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We fed newborn calves (n = 60) maternal colostrum (n = 12) or a colostral supplement product derived from edible bovine serum (n = 48). Sodium citrate was added to supplements to achieve a final pH of 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, and 5.0. Calves were fed colostrum (2 L/feeding) or supplement (454 g reconstituted in 2 L of water) at 1.2 and 12.6 h of age, which provided a total of 156 (colostrum) or 90 (supplement) g of IgG. We sampled jugular blood at 0 and 24 h of age to determine plasma IgG. Mean plasma IgG concentrations at 0 and 24 h of age were 0 and 6.7 g/L and were markedly higher in calves fed maternal colostrum compared with supplements (10.7 vs. 6.5 g/L) and were higher in Jersey vs. Holstein calves (8.5 vs. 6.1 g/L). Estimated apparent efficiency of IgG absorption was unaffected by treatment and averaged 20%. These data indicate that pH of colostral supplements between 7.5 and 5.0 do not markedly influence the efficiency of IgG absorption.  相似文献   

Twenty-three calves were fed colostrum at 110 ml/kg body weight divided into two feedings at 1 and 13 h of age. The concentrations of immunoglobulins were measured in the colostrum fed and in the calves' sera following colostrum feeding. Apparent efficiency of immunoglobulin absorption was calculated for each calf. Significant negative correlations between efficiency of absorption and mass of immunoglobulin fed were observed for both immunoglobulins. A separate group of 225 calves born on a commercial dairy were fed 2.84 L of colostrum by 4 h of age. Concentrations of immunoglobulin G1 in the colostrum fed and in the calves' sera at 48 h were measured. Negative correlation was observed between the efficiency of absorption and the mass of immunoglobulin G1 fed. These results suggest a physiologic limitation to the mass of immunoglobulin that can be absorbed to serum from a given volume of colostrum. No indication of a selective immunoglobulin absorption mechanism was observed.  相似文献   

Preparations of chicken small intestine were used in the experiment in vitro simulating processes of membranous digestion (inverted intestinal segments) and absorption (inverted intestinal myasis). It was established that lysozyme was hydrolyzed on the internal mucosa surface regardless of its concentration in the gastro-intestinal tract, and only insignificant quantity of lysozyme (0.027%) penetrates the intestinal wall. The method of lysozyme determination through its action on the cellular wall of Micrococcus lisodeicticus, and highly efficient liquid chromatography were used to study the transport process. The data presented have evidenced that lysozyme is well hydrolyzed under the action of intestinal peptide hydrolyses, and only insignificant amounts of non-splitted lysozyme can penetrate the blood.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine whether feeding anionic salts to prepartum Holstein cows affected their calf's colostral IgG passive transfer and whether adding sodium bicarbonate to a colostrum replacer (CR) would increase the efficiency of IgG absorption. Forty Holstein cows and their resulting calves were assigned to a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments in a randomized complete block design based on expected date of calving. Three weeks before the projected due date, cows were placed on 1 of 2 treatments: a diet without anionic salts (dietary cation-anion difference of +77 mEq/kg) or a diet with anionic salts (dietary cation-anion difference of −100 mEq/kg). Within 45 min after birth, all calves received 1 dose of a commercially available CR (132 g of IgG) without or with supplemental sodium bicarbonate (19.5 g/dose). A half-dose of CR (66 g of IgG) and sodium bicarbonate (9.75 g) was fed at 6 h of age. Calves received milk replacer at 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. Blood samples were obtained from calves at 0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h and were analyzed for IgG concentration. Cows fed the diet supplemented with anionic salts had lower DMI on d 8, 5, 4, and 1 and lower urine pH 2 and 1 wk before parturition compared with cows fed the diet without supplemental anionic salts. Calves born from dams receiving anionic salts had similar IgG concentrations (15.1 vs. 14.4 g/L) and apparent efficiency of absorption values (29.2 vs. 28.2%) compared with calves born from dams not fed anionic salts. Calves receiving supplemental sodium bicarbonate in the CR had higher serum IgG concentrations at 12 (14.4 vs. 12.0 g/L), 24 (16.3 vs. 13.2 g/L), and 48 h (14.6 vs. 11.2 g/L) and higher apparent efficiency of absorption values (31.2 vs. 26.1%) than calves that did not receive sodium bicarbonate in the CR. Calves receiving sodium bicarbonate also had greater area under the curve values for IgG absorption compared with calves not receiving sodium bicarbonate. There was a trend for an interaction with calves born from dams fed anionic salts having a greater area under the curve when fed supplemental sodium bicarbonate. Of the 40 calves in the study, 90% obtained adequate passive transfer (serum IgG ≥10 g/L). This study indicates that feeding anionic salts to the dam has no effect on passive transfer, whereas adding sodium bicarbonate to the CR increased IgG uptake in calves.  相似文献   

