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通过对搪玻璃反应罐的失效分析,认为加强对设备质量检验,提高设备按装质量要求、杜绝设备渗漏是延长设备使用年限,提高设备利用率的关键。  相似文献   

通过对搪玻璃反应罐的失效分析,认为加强对设备质量检验,提高设备按装质量要求,杜绝设备渗漏是延长设备使用年限,提高设备利用率的关键。  相似文献   

介绍设备综合管理,提高设备利用率,加强设备动态管理的方法。加强设备的日常维修工作,提高设备使用质量和资产使用效率,完善相关管理制度,减少故障停机时间保证了生产的安全正常运行。  相似文献   

设备是啤酒企业进行生产活动的物质基础,也是保证和提高产品质量的必备条件。近些年来,设备自动化程度的提高与设备管理人员和操作人员的能力存在很大差距,造成对机器设备的检查、润滑保养和维护等工作力度不够,致使设备腐蚀、磨损现象严重,设备故障频频出现,给企业造成了很大的经济损失。所以啤酒厂家必须高度重视企业的设备管理工作,积极采取措施解决设备管理中的薄弱环节,提高企业的设备管理水平。  相似文献   

文章叙述了加强印染设备管理,做好定期大修理计划,落实清洁加油的责任制,提高设备的完好率,是印染设备技术创新的基础,对节能减排提高工作环境起着重要作用。节能减排、降耗使印染设备技术开发必将成为未来工作的主战场,也是印染行业发展必然趋势。  相似文献   

数控设备翻新改造是克服现有设备的技术陈旧状态,消除无形磨损,促进现有设备技术进步的方法之一,也是扩大设备的生产能力,提高设备质量的重要途径。对数控设备的翻新改造进行了技术分析,确定改造方案。  相似文献   

分析了非织造布生产线存在的设备问题,介绍了针对存在问题进行的一系列技术改造,通过改造提高了设备性能,消除了生产瓶颈,提高了产品质量。  相似文献   

国外印染设备清洗剂新产品为减少印染设备对产品的沾污和擦伤,提高产品质量档次和经济效益,国外印染界十分重视设备清洗工作,相应研制出许多高效印染设备清洗剂,对提高印染产品竞争力发挥了极大作用。BRB是一种新型特殊配方的漂白设备清洗剂,能去除用双氧水漂白棉...  相似文献   

关于提高中密度纤维板生产技术水平的意见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆懋圣 《中国人造板》2006,13(11):23-24,28
针对中纤板生产的特点和国内现状,提出三方面建议:提高生产设备的设计、制造水平,用拥有自主知识产权的设备来装备生产企业;提高生产企业的设计水平,以充分发挥设备能力和保证生产正常运行;提高生产企业的技术管理水平,实现高产、优质、低耗、安全、环保。  相似文献   

浅谈丝织企业设备维修管理重庆钢梁绸厂谢治金丝织行业流行这样二句话:“设备是基础,工艺是关键,操作半边天。”“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”设备是丝织企业五大重要基础之一,搞好设备维修工作,对提高产品质量、生产效率,降低物资消耗,提高经济效益,都具有十分重...  相似文献   

本文运用因子分析的基本原理,建立了我国制盐工业经济效益评价的数学模型,测评了经济效益的基本情况,分析了经济效益的影响因素,探讨了提高经济效益的主要途径。  相似文献   

刘倩倩 《非织造布》2003,11(3):42-44
介绍了关系营销理念的原则、应用及给企业带来的益处。指出了关系营销的基础是“承诺”与“信任”,应用关系营销理念可以使非织造布企业致力于与客户的关系投资,抵制一些短期利益的诱惑,保持、发展与客户的关系而获得长远的利益。  相似文献   

Differences in familiarity with food products may influence how information about the risks and benefits about foods is used in forming risk and benefit perceptions. In two experimental studies, the risk and benefit perceptions of student participants, for four foods (familiar or unfamiliar) were assessed. In experiment 1, participants had the option to voluntarily request information (N = 106). In experiment 2, participants were involuntarily exposed to varying amounts of risk and benefit information (N = 235). In the first experiment, risk and benefit perceptions for unfamiliar foods were the result of an ad hoc affect or attitude being formed from whatever information about a food was presented first. The second experiment confirmed these results. The asymmetry between risk and benefit perception can be understood in terms of prior attitude and primacy effects. The greater importance of risk information in the development of risk perception is shown, compared to the greater importance role of familiarity with foods for benefit perception. It is argued that risk and benefit perceptions associated with foods may be dependent on different psychological processes. Risk perception is more likely to be derived from deliberative information processing. Benefit perception is derived from heuristic information processing and personal experience.  相似文献   

