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编者按:本文根据湖南省包装总公司总经理谢正大在厂长经理会议上讲话的第二部摘登。1997年是我国历史发展的重要一年,我国将恢复对香港行使主权和召开党的第十五次全国代表大会,这两件举世瞩目的大事将给我们做好今年的工作提供难得的契机。中央经济工作会议强调,1997年宏观经济应当保护连续性、稳定性和必要的灵活性,总的原则是稳中求进。省委根据中央经济工作会议的精神对今年工作也作出了总体部署。根据中央经济工作会议和省委经济工作会议对1997年经济工作提出的总体要求和主要任务,总公司党委确定总公司1997年工作的指导思想是:…  相似文献   

工业计量工作是计量工作的重要组成部分,是计量为经济建设服务的主战场,是企业重要的技术基础工作,能否抓好计量工作,对企业的发展和经济效益都有着极其重要的作用。改革开放以来,我国的经济体制发生了巨大变化,实现了从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制的转变,在此过程中工业计量工作也随之发生了变化,同时计量工作者的认识也有了重大的转变,围绕经济这个主战场开展工作,已成为共识。今天的工业计量工作更加贴近于经济,贴近于政府,贴近于企业。下面谈一谈我们河北省多年来坚持抓好工业计量工作的体会。一、解放思想真抓实干…  相似文献   

曾几何时,在社会经济和百姓生活的大舞台中,标准只是微不足道的一个配角、是个丑小鸭。现如今,标准化工作得到了党和政府前所未有的重视。在中央经济工作会议上、在政府工作报告中、在国际金融危机应对措施中、在产业振兴规划里,党和国家领导人不断地重申标准对产业调整、经济建设、社会稳定发展的重要作用。  相似文献   

中国对外经济贸易活动中,出入境检验检疫工作是一项政策性、技术性很强的涉外行政执法工作。只有构建符合国情的、科学化的检验检疫工作体系才能实现中国经济的可持续发展。本课题运用公共管理学基本原理,并结合基层的实践经验,系统阐述了检验检疫的存在意义和法律法规赋予其的执法职能,由此探究出检验检疫工作体系的基本特点,并提出相关工作建议和意见。  相似文献   

2011年是协会第八届理事会工作的起始之年,适逢上海开始实施国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的重要时期。在中央经济工作会议上,中央对2011年的经济工作作了部署,围绕中央经济工作会议精神,上海包装行业要紧跟中央部署,适时调整把握发展方向。  相似文献   

闫丽 《中国科技博览》2013,(37):617-618
思想政治工作是经济工作的生命线。阐述了企业加强思想政治工作的重要性,对如何加强和推进企业思想政治工作,解放思想、更新观念等问题进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

当前,随着汛期进入尾声和洪水的逐渐下退,在继续做好抗洪抢险最后阶段工作的同时,全国受灾地区的工作重点已逐渐转到救灾工作和恢复生产、重建家园上来。洪汛期间,全国技术监督部门捐款捐物,纷纷向灾区人民群众伸出了援助之手。身处灾区的技术监督工作者,经受了特大洪水的巨大威胁和考验,团结拼搏,涌现出一批先人后己、公而忘私的先进事迹,这一切都充分显示了技监系统良好的行业形象。随着灾区工作重心的转移,计量工作如何为灾区重建和发展经济服务,是当前摆在我们面前的重要课题。恢复生产、重建家园不仅对促进受灾地区的经济发…  相似文献   

三年来的计量工作虽然取得了不少成绩,但是面对国际上科技进步日新月异和经济全球化的发展趋势,面对国内改革开放发展的新形势,面对中央经济工作会议提出的各项任务和要求,计量工作的发展还是显得缓慢,仍有不少问题需要认真加以解决。  相似文献   

