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Although there has been a decline in sheep numbers in Australia and New Zealand, both countries remain significant producers and exporters of sheep meat. The ongoing demand for more sustainable and ethical animal farming systems and practices requires sheep production industries to be both vigilant and responsive to consumer and the broader societal needs. Demonstration of continuous improvement in animal welfare is paramount and the welfare risks and challenges confronting Australasian sheep industries now and into the future are discussed.  相似文献   

The meat sector in Spain is an important industry. However, traditional consumption is changing as a result of the country's economic crisis and the new structure of households. The objective of the present study was to identify trends in meat consumption in Spain extrapolated to 2016, and the main innovations that should be of interest to firms in the sector. The study was conducted in 2011 using the Delphi method with the participation of 26 experts. The results showed that, while the demand for meat will not vary significantly in amount, it will do so in composition, with chicken replacing beef as the meat of most importance in the shopping basket. In addition, significant growth is expected in certified meat, but the demand for organic meat will not take off. Neither will there be no significant changes in end purchase formats, but there will be a clear trend in consumers' purchasing decision criteria away from price, external appearance and origin towards quality certification and the attributes of the packaging. With respect to end purchase channels, the experts estimate that the current trend will be accentuated with increasing market share for large supermarkets and major distribution brands.  相似文献   

Growing concern over the environmental impacts and other credence characteristics of food has resulted in increasing interest in the quality attributes of meat products in Finland. The aim of this study was to provide information on the relative preferences of consumers for minced meat attributes. Using a choice experiment, we examined whether the meat type, method of production, fat content, price and presence of carbon footprint information have an impact on consumer choice. A low fat content was found to have a particularly positive effect on the choice of a minced meat product. The carbon footprint information had a significant impact on the meat type-specific consumer preferences: the popularity of beef products decreased and of pork products increased when the footprint information was presented to the consumers. Six heterogeneous consumer classes were identified with latent class analysis: price-conscious (23% of the respondents), fat content-conscious (23%), ideological but passive (17%), content with conventional (14%), beef-preferring (12%) and method of production -conscious consumers (11%). Consumers were generally willing to pay more for a low fat content, but the relative willingness to pay estimates were largely dependent on the consumer groups: premiums for organic and animal welfare-oriented production methods also existed. These attributes could thus represent good means for differentiating minced meat products. The impact of carbon footprint information on the willingness to pay estimates was relatively low.  相似文献   

Lower meat consumption benefits public health and the environment. This study examined public willingness to reduce meat consumption in Denmark, and the drivers and barriers involved. An online survey (n = 1005), representative of the Danish population, carried out in 2019 measured meat dietary habits and willingness to reduce meat intake using the Stages of Change model, and barriers to, and drivers of, reduction. Approximately 3.5% of those surveyed did not eat meat (vegetarians/vegans), 57% had no intention to reduce their meat intake (with 5% planning to increase it). About 11.5% intended to reduce, and 27.5% had already reduced their meat intake (a slightly higher share than previously observed). Importantly, those stating that they had already reduced also ate significantly fewer meals with meat than those with no intention or an intention only. Drivers of meat reduction included awareness of the climate impact of meat and social networks containing meat reducers and avoiders. Barriers included food neophobia, identity incongruence, habitual behavior and practical difficulties. Strategies should focus on meat reduction, not exclusion, as completely removing meat from the diet was unpopular. As barriers and drivers differed with stage, we call for specialized campaigns. Consumers not intending to reduce meat intake could potentially be persuaded by climate awareness campaigns, and by promotion of small adaptations to familiar meals. Consumers intending to reduce meat intake may be prompted to do so by health awareness campaigns, changes to the choice architecture and increased availability of meatless meals.  相似文献   

