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Fast and robust methods for interrogation of special nuclear material (SNM) are of interest to many agencies and institutions in the United States. It is well known that passive interrogation methods are typically sufficient for plutonium identification because of a relatively high neutron production rate from 240Pu [1]. On the other hand, identification of shielded uranium requires active methods using neutron or photon sources [2]. Deuterium-deuterium (2.45 MeV) and deuterium-tritium (14.1 MeV) neutron-generator sources have been previously tested and proven to be relatively reliable instruments for active interrogation of nuclear materials [3] and [4]. In addition, the newest generators of this type are small enough for applications requiring portable interrogation systems.Active interrogation techniques using high-energy neutrons are being investigated as a method to detect hidden SNM in shielded containers [4] and [5]. Due to the thickness of some containers, penetrating radiation such as high-energy neutrons can provide a potential means of probing shielded SNM. In an effort to develop the capability to assess the signal seen from various forms of shielded nuclear materials, the University of Michigan Neutron Science Laboratory’s D-T neutron generator and its shielding were accurately modeled in MCNP. The generator, while operating at nominal power, produces approximately 1×1010 neutrons/s, a source intensity which requires a large amount of shielding to minimize the dose rates around the generator. For this reason, the existing shielding completely encompasses the generator and does not include beam ports. Therefore, several MCNP simulations were performed to estimate the yield of uncollided 14.1-MeV neutrons from the generator for active interrogation experiments. Beam port diameters of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm were modeled to assess the resulting neutron fluxes. The neutron flux outside the beam ports was estimated to be approximately 2×104 n/cm2 s.  相似文献   

Direct detection of fast neutrons using organic scintillators is one alternative to moderated thermal neutron detectors deployed to detect fission neutrons—a relevant question in light of dwindling 3He supplies. Recent developments in materials science have demonstrated the capability to grow larger crystals in reasonable times. In light of these developments, this study compares the relative performance of a 3He-based neutron module from a commercially available portal monitor with a theoretical organic scintillator of similar overall size. Stilbene serves as a benchmark with its performance estimated from a combination of energy deposition modeled by radiation transport calculations and an assumption of the lowest neutron energy at which pulse shape discrimination can effectively separate neutron and gamma-ray events. Before intrinsic detection efficiencies on par with moderated detector systems can be achieved, the results point to the need for further advances including significant increases in detector size, especially thickness, and/or lower pulse shape discrimination thresholds.  相似文献   

Successful detection of fissionable material contained in a variety of matrices was demonstrated by photon active interrogation of fissionable and inert target materials. Samples were irradiated with pulsed 15 MeV photons generated by a LINAC and tungsten electron/photon converter, operating at 15 Hz. Matrix materials included air (no matrix), wood, water, and lead. A unique dual mode gamma/neutron detector was used to acquire data from both fission product gamma and fission product neutron emission. Neutron emission was recorded by detecting the 478 keV capture gamma from the 10B (n,α)7Li reaction, generating a photopeak in the recorded gamma spectrum. Two signatures were found to correctly differentiate between the fissionable target (238U) and inert targets (lead, steel, air, and beryllium), with substantial differences in delayed gamma and neutron signatures for fissionable and inert materials in all cases. The signatures are simple to compute and are not significantly affected by system variations or interferences expected during cargo scanning.  相似文献   

Bismuth tri-iodide is a wide band-gap semiconductor material that may be able to operate as a radiation detector without any cooling mechanism. This material has a higher effective atomic number than germanium and CdZnTe, and thus should have a higher gamma-ray detection efficiency, particularly for moderate and high energy gamma-rays. Unfortunately, not much is known about bismuth tri-iodide, and the general properties of the material need to be investigated. Bismuth tri-iodide does not suffer from some of the material issues, such as a solid state phase transition and dissociation in air, that mercuric iodide (another high-Z, wide band-gap semiconductor) does. Thus, bismuth tri-iodide is both easier to grow and handle than mercuric iodide. A modified vertical Bridgman growth technique is being used to grow large, single bismuth tri-iodide crystals. Zone refining is being performed to purify the starting material and increase the resistivity of the crystals. The single crystals being grown are typically several hundred mm3. The larger crystals grown are approximately 2 cm3. Initial detectors are being fabricated using both gold and palladium electrodes and palladium wire. The electron mobility measured using an alpha source was determined to be 260±50 cm2/Vs. An alpha spectrum was recorded with one of the devices; however the detector appears to suffer from polarization.  相似文献   

Modeling methods have been developed to accelerate the simulation of a photoneutron-based active interrogation system of nuclear materials. The proposed technique segments the simulation of a full system into several physical steps, representing functional approximations. Each approximation is carried-out separately, resulting in a major reduction in computational time and a significant improvement in tally statistics. Although more human effort is required to separate each step, the net time required to produce results is drastically reduced. In addition, the results of previous steps can be used as inputs to proceeding steps without the need for re-simulation. We show that for a photoneutron interrogation system, the final results are in good agreement with the full, single-step simulation and also with experimental results.  相似文献   

