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磺酸盐类表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于涛  刘娜  丁伟 《化学工程师》2004,18(10):52-54
介绍了三次采油中应用的磺酸盐类表面活性剂的种类、性能、发展现状,总结了其复配体系的协同效应,同时指出磺酸盐类表面活性剂具有重要的实用价值和广阔的开发前景。  相似文献   

对近年来纳米技术在提高原油采收率方面的应用作了较详细的介绍和评述。其中包括由表面活性剂和疏水改性纳米粒子组成的纳米乳液、纳米粒子增强的粘弹表面活性剂体系、固体纳米粒子稳定的CO2气体泡沫和纳米分子沉积膜的作用机理及提高采收率的应用效果;还包括微-纳米颗粒封堵技术、纳米降压增注技术、纳米材料改性破乳技术、尤其是油藏纳米机器人等技术在石油开发方面的应用;并提出了应用于提高石油采收率领域的纳米技术发展方向。  相似文献   

室内合成了一种用于增强石油磺酸盐(KPS)性能的激活剂(D8),分子模拟软件对分子间的界面稳定性研究表明,激活剂界面稳定性优于石油磺酸盐,二者可以发生协同增效作用;激活剂以及复配体系界面性能研究表明,超低界面张力下的Na Cl和Na2CO3浓度窗口分别为0.4%5%,0.6%5%,0.6%1.2%,复配比1∶91.2%,复配比1∶99∶1范围内具有较好的界面性能,复配过程中分子间以"插层"作用实现表面活性剂间的正的协同作用,固/液界面吸附研究结果同时验证了复配体系存在相互协同作用;应用该协同作用配制的最佳三元复合驱配方为:0.3%S(KPS∶D8=8∶2)+0.18%HPAM+1.2%Na2CO3,配方体系碱浓度窗口为0.6%9∶1范围内具有较好的界面性能,复配过程中分子间以"插层"作用实现表面活性剂间的正的协同作用,固/液界面吸附研究结果同时验证了复配体系存在相互协同作用;应用该协同作用配制的最佳三元复合驱配方为:0.3%S(KPS∶D8=8∶2)+0.18%HPAM+1.2%Na2CO3,配方体系碱浓度窗口为0.6%1.4%,对不同原油具有较好的适应性;配方体系具有较好的抗稀释性能以及乳化能力;聚驱后进行二元复合驱可提高采收率7.57%,聚驱后进行三元复合驱可提高采收率9.78%,该配方体系在聚驱后具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

室内合成了一种用于增强石油磺酸盐(KPS)性能的激活剂(D8),分子模拟软件对分子间的界面稳定性研究表明,激活剂界面稳定性优于石油磺酸盐,二者可以发生协同增效作用;激活剂以及复配体系界面性能研究表明,超低界面张力下的Na Cl和Na2CO3浓度窗口分别为0.4%~5%,0.6%~1.2%,复配比1∶9~9∶1范围内具有较好的界面性能,复配过程中分子间以"插层"作用实现表面活性剂间的正的协同作用,固/液界面吸附研究结果同时验证了复配体系存在相互协同作用;应用该协同作用配制的最佳三元复合驱配方为:0.3%S(KPS∶D8=8∶2)+0.18%HPAM+1.2%Na2CO3,配方体系碱浓度窗口为0.6%~1.4%,对不同原油具有较好的适应性;配方体系具有较好的抗稀释性能以及乳化能力;聚驱后进行二元复合驱可提高采收率7.57%,聚驱后进行三元复合驱可提高采收率9.78%,该配方体系在聚驱后具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为提高二元复合驱的驱油效率,采用了一种新型的聚合物和表面活性剂组成的复合驱油剂,对其进行了化学分析及其对现场稠油的驱替效果评价。通过界面张力测量及动态界面张力分析,优选了表面活性剂PS-2作为最优选择,并确立其最优质量分数范围为0.2%~0.4%。通过黏浓特性和黏温特性实验,优选出聚合物KYPAM,并确定其最佳质量浓度为1 000 mg·L-1。随后通过研究聚表二元复合体系的界面张力和流变性,发现该体系能够有效降低油水界面张力,并具有良好的流变性。采用单岩心驱替实验方法,对比分析了聚合物-表面活性剂二元复合驱、单一聚合物驱替及单一表面活性剂驱替对于现场高黏度原油提高采收率的效能。结果表明,聚表二元复合驱的采收率最高,达到32.1%,比水驱提高了16.2%。  相似文献   

我国复合驱用表面活性剂研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
改性木质素磺酸盐只能用作助剂,其他磺酸盐类表面活性剂已进入中试生产阶段,但由于原料和工艺和复杂性,产品性能尚不稳定,植物羧酸盐和源麻油酸烷醇酰胺生产工艺简单,有良好应用前景。高分子表面活性剂正在发展之中。介绍了形成超低界面张力的不同源油和不同表面活性剂复合体系。探讨了表面生剂种类和浓度、碱浓度矿化度,聚合物、原油留分、二价阳离子和非离子表面活性剂等对界面张力的影响。给出了一 动态界面张力和超低界面  相似文献   

