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通过SMAT技术实现了工业纯钛表面纳米化,并利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜和高分辨率透射电子显微镜(HRTEM)分析技术对表面纳米结构层进行了表征,对比研究了工业纯钛和经SMAT处理表面纳米化工业纯钛的拉伸性能,讨论了表面纳米化对工业纯钛拉伸性能的影响。结果表明:经SMAT处理后,由于表面纳米晶的形成和变形层中高密度的孪晶与位错共同的作用,工业纯钛的屈服强度、抗拉强度提高而伸长率降低。试样经SMAT处理后,沿处理面到中心晶粒尺寸不同,使得SMAT试样拉伸断裂后处理面与中心的断裂类型不同,表面纳米晶层和亚晶层的断裂主要是滑移分离断裂,而基体粗晶部分断裂为微孔聚集型断裂。 相似文献
高能喷丸表面纳米化对工业纯钦组织性能的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
用高能振动喷丸法对工业纯钛进行了表面纳米化的研究。用X—射线衍射、光镜和透射电镜对表层变形层金相组织、晶粒尺寸、显微硬度进行分析。结果表明,具有密排六方晶体结构的工业纯钛经高能喷丸处理后,在表面可以形成具有一定厚度的纳米晶粒组织;随着高能喷丸时间的增加,表面层的晶粒尺寸变小,而表面硬度提高。 相似文献
高能喷丸表面纳米化对工业纯钛疲劳性能的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
用高能喷丸技术对工业纯钛进行了表面纳米化处理,分析了表层组织和表层硬度,并通过与普通喷丸的对比实验,研究了两种喷丸方法对工业纯钛疲劳性能的影响.结果得出,高能喷丸使表层组织明显细化,得到了无明显特征的强烈塑性变形组织,表层硬度明显提高.但高能喷丸并没有使疲劳强度大幅度提高,甚至低于传统喷丸.断口分析中发现,在高能喷丸疲劳断口裂纹源处,能看到由于喷丸不当造成的表面深坑和微裂纹等表面机械损伤,这可能是高能喷丸表面纳米化比传统喷丸没有表现出更高疲劳强度的原因. 相似文献
表面机械研磨诱导AISl 304不锈钢表层纳米化I.组织与性能 总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23
采用表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)在AISl 304不锈钢上制备出纳米结构表层,研究纳米化行为及其对硬度的影响.结果表明:经过SMAT后,样品表面形成了厚度约为30μm的纳米晶层,显微组织由平均晶粒尺寸约为10nm的单一马氏体相演变为尺寸稍大的双相组织,在距表面30—300μm的范围内,显微组织由以亚微米级的奥氏体多系孪晶为主逐渐演变为单系孪晶.表面纳米化是晶粒碎化与纳米尺度新相形成共同作用的结果.与心部相比,表面硬度显著提高. 相似文献
激光表面重熔对工业纯钛板腐蚀行为的影响 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
钛在湿氧环境中,其表面会形成一层致密稳定的氧化薄膜,具有优异的抗蚀性;但在缺氧无水环境中,钛会出现点蚀现象。为了扩大钛使用范围,延长其在恶劣环境中的使用寿命,诸如激光表面重熔等表面处理技术已被广泛用于钛的表面处理。新加坡学者探讨了激光表面重熔技术对纯钛板的抗腐蚀性和点蚀电位的影响。 相似文献
介绍了一种制备表面纳米化样品的横截面透射电镜试样方法,利用该方法对经高能喷丸处理的工业纯钛进行了透射电镜观察与分析。结果显示:用改进的抛丸机,在合适的工艺参数下进行高能喷丸处理,在工业纯钛的表面得到了约10μm深的纳米层;晶粒尺寸由表及里逐渐过渡,纳米表层与基体间无明显的界面,表层晶粒大小在50nm左右,取向随机,为等轴状纳米晶。结果表明,该制样方法,克服了表面自身纳米化样品由于残余应力造成的弯曲变形,可以得到适合于透射电镜观察的横截面试样。 相似文献
MA Guang LUO Yu CHEN Chun-huan REN Rui-ming WU Wei LI Zhi-qiang ZENG Yan-song 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2004,14(Z1)
The surface nanostructures of commercial pure titanium was realized by the modified shot peening equipment commonly used in industry through the special treatment process. The results show that high-energy-shot-peening(HESP) commonly used to prepare nanostructured surface layers can be achieved by the increase of pill size, pill speed, and treatment time in the commercial shot peening equipment. XRD, SEM and TEM were used to characterize the surface layer microstructure of treated specimens. The analytic results show that the main deformation mode of commercial pure Ti is twinning. At the beginning of deformation, the dislocations are formed and twins occur within or on plane, then twins in intersection plane appear, and at last the twin characteristics disappear in the surface layer after longer treatment time. The deformation layer depth increases with treatment time in a certain period when the pill size and speed are unchanged. And in the severe plastic deformation (SPD) layer in which the twins are not identified easily by using SEM, the nanocrystalline microstructures are found under TEM. The finest grain size in the surface layer is about 40 nm, and the depth of nanostructured layers is over 60 μm. The microhardness of the nanostructured surface layers is enhanced significantly after shot peening compared with that of the initial simple. 相似文献