The efficiency of absorption of colostral immunoglobulin classes was determined by the ratio of the quantity of immunoglobulins in the calf serum after absorption was complete to the quantity in the colostrum fed the calves. The experiment with 58 pooled colostrums assayed for absorbability of immunoglobulins had three to eight calves per assay. Colostrums with similar concentrations of immunoglobulins varied from 10 to 46% in absorption of IgG and 5 to 50% in IgA. The percent of immunoglobulin IgM absorbed increased as the amount ingested decreased. The absorption efficiencies of immunoglobulins IgA and IgG did not change as intake varied. Correlations of colostral immunoglobulins ingested with percent absorption in summaries of two experiments were -.76 and -.90 for IgM, 0 and -.33 for IgG, and -.05 and -.02 for IgA. The selective transport of IgM is important for its role as the primary immunoglobulin giving the calf immune protection during the first few days of life. The variation in absorption of IgM in different colostrums of similar immunoglobulin content was not different from that among calves receiving the same colostrum.  相似文献   

Fifty-two dairy calves were blocked by birth date and, within each block, randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments to investigate the effects of incremental levels of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on IgG metabolism. Treatments were (1) colostrum replacer (CR) + 0 g of NaHCO3 (control); (2) CR + 15 g of NaHCO3; (3) CR + 30 g of NaHCO3; or (4) CR + 45 g of NaHCO3. Calves were fed colostrum replacer (>200 g of IgG) in one feeding within 45 min of birth (0 h) and 2 L of milk replacer at 12, 24, 36, and 48 h. Only calves born in calving pens from multiparous cows with no dystocia were used in this study. Blood samples were taken at 0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 h postpartum, and serum was analyzed for IgG using radial immunoassay and bicarbonate using spectrophotometry. Feeding increasing levels of sodium bicarbonate had negative linear effects on IgG concentration, IgG apparent efficiency of absorption, and IgG area under the curve, primarily due to the effect of the highest dose of NaHCO3 (45 g). Sodium bicarbonate treatments had no effect on serum bicarbonate concentration. However, area under the curve of serum bicarbonate increased linearly with the amount of NaHCO3 fed.  相似文献   

