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The authors examined the relationships between 2 "personality" dimensions (Approach and Fear Avoidance) and 2-way active avoidance learning performance in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata). Contrary to expectations (based on prior rodent studies), higher fearfulness facilitated both earlier appearance and acquisition of the shuttlebox avoidance responses, especially in the less exploratory and active fish. However, the overall maximum level of performance was not much affected by the 2 personality dimensions studied. Thus, the results emphasized the species-specific and interactional effect of fearfulness on the 2-way avoidance learning performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The middle of the 20th century was a very exciting time to be in the field of clinical psychology and, especially, assessment psychology. Seminal publications during that time clarified the then novel distinction between hypothetical constructs and intervening variables (MacCorquodale & Meehl, 1948), elucidated the concept of construct validity (Cronbach & Meehl, 1955), and described a methodology for estimating convergent and discriminant validity of measures of constructs and the role of variance due to common methods in the associations among measures of similar and different constructs (Campbell & Fiske, 1959). These articles have been the bedrock of clinical psychological and personality psychology assessment since that time. The year 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of Cronbach and Meehl's (1955) article "Construct Validity in Psychological Tests." A submission last year by Smith (2005b) struck me as an excellent time to honor the signal contributions of these psychologists of the last century through consideration particularly of the article by Cronbach and Meehl. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Novelty-seeking temperament is defined as the reaction to novel or risk situations and objects, and by the global disposition to explore such stimuli. Our purpose was to describe and compare this trait in primates. For this purpose, a risk-taking Index, a curiosity index, and a novelty-seeking index were correlated to several biosocial variables using 22 captive stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides) and 7 captive spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Spider monkeys scored higher than macaques, males of both species scored higher than females, and dominant macaques were evaluated as more novelty seekers. We suggest that these differences may be because of, among other reasons, the particular social system of each species. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Ten gibbons of various species (Symphalangus syndactylus, Hylobates lar, Nomascus gabriellae, and Nomascus leucogenys) were tested on object permanence tasks. Three identical wooden boxes, presented in a linear line, were used to hide pieces of food. The authors conducted single visible, single invisible, double invisible, and control displacements, in both random and nonrandom order. During invisible displacements, the experimenter hid the object in her hand before putting it into a box. The performance of gibbons was better than expected by chance in all the tests, except for the randomly ordered double displacement. However, individual analysis of performance showed great variability across subjects, and only 1 gibbon is assumed to have solved single visible and single invisible displacements without recourse to a strategy that the control test eliminated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although definitions of validity have evolved considerably since L. J. Cronbach and P. E. Meehl's classic (1955) review, contemporary validity research continues to emphasize correlational analyses assessing predictor–criterion relationships, with most outcome criteria being self-reports. The present article describes an alternative way of operationalizing validity—the process-focused (PF) model. The PF model conceptualizes validity as the degree to which respondents can be shown to engage in a predictable set of psychological processes during testing, with those processes dictated a priori by the nature of the instrument(s) used and the context in which testing takes place. In contrast to the traditional approach wherein correlational methods are used to quantify the relationship between test score and criterion, the PF model uses experimental methods to manipulate variables that moderate test score–criterion relationships, enabling researchers to draw more definitive conclusions regarding the impact of underlying psychological processes on test scores. By complementing outcome-based validity assessment with a process-driven approach, researchers will not only improve psychology's assessment procedures but also enhance their understanding of test bias and test score misuse by illuminating the intra- and interpersonal factors that lead to differential performance (and differential prediction) in different groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although variability in behavioral traits within animal populations is well documented, the mechanisms maintaining that variability are still insufficiently known. In this study, we examined whether differences in thermal environment during egg incubation can permanently organize nonsocial behavior across different contexts and situations in a lizard species. We incubated eggs of the Yucatan banded gecko, Coleonyx elegans (Squamata: Gekkota: Eublepharidae) at 3 constant temperatures (26, 28, and 30 °C) and raised juveniles separately under the same conditions until adulthood. We then subjected them to 3 behavioral tests within 2 different contexts: an open-field test and a test of antipredator behavior (stressful context) as well as a test of feeding behavior (nonstressful context). Individuals of both sexes incubated at 30 °C were consistently less active and showed lower frequencies of several stereotypic behaviors in the stressful contexts than did individuals incubated at 26 and 28 °C. The test of feeding behavior revealed no significant effect of incubation temperature on geckos' behavior. Thus, our study demonstrates that developmental plasticity may play an important role in producing variability in stress-induced behavior in lizards. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to get a valid and reliable French version of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire (Hall & Pongrac, 1983). Using a sample of 127 men and 68 women, the results showed that the French version had construct validity and reliability comparable to those found with the English version. The findings suggest that level of practice, duration of practice, sex, and nature of practice are factors that should be integrated in future studies in order to improve predictive validity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During their 3rd week of life, 73 Octopus bimaculoides were observed to test whether discrete behaviors could be grouped reliably to reflect dimensions of temperament. Frequencies of behaviors during Week 3 were subjected to principal-components analysis (PCA), resulting in 4 components (active engagement, arousal/readiness, aggression, and avoidance/disinterest) that explain 53% of the variance. Levels of temperamental traits were then evaluated for 37 octopuses using composite scores at 3 time points across the first 9 weeks of life. Profile analysis revealed significant change for the testing group as a whole in trait expression levels from Week 3 to Week 6. Results also suggest a significant effect of relatedness on developing temperamental profiles of octopuses. Discussion focuses on how results apply to the life history of 0. bimaculoides and what temperament can reveal about adaptive individuality in a protostome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Differences in the exploratory behavior and social tendencies of 29 guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in 2 domains of situations involving novelty and conspecifics were investigated. Consistent individual differences were found in most behavior patterns. Two behavioral dimensions (Activity Exploration and Fear Avoidance) were identified in the novelty situations. Likewise, 2 dimensions (Sociability and Locomotion) were found in the social situations. An analysis of relationships between these 2 test domains revealed the existence of even broader behavioral dimensions (Approach, governing exploration and social attraction, and Fear Avoidance, governing responses to aversive stimulation). Thus, it was shown that "personality" may represent an important behavioral category in the guppy provided it is defined precisely and objectively. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although animals generally prefer to eat foods with familiar rather than unfamiliar flavors, adult golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) were found to do the opposite. After having prolonged exposure to a food with a particular flavor, hamsters were allowed to select between the food with the familiar flavor and the same food with a novel flavor. Hamsters consistently ate more of the food with the novel flavor, and this preference was long-lasting and resistant to extinction. Furthermore, the novelty effect was robust, being manifested in both sexes and under a variety of experimental circumstances. In contrast, rats tested under identical conditions consistently preferred the food with the familiar flavor. The origins of the novelty effect in hamsters remain to be determined. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A series of 9 search tasks corresponding to the Piagetian Stages 3-6 of object permanence were administered to 11 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Success rates varied strongly among tasks and marmosets, but the performances of most subjects were above chance level on the majority of tasks of visible and invisible displacements. Although up to 24 trials were administered in the tests, subjects did not improve their performance across trials. Errors were due to preferences for specific locations or boxes, simple search strategies, and attentional deficits. The performances of at least 2 subjects that achieved very high scores up to the successive invisible displacement task suggest that this species is able to represent the existence and the movements of unperceived objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although hypochondriasis is associated with the costly use of unnecessary medical resources, this mental health problem remains largely neglected. A lack of clear conceptual models and valid measures has impeded accurate assessment and hindered progress. The Multidimensional Inventory of Hypochondriacal Traits (MIHT) addresses these deficiencies with scales that correspond to a 4-factor model. The MIHT was built with construct validity as a guiding principle and began with an item pool that broadly assessed dimensions identified in the literature. The items were administered to large samples; factor analyses of the responses led to item pool revisions and scale refinements. Multiple studies validated the final MIHT scales and 4-factor model; these findings suggest that the MIHT will contribute to theory and research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When taking multiple-choice tests of reading comprehension such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), test takers use a range of strategies that vary in the extent to which they emphasize reading the questions versus reading the passages. Researchers have challenged the construct validity of these tests because test takers can achieve better-than-chance performance even if they do not read the passages at all. By using an individual-differences approach that compares the relative power of working memory span to predict SAT performance for different test-taking strategies, the authors show that the SAT appears to be tapping reading comprehension processes as long as test takers engage in at least some reading of the passages themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Which is better for assessing personality—structured or projective devices? "Attitude toward Home & Parents and Attitude toward Law & Justice of 79 prison inmates were each measured by a sentence completion test and a structured attitude test. As examined through a multitrait-multimethod matrix, these tests were found to validate each other quite satisfactorily. Insofar as the two measurement approaches differed at all in the efficacy with which they differentiated crime groups among the prisoners, the structured tests were slightly the better." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Juvenile and adult orangutans (n?=?5; Pongo pygmaeus), chimpanzees (n?=?7; Pan troglodytes), and 19- and 26-month-old children (n?=?24; Homo sapiens) received visible and invisible displacements. Three containers were presented forming a straight line, and a small box was used to displace a reward under them. Subjects received 3 types of displacement: single (the box visited 1 container), double adjacent (the box visited 2 contiguous containers), and double nonadjacent (the box visited 2 noncontiguous containers). All species performed at comparable levels, solving all problems except the invisible nonadjacent displacements. Visible displacements were easier than invisible, and single were easier than double displacements. In a 2nd experiment, subjects saw the baiting of either 2 adjacent or 2 nonadjacent containers with no displacements. All species selected the empty container more often when the baited containers were nonadjacent than when they were adjacent. It is hypothesized that a response bias and inhibition problem were responsible for the poor performance in nonadjacent displacements. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article introduces an instrument for the indirect assessment of positive and negative affect, the Implicit Positive and Negative Affect Test (IPANAT). This test draws on participant ratings of the extent to which artificial words subjectively convey various emotions. Factor analyses of these ratings yielded two independent factors that can be interpreted as implicit positive and negative affect. The corresponding scales show adequate internal consistency, test–retest reliability, stability (Study 1), and construct validity (Study 2). Studies 3 and 4 demonstrate that the IPANAT also measures state variance. Finally, Study 5 provides criterion-based validity by demonstrating that correlations between implicit affect and explicit affect are higher under conditions of spontaneous responding than under conditions of reflective responding to explicit affect scales. The present findings suggest that the IPANAT is a reliable and valid measure with a straightforward application procedure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors examined whether video-based situational judgment tests (SJTs) have higher predictive validity than written SJTs (keeping verbal content constant). The samples consisted of 1,159 students who completed a video-based version of an SJT and 1,750 students who completed the same SJT in a written format. The study was conducted in a high stakes testing context. The video-based version of an interpersonally oriented SJT had a lower correlation with cognitive ability than did the written version. It also had higher predictive and incremental validity for predicting interpersonally oriented criteria than did the written version. In this high stakes context, applicants also reacted relatively favorably to the SJTs, although there was no significant difference in face validity between the formats. These findings suggest that SJT format changes be made with caution and that validation evidence is needed when changes are proposed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

J. Skeem and D. J. Cooke (2010) asserted that Hare and Neumann consider criminality to be an essential component of the psychopathy construct. The assertion, presented in the guise of a debate on the nature of psychopathy, is neither accurate nor consistent with the clinical and empirical literature on psychopathy to which Hare and Neumann have contributed. Broadly defined antisociality, not criminality per se, is considered to be part of the psychopathy construct. Skeem and Cooke also expressed concerns that the popularity of the Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (R. D. Hare, 2003) inhibits the development and use of other instruments, that it has become the construct it measures, that it deviates from its clinical roots, and that it conflates criminality with personality. These and related issues are addressed, and it is suggested that the arguments proffered by Skeem and Cooke are not convincing, nor do they provide clear directions for theory and research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has long been suspected in the vertebrate literature, but demonstrated only recently in work with honeybees (Apis mellifera), that the different treatments of nontarget stimuli in conventional between-groups blocking experiments may give the appearance of blocking independently of experience with the target stimulus. The same difficulty does not arise in within-subjects experiments, and in a series of such experiments with odors and colors free-flying honeybees gave no evidence of blocking; separate reinforced presentations of one element of a reinforced compound failed to reduce responding to the second. There was, however, clear evidence of facilitation; separate nonreinforced presentations of one element of a reinforced compound increased responding to the second. The implications of the results for further work on compound conditioning in honeybees and other animals are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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