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Establishing meaningful connections to faculty is a continuing challenge for academic librarians. One library's efforts at faculty outreach received unexpected assistance from the Internet, when faculty and student curiosity about this resource created opportunities for new library staff to build connections to faculty and establish their credibility on campus. In the process, the library made progress towards meeting another challenge: determining the role of the Internet in the library. Internet instruction is now integrated with library instruction and is available to faculty and students in a variety of formats.  相似文献   


In the summer of 1999, the libraries at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) embarked on a Web redesign project. Essential to the new Web site were the development of a database of resources, Sage, and the creation of various in-house tools, which are used to enter and edit database resources. Tools were also created which assist in the creation and maintenance of various Web sites. With the completion of the project, UCSD students, faculty and staff can easily locate the resources and library information they need and library staff have more tools for Web site management.  相似文献   


Each year Dacus Library teaches library use to over a thousand freshmen in introductory Writing classes. In the summer of 2000, two reference librarians undertook a revision of the basic methodology of teaching library use to freshmen. This change was necessitated by staff shortages, coupled with increasing enrollment. The resulting virtual tour, which was introduced in fall 2000, combined an existing audio-tape tour with one hour of classroom instruction. The university's mascot, an eagle, was used to lead the students on a tour of all three floors of Dacus Library, with explanations of each location pictured. In addition, the eagle was used to describe and explain the online catalog. The new virtual tour, while still a work in progress, is considered to be a success by students, library faculty and staff, and Writing instruction faculty. You can visit the Dacus Library tour at www.winthrop.edu/dacus/About/Tapetour/Exercises/assignment2.htm.  相似文献   


This paper describes the process and creation of a library resources and services Web page within WebCT, a course authoring program that is being used to deliver complete course content over the Internet in a distance education program at The Ohio State University. A librarian at the Prior Health Sciences Library was asked to join a faculty team to teach and provide library services for a series of three courses. The students are working health professionals who cannot attend regularly scheduled classes. Illustrations are included of the WebCT course page and the library resources and services page. The initial process and planning are described, and recommendations for future research are identified.  相似文献   


As libraries expand their services into the world of federated searching, librarians need to work with users to discover what their expectations are and how the library can customize the software to meet users' expectations. This article describes the user testing performed at Texas A&M University during 2005 as the libraries implemented a new federated search service called Search Now (ExLibris' MetaLib). Over fifty volunteers–including undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and library faculty and staff–helped to test the new system and offered suggestions for improvements. Problems were noted and, where possible, modifications were made to improve results. These modifications were then tested again. Major issues noted during the usability testing included: user expectations of search performance; information included in and the layout of the search results; availability of advanced search options; and lack of ability to limit by format, scholarly nature of journal, date and full-text availability. Suggestions for further development are also presented.  相似文献   

Graduate distance learning programs are charged to find creative ways to foster student engagement and learning. Faculty and Library Sciences professionals are increasingly collaborating to achieve this end. In this study, faculty from the Masters in Social Work program and the Library collaborated to explore student's perceptions about how to best engage the library, its resources and trained staff to improve perceived self-efficacy and scholarship in research methodology. Survey data (n = 28) suggests that these students have a surprisingly high level of discomfort and anxiety related to the information search process, the library, and their own academic self-confidence. Students present as less confident in their ability to locate needed information, more anxious about using the library and asking for help, and appear to have less developed search skills. Implications for student engagement and integration of information literacy skills are presented and discussed.  相似文献   


As distance education courses increasingly move to the online environment, librarians are discovering new challenges and opportunities for reaching distant students. Collaboration with faculty is essential in reaching students who may never enter the library building. One such method of collaboration is librarian participation in online courses through “lurking” in Blackboard and Desire2Learn classrooms and monitoring discussion threads devoted to library research. Advantages such as improved access to students, course content, and assessment data are discussed, as are disadvantages, such as time commitment, varying expectations, and privacy issues. Considerations for librarians interested in “lurking” are outlined.  相似文献   


Most colleges are continuing to see growth in their online education programs. Academic libraries are attempting to strike a balance between traditional library offerings and new online resources and services. Determining how to allocate funds is complicated by the fact that many students in online classes today live near enough campus to come to the library. Should libraries at institutions where most online students live near campus devote scarce resources to providing services such as online reference? One community college library is attempting to answer that question by testing online reference with Elluminate vClass in a limited way.  相似文献   


Distance learning students may not think of the “campus” library as the first place to fulfill their information needs and may not even be aware of the services available to them. One way to reach these students is to adopt and adapt marketing techniques from the business world. This article examines the findings of a survey conducted at Emporia State University concerning the awareness of distance learning services. It will also examine marketing techniques and illustrate how they can be applied to increase awareness of reference support services for distance learners.  相似文献   