Semiconductor-based thermal neutron detectors provide a compact technology for neutron detection and imaging. Such devices can be produced by externally coating semiconductor-charged-particle detectors with neutron reactive films that convert free neutrons into charged-particle reaction products. Commonly used films for such devices utilize the 10B(n,)7Li reaction or the 6Li(n,)3H reaction, which are attractive due to the relatively high energies imparted to the reaction products. Unfortunately, thin film or “foil” type thermal neutron detectors suffer from self-absorption effects that ultimately limit neutron detection efficiency. Design considerations that maximize the efficiency and performance of such devices are discussed. Theoretical and experimental results from front coated, back coated, and “sandwich” designs are presented.  相似文献   

An active neutron coincidence counter using a neutron generator as an interrogation source has been suggested. Because of the high energy of the interrogation neutron source, 2.5 MeV, the induced fission rate is strongly affected by the moderator design. MCNPX simulation has been performed to evaluate the performance achieved with these moderators. The side- and bottom-moderator are significantly important to thermalize neutrons to induce fission. Based on the simulation results, the moderators are designed to be adapted to the experimental system. Their preliminary performance has been tested by using natural uranium oxide powder samples. For a sample of up to 3.5 kg, which contains 21.7 g of 235U, 2.64 cps/g-235U coincidence events have been measured. Mean background error was 9.57 cps and the resultant coincidence error was 13.8 cps. The experimental result shows the current status of an active counting using a neutron generator which still has some challenges to overcome. However, the controllability of an interrogation source makes this system more applicable for a variety of combinations with other non-destructive methods like a passive coincidence counting especially under a harsh environment such as a hot cell. More precise experimental setup and tests with higher enriched samples will be followed to develop a system to apply it to an active measurement for the safeguards of a spent fuel treatment process.  相似文献   

Surface passivation of device-grade CdZnTe was investigated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in combination with transport property measurements after Br-MeOH (2% Br) and KOH/NH4F/H2O2 solutions were used to etch and oxidize the surface. High-resolution photoemission measurements on the valence band electronic structure and core lines were used to evaluate the surface chemistry of the chemically treated surfaces. Metal overlayers were then deposited on these chemically treated surfaces and the I-V characteristics measured. The measurements were correlated to understand the effect of interface chemistry on the electronic structure at these interfaces with the goal of optimizing the Schottky barrier height for radiation detector devices.  相似文献   

In this work, we report on optical and scintillation properties of a new scintillation material CsGd2Cl7:Ce. Crystals were grown in vacuum sealed ampoules, and the response to gamma rays and thermal neutrons was characterized. The scintillation light yield was ∼38,000 ph/MeV, and the primary decay time was 60 ns under γ-ray excitation. A thermal neutron response resulting from capture by 157Gd and 155Gd and subsequent emission of conversion electrons and X-rays was observed. The crystals exhibited a layered structure with cleavage planes and relatively low hygroscopicity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel and robust proportional detector which addresses the well publicized shortage of 3He gas by using a 10B lining applied to a tubelet configuration. The advantage of the tubelet structure is that it yields a detector maintaining the form factor of a conventional 3He tube whilst achieving a sensitivity of up to 75% of a 3 atm 3He device. The design and fabrication of the tubelet detector is presented and discussed with test data comparing the new detector to existing 3He and BF3 tubes. The application of the tubelet design to security and industrial applications including retro-fitting to existing portals and suitability for high integrity oil and gas installations is addressed.  相似文献   

The EURopean Illicit TRAfficking Countermeasures Kit (EURITRACK) uses 14 MeV neutrons produced by the 3H(d,n)4H fusion reaction to detect explosives and narcotics in cargo containers. Reactions induced by fast neutrons produce gamma rays, which are detected in coincidence with the associated alpha particle to determine the neutron direction. In addition, the neutron path length is obtained from a time-of-flight measurement, thus allowing the origin of the gamma rays inside the container to be determined. Information concerning the chemical composition of the target material is obtained from the analysis of the energy spectrum. The carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen relative count contributions must be converted to chemical proportions to distinguish illicit and benign organic materials. An extensive set of conversion factors based on Monte Carlo numerical simulations has been calculated, taking into account neutron slowing down and photon attenuation in the cargo materials. An experimental validation of the method is presented by comparing the measured chemical fractions of known materials, in the form of bare samples or hidden in a cargo container, to their real chemical composition. Examples of application to real cargo containers are also reported, as well as simulated data with explosives and illicit drugs.  相似文献   

Radiation detection systems for homeland security applications must possess the capability of detecting both gamma rays and neutrons. The radiation portal monitor systems that are currently deployed use a plastic scintillator for detecting gamma rays and 3He gas-filled proportional counters for detecting neutrons. Proportional counters filled with 3He are the preferred neutron detectors for use in radiation portal monitor systems because 3He has a large neutron cross-section, is relatively insensitive to gamma-rays, is neither toxic nor corrosive, can withstand extreme environments, and can be operated at a lower voltage than some of the alternative proportional counters. The amount of 3He required for homeland security and science applications has depleted the world supply and there is no longer enough available to fill the demand. Thus, alternative neutron detectors are being explored.Two possible temporary solutions that could be utilized while a more permanent solution is being identified are reducing the 3He pressure in the proportional counters and using boron trifluoride gas-filled proportional counters. Reducing the amount of 3He required in each of the proportional counters would decrease the rate at which 3He is being used; not enough to solve the shortage, but perhaps enough to increase the amount of time available to find a working replacement. Boron trifluoride is not appropriate for all situations as these detectors are less sensitive than 3He, boron trifluoride gas is corrosive, and a much higher voltage is required than what is used with 3He detectors. Measurements of the neutron detection efficiency of 3He and boron trifluoride as a function of tube pressure were made. The experimental results were also used to validate models of the radiation portal monitor systems.  相似文献   