采用超音速微粒轰击(supersonic particles bombarding)技术对0Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢焊接接头表面进行处理,利用金相显微镜和透射电镜对材料表面的微观组织进行分析,并利用恒载荷应力腐蚀装置测量了表面处理后焊接接头抗应力腐蚀情况.结果表明,经超音速微粒轰击处理,样品表层以下60 μm区域的晶粒细化至纳米量级,表层晶粒平均尺寸为10.4 nm,而且表层组织得到均一化;较低应力情况下,300 h以上应力腐蚀后试样仍未出现断裂,可见经表面纳米化处理后样品的抗H2S应力腐蚀性能得到显著提高. 相似文献
The high-energy shot peening (HESP) technique was used to obtain the surface nanocrystalline microstructure for a hcp metal titanium. XRD, SEM and TEM were applied to characterize the microstructure of the surface layer. Large amount of the deformation twins in the surface layer were observed by SEM in the specimens after HESP treatment in a shot-time, and the number of deformation twins both in a single plane and in intersecting planes increases with HESP time, until the twin character disappears completely in the top surface layer, which means that the severe plastic deformation(SPD) occurs on the surface. The XRD analysis results show that after HESP treatmen for 30 - 60 min the surface grain size decreases to nanoscale. According to the TEM images and corresponding diffraction patterns from SPD areas of the 120 min-treatment specimen, the measured grain size near the surface is about 20 - 30 nm. The grain size in deformation layer increases with the depth from the surface, and the nanostructured layer is about 20 μm in depth. Therefore, the surface nanocrystalline and a gradient microstructure from the surface to the matrix are obtained, which results in the micro-hardness decreasing from surface to the matrix gradually. 相似文献
近α型钛合金TAI5具有较好的综合力学性能,在飞机结构中有广阔的应用前景。针对TAI5钛合金进行了系统的TIG焊试验,并进行了焊接接头拉伸性能测试。在此基础上,基于人工神经网络(ANN)原理对影响TAI5钛合金TIG焊接头拉伸性能的主要参数进行了选取,确定ANN的输入和输出参数,建立了TAI5钛合金TIG焊接头拉伸性能ANN模型并对模型进行了优化及误差分析。结果表明,最终建立的拉伸性能模型能很好地适用于TAI5钛合金TIG焊接头拉伸性能的模拟,优于传统回归方法。 相似文献
采用大应力塑性变形(机械冲击)技术对Cu-30Ni合金表面进行纳米化处理。利用原子力显微镜技术、纳米压痕试样、显微硬度测量、电化学分析和电子功函数等手段分别测试原始样品、大应力塑性变形纳米化处理样品的晶粒尺寸、力学性能、腐蚀性能。结果表明,与原始样品相比,大应力塑性变形纳米化处理样品的表面晶粒尺寸达到40nm;力学性能显著改善。电化学测试表明,表面纳米化提高了合金的耐腐蚀性能,耐腐蚀性能变化与电子功函数变化一致。机械冲击工艺技术能够使Cu-30Ni合金表面纳米化,从而提高了表面力学性能和耐腐蚀性能。 相似文献
钛合金TC4表面纳米化及其热稳定性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用超音速微粒轰击技术(supersonic fine particles bombarding,SFPB)对钛合金TC4进行了表面纳米化处理,并对SFPB处理后的试样进行不同温度2 h退火处理。借助X射线衍射、显微硬度计、透射电子显微镜和差热分析对纳米化及热处理后的试样进行了组织和性能表征,研究钛合金表面纳米化机理及其热稳定性。结果表明:经过SFPB处理后的试样在表层形成了纳米结构层,随着处理时间的延长,变形层厚度不断增加,晶粒尺寸逐步细化,当SFPB处理30 min后晶粒尺寸趋于稳定,在表层形成了晶粒尺寸约为15 nm具有随机取向的纳米等轴晶。纳米化后的试样在750℃退火时,纳米晶未发生明显粗化,因而具有很好的热稳定性。 相似文献
The welded joints of 400 MPa ultra fine grained steel in manual arc welding were treated by mechanical surface hardening. Microstructure and mechanical properties of the treated joints were compared with those of the untreated joints, based on which, primary study on the process and principle of mechanical surface hardening was carried out. The results shows that: Grain size of HAZ increases greatly and mechanical properties of welded joint decrease obviously compared with those of base martial, but grain size in the surface layer of HAZ can be refined (the grain size is about 100 nm or so) and mechanical properties of welded joints can be improved greatly by mechanical surface hardening. 相似文献