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OBJECTIVE: To address how well health maintenance organizations (HMOs) meet the needs of almost 700,000 children with disabilities due to chronic conditions enrolled in these plans. DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey. MEASUREMENTS/MAIN RESULTS: Health maintenance organizations offered better protection than conventional plans against out-of-pocket expenses and were much more likely than fee-for-service plans to cover ancillary therapies, home care, outpatient mental health care, and medical case management. In addition, few HMOs maintained exclusions for preexisting conditions. Other aspects of HMO policies, however, were found to operate against the interest of families with chronically ill children. In particular, HMOs commonly made specialty services available only when significant improvement was expected within a short period. Also, HMOs typically placed limits on the amount and duration of mental health, ancillary services, and certain other services frequently needed by chronically ill children. Probably the most serious problems for chronically ill children enrolled in HMOs were the lack of choice among and access to appropriate specialty providers. PARTICIPANTS: Individual HMO plans. SELECTION PROCEDURE: A sample of 95 geographically representative HMOs were selected; 59 (62%) responded. INTERVENTIONS: None. CONCLUSIONS: Health maintenance organizations offer several advantages over traditional fee-for-service plans for families whose children have special health needs. However, the results also indicate that HMOs do not always operate effectively as service provision systems for these children. To a large extent, the availability and quality of services available to a child with special needs is likely to depend on the parents' ability to maneuver within the system.  相似文献   

The health care revolution is challenging nursing to change, as are the rapidly changing population demographics. The aging of America underlines a need for the health care revolution to address continuum-based care requirements, particularly of the chronically ill older population. They and their families are stressed with the current fragmentation of the health care system. Continuum-based care for the chronically ill is critical in altering the trajectory of health care consumption, and case management is central to it. A model of nurse case management is presented as an emerging solution.  相似文献   

Chronic illness is now the dominant feature of health care, and its impact will grow with the aging of the population. Managed care could provide an environment conducive to better care for chronically ill patients. A precondition for these activities is a shift in Medicare payment approaches to managed care organizations to recognize differences in risk. To improve care for the chronically ill, changes need to occur in two major areas: (1) The approach to chronic care needs to become more aggressive, with higher expectations about the benefits from care (even if measured by slowing the rate of decline), and (2) an information infrastructure is needed to help focus clinicians' attention on changes in patients' status. Some of these changes may eventually evolve spontaneously in managed care's search for more efficient ways of meeting its service obligations, but external forces, such as certification and federal mandates, could catalyze the transition.  相似文献   

Intensive case management for severely psychiatrically ill patients is a relatively new phenomenon in the private sector. The authors describe a comprehensive case management program designed at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts to meet the needs of the most severely ill psychiatric patients in a private managed care environment. The case management program emphasizes involvement of patients in creating comprehensive treatment plans; development of a relationship between case managers, patients and their families, and providers; and clinical coordination between the public and private sectors to create individualized treatment plans. The program's case managers are able to flex the benefit limitations of a managed care or indemnity plan to integrate public and private services and can enlist providers outside a managed care network. The paper describes service utilization by the first 33 patients who participated in the program for one year.  相似文献   

Caregiving families rarely have one voice. This article presents a theoretical framework for normative family conflict in chronic care, identifies types of family conflict, and describes educational and case management models to prevent, identify, buffer, or potentially help resolve family care conflicts that pose barriers to care. Successful application of these models can result in greater family member accessibility for support to each other and enhanced family capacity to distribute equitably and effectively care responsibilities for chronically ill relatives especially those with Alzheimer's disease and other dementia.  相似文献   

The increasing care needs of the elderly and chronically ill have a growing impact on health care services. With complex needs to meet, the patient's quality of life depends on multiple factors, of which the continuity of care plays an important role. Information on the past and present health state and on self care resources are prerequisites for adequate rehabilitation efforts that are patient-oriented and of high quality. Institutionally induced "cascade episodes of incompetence" (Ulmer & Saller, 1994) have to be avoided. To make sure that interventions promote or stabilize the quality of life, the participation of the client is crucial in all stages of the process of care planning and coordination. Integrated care requires the exchange of information and close coordination on the concept of care between all participants in the care process. Yet, collaborative care is often seriously jeopardized by lack of knowledge about the concepts, scope of action and requests of the involved health professionals and services. At the Agnes Karll Institute of Nursing Research an action research project aiming at cooperative quality assurance was carried out. It became obvious that there is a large amount of intersectoral knowledge necessarily needed by all professionals and services to ensure seamless professional care. But often they have no access to the information needed. Therefore a client's accompanying booklet was developed to pass on basic information. It is kept by the client and shall be used and filled out by them, their relatives and the different health professionals and health care services involved.  相似文献   