The method of the electrode deposition process plays a vital role in determining the contact characteristics, which is often one of the dominant factors influencing the CdZnTe detector performance. In this work, a modified deposition process named two-step process for the electrode fabrication of CdZnTe detectors, was developed. This deposition process can dramatically increase the adhesion strength and reduce the inhomogeneity of the metal/semiconductor interface, and improve the detection ability of high energy radiation such as X-rays and gamma-rays. Scanning acoustic microscopy, shear tests, current-voltage test and energy spectra characteristics measurements were carried out in this work.  相似文献   

A new international-patent-pending (PCT/US2010/52887) detector type, named here as 3D-Trench electrode Si detectors, is proposed in this work. In this new 3D electrode configuration, one or both types of electrodes are etched as trenches deep into the Si (fully penetrating with SOI or supporting wafer, or non-fully penetrating into 50-90% of the thickness), instead of columns as in the conventional (“standard”) 3D electrode Si detectors. With trench etched electrodes, the electric field in the new 3D electrode detectors are well defined without low or zero field regions. Except near both surfaces of the detector, the electric field in the concentric type 3D-Trench electrode Si detectors is nearly radial with little or no angular dependence in the circular and hexangular (concentric-type) pixel cell geometries. In the case of parallel plate 3D trench pixels, the field is nearly linear (like the planar 2D electrode detectors), with simple and well-defined boundary conditions. Since each pixel cell in a 3D-Trench electrode detector is isolated from others by highly doped trenches, it is an electrically independent cell. Therefore, an alternative name “Independent Coaxial Detector Array”, or ICDA, is assigned to an array of 3D-Trench electrode detectors. The electric field in the detector can be reduced by a factor of nearly 10 with an optimal 3D-Trench configuration where the junction is on the surrounding trench side. The full depletion voltage in this optimal configuration can be up to 7 times less than that of a conventional 3D detector, and even a factor of two less than that of a 2D planar detector with a thickness the same as the electrode spacing in the 3D-Trench electrode detector. In the case of non-fully penetrating trench electrodes, the processing is true one-sided with backside being unprocessed. The charge loss due to the dead space associated with the trenches is insignificant as compared to that due to radiation-induced trapping in sLHC environment. Since the large electrode spacing (up to 500 μm) can be realized in the 3D-Trench electrode detector due to their advantage of greatly reduced full depletion voltage, detectors with large pixel cells (therefore small dead volume) can be made for applications in photon science (e.g. X-ray).  相似文献   

The development of a superconductive detector for simultaneous measurement of energy and arrival time is reported. The detector consists of two superconducting tunnel junctions coupled through a passive network. The first junction operates in the quasi-particle regime and measures the energy absorbed by counting the total charge that tunnels. The second junction uses the DC Josephson effect to act as a fast discriminator for the onset of surplus current in the first junction. The feasibility of the detector is demonstrated through simultaneous time and energy measurements of 6 keV X-rays. A model of the detector is presented and numerical simulations show good correspondence with experimental data.  相似文献   

The model explaining an enhanced collected charge in detectors irradiated to 1015-1016 neq/cm2 is developed. This effect was first revealed in heavily irradiated n-on-p detectors operated at high bias voltage ranging from 900 to 1700 V. The model is based on the fundamental effect of carrier avalanche multiplication in the space charge region and in our case is extended with a consideration of p-n junctions with a high concentration of the deep levels. It is shown that the efficient trapping of free carriers from the bulk generation current to the deep levels of radiation induced defects leads to the stabilization of the irradiated detector operation in avalanche multiplication mode due to the reduction of the electric field at the junction. The charge collection efficiency and the detector reverse current dependences on the applied bias have been numerically simulated in this study and they well correlate to the recent experimental results of CERN RD50 collaboration. The developed model of enhanced collected charge predicts a controllable operation of heavily irradiated detectors that is promising for the detector application in the upcoming experiments in a high luminosity collider.  相似文献   

采用移动加热器法(THM)进行了新型红外探测器材料 Hg1-x-yCdxZnyTe(MCZT)的晶体生长,获得的MCZT晶片经汞源退火后进行了光学特性、结构特性、电学性能和组分均匀性的检测与分析,并且初步制作成近室温工作的长波光电导器件,对器件性能进行了测试与分析。结果表明用移动加热器法生长Hg1-x-yCdxZnyTe晶体是成功的,获得晶片的材料特性与器件性能初步达到了应用水平。  相似文献   

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