在我国经济社会发展已站在一个新的历史起点的形势下,如何以政治素质为核心,以综合素质和能力建设为重点,帮助和促进基层党支部书记不断提高政治觉悟、改善知识结构、完善综合素质,真正当好一名合格的支部书记。是夯实党的执政地位的一项基础性工作。当前。我国经济已步入了快速发展的轨道,加强党的领导、加强政治思想工作显得尤其重要,政治思想工作是经济工作和其它一切工作的生命线。根据本人的工作经历,就如何当好党支部书记、如何加强新时期思想政治工作谈几点意见:  相似文献   

会计基础工作是会计工作的基本环节,也是经济管理工作中的关键。随着市场经济的发展,会计作为对企、事业单位经济活动进行核算、控制、监督和管理的熏要手段,在经济管理和决策中的作用显得越来越重要。加强和提高会计基础工作水平,建立正常的会计工作秩序,逐步实现会计基础工作的规范化,是各级财政部门、业务主管部门和单位的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(12):1469-1503
In this paper we review the current state of development of fibre optic sensors, including those based on both monomode and multimode technology. For monomode techniques, a general formalism describing their optical characteristics is developed; electronic processing techniques and noise performance are also considered. Examples of their application in the measurement of temperature, pressure, strain, flow, rotation and magnetic field are described. Extrinsic devices such as velocimeters and vibrometers, and applications in holography, are also discussed. Multimode techniques based on intensity and wavelength modulation and quantum effects are considered, and their application to a wide range of measurands is reviewed.  相似文献   

《Membrane Technology》1992,1992(24):1-2

A new method of preparing fibre reinforced glasses is put forward, which is based on further developments of the known slurry method and the sol-gel technique. This method combines the advantages of the two procedures. The prepregs are hot-pressed and the influence of preparation parameters on the bending strength are investigated. The pressure, temperature, time of pressing, granulation of the glass powder, the type of sol-gel solution and the gas atmosphere during the hot-pressing were all studied.  相似文献   


We report on the construction and characterization of a novel fibre Raman oscillator which used fibre grating reflectors rather than discrete mirrors to form the Raman resonator. This was synchronously pumped by a c.w. mode-locked Nd : YAG laser operating at 1·06 µm. Spectral and temporal characteristics of such oscillators formed by two gratings and by one grating and a conventional mirror are presented.  相似文献   


A fused fibre coupler has been used as a spectral filter in a femtosecond fibre soliton laser to eliminate the spectral sideband structure associated with periodic amplification of solitons in the regime where the characteristic soliton period of the generated pulses approaches that of the overall fibre laser loop length.  相似文献   

Abstract: Fibre Bragg grating sensors have been developed as a strain measurement technique. With regard to practical applications, there is growing knowledge and experience. However, many application issues remain unsolved. These issues include signal interpretation, confidence in measurement accuracy, calibration, and zero-strain definition. This paper reports some issues which have been encountered in practical measurements and application trials. The investigation covers various aspects of strain measurement. The measurement accuracy in a composite laminate is found to be influenced by the formation of cracks in adjoined layers, interface between fibre sensor and host materials and nonuniform stress fields.  相似文献   


Piezoelectric materials are capable of actuation and sensing and have found uses in applications including ultrasonic transducers, hydrophones, micropositioning devices, accelerometers, and structural actuators. A composite configuration for structural actuation having significant advantages over conventional piezoelectric actuators has been conceived, and the recent development of piezoelectric ceramic fibres < 100 μ m in diameter has enabled this concept to be realised. It is envisaged that these composites will find uses in contour control, non-destructive testing, vibration suppression, and noise control. The possibility of computer control using closed loop systems has led to these composites emerging as potential 'smart' materials and structures. Since their conception, less than a decade ago, significant advances have been made in many areas concerned with composite performance, such as fibre and matrix technology and configuration optimisation. These advances are charted, the fibre, matrix, and electrode technologies are reviewed, and the manufacture, modelling, and applications of these new piezoelectric composites, known as active fibre composites, are discussed.  相似文献   

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