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The migration of information resources and library use from predominantly print/on-site use to electronic/online use has created a fragmented set of systems for libraries and users. In addition, the growing complications associated with doing research in libraries as compared to the ease of use of Web-based search engines is causing libraries to review system design and review their approach to the provision of information and services. Popular trends including information portals, federated/meta-search systems, and link resolvers are being used in attempts to re-integrate library systems and provide better search interfaces. Despite their advantages, each of these applications falls short of creating the seamless experience that patrons are becoming used to finding on the Web. As a possible solution to this, a specific suggestion of an information service based Web service application is discussed to help connect users to libraries at a point of information need. doi:10.1300/J136v12n03_10  相似文献   


In recent years, Google has expanded at a furious rate and so have its competitors. While these sources are important to libraries and play an important role within the library, they are neither a substitute nor a panacea to information access as is often thought. Serious weaknesses exist in Google and the rest, and librarians should resist the hype of enthusiasts who believe libraries are no longer important, or are becoming obsolete.  相似文献   


With an increasing number of libraries implementing federated searching to help users negotiate the complex electronic database environment, it is important to note how users are being instructed to use these resources. This article presents the results of examinations of the Web sites of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions that currently use federated search products. It analyzes help guides and search tips related to federated searching to determine what concepts are being explained to users and how the information is being communicated. The result of the evaluation of these Web sites is a list of “best practice” guidelines that may be used by librarians creating their own federated searching guides. doi:10.1300/J136v12n03_03  相似文献   


Many libraries recognize the need to create Web sites accessible to users with disabilities, as legislated in U.S. Code Section 508, but Section 508 compliance defines a minimum legal level of accessibility. The same technology that can make a Web site available to users with disabilities can also make the site available to users with wireless devices, such as PDAs and cell phones, with Internet access. To bring about “maximum accessibility,” library Web designers need to implement Web standards. This article argues the place to begin implementing these standards is with an accessibility statement which serves as both a contract and a navigational aid.  相似文献   


The World Wide Web is increasingly being used by libraries as a way to extend traditional services to patrons. The Web can also be used as a tool to facilitate communications between library professionals and to deliver presentations, organize exhibits, and develop demonstration projects. The allocation of personal Web work space on a library server provides librarians with a means to experiment with using the medium and a place to publish information of interest to the library profession. This paper explores the uses of the Web to enhance communications between library professionals and addresses some of the issues associated with such uses.  相似文献   

The Web is one of the most important information media and it is influencing in the development of other media, as for example, newspapers, journals, books, and libraries. In this paper, we analyze the logical extensions of traditional libraries in the Information Society. In Information Society people want to communicate and collaborate. So, libraries must develop services for connecting people together in information environments. Then, the library staff need automatic techniques to facilitate so that a great number of users can access to a great number of resources. Recommender systems are tools whose objective is to evaluate and filter the great amount of information available on the Web to assist the users in their information access processes. We present a model of a fuzzy linguistic recommender system to help the University Digital Libraries users to access for their research resources. This system recommends researchers specialized and complementary resources in order to discover collaboration possibilities to form multi-disciplinar groups. In this way, this system increases social collaboration possibilities in a university framework and contributes to improve the services provided by a University Digital Library.  相似文献   


External factors are forcing libraries to seriously evaluate and redefine their purpose within higher education. Libraries have identified themselves as gateways to information. Google, and other Internet search tools, have changed the need and importance of the gatekeeper role in libraries. The authors argue that libraries have a role that is broader than that of gatekeeper. It is necessary to move beyond our existing mental models and truly redefine our unique role based on the needs within the external environment. To develop this broader role, libraries must develop collaborative relationships and leverage existing tools and services.  相似文献   


The rapid evolution of Internet services has led to a constantly increasing number of Web sites and to an increase in the available information. The main challenge is to support Web users in order to facilitate navigation through Web sites and to improve searching among the extremely large Web repository, such as digital libraries, online product catalogues, or other generic information sources. The complexity of today's services could be lowered by means of proactive support or advice from the system. The proactiveness could be achieved using dialoguing agents that exploit user profiles to provide personal recommendations. In this paper, we will present a general methodology to cover the entire process of designing advanced solutions for online services. The methodology has been adopted to elicit user requirements for the system developed in the COGITO project, and to evaluate the performance of the final prototype.  相似文献   


This article discusses methods for retrieving information from dead or unavailable Web servers. It describes using the Google search engine cache and the Wayback Machine as possible means of recovering data that would otherwise be lost after a Web server or Web site is no longer online.  相似文献   

Media Finders     

The Ball State University Libraries' collections of audiovisual materials are unclassified and kept in closed stacks. Users must search the OPAC to find these materials, which is difficult for users who don't know what sorts of searching options are available or what materials the libraries have. The libraries have developed a series of Web forms that provide guided search options for various types of media, including feature films, non-classical music, and spoken recordings. The Media Finders provide better exposure for and more convenient searching of subsets of library materials. This paper describes the development of the Media Finders, their benefits and drawbacks, and background information on the technical elements and searching strategies used by the Media Finders.  相似文献   


Google has emerged as the preeminent Internet search engine, but more important, it has achieved an iconic status. It is solidly entrenched in our language and popular culture. But there is a darker side to Google. Google collects personal information about its users, and it aggregates third party information more effectively than many third world governments. While there has been no abuse (that we know of) by Google of personal information, that potential exists, and there are numerous instances of third parties using Google to aggregate personal information for dubious purposes.  相似文献   


