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探究式学习在土木工程材料教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章通过分析探究式学习方法与授受式学习方法的不同,强调探究式学习应以学生为中心,重点考查学习过程中建构的知识体系。针对工程建设高速发展的现状,提出了土木工程材料课程中的探究问题,并介绍了近年来初步实施的情况。  相似文献   

论我国风景区规划中的旅游价值观重构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
乌恩 《中国园林》2007,23(4):18-21
旅游是风景区最基本的利用方式,但是,指导风景区规划实践的旅游价值观念,并没有在农耕时代“天下名山”思考模式基础上有大的更新和发展,因此,今日的风景区规划需要在深入传统寻求资源的同时,借鉴国外经验,重新建构我们的旅游价值观系统,需要明确风景区旅游不仅仅是产业、更是事业的价值观,需要强调并实践“旅游就是教育”的理念,需要重视风景理解中的绝对性和相对性的关系,新辟风景区需要从“天下名山”审美模板向“国家公园”审美模式转变,游憩形式需要从“观光”向“户外活动”转变。  相似文献   

In the last 30 years, community perceptions of negative impacts from tourism have encouraged research from several different fields into community attitudes, with the goal of overcoming opposition to tourism development. Drawing on a study of Charleston, SC, this article explores the relationships between community attachment, existing through such bonds as friendship and kinship, and resident attitudes toward tourism development. We studied Charleston to understand the differences in attitude toward tourism development among its neighborhoods, based on community attachment variables, and to explore the role of community attachment in predicting these attitudes, especially regarding residents of historic residential districts. This research has implications for tourism planning in Charleston and other tourism cities with historic residential districts.  相似文献   

可持续旅游概念与理论研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
可持续发展是人类经过1970年代到 1980年代的超常规飞速发展后,面对随之产生的一系列环境与发展之间难以调和的矛盾,对自身的发展历程进行反思后,提出的新的发展观。这一全新的发展观迅速得到国际社会的认同和响应,成为当代人类社会发展的新模式。可持续旅游是随着全球可持续发展这一新观念.的出现而出现的,并成为旅游研究的热点。本文主要阐述了可持续旅游概念的产生过程、概念体系、思想体系和研究状况。  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed the popularity of desert tourism as a fashion tourism product in the 21~(st) century along with the increasing demand for personalized tourism for tourists. The academic community is paying growing attention to desert tourism research, but there is little research on the perception of tourists about the image of desert tourism destinations in Inner Mongolia. With Inner Mongolia as the object of the study, this paper analyzed the image perception and evaluation of tourists for Inner Mongolia desert tourism destinations from three aspects of cognitive image perception, emotional image perception, and overall image perception according to the "cognitive-emotional" model, with the help of relevant network text analysis methods, and proposed some suggestions for the future development of desert tourism destinations in Inner Mongolia from the aspects of increasing desert humanities tourism resources and product development, improving scenic spot management ability, improving tourism service quality, improving tourism infrastructure construction and strengthening environmental protection. It is hoped that this paper can provide a reference for improving the image of Inner Mongolia desert tourism destinations and improving the tourist experience.  相似文献   

王锫 《建筑与文化》2016,(2):204-206
近年来,中国旅游业迅速发展,传统的旅游发展思路已不能满足新时期的发展需求。于是,跳出旅游发展旅游的“超旅游”规划理念在此背景下应运而生。目前,云阳县正全力打造县城至龙缸景区的“百里生态经济走廊”,龙角镇作为“百里走廊”中关键的交通枢纽和中心节点乡镇,将迎来广阔的发展空间。但是,整体风貌不佳、产业基础脆弱、经济结构失衡等现状问题,成为了制约龙角镇发展的短板。针对这些问题,本文以“超旅游”规划理念为指导,以乡镇改造为手段,针对龙角镇发展现状,提出了传播乡村形象、促进经济发展的“超旅游”规划目标及相应策略,意在通过规划,抓住旅游机遇,实现龙角镇的快速发展。  相似文献   

近年来中国风景区规划与旅游规划人员正设法将"社区参与式规划"引入他们的工作中.然而,社区旅游--或称社区参与式旅游发展的概念,已经与它在西方世界的原始定义有了很大差别.从政治学、社会学等学科角度对西方的社区参与式旅游概念进行了回顾,力图梳理出一个比较清晰的理论发展脉络.研究认为,发展中国家社区参与式旅游实践得以成功的关键在于协调社区参与各方的利益关系、降低社区参与的制度改革成本、分散并落实话语权.  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,风景区开发应遵循以风景名胜区总体规划指导风景资源向旅游资源转化,然后在旅游发展规划的指导下,将旅游资源开发成旅游产品推向市场的过程。文章同时以奉节县天坑地缝风景名胜区规划及旅游发展规划的实例阐明了上述观点。  相似文献   

The development of innovation and entrepreneurship education is gaining momentum.With the arrival of the Internet era, innovation and entrepreneurship have a better development platform.The tourist industry, as a "sunrise industry", has great potential for development and has become a new economic growth point.In many areas, tourism has been identified as a pillar industry, a leading industry, and an industry receiving priority in developing.In the face of increasingly fierce competitive markets, it is particularly important to cultivate high-quality innovative and entrepreneurial talents in tourism management.For this purpose, this study analyzes the current situation of talent demand in China's tourist industry and the problems existing in innovation and entrepreneurship education, draws on the successful experience of foreign colleges and universities in talent cultivation, and proposes and constructs a training mode for innovative and entrepreneurial talents in tourism management in the era of Internet Plus.  相似文献   

"国际旅游岛"既是国家对于海南在新时期发展明确的定位和要求,也是海南20多年实践探索出的适合自身特点的发展方向。首先强调"国际旅游岛"具有丰富的内涵,是对海南经济社会发展全面综合性的战略安排,不仅仅是发展"旅游业";其次,从空间资源的优化配置出发提出了支撑"国际旅游岛"建设的整体框架;最后,从空间规划的角度提出了新时期海南建设国际旅游岛的重大空间应对思路。  相似文献   

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