On the background of positive survival data from farms in Mississippi, treating calves with antiserum injection in addition to normal colostrum administration, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of a single subcutaneously administered bovine antiserum injection (0.031 g of IgG/kg of body weight) and pooled colostrum administration on efficiency of Ig absorption and on 24-h plasma IgG concentration in neonatal bull calves. Twenty-nine male dairy calves (21 Holsteins and 8 Jerseys) were assigned randomly at parturition to receive one of four treatments: 1) colostrum (n = 9), 2) colostrum and bovine antiserum injection (n = 7), 3) milk replacer (n = 5), or 4) milk replacer and bovine antiserum injection (n = 8). At birth, calves either did or did not receive an injection of bovine antiserum and were fed pooled colostrum or milk replacer (Holsteins, 3.8 L; Jerseys, 1.9 L) via an esophageal feeder. Blood was collected immediately before administration of the colostrum or milk replacer, then again at 24 and 48 h postpartum. Immunoglobulin G concentrations of colostrum, milk replacer, antiserum, and plasma were monitored by single radial immunodiffusion. Colostrum administration and injection of bovine antiserum each increased plasma Ig concentration at 24 h posttreatment. In addition, antiserum injection increased the apparent efficiency of absorption of colostral Ig by 42% over that for calves fed colostrum alone. The increase in plasma IgG for antiserum-treated calves exceeded the total amount of IgG administered in the antiserum injection; hence, this increase appeared to be the result of an increase in total absorption of colostral IgG, or possibly antiserum injection somehow triggered active synthesis of IgG. Injection of antiserum might possibly serve as a beneficial adjunct to a colostrum management program by enhancing the acquisition of passive immunity from colostral sources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to show a new function of Se in IgG absorption from colostrum by newborn calves. The same amount and quality of colostrum with or without Se addition was fed to paired calves (n = 60) 4 times at <2, 12, 24, and 36 h after birth, respectively. Four-time feeding of colostrum containing 1.0 ppm Se significantly increased IgG amount in the blood plasma of calves 24 h after birth; however, its effect was small (about 20% increase). Although the addition of 3.0 ppm Se once at the first colostrum feeding was more effective on IgG absorption, its significant effect was a 42% increase on average. The increased IgG concentration of blood plasma continued for about 2 wk. It is known that the absorption of colostrum IgG is mediated by intestinal pinocytosis, which continues for only 24 h after birth. The addition of Se to colostrum might directly activate this physiological pinocytosis of intestinal epithelial cells because of the rapidity of the reaction. This effect is not nutritional but rather pharmacological. Supplemented Se also resulted in its increased concentration in blood plasma. Selenium is an essential mineral for animals; however, newborn calves are always deficient in Se at birth. Application of this method in calves would also provide an immediate supply of Se and might contribute to the development of the immune system of calves. This study showed that Se supplementation to colostrum increased IgG amount and Se concentration in blood plasma in newborn calves.  相似文献   

Experiments were made on 270 rats to examine lead absorption and the effect on this process of fasting, food intake, preliminary contact of the mucosa with selenium, iron and calcium, a single enteral and parenteral administration of these elements. Lead absorption was observed in all the parts of the intestine. Lead binding to the intestinal mucosa was reduced by food intake one hour before investigation, preliminary contact of the mucosa with selenium, calcium, particularly with iron, as well as by a single administration of iron and calcium. Selenium did not produce any substantial effect on absorption. The conclusions are made about the necessity of the organization of the treatment and prophylactic nutrition for workers.  相似文献   

Forty Holstein dairy calves were blocked by birth date and sex, and randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments within each block to elucidate the effect of feeding regimen and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO?) supplementation on absorption of IgG from colostrum replacer (CR). Calves received CR containing 191.4 g of IgG fed either in 1 feeding at 0 h (within 45 min of birth), with or without 30 g of NaHCO?, or in 2 feedings (127.6 g of IgG at 0 h, with or without 20 g of NaHCO?, and 63.8 g of IgG at 6 h, with or without 10 g of NaHCO?). The treatments were (1) 1 feeding of CR+0 g of NaHCO?; (2) 1 feeding of CR+30 g of NaHCO?; (3) 2 feedings of CR+0 g of NaHCO?; and (4) 2 feedings of CR+30 g total of NaHCO?. Only calves born with no dystocia were used on this study. Blood samples were taken at 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24h postpartum and were analyzed for IgG using a radial immunoassay. Results indicated that, individually, feeding regimen and NaHCO? treatments had no effect. However, the interaction was significant for 24-h IgG and area under the curve, and showed a trend for apparent efficiency of absorption. Absorption rate data indicated that, for calves fed within 45 min of birth, most IgG absorption occurred in the first 6 h after birth. From 6 to 12 h postpartum, IgG absorption started to decrease; however, IgG absorption remained higher for calves fed in a single feeding than in 2 feedings. These data indicated that NaHCO? may increase IgG absorption when calves are fed colostrum in a single feeding but is not beneficial when colostrum is fed in 2 feedings.  相似文献   

