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研究超声波功率、超声波作用时间、超声波脉冲值对提高毛豆仁浸渍冷冻速率的影响.通过响应面分析可知在载冷剂温度为-20℃下超声波辅助浸渍冷冻的最佳工艺参数:超声波功率为58 W,超声波作用模式为50%,超声波作用时间为0.7 min,解冻后毛豆仁质构(硬度)和持水力分别为6.05 kg/cm~2和92%. 相似文献
Extracellular ice nucleators (ECINs) were incorporated into foods and subjected to subzero freezing. Time-temperature profiles, ice-formation patterns and textures were examined by thermocouple, microscopy and texture analyzer. Onset temperatures (initial freezing), enthalpies and freezing rates were measured by DSC. Addition of ECINs to liquid foods elevated ice nucleation temperatures and promoted freezing. Solid or semisolid products frozen with ECINs resulted in a fiber-like texture. These effects were more apparent at –10°C or higher. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed onset temperatures were increased 11°C by addition of ECINs, but length of time to complete the phase transition was extended at constant cooling rates. Results indicated that ECINs can be used instead of whole bacterial cells for efficient freezing and textural modification. 相似文献
为研究冻结速率对鸡胸肉品质的影响,将24只三黄鸡屠宰并预冷8 h后取胸肉作为研究对象,样品分为3个处理组,分别置于-15、-25、-35℃下冻结,测定冻结速率、解冻汁液流失率、加压失液率、蒸煮损失率、色差、蛋白质溶解度、TBARS值、Ca2+-ATPase活力的变化。结果表明:冻结速率对鸡胸肉解冻汁液流失率、加压失液率、蒸煮损失率、色差、TBARS值、Ca2+-ATPase活力有显著影响(P<0.05),而对蛋白质溶解度无显著影响(P>0.05),且冻结速率越大,鸡胸肉品质越好。 相似文献
不同冻结速率对温氏鸡冻结特性的影响研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以汁液流失率、蛋白质变性、质构为指标,研究超快速冻结(11.46cm/h)、快速冻结(4.21、2.07cm/h)、慢速冻结(0.25cm/h)对温氏鸡冻结特性的影响。结果表明:随着冻结速率的增加,温氏鸡肌原纤维盐溶性蛋白含量和肌动球蛋白Ca2+-ATPase 活性的降低率、汁液流失率先呈下降趋势,然后呈增加的趋势,其他几种ATPase 活性变化不大;差示扫描量热法(DSC)分析冻结后肌肉蛋白的变性与传统方法有较好的相关性(R2=0.8367),冻结对肌球蛋白头部的变性程度要大于对肌浆蛋白和肌球蛋白尾部、肌动蛋白的变性程度;随着冻结速率的上升,温氏鸡肉的硬度和咀嚼性都有增加的趋势,而弹性和回复性都有下降的趋势。综合理化指标和质构指标,增加冻结速率利于保护温氏鸡的品质,但是过快的冻结速率破坏了其品质。 相似文献
冻结速率对河蟹肌肉生化特性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用5种不同的低温冻结处理方式,即-20℃自然慢冻组、速冻处理组(包括-20、-40、-60℃速冻及液氮速冻),进行鲜活整河蟹的冻结,以-20℃条件下贮藏期内河蟹肌肉p H值、丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量、Ca~(2+)-ATPase活力、总巯基(-SH)含量、表面疏水性为指标,研究不同冻结速率对冷冻贮藏河蟹肌肉生化特性的影响。结果表明,随着冻藏时间的延长,河蟹样品的p H值下降、脂肪氧化产物MDA含量先增大后减小、Ca~(2+)-ATPase活力降低、总巯基含量降低、表面疏水性增大,速冻处理组的样品各指标变化趋势明显低于或迟缓于慢冻组,且-60℃和液氮组效果要显著优于-20、-40℃处理组,-60℃和液氮组之间各指标差异不显著。 相似文献
The present investigation studied the freezing of strawberries by immersion in CaCl2 solutions, analysing drip loss, pectin content and the degree of esterification of the pectins, total and cell-wall bonded calcium contents, the ratio bonded calcium/total calcium, and textural parameters. In addition, the effect of immersion in pectin methylesterase (PME) solutions prior to immersion freezing (IF) was analysed. The firmness of thawed fruit decreased by approximately 74% with respect to fresh strawberries, and neither IF-CA (freezing by immersion in CaCl2 solution) nor PME–IF-CA (immersion in PME solution + freezing by immersion in CaCl2 solution) provided significant benefit in maintaining firmness when compared to slow freezing (SF). However, IF provided a significant benefit in reducing drip loss of thawed strawberries when compared to SF, but pre-treatment with PME did not provide any additional benefit. 相似文献