随着油田勘探难度的加大和世界原油市场供需矛盾的加剧,发展提高原油采收率技术成为保证油田高产稳产和稳定原油市场价格的一项很重要的措施。本文首先分析了国内外油田提高原油采收率的发展历程,并对世界上主要产油国的提高原油采收率方法和技术原理进行了系统的阐述,为发展我国提高采收率技术提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

苏欢  吴新民  李元 《辽宁化工》2009,38(12):872-874
石油磺酸盐是目前国内应用最多的表面活性剂。陕北地区地处鄂尔多斯盆地,其延安组油层孔隙度低,渗透性差,属于低渗透储层,在注水开发后期,暴露出注入压力高,采收率低等问题。研究了石油磺酸盐与地层水的配伍性,并进行了驱油室内评价实验,得出了石油磺酸盐在该地区的应用效果和优缺点。  相似文献   

CO2驱提高原油采收率研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
作为一项提高原油采收率的技术,CO2驱自20世纪50年代,就在现场得到了应用,目前,此项技术在美国、加拿大等国的应用已较成熟。我国对该技术的研究相对较晚,受到了高度重视,随着人们对温室效应与环境关系的理解,将CO2注入地层提高原油采收率,可以预测,此项技术在我国石油开采业中将会具有更广泛的发展前景。文章在调研国内外大量文献资料的基础上,阐明了CO2提高原油采收率的机理,CO2驱提高采收率的研究现状及进展,最后,分析了我国注CO2提高采收率的应用前景,并给出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

石油磺酸盐是一种以石油馏分为原料的合成阴离子表面活性剂,主要用作驱油剂,具有界面活性强,与原油配伍性好以及水溶性好等优点,一直受到广泛重视。石油磺酸盐因原料油组分及分子结构复杂,结构和性能差异大,使得三次采油应用的表面活性剂应满足低界面张力和低吸附量才能达到提高采收率的目的,故开发具有高界面活性和低吸附损失的石油磺酸盐具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Copolymers of sodium acrylate and N-methyl-, N-isopropyl-, N-n-butyl-, and N-t-butylacrylamide were prepared. The viscosities of these copolymers in 0.01% and 2.00% NaCl and their resistances to shear were compared with those of several partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides. The poly(N-alkylacrylamide-co-sodium acrylate demonstrated somewhat better retention of viscosity in brine than did analagous partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamides. N-alkyl substitution increased sensitivity to shear in low salt solutions.  相似文献   

综述三次采油的基本原理,主要的采油类型,如化学法、混相法、生物法等。简要介绍了三次采油的发展前景,聚合物驱、三元复合驱、CO2驱等将是三次采油发展的主要技术。并由此总结三次采油现存技术的不足,提出未来技术可研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

Four different copolymers, of acrylamide and acrylic acid, acrylamide and 2‐acrylamido‐2‐methyl propane sulfonic acid, N,N‐dimethylacrylamide and acrylic acid, and N,N‐dimethylacrylamide and 2‐acrylamido‐2‐methyl propane sulfonic acid (sodium salts), were prepared. The copolymers were characterized by their intrinsic viscosities and monomer ratios and with IR, 1H‐NMR, and X‐ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy. No crystallinity was observed by differential thermal analysis, and this was well supported by XRD. All the polymers showed low decomposition temperatures. A number of decomposition temperatures were observed in differential thermogravimetry thermograms because of the elimination of gases such as CO2, SO2, CO, and NH3. The replacement of the acrylate group with a sulfonate group produced polymers that were more compatible with brine, whereas the replacement of acrylamide with a more hydrophobic group such as N,N‐dimethylacrylamide produced a more shear‐resistant polymer. A N,N‐dimethylacrylamide‐co‐sodium‐2‐acrylamido‐2‐methyl propane sulfonate copolymer was better with respect to thermal stability when the polymer solution was aged at 120°C for a period of 1 month. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 87: 1869–1878, 2003  相似文献   

目前,全球石油产量约8 500万桶/天,即超过300亿桶/年。OPEC(石油输出国组织)估计,到2030年,发展中国家的需求将使全球产量提高到1.07亿桶/天。 从给出的一些统计值表明,表面活性剂研究者和生产商有千载难逢的好机会:多数现有的油井只能采出30%的油气,化学驱是可用的、为数不多的二次和三次开采增加石油产量的方法。  相似文献   

Oxidation of monounsaturated fatty acids, such as erucic and oleic acids, results in the formation of dibasic fatty acids, such as brassylic and azelaic acids. Dibasic acids find many industrial applications. Pelargonic acid is the co-product of the process. Expanded use of dibasic acids would require an expansion in the existing and possibly new uses for pelargonic acid and its derivatives. In this study, the potential for using pelargonic acid in enhanced oil recovery is investigated. Experimental results are presented for the enhanced oil recovery by waterflooding with the aid of a surfactant.In situ formation of surfactant at the oil-water interface vs. the formation of surfactant in the floodwater prior to injection is examined.  相似文献   