Chronic illness places considerable burdens on patients and their interpersonal relations with families. In this study, patients' perceptions of family and medical staff expectations regarding responsibility for care and routine functions were examined. The authors hypothesized that a patient's perceived inability to meet others' expectations about coping with illness would lead to poorer adjustment. Forty-two chronically ill patients were assessed prospectively for perceptions of others' expectations, social support, and psychological adjustment. Findings confirmed that expectations predicted subsequent decreases in psychological adjustment over a 3-month period, even when social support was controlled. A test of the reverse hypothesis showed that poorly adjusted patients did not misperceive others' expectations. Theoretical interpretations of the findings and their relation to social support research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social work practice in health care must change to better meet the needs of individuals and their families as the system of care changes from an acute care focus to a community based focus and as individuals seek more active participation in their own care decisions. Practitioners and educators must renew their partnership to create a practice based on the needs of individuals to move most effectively through a more complex system of care and back home again. A paradigmatic shift can redefine social work in health care for the future. Renewed leadership with vision is required.  相似文献   

Persons with chronic mental illnesses have a higher prevalence of medical illnesses and higher mortality rates than the general population. Those living in the community are usually linked with mental health services but are expected to manage their own medical care. The ability to manage their health care and the ability of "surrogate families" to assist them were measured among residents and staff of supervised community residences. In its surrogate role, the agency promoted routine health examinations and follow-up care. Its staff was a central resource for the residents, who sought out staff members for assistance with their health problems. However, residents and staff alike lack knowledge about health problems, medications, and approaches to modifying unhealthy lifestyle practices. Although residents identified lack of knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases as a major concern, staff indicated discomfort with this topic. These findings suggest the importance of supporting chronically mentally ill persons and residential staff in managing residents' health care functions.  相似文献   

If family and friends were paid for their care of the chronically ill, the U.S. health care tab would take a $194 billion hit--exceeding home health spending. What do they get for giving so much? Harm to their own health.  相似文献   

A survey of physicians in private practice (exclusive of pediatricians) was conducted in a medium sized suburban city in the New York metropolitan area, to determine whether physicians' attitudes toward the ill aged and nursing homes were predictors of the quality of medical care available to area nursing home patients. Questionnaires were circulated to 302 practitioners. Of the 28 percent who responded, 32 percent were psychiatrists, 15 percent primary care physicians and 8 percent orthopedists. Physicians felt competent to manage the ill aged, although 50 percent had had no significant degree of exposure to geriatric medicine in their medical education, and 70 percent of the primary care group had had none. Primary care and older physicians were more likely to treat patients in nursing homes. Almost 40 percent viewed the nursing home as a place to die. Although 85 percent studied that physicians should be involved in the nursing home displacement process, only 21 percent believed that they continued to be in charge of their patients after placement. The findings demonstrate generalized medical disinterest in the care of ill aged patients in institutions. The persons responsible for awarding government grants and those involved in planning medical school curricula should pay more attention to the needs of the chronically ill aged.  相似文献   

In modern medicine especially the sick child often points out the limits of the psychosocial potentialities. This project investigates the function, structure, coping mechanisms, power and weakness of families with chronically ill children. We investigated 28 children from the nephrological ward and 55 patients from the cardiological department and also their families with the FAM III and compared the obtained T-scores with the results of the control-group (76 families, t-test, analysis of variance). Families with patients after renal transplantation (NTX) pointed out significant worse T-scores than the group with patients on CAPD or with preterminal renal insufficiency and CG (p < 0.05). Within the cardiological groups the differences were not statistically significant, on the other hand the group with patients before heart-operation and the group with patients after palliative heart-operation had better T-scores than the CT (p < 0.05). These results demonstrate that families with children suffering from a chronic renal or heart disease mobilize substantial resources to cope with these problems. By contrast the results of the families with patients after NTX or successful heart surgery are significant worse than the control-group and the other investigated patients groups. Our results come to the conclusion that especially after successful NTX or heart-surgery a psychosocial care of these families is necessary.  相似文献   