泰格林纸的循环经济发展之路   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王祥 《中华纸业》2005,26(6):6-8
阐述湖南泰格林纸集团实现社会效益、环境效益和经济效益良性循环的发展经验。  相似文献   

当前,经济危机影响下的造纸业正在进行"纸企越冬的保卫战",以<中华纸业>为代表的行业传媒"同舟共济御寒冬"的集结号已吹响.面对寒冬,纸企如何根据产业新政,危中寻机,增强企业自身的免疫能力是确保企业生存和发展的关键,而其中最重要的是采取行之有效的措施提高企业的经济效益.  相似文献   

A systematic review relevant to the following research questions was conducted (1) the extent to which different theoretical frameworks have been applied to food risk/benefit communication and (2) the impact such food risk/benefit communication interventions have had on related risk/benefit attitudes and behaviors. Fifty four papers were identified. The analysis revealed that (primarily European or US) research interest has been relatively recent. Certain food issues were of greater interest to researchers than others, perhaps reflecting the occurrence of a crisis, or policy concern. Three broad themes relevant to the development of best practice in risk (benefit) communication were identified: the characteristics of the target population; the contents of the information; and the characteristics of the information sources. Within these themes, independent and dependent variables differed considerably. Overall, acute risk (benefit) communication will require advances in communication process whereas chronic communication needs to identify audience requirements. Both citizen's risk/benefit perceptions and (if relevant) related behaviors need to be taken into account, and recommendations for behavioral change need to be concrete and actionable. The application of theoretical frameworks to the study of risk (benefit) communication was infrequent, and developing predictive models of effective risk (benefit) communication may be contingent on improved theoretical perspectives.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate economic techniques used to determine the cost and benefit of Listeria monocyto-genes control and to estimate the economic optimum of L. monocytogenes food safety measures. The level of food safety measures is optimal if marginal benefit and marginal cost equate. Estimates of benefit and cost of L. monocytogenes food safety measures, from available published literature, are derived from different methods of economic analysis (willingness to pay, cost of illness, cost function, and event study methods). The estimated annual benefit and cost of L. monocytogenes food safety measures range from $2.3 billion to $22 billion and from $.01 billion to $2.4 billion, respectively. The estimated marginal benefit exceeds the estimated marginal cost, which implies that more food safety measures are warranted before the optimal level of L. monocytogenes food safety can be reached. However, due to considerable lack of data, the optimal level of L. monocytogenes food safety measures could not be estimated. When better data become available, this study can serve as a template for estimating the optimal level of food safety. The understanding of the economic optimum of food safety level will contribute to designing a control program that is economical and acceptable for US society.  相似文献   

基于山东省潍坊市542 家烟叶家庭农场的调查,运用多元有序Logit 回归模型分析了烟叶家庭农场经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的影响因素。结果表明:经营管理能力、自有资金、外界支持力度和合作社服务能力具有最重要的影响。建议应通过加强培训提高农场主素质、完善农场基本经营条件、降本增效、加大支持力度等方面入手支持烟叶家庭农场发展。   相似文献   

优化实验室管理提高实验室投资效益   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前必须加强实验室的科学化管理,组建一支精通业务、踏实肯干、运转和谐的科研师资队伍,保持仪器最佳的使用状态,找到最佳使用途径,最大限度地发挥实验设备的作用,提高实验室投资效益.高校实验室在硬件建设的基础上,如何从软件管理上讲效益,要收益,即如何加强实验室的科学化管理,建设一支精干的服务于实验室的科研师资队伍,最大限度地发挥实验仪器的作用,提高实验室投资效益,是个必须探讨的问题.  相似文献   

本文介绍了纸厂采用高压锅炉及热电联产的经济效益及对外供热所产生的社会效益。  相似文献   

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