feed is more effective in POS5. The results of this study can contribute to the plant safety improvement because those can provide the time for an operator to take an action to mitigate the accident by providing quantitative time of core damage. The results of this study can also provide information in developing operating procedure and accident management technology.  相似文献   

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