This article presents the results of a study of World Wide Web (Web) Sites for 133 academic libraries serving medium-sized universities. Each library Web site was examined, and all of the features were recorded. The study identified 31 core components which were present in over 50 percent of the libraries surveyed. The study indicated that: the navigational and design aspects of library Web sites should be improved; materials should be placed on the sites only if they will be accessed and utilized by the user community; and libraries could profit by making greater use of online tutorials and virtual tours to supplement regular bibliographic instruction.  相似文献   


We present 19 systems that have been developed over the past decade to support collaborative writing over the Web. The aim of this article is to present the state of the art on the use of the Web for collaborative writing and thus (1) help designers improve current systems or define future systems, and (2) help users choose the most appropriate system to support their needs. Among available systems, groups can select from tools to write a document (on- or off-line), collect comments about a document, or maintain a Web site. The lack of experimental data concerning Web-based applications forces designers to use other sources of information to guide their design choices, such as a list of functions that an ideal collaborative writing tool should offer. This list has revealed several potential points for improvement.  相似文献   


Federated searching software offers much promise to users as a convenient way of accessing the wealth of electronic information resources libraries provide. But metasearching is not the same as Google searching; care must be taken in organizing and presenting search options and results so that they are comprehensible to users. From software installation to usability testing and creating documentation, most of the work of implementation is behind-the-scenes and hidden from most library staff and users; however, the decisions made during implementation greatly affect staff and user experiences with the product as well as its overall utility and usability. Systematic testing of the product is necessary to make informed and defensible decisions. This article details three layers of testing (technical, functional, and usability) recommended during implementation of a federated search product, based on best practices in the literature, metasearch standards, and the authors' own experiences with implementing a locally developed broadcast search system and the federated search system WebFeat.  相似文献   


Library Web sites can be instructional tools, especially for those patrons who utilize library resources from their homes. Many libraries are developing online tutorials, but there is an opportunity for Web instruction on another level. The organization and design of a Web site can act as an instructional tool in itself. This paper is a call to library Web designers to assess their work in terms of learning style preferences. Learning style theory is based on how people process information and learn new material. Applying these ideas to Web page design can make library resources more accessible and improve the patron's comprehension of how the library works.  相似文献   


Federated search solutions have strengths and weaknesses that are appraised by librarians in light of Google. Consortial implementations have unique needs that require solutions to be scalable and flexible. GALILEO, Georgia's Virtual Library, recently selected two federated search solutions in order to meet the needs of its consortium, which includes 400 academic, K-12, and public libraries. GALILEO works with the communities to develop the system collaboratively. Implementations should be based on user behavior. Federated search should be evaluated on its own terms as another tool, not as another Google.  相似文献   

Currently, a lot of the tasks engaged by users over the Web involve dealing with multiple Web sites. Moreover, whilst Web navigation was considered as a lonely activity in the past, a large proportion of users are nowadays engaged in collaborative activities over the Web. In this paper we argue that these two aspects of collaboration and tasks spanning over multiple Web sites call for a level of coordination that require Distributed User Interfaces (DUI). In this context, DUIs would play a major role by helping multiple users to coordinate their activities whilst working collaboratively to complete tasks at different Web sites. For that, we propose in this paper an approach to create distributed user interfaces featuring procedures that are aimed to orchestrate user tasks over multiple Web sites. Our approach supports flexible process modeling by allowing users to combine manual tasks and automated tasks from a repertoire of patterns of tasks performed over the Web. In our approach, whilst manual tasks can be regarded as simple instructions that tell users how to perform a task over a Web site, automated tasks correspond to tools built under the concept of Web augmentation (as it augments the repertoire of tasks users can perform over the Web) called Web augmenters. Both manual and automated tasks are usually supported by specific DOM elements available in different Web sites. Thus, by combining tasks and DOM elements distributed in diverse Web sites our approach supports the creation of procedures that allows seamless users interaction with diverse Web site. Moreover, such an approach is aimed at supporting the collaboration between users sharing procedures. The approach is duly illustrated by a case study describing a collaborative trip planning over the Web.  相似文献   


Linking full-text proprietary databases with Google Scholar revealed three significant limitations in terms of precision (no subject heading search), transparency (no listing of information sources), and visibility (Google Scholar details are hard to find). Google Scholar is not a “one stop shopping” search engine that retrieves all relevant data from a library's licensed content. Despite these shortcomings, Google Scholar is a worthwhile search option for students, which may steer them away from Web resources, and towards the library's catalog and databases.  相似文献   

目的提出一种结合因子图的多目的地地图生成方法。方法首先,由用户选择多个感兴趣的目的地,系统根据相应规则自动地选择与目的地最相关的路线。然后,通过定义一组衡量布局质量的约束规则,采用因子图方法将定义的每条规则编码成因子,并采用Metropolis Hastings算法对由因子图构建得到的目标分布函数进行采样得到符合约束规则的多目的地地图。结果实验结果表明,使用这种方法得到的多目的地地图,可以在同一显示空间中显示多个目的地之间的道路信息,同时又保留了各目的地区域之间的拓扑和空间关系。结论提出的多目的地地图能有效地为用户提供导航,解决了当前在线地图无法在同一视野中为用户提供空间距离较远的区域道路信息的问题。  相似文献   

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