This study analyses the effect of environmental enrichment on the welfare, productive traits and meat quality of lambs housed in feedlots. Sixty lambs were placed in enriched (EE) or conventional (CO) pens (3 pens for each treatment, 10 lambs/pen) where EE had a wooden platform with ramps that provided access to a concentrate hopper, cereal straw as bedding and forage, and one play ramp. The CO pen was barren, similar to commercial feedlots. The physiological adaptation response of EE lambs was more efficient than CO, since the latter mobilised more body reserves (i.e., increased NEFA, P < 0.05), and had lower levels of immunity (i.e., increased N/L, P < 0.05), which indicate chronic stress, probably associated with the barren environment. The EE lambs had a higher (P < 0.05) average daily gain, with heavier carcasses and higher fattening scores, as well as lower pHult, higher L* and b* values, and lower values of texture (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the impact of different slaughter procedures on animal welfare and meat quality. Before slaughter in a dip-lift, one-gondola system, 460 pigs were exposed to an atmosphere containing either 80% or 90% CO(2) for 70 or 100s, and at the longer exposure time with stun-to-stick intervals of either 25-35 or 40-50s. Clinical parameters (reflexes, catecholamines and lactate) showed deficiencies in animal welfare after stunning with 80% CO(2) for 70 and 100s, with an interval of 40-50s, and with 90% CO(2) for 70s. Stunning with 80% CO(2) for 70 or 100s always induced stress, as indicated by higher lactate levels, and reduced meat quality as indicated by low pH(24) values (5.4 in Musculus longissimus and 5.5 in Musculus semimembranosus) and low impedance (Py(24)) values, especially in combination with the longer stun-to-stick interval (40-50s). Stunning with 80% or 90% CO(2) in a dip-lift system was found to be acceptable for animal welfare (percentage of clinical reflexes) only in combination with the longer exposure time of 100s and the shorter stun-to-stick times of 25-35s. When 90% CO(2) was used, the longer stun-to-stick interval of 40-50s also gave results acceptable with regard to animal welfare. Generally, in comparison to 80% CO(2) stunning meat quality was superior (higher pH(24) and Py(24) values) after stunning with 90% CO(2).  相似文献   

This paper reports on the development and validation of a method for detecting meat and bone meal (MBM) in compound feeds by near-infrared reflectance microscopy (NIRM) as an alternative in food and feed safety. A FT-NIR (Fourier transformer-near-infrared reflectance) instrument attached to a microscope was used to build up a spectral library containing reference feed particles identified as plant or animal origin, from various sources. Spectra were collected directly from particles in the NIR spectrum region (1112–2500 nm). The spectral library sample set was used to develop various discriminant models to classify spectra as MBM or plant material. The best discriminant model was obtained using partial least squares (PLS) discriminant analysis and standard normal variate and detrending (SNVD) and first derivative for spectrum pretreatment; this model had a coefficient of determination of 0.95 and a standard error of cross-validation of 0.133. The model was externally validated. The results confirmed NIRM as a valuable technique for detection of banned MBM.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of pre-slaughter growth rate on feed efficiency, components of body growth and on the tenderness of longissimus muscle from steers reared to a common age and carcass weight. Sixty Friesian steers were group-housed and offered grass silage ad libitum and 3.5kg concentrates per animal daily for 5 months and then 5kg concentrates and 1kg grass hay for 1month before the experiment began. The animals were then weighed and in a randomised block were assigned to one of 5 groups, for slaughter at the beginning of the experiment or to be offered concentrates and hay (900 and 100g/kg total diet, respectively) to achieve target growths of: 0.72kg/day continuously for 17 weeks, 0.36kg/day for the first 8 weeks and 1.08kg/day for the final 8 weeks (low-high), 1.08kg/day for the first 8 weeks and 0.36 for the final 8 weeks (high-low) or 0.36kg/day for the first 2 weeks, 0.72kg/day during weeks 4 and 14 and 1.08kg/day for the final 2 weeks (pulse). One week was allowed for transition to the different dietary allowances within each energy supply pattern. The mean age at the beginning and end of the study was 18 and 22.5 months, respectively. After slaughter, the weight of the carcass and kidney+channel fat depot were recorded, the pistola hind quarter was dissected into fat, lean and bone and the tenderness of the m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTM) muscle was measured instrumentally and using a trained taste panel after 2, 7 or 14 days ageing. The pattern of energy supply did not affect carcass weight, fat score or kidney+channel fat weight. The pistola hind quarter from animals offered the low-high energy pattern had a similar composition to the continuously-fed animals but contained more muscle than that from animals offered high-low or pulse energy patterns. After 14 days ageing, LTM from the continuously-fed animals was more tender than that from animals offered the other energy supply patterns but shear force did not differ between supply patterns. The data do not support the hypothesis that pre-slaughter growth rate increases tenderness but suggest that energy supply pattern can influence body composition of finishing cattle.  相似文献   

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