It is well known that oil recovery processes can be increased by surfactant solution injections in the reservoir. However, the high adsorption of this type of compounds on the reservoirs rocks surface is one of the factors that have been preventing the Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) development and the economicity of the process. This work presents the synthesis of cross‐linked polystyrene nanoparticles (PSNP) and their evaluation as surfactant carriers, able to percolate through the reservoirs pores and to deliver it at the water/oil interface. The nanoparticles were synthesized by emulsion polymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene in the presence of nonylphenol ethoxylate‐10 (NF‐10EO) or sodium dodecyl sulphate. Photon Correlation Spectroscopy and Interfacial Tension results gave support to the initial supposition that the nanoparticles would swell when in contact with the oil phase, releasing the surfactant at the interface. The nanoparticles obtained with NF‐10EO were able to reduce the water/oil interfacial tension to values that were similar to the ones obtained with the aqueous solution of NF‐10EO. The results suggest that the PSNP have a great potential to be used as surfactant carriers in EOR. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 43789.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested the possibility of spontaneous emulsification as a mechanism for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The discussions have, however, remained essentially qualitative. A study was therefore undertaken to estimate quantitatively the contribution of spontaneous emulsification as an EOR mechanism. The tests were conducted on several bulk liquid/liquid systems as well as by displacement experiments in unconsolidated synthetic sand packs. Spontaneous emulsification was found to be a mechanism for EOR: the estimated extra contribution to EOR due to this mechanism was found to be significant in laboratory scale displacement experiments. Tertiary recovery was always greater when spontaneous emulsification was evident than otherwise. Results of tests on bulk liquid/liquid systems indicate that the occurrence or absence of spontaneous emulsification can be correlated with the values of ‘partition parameter’. It may be concluded that higher oil recoveries may be achieved in chemical EOR processes where interface mass transfer (and the accompanying spontaneous emulsification) occurs. The evaluation of efficiency of residual oil mobilisation through the capillary number theory (with and without spontaneous emulsification) is also discussed. Displacement tests with spontaneously emulsifying systems showed that residual oil left behind a conventional waterflood was mobilised in a range of capillary numbers much less than that which applies to low-tension waterfloods.  相似文献   

The synthesis and performance of a novel temperature-tolerant foamed resin for enhanced oil recovery were investigated using various methods, including infrared, NMR, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and displacement experiments. Polycondensation of furfuryl alcohol prepolymers was confirmed by the infrared and NMR results. The poor temperature tolerance of furfuryl alcohol prepolymers after gelation at high temperatures is mainly due to the fracture of furan rings. The addition of ester additives is an effective method of increasing the temperature tolerance of the prepared foamed resins and can effectively reduce the weight-loss rate of the polycondensation products. The SEM results show that the skeleton structure of the foamed resin remains intact after high-temperature treatment. Thus, the novel plugging agent system has excellent thermal stability and still has a high strength (>0.8 MPa) after high-temperature aging treatment for 40 days, giving the prepared foamed resin a good plugging performance (plugging rate > 91%) at 250 °C. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019 , 136, 47161.  相似文献   

Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes aim to recover trapped oil left in reservoirs after primary and secondary recovery methods. New materials and additives are needed to make EOR economical in challenging reservoirs or harsh environments. Nanoparticles have been widely studied for EOR, but nanoparticles with polymer chains grafted to the surface—known as polymer‐coated nanoparticles (PNPs)—are an emerging class of materials that may be superior to nanoparticles for EOR due to improved solubility and stability, greater stabilization of foams and emulsions, and more facile transport through porous media. Here, we review prior research, current challenges, and future research opportunities in the application of PNPs for EOR. We focus on studies of PNPs for improving mobility control, altering surface wettability, and for investigating their transport through porous media. For each case, we highlight both fundamental studies of PNP behavior and more applied studies of their use in EOR processes. We also touch on a related class of materials comprised of surfactant and nanoparticle blends. Finally, we briefly outline the major challenges in the field, which must be addressed to successfully implement PNPs in EOR applications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131, 40576.  相似文献   

为强化石油回采捕集CO2的全周期评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development and deployment of Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is a cornerstone of the Norwegian government's climate strategy. A number of projects are currently evaluated/planned along the Norwegian West Coast, one at Tjeldbergodden. COe from this project will be utilized in part for enhanced oil recovery in the Halten oil field, in the Norwegian Sea. We study a potential design of such a system. A combined cycle power plant with a gross power output of 832 MW is combined with CO2 capture plant based on a post-combustion capture using amines as a solvent. The captured CO2 is used for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). We employ a hybrid life-cycle assessment (LCA) method to assess the environmental impacts of the system. The study focuses on the modifications and operations of the platform during EOR. We allocate the impacts connected to the capture of CO2 to electricity production, and the impacts connected to the transport and storage of CO2 to the oil produced. Our study shows a substantial reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions from power production by 80% to 75 g·(kW·h)^-1. It also indicates a reduction of the emissions associated with oil production per unit oil produced, mostly due to the increased oil production. Reductions are especially significant if the additional power demand due to EOR leads to power supply from the land.  相似文献   

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