乳酸菌对制麦和啤酒酿造的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用乳酸菌生物酸化麦芽、糖化醪和麦芽汁酿造的啤酒,有利于啤酒生物稳定性。有些乳酸菌产生乳酸菌素,能抑制某些革兰氏阳性腐败菌的生长。乳酸菌也是霉菌的天然抗菌剂,降低啤酒中霉菌毒素的形成。但大多数乳酸菌是啤酒主要的污染菌,对啤酒质量影响很大。腐败乳酸菌产生生物胺,可以用来检测污染程度。  相似文献   

Colostrum (C) feeding in neonatal calves improves glucose status and stimulates intestinal absorptive capacity, leading to greater glucose absorption when compared with milk-based formula feeding. In this study, diet effects on gut growth, lactase activity, and glucose transporters were investigated in several gut segments of the small intestine. Fourteen male German Holstein calves received either C of milkings 1, 3, and 5 (d 1, 2, and 3 in milk) or respective formulas (F) twice daily from d 1 to d 3 after birth. Nutrient content, and especially lactose content, of C and respective F were the same. On d 4, calves were fed C of milking 5 or respective F and calves were slaughtered 2 h after feeding. Tissue samples from duodenum and proximal, mid-, and distal jejunum were taken to measure villus size and crypt depth, mucosa and brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) were taken to determine protein content, and mRNA expression and activity of lactase and mRNA expression of sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter-1 (SGLT1) and facilitative glucose transporter (GLUT2) were determined from mucosal tissue. Additionally, protein expression of SGLT1 in BBMV and GLUT2 in crude mucosal membranes and BBMV were determined, as well as immunochemically localized GLUT2 in the intestinal mucosa. Villus circumference, area, and height were greater, whereas crypt depth was smaller in C than in F. Lactase activity tended to be greater in C than in F. Protein expression of SGLT1 was greater in F than in C. Parameters of villus size, lactase activity, SGLT1 protein expression, as well as apical and basolateral GLUT2 localization in the enterocytes differed among gut segments. In conclusion, C feeding, when compared with F feeding, enhances glucose absorption in neonatal calves primarily by stimulating mucosal growth and increasing absorptive capacity in the small intestine, but not by stimulating abundance of intestinal glucose transporters.  相似文献   

The method of averted and non-averted segments was used to assess calcium absorption in the small intestine of adult and young rats with hypokinesia. A certain decrease in the active (by 13.8%) and more manifest diminution of the total (by 26.3%) calcium transport was established in adult rats after 4 weeks of hypokinesia. In young rats a significant lowering of the active calcium transport was already noted after 1 week of hypokinesia, however, age-dependent shifts in the process were more significant than those induced by hypokinesia. Changes in the calcium-regulating hormones are considered as a possible cause of decreased calcium absorption in the intestine in relation to hypokinesia and age.  相似文献   