The coming of the Internet to the Jernigan Library, Texas A&M University-Kingsville in mid-1994 is described. An Internet team was chosen and trained. The library staff was trained first, then public sessions for faculty and staff were held. Finally the entire campus community was invited to attend Internet classes. E-mail and Gopher/Telnet were the only classes in the early sessions; later ftp, Lynx WWW, Eudora, and subject specific classes were added. Response was enthusiastic, but even requiring sign-up for classes did not solve a non-attendance problem. How to teach (in the absence of a machine or place specifically designated for instruction) also proved to be a challenge. By late 1995, Internet instruction had caught on with a number of instructors and much of the Internet instruction done by the library was professor requested. Internet instruction became incorporated in regular bibliographic instruction patterns.  相似文献   


More and more students are financially unable to acquire, or deliberately choose to go without course textbooks. A variety of commercial and noncommercial initiatives have materialized to address the student success challenge of learning material access inequality in the classroom. There is a gap between how higher education faculty plan to teach a course and the actual learning environment that exists in practice. Faculty are beginning to experiment with freely available and licensed library materials as a substitute for commercial textbooks and course packages to address the failure of textbook publishers to reach a price point that entices students to buy textbooks. The results thus far are promising. Some courses can be delivered today using only “freely available” learning resources, some using a mix of fee based and free, while others cannot be delivered using any freely available resources at all due to a lack of availability.  相似文献   


This article describes how three digital tools are used in combination at a small graduate school library to create a “Wiki Way of Working.” The evolution and usage of three “wiki-like” working protocols are detailed; a shared server space with read/write permissions for all staff, an online employee schedule that all staff can edit independently, and an editable training and knowledge management wiki. Focus is on the creation of the wiki and lessons learned. A literature review explores the current usage of wiki technology and how wikis are a return to some of the founding ideas behind early hypertext and the invention of the Web.  相似文献   

This pilot study examines the use of Camtasia-enhanced lessons to supplement distance education provided to medical laboratory science students. More programs of study are available as distance learning opportunities, creating challenges to find better ways to present material. Librarians provided technical expertise necessary to produce a Camtasia video. This helped instructors prepare engaging lectures for phlebotomy to supplement the PowerPoint presentations and self-directed lessons provided in previous courses. Medical laboratory science faculty collaborated with library staff to produce videos that demonstrate proper phlebotomy technique using training personnel and faculty, whom the students eventually interact with in the clinical environment.  相似文献   

This article details a series of website usability studies conducted by librarians at Fresno State in collaboration with faculty and students from the university's anthropology department. Building on an ethnographic study of the library, we sought to understand how students used the site. Collaboration with individuals outside the library allowed us to use their expertise in behavioral research, accomplish a larger series of studies, and redesign the website from a less library-centric perspective. In this article, we detail the study's genesis, methodology, results, and offer our experiences using a large-scale usability test to drive changes to an academic library website.  相似文献   


Published guidelines for distance learning library services provide a framework for distance education librarians to use in planning services for off-campus students. Other literature in the arena of distance education librarianship provides concrete examples of how reference services have been offered in real settings. This paper attempts to synthesize these two types of literature in order to offer models of reference service for distance learners.  相似文献   


This study looked at patterns of online library usage of a sample of undergraduate nursing students (n = 82) from a medium-sized southeastern university. Specifically, information-seeking behaviors of nursing students related to electronic or remotely accessible resources (i.e., electronic databases) compared to physical library resources (i.e., reference books) were examined. Additionally, this study further investigated students' preferred methods for seeking additional assistance and information about library research, as well as overall satisfaction and usage patterns relating to library tools and assistance by librarians or other school personnel. Results indicate that these undergraduates preferred electronic resources (with particular emphasis on electronic databases) to traditional, in-person research. Other relevant findings and suggestions relating to electronic access and training with library tools are provided.  相似文献   


The School of Information Resources and Library Science at the University of Arizona (UA) has a mix of local and distance students in its program. The librarian at the UA Library who works with this program developed a Web site that centralizes information about several library services and resources that benefit distance learners: online orientation and research guides, chat reference, document delivery, and more. Bringing together this information with a focus on distance learners provides a platform for delivering the library to all users, whatever their distance from the library.  相似文献   


The Rochester Institute of Technology Wallace Library's philosophy is to create and provide resources and services that will support all users. Consequently, distance learners and distance faculty have a plethora of online resources available to them, some of which are “pushed out,” saving time and effort for the library user. The evolvement of Wallace's online resources is continuous, focused on the student or professor's research need from a geographic distance.  相似文献   


Incorporating digital gaming into education is an increasingly popular topic in academia. Educators’ views of digital gaming (e.g., computer, video, and online games) have shifted from categorizing these games as an entertaining, yet pedagogically void activity to a promising medium that engages students in the learning process. With over 70% of college students enthusiastically playing digital games, educators are tapping into digital gaming as an effective means to teach millennials problem solving and communication skills. This article investigates gamer characteristics, motivational and engaging aspects of digital games, and the parallels between gaming and the information retrieval process. The authors build on this information to present approaches to incorporate digital gaming techniques into the library classroom since it is not feasible for all libraries to create instructional digital games.  相似文献   


This article is a theoretical discussion that introduces examining the emerging library blog of the public academic library from the approach of genre theory. Genre theory classifies texts not only by form but by the social actions performed, a definition developed by Carol Miller. Public and private spheres are found to intersect in the library blog, complicating the traditional role of the librarian as objective information provider.  相似文献   

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