冻结速率和冻藏温度对文蛤蛋白质冷冻变性的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
利用IMP热电偶测温系统,对文蛤分别在-18℃和-30℃冻结温度下的冻结过程进行了测量,对-18℃和-30℃下3种贮藏形态的贝肉冻结样品和冻藏样品肌原纤维蛋白的Ca~(2+)-ATPase活性、Mg~(2+)-ATPase活性、盐溶性蛋白溶解度及添加抗冻剂后防止其冷冻变性的影响进行了研究。结果发现,冻结对贝肉蛋白质变性影响不大,冻藏使蛋白质发生显著的变性,温度低的变性小;在贮藏贝肉的3种形态中,无完整细胞形态的贝糜的变性幅度最大,碎贝肉次之,贝肌肉形态的保持得较好;添加抗冻剂能有效防止贝肉蛋白质冷冻变性,尤其能使贝糜形态贝肉蛋白质的稳定性大大提高。 相似文献
超声波介入鲜猪皮的脱脂工艺研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本论文研究了超声波介入常规皂化工艺对鲜猪皮的脱脂影响,发现超声波可以显著提高猪皮的脱脂率,并确定出了最佳脱脂工艺;超声波脱脂使猪皮表皮明显脱落,有利于表皮角蛋白的去除. 相似文献
运用自制热镀锡膜铜-康铜热电偶测温方法测定了鸭梨果实不同部位的冻结曲线,对鸭梨果实与汁液的冻结特点作了比较,并对冰点温度与部分品质参数的关系进行了探讨.试验结果表明,鸭梨果实的冻结曲线有3种形式,典型的形式具有过冷点、初始冰点、平衡冰点、终止冰点等关键特征点;果实不同部位的过冷点和冰点温度及其出现的时间顺序存在差异,越靠近果心,冻结速率越小,冰点温度越高;果实与果汁冻结特征的不同点在于果实有“特征小段”而果汁没有,且果汁较果实容易冻结;在一定范围内,鸭梨果实冰点温度与可溶性固形物含量呈极显著负相关,而与单果重、硬度相关性不显著. 相似文献
Directional solidification studies of gelatinized corn starch-water mixtures were undertaken in order to examine, in situ, the freezing behavior of this food model. The solidification rate was controlled by varying sample cell velocity as it moved from a 25°C hot stage to a -25°C cold stage. While freezing at cell velocities ≤7.5 μm/sec, starch granules were alternately pushed or entrapped by the advancing solid-liquid interface producing a segregated structure consisting of alternating high-starch and low-starch bands. At a cell velocity of 10 μm/sec, the frozen product was homogeneous. The relationship between the solid-liquid interface velocity and segregation behavior was quantified and compared to an existing model of particle-interface interactions. 相似文献
液氮间歇式浸渍冻结对饺子冻裂率及感官品质特性的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探究液氮间歇式浸渍冻结对饺子色差、质构、感官品质和微观结构的影响,本文以冻裂率为指标分别研究液氮浸入时间、间隔时间、浸入次数对饺子的影响;以低温冰箱冻结、螺旋隧道式冻结为对比,采用色差仪、质构仪、扫描电镜等分别研究液氮间歇式浸渍冻结对饺子色泽、质构、感官特性及微观结构等品质特性的影响。结果表明,当液氮单次浸入时间为2 s,间隔时间为10 s,浸入8次,总时间为86 s时,用时最短,同时中心温度达到-18℃以下,且饺子冻裂率为零。与传统的低温冰箱冻结、隧道式冻结方式相比,液氮间歇式浸渍冻结后饺子L*显著性提高(P<0.05),色泽外观明显改善,硬度、胶着性、咀嚼性显著降低(P<0.05),口感更接近于新鲜未处理组饺子品质。扫描电镜观察结果表明液氮冻结处理组饺子皮内部形成孔洞最小且最多,过多的孔洞可能破坏了面筋网络结构,导致饺子耐煮性较差。本研究为液氮冻结在米面制品中的应用提供了一定的理论基础和技术支撑。 相似文献
Freeze-chilling involves freezing and frozen storage of food products followed by thawing and chilled retail display. The objective of this trial was to examine the effect of different freezing conditions (−30 °C, −60 °C, −90 °C) on selected quality parameters of freeze-chilled reconstituted potato flakes. Lowering the freezing temperature reduced the time required for freezing, gave a softer product and led to a reduction in drip loss. Freeze-chilling resulted in a firmer product and a higher drip loss compared to chilling alone. There was no difference in vitamin C content or in taste panel acceptability between the chilled and the freeze-chilled products. 相似文献