The promise and performance of HMOs in improving outcomes in older adults   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In summary, the promise of HMOs in caring for older adults far exceeds their performance to date. Until recently they had neither the motivation nor the knowledge to revamp their delivery systems to better needs of older, chronically ill patients. Market pressures and skyrocketing costs have provided the motivation. Physicians and researchers trained in epidemiology and health services research from programs such as that at UCLA are providing the knowledge. Based on the literature and experience described above, HMOs with the characteristics supportive of population-based care can put into place an approach to geriatric care likely to improve outcomes if they heed their patients and professionals rather than their accountants. These organizations will give highest priority to preserving function and will be guided by explicit clinical guidelines. Care will be rendered by organized primary care teams supported by systematic self-management approaches, standardized interventions for key risk factors, clinically useful computer systems, and available geriatric expertise. It will require a small revolution as old approaches, roles, and relationships will not go quietly. We are in the early phases of this revolution, and it's not too late to join us on the barricades.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of the study was to describe and analyse the hospital delivery system for patients recovering from myocardial infarction, applying the offering and value concepts from service management theory. BACKGROUND: In Nordic hospital care patients traditionally played a minor role. But changes have taken place. By means of information giving and systematic education from the staff many chronically ill patients are now taking a significant part in their treatment and care. METHOD: The method was a case study including 12 individual interviews. CONCLUSIONS: The principal conclusion is that the short and intense periods of hospital inpatient stay make it advantageous to consider the patient a member of the health care team taking an active part in the caring process.  相似文献   

In July 1996, Tennessee initiated a managed mental health and substance abuse program called TennCare Partners. This publicly funded "carve-out" experiment started chaotically and soon deteriorated into a crisis. Many patients did not receive care or lost continuity of care, and the traditional "safety net" mental health system nearly disintegrated. This qualitative case study sought to ascertain the impact of the TennCare Partners program. It points out that the program's difficulties stemmed directly from a flawed design that spread funds previously earmarked for severely mentally ill patients across the entire Medicaid population. States contemplating similar reforms should strive to protect vulnerable patients by risk-adjusting capitation payments and by focusing resources on care for severely mentally ill persons. States should also minimize program complexity and ensure the accountability of managed care networks for their patients' behavioral health care needs.  相似文献   

Complaints from patients often indicate their difficulty in coping with the health care system. Nurses need to acknowledge these complaints and help the patient resolve the problem. They need to see complaints as part of a continuous dialogue with their patients and their families. In addition, nurses need to use these complaints to assess the needs of the patient and to evaluate the care and delivery of services. This article presents nine steps the nurse can take when a patient or family member has a complaint.  相似文献   

Judging from the social and health measures considered in this article, Newark and Jersey City face similar challenges as other large cities. For Newark, the challenges are more extreme. The high rates of poverty and violence, coupled with a low rate of high school graduation and a large number of single parent households bode ill for the city. The hospitals in Newark and Jersey City have undergone major changes in meeting the needs of their communities. They have adjusted their size, shortened their lengths of stay, and provided more intensive care services and outpatient services. Of special concern for New Jersey's hospitals is the reliance on Medicaid financing. If dramatic changes are made to the Medicaid program, Newark hospitals should be on high alert. Legislatures need to tread carefully in designing policies that address the needs of New Jersey's large cities. The state is undergoing major changes in its health care system. The demise of the all-payer rate setting system, the establishment of the Health Care Subsidy Fund to finance uncompensated care and subsidize insurance for low and middle-income families, modifications to the community rating system for private insurance, and changes to the welfare system that affect eligibility for Medicaid all require legislators to consider the context in which these programs operate.  相似文献   

Medication use has become increasingly complex with expanding numbers of medications and growing populations of chronically ill patients. Changes in state and federal law and regulation have attempted to keep pace with the need for health care practitioners to oversee safe and effective medication use in various patient populations, including recent changes in Medicare. Pharmacists have experienced significant advancement in their education as well as in the roles they play in acute and chronic health care delivery. Over 44 states now recognize pharmacists' collaborative practice authority that allows for the initiation, monitoring, and modification of medication therapy for patients, typically under protocol. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trends in mental health services for older adults during the past decade were used to predict salient issues for the current decade. These include overreliance on inpatient treatment, increased use of general hospitals as treatment sites, inadequate integration with the nursing-home industry, and insufficient mental health referrals from general medical providers. In the decade ahead, the mental health needs of older adults are unlikely to be an identified focus; rather, the issues will overlap with other priorities (e.g., biomedical research on brain functioning, alternative treatment programs for the chronically mentally ill, and containing health care costs). Advocates for the elderly will be successful to the extent that they cast aging services within the context of these other concerns. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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