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Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB) test was simulated to investigate the distribution of the first principal stress and damage zone of specimen subjected to dynamic compressive load. Numerical models of plate-type specimen containing cracks with inclined angles of 0°,45° and 90° were also established to investigate the crack propagation and damage evolution under dynamic loading. The results show that the simulation results are in accordance with the failure patterns of specimens in experimental test. The interactions between stress wave and crack with different inclined angles are different; damage usually appears around the crack tips firstly; and then more damage zones develop away from the foregoing damage zone after a period of energy accumulation; eventually,the damage zones run through the specimen in the direction of applied loading and split the specimen into pieces.  相似文献   

Closure behavior of rock joint under dynamic loading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The normal compression tests on intact samples and artificial joints with different saw-tooth shape under cyclic loading and half-sine waves of different frequencies were performed by using Instron1342 servo-controlled material testing machine. The specimens were made artificially with mortar. The loading frequency ranged from 0.005 Hz to 0.1 Hz. The experimental results show that joint closure curves are non-linear and concave up. The stress-deformation curves under cyclic loading exhibit hysteresis and permanent set that diminish rapidly and keep constant finally on successive cycles. Normal displacement successively decreases from the joint J1 to J2, to J3 under the same normal loads regardless of frequency. Considering the loading frequency effect, normal displacement of joint J1 decreases with increasing the loading frequency except that the loading frequency is 0.05 Hz. Normal displacement of joint J2 increases with increasing the loading frequency. Normal displacement of joint J3 increases with increasing the loading frequency when the frequency ranges from 0.005 Hz to 0.05 Hz. Its normal displacement, however, becomes least when the loading frequency is 0.1 Hz.  相似文献   

The effect of moisture content upon compressive mechanical behavior of concrete under impact loading was studied. The axial rapid compressive loading tests of over 50 specimens with five different saturations were executed. The technique "split Hopkinson pressure bar"(SHPB) was used. The impact velocity was 10 m/s with corresponding strain rate of 50 s-1. The compressive behavior of materials was measured in terms of stress-strain curves, dynamic compressive strength, dynamic increase factor(DIF) and critical strain at a maximum stress. The data obtained from test indicate that both ascending and descending portions of stress-stain curves are affected by moisture content. However, the effect is noted to be more significant in ascending portion of the stress-strain curves. Dynamic compressive strength is higher at lower moisture content and weaker at higher moisture content.Furthermore, under nearly saturated condition, an increase in compressive strength can be found. The effect of moisture content on the average DIF of concrete is not significant. The critical compressive strain of concrete does not change with moisture content.  相似文献   

车辆载荷作用下路基土的变形特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过路基土在重复荷载作用下的室内实验,研究了路基土回弹变形和累积变形随荷载轴次增长的发展规律以及各种因素对累积变形的影响。所有试验均在MTS试验系统上完成。相关研究及分析成果是发展路面力学设计方法所必备的依据之一。  相似文献   

把顶板岩层视为边界固定的弹性矩形平板,将条带煤柱近似等效为连续分布的温克尔弹性基础,采用温克尔弹性基础和流变理论推导出动力荷载下黏弹性基础上四边固支矩形板的黏弹性模型微分方程,探讨了外部荷载频率的变化对系统稳定性特性影响,并研究了系统各参量对条带开采系统动力不稳定区域的影响.结果表明,系统的振动幅度对外部荷载频率的变化尤为敏感,系统的阻尼、刚度、采出率对不稳定区域影响起着关键作用.通过调整系统刚度和几何结构以及系统的力学状态可防治条带开采系统的失稳,并给出了针对性措施.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the damage characteristic of ceramic-metal interpenetrating phase composite(IPC) under dynamic loading, uniaxial dynamic compression was performed to characterize the failure of SiC/Al composite with 15% porosity using a modifi ed Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar(SHPB). High speed photography was used to capture the failure procedure and set up the relationship between deformation and real stress. The deformation control technology was used to obtain collected samples in different deformations under dynamic loading. Micro CT technology was utilized to acquire real damage distribution of these specimens. Moreover, SEM was employed in comparing the damage characteristics in IPC. A summary of the available experimental results showed that IPC without lateral confi nement formed double cones. The different features compared with ceramic materials without restraint was shown to be the result of the lateral restraint effect provided by metal phase to ceramics skeleton.  相似文献   

