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基于胀弯成形的高强度钢板回弹特性实验与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高强度钢板是汽车车身结构件广泛应用的材料之一,对比普通碳钢,高强度钢板具有较高的强度、较高的屈强比、较低的延伸率等,使用过程中容易产生开裂、起皱和回弹等缺陷,特别是回弹问题严重影响了零件的尺寸精度。文章以胀弯成形为基础,通过MTS试验机进行成形实验,研究了低合金高强钢B410LA、双相钢DP500在不同冲压参数、模具几何参数等条件下成形后的回弹影响规律,并通过显著性分析得出,胀弯角度对侧壁卷曲的影响不显著,拉延筋凸筋的位置对冲压回弹有较大的影响。 相似文献
根据薄板拉弯回弹评估方法,选取DP780高强钢为研究对象,采用试验和AUTOFORM仿真建模相结合的方法,分析材料的回弹特性.基于仿真模型,分析不同的材料性能参数,主要包括材料的屈服强度、 抗拉强度、 应变硬化指数、 塑性应变比和弹性模量等对回弹特性的影响,并采用建模分析的方法对获取的结果进行验证.结果表明:材料的应变... 相似文献
基于Dynaform的高强钢板冲压回弹补偿分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对高强钢的冲压回弹及回弹补偿原理进行了分析。以某乘用车B柱高强钢加强板零件冲压加工工艺为例,在模具设计阶段对整个工艺过程进行CAE分析,在工艺参数优化前提下,对回弹进行全序计算和预测,并对模具进行回弹补偿。为高强钢冲压模具设计及工艺参数优化提供依据,从而降低模具开发风险,减少试模时间,缩短开发周期,提高产品质量,降低生产成本。模拟结果与实验较吻合,表明所采用回弹补偿方法是可靠的。 相似文献
基于有限元理论与选定的回弹角度判定标准,采用Dynaform软件探究了汽车U形件在弯曲成形过程中压边力、摩擦系数、板料厚度和凸模圆角半径对回弹的影响。研究结果表明:回弹角度随板料厚度增厚而降低,随凸模圆角半径增加而增加,随压边力增大先增大后减小,随摩擦系数增加先增大后减小。不同因素对回弹影响程度并不相同,在选定参数范围内板料厚度因素影响最明显,压边力次之,摩擦系数略低于压边力,凸模圆角半径影响最小。 相似文献
利用Dynaform软件对高强度钢板U形件在不同成形参数下的回弹情况进行了模拟分析,着重研究了压边力和摩擦因数对回弹的影响,并通过试验对模拟结果进行了验证,对实际生产具有指导意义。 相似文献
Sergey F. Golovashchenko Alan J. Gillard Alexander V. Mamutov Ramy Ibrahim 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2014,214(11):2796-2810
Electrohydraulic calibration (EHC) of springback is a novel method of removing springback from stamped sheet metal panels and is based upon the electro-hydraulic effect: a complex phenomenon related to the discharge of high voltage electrical current through a liquid. The EHC process involves clamping a stamped panel against a female die with the desired part shape and then applying several pulses of pressure onto and through the thickness of the sheet, in a process somewhat similar to conventional coining operations. However, in EHC the pressure is applied by a fluid and through the use of the electrohydraulic effect, and not with a matching hard tool as done in coining. In EHC, electrical energy is stored in a bank of capacitors and is converted into kinetic energy within the liquid by rapidly discharging the stored energy across a pair of electrodes submerged in a fluid. The objective of this paper is to describe the newly developed EHC process, to report the results of early proof-of-concept experiments, to present the results of more advanced experiments using a more industrial tool and actual part geometry, and to describe how numerical modeling techniques were used to optimize the design of the larger and more industrial tool. The developed concept of electrohydraulic stress relieving calibration is based upon clamping a stamped panel to the calibration die surface with the target shape and then applying pulses of pressure to eliminate internal stresses in the stamped panel. When a stamped blank is removed from a forming die, allowed to springback, and then clamped to a calibration die, the internal elastic stresses within the panel in such a configuration serve as a memory of the shape of the blank after springback, and it is these residual stresses that EH calibration is intended to remove from the panel. The developed concept of stress relieving calibration was initially validated by a simple experiment consisting of submerging a bent strip of aluminum into the fluid within an EH chamber, so that both the outer and inner surfaces of the strip (where the internal stresses from bending are located) were exposed to the fluid and the pressure pulse. This experiment served as an initial confirmation that impact with the tool is not necessary to achieve the calibration effect. The sheet metal materials used in this study, and for which springback was eliminated after forming, include DP 980 at 1.0 mm and 1.4 mm thick, and also DP600 at 1.0 mm thick. 相似文献
K. Yilamu R. Hino H. Hamasaki F. Yoshida 《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》2010,210(2):272-278
This paper deals with bending and springback phenomena of a stainless-steel clad aluminum sheet in V-shaped air bending. The aim of this study is to investigate the bending characteristics such as sheet thickness change and the bending angles of the sheet before/after springback. The first part of this paper is on the experimental observations. V-bending experiments were performed for both the cases of Alin/SSout (i.e., aluminum layer is located inside the bent clad) and SSin/Alout (i.e., stainless-steel layer is located inside the bent clad). From these results, it was found that the sheet-set condition (either Alin/SSout or SSin/Alout) has a great influence on the bending phenomena. In the second part, the accurate prediction of springback by FE analysis, especially the role of elasto-plasticity models, is discussed. When using Yoshida–Uemori kinematic hardening model (F. Yoshida, T. Uemori, Int. J. Plasticity 18, 2002; Int. J. Mech. Sci., 45, 2003), which well describes the Bauschinger effect of materials, the springback of the clad sheet is accurately calculated, whereas the classical isotropic hardening model underestimates the springback. 相似文献