Zinc-65 was injected directly into various sites throughout the small intestine of Holstein calves fed a low zinc diet. Zinc absorption was determined by comparing zinc-65 content of blood, liver, kidney, lung, heart, pancreas, rib, muscle, and other tissues. Tissue zinc-65 was plotted against site of injection expressed as percentage of intestinal length from proximal to distal ends. Zinc absorption occurred throughout the small intestine with the amount absorbed per centimeter of length about equal throughout the small intestine. This is in contrast to conclusions from studies of rats indicating more absorption in the proximal part of the small intestine. The difference appears to have been due to artifacts in the procedures with rats. However, species and dietary differences may have affected relative findings between this and earlier work.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was first to evaluate whether irradiation treatment of a commercial colostrum replacer (CR) affected acquisition of passive immunity. If the irradiation treatment negatively affected the acquisition of passive immunity, the second objective was to evaluate whether an increased total IgG mass, in a single feeding of CR derived from bovine serum fractions, could compensate for this effect. Acquisition of passive immunity was assessed by 24-h serum IgG levels, serum protein levels, apparent efficiency of absorption (AEA) of IgG, and the ability to prevent failure of passive transfer (FPT) in day-old dairy calves fed a single feeding of CR. Single-dose packs of CR were sent to a commercial irradiation facility for electron-beam irradiation at 3 to 7 kGy (low irradiation) or 15 to 20 kGy (high irradiation). Fifty-six Holstein, Jersey, or crossbred calves were randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments: 1) 130 g of IgG (460 g of CR), no irradiation; 2) 130 g of IgG (460 g of CR), low irradiation; 3) 160 g of IgG (518 g of CR), low irradiation; 4) 190 g of IgG (575.4 g of CR), low irradiation; and 5) 130 g of IgG (460 g of CR), high irradiation. All CR were reconstituted in water and mixed in a household blender to a constant solids concentration of 18.7%. Increasing doses of irradiation (130 g of Ig with no, low, or high irradiation) resulted in a linear decrease in 24-h serum IgG and AEA of IgG, and increased the percentage of calves with FPT. Increasing the IgG mass in the CR (130, 160, and 190 g of Ig with low irradiation) resulted in a linear increase in 24-h serum IgG and serum total protein levels, and a linear decrease in AEA of IgG. There was no effect of increasing the mass of IgG fed on the percentage of calves with FPT. The correlation between serum IgG and serum total protein at 24 h was positive; however, at 24 h the irradiation treatments reduced the serum IgG-to-serum total protein ratio. In this study, CR isolated from bovine serum, providing 130 g of IgG in the first feeding and receiving either no irradiation or a low irradiation treatment, was sufficient to prevent FPT in calves.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of a digital Brix refractometer for the assessment of success of passive transfer of maternal immunoglobulin compared with the measurement of serum total protein (STP) by refractometry. Blood samples (n = 400) were collected from calves at 3 to 6d of age. Serum IgG concentration was determined by radial immunodiffusion (RID), and STP and percentage Brix (%Brix) were determined using a digital refractometer. The mean IgG concentration was 24.1 g/L [standard deviation (SD) ± 10.0] with a range from 2.1 to 59.1 g/L. The mean STP concentration was 6.0 g/dL (SD ± 0.8) with a range from 4.4 to 8.8 g/dL. The mean %Brix concentration was 9.2% (SD ± 0.9) with a range of 7.3 to 12.4%. Brix percentage was highly correlated with IgG (r = 0.93). Test characteristics were calculated to assess failure of passive transfer (FPT; serum IgG <10 g/L). The sensitivity and specificity of STP at 5.5 g/dL were 76.3 and 94.4%, respectively. A receiver operating characteristic curve was created to plot the true positive rate against the false positive rate for consecutive %Brix values. The optimal combination of sensitivity (88.9%) and specificity (88.9%) was at 8.4% Brix. Serum total protein was also positively correlated with %Brix (r = 1.00) and IgG (r = 0.93). Dairy producers can successfully monitor their colostrum management and the overall success of passive transfer using a digital Brix refractometer to estimate IgG concentration of colostrum and calf serum.  相似文献   

Radioisotope method with oral administration of 131I-trioleate glycerin and 131I-oleic acid was used to study the absorption of neutral fats and fatty acids in 123 patients with ulcerative colitis, diffuse polyposis of the large intestine, and in 7 patients with ileostomy. It was found that fat secretion with feces was insignificantly higher than the normal and fluctuated within the range of 6.6-11.7%. Steatorrhea did not play a role in the development of clinical symptoms of the disease, and it might be caused by concomitant disorders in the bacterial flora. Slight disorders revealed in the fat absorption should not be considered as an obstacle to their normal use in the diet.  相似文献   

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