基于 Penzien 提出的集中质量法,将上部结构和桩基离散为剪切型质点串,以弹簧和阻尼器模拟周围土体,建立土-桩-结构动力相互作用的分析模型,给出相互作用参数的确定方法,并考虑土体的动力非线性和材料阻尼特性,通过等价线性迭代逼近土体的非线性动态响应.运用此模型对某180m 混凝土烟囱按桩基础和刚性基础两种方案进行自振特性和地震时程反应对比分析,得到两种基础形式结构的位移、剪力、弯矩的分布形式基本一致,但考虑桩-土-上部结构相互作用的桩基础使结构体系的周期延长,变形增大,剪力和弯矩相应减小.桩-土-上部结构相互作用增加了结构的柔性,改善了结构的抗震性能.  相似文献   

水平地震下土-桩-结构相互作用简化分析方法   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于Penzien提出的集中质量法,将上部结构和桩基离散为剪切型质点串,以弹簧和阻尼器模拟周围土体,建立土—桩—结构动力相互作用的分析模型,给出相互作用参数的确定方法,并考虑土体的动力非线性和材料阻尼特性,通过等价线性迭代逼近土体的非线性动态响应。运用此模型对某180m混凝土烟囱按桩基础和刚性基础两种方案进行自振特性和地震时程反应对比分析,得到两种基础形式结构的位移、剪力、弯矩的分布形式基本一致,但考虑桩—土—上部结构相互作用的桩基础使结构体系的周期延长,变形增大,剪力和弯矩相应减小。桩—土—上部结构相互作用增加了结构的柔性,改善了结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

When hydroxyapatite bone substitutes are implanted in human bodies, bone tissues will grow into their porous structure, which will reinforce their strength and stiffness. The concept of mechanical compatibility of bone substitutes implies that their mechanical properties are similar to the bone tissues around, as if they were part of the bone. The mechanical compatibility of bone substitutes includes both static and dynamic behavior, due to the mechanical properties of bone depending on the strain rate. In this study, split Hopkinson pressure bar technique (SHPB) was employed to determine the dynamic mechanical properties of coralline hydroxyapatite, bones with and bones without organic components, and their dynamic stress-strain curves of the three materials were obtained. The mechanical effects of collagens in bone were assessed, by comparing the difference between the Young’s moduli of the three materials. As the implanted bone substitute becomes a part of bone, it can be regarded as an inclusion composite. The effective modulus of the composite was also evaluated in order to estimate its mechanical compatibility on stiffness. The evaluated result shows that the suitable porosity of HA is 0.8, which is in favor of both static and dynamic stiffness compatibility. Supported by the Tianjin Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 05YFJMJC10500)  相似文献   


为了解决桥梁在地震作用下发生各类损伤与不同影响因素之间的关系复杂且难以发现的问题, 将桥梁的破坏情况与桥墩类型、结构类型、支座类型、平面线形、基础类型、交角、断层距、峰值地面加速度等影响因素相结合, 利用优势关系粗糙集对桥梁损伤的条件属性进行约简, 提取了汶川地震中374座桥梁发生各类破坏的最少关联规则集, 另选20座桥梁进行测试, 将结果与不可分辨关系粗糙集理论和分类回归树算法进行对比, 结果表明对于震后桥梁损伤状态评价决策关联规则, 采用基于优势关系粗糙集理论生成的规则比传统的基于不可分辨关系粗糙集理论和分类回归树算法生成的规则更加准确, 因此在今后的桥梁损伤判别研究和规则提取中可以加以利用。


为研究梁柱边节点的动态力学性能,采用位移加载控制方式,对3个梁柱边节点组合体试件开展动态加载试验。根据软化拉-压杆模型,预测了节点核心区裂缝的开展,并分析了轴压比和加载速率对节点破坏形态、承载能力、位移延性的影响规律。结果表明:轴压比增大后,节点内裂缝数量减少,节点核心区斜裂缝与竖向轴力的夹角减小;随加载速率的提高,试件断裂面上越来越多的骨料被拉断,节点组合体严重损伤部分发生转移;加载速率提高后,试件的水平抗剪承载力提高9.73%,但试件的水平抗剪承载力随轴压比的变化不明显;节点组合体的变形能力随加载速率或轴压比的提高而减弱。  相似文献   

循环荷载下软土动弹性模量衰减规律研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究循环荷载作用下软土动弹性模量的衰减规律,通过室内动三轴试验,详细研究了循环荷载作用下初始偏移应力、荷载频率、超固结比以及循环应力比等对软土动弹性模量衰减的影响.试验结果表明,随着应变的增大,不同频率荷载作用下土样的动弹性模量逐渐减小,但频率的