This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of freezing process (cold room –18°C and air-blast freezer –50°C) and frozen storage (–18°C for 0 to 12 mo) on color and sensory quality of pineapple fruit slices (Smooth Cayenne and Red Spanish cultivars). L, –a and +b color parameters showed differences (P ≦ 0.05) with cultivar, but not with freezing rate. No differences (P ≥ 0.05) were found in sensory analysis (color and appearance) between the cultivars, frozen at different rates, compared to fresh product, or after 1 yr frozen storage. The two cultivars are suitable for freezing. 相似文献
Hossein Kiani Zhihang Zhang Adriana Delgado Da-Wen Sun 《Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.)》2011,44(9):2915-2921
Power ultrasound has been proven to be useful in promoting the nucleation of ice in water-based solutions, and different mechanisms have been proposed to describe this phenomenon. In the present work, the use of ultrasound waves to induce dynamic nucleation in deionised water, sucrose solution, and agar gel samples was studied, and the mechanism of ultrasound assisted nucleation was discussed. The samples were frozen in an ethylene glycol–water mixture (− 20 °C) in an ultrasonic bath system after putting them into tubing vials. Ultrasound irradiation (25 kHz, 0.25 W cm−1) was applied continuously for 1, 3, 5, 10 or 15 s at different sample's temperatures in the range of 0 °C to − 5 °C. The nucleation temperatures of the water, sucrose solution and agar gel samples without ultrasound irradiation, occurred stochastically at − 7.4 ± 2.4 °C, −10.6 ± 1.7 °C and − 7.5 ± 0.92 °C, respectively and followed normal distributions. Unlike agar gel samples, the nucleation temperatures of water and sucrose were induced by applying ultrasound for 5 s at different temperatures after a short delay, and linear relationships between the ultrasound irradiation temperatures and the nucleation temperatures were observed. Evaluation of the effect of different durations of ultrasound application on agar gels indicated that 1 s was not long enough to induce nucleation, 3 s was optimal, 5 s and 10 s produced heat and inhibited nucleation, and 15 s did not exhibit significant differences from 3 s and 10 s. It was concluded that longer irradiation durations (especially 5 s and 10 s) caused the sample to heat up, which interrupted or delayed the nucleation. Ultrasound irradiation for 3 s induced nucleation in agar gel samples at different temperatures resulting in a linear relationship between irradiation and nucleation temperatures. The observations indicated that the Hickling's theory, according to which vigorous collapses of bubbles are the only driving mechanism of nucleation, is not adequate to describe the ultrasound assisted nucleation. The results, however, were in agreement with results of some other researchers suggesting that secondary phenomena such as flow streams are also important for the initiation of nucleation. In conclusion, the use of ultrasound as a means to control the crystallisation process offers promising application in food freezing, though further investigations are needed for understanding the mechanisms, especially in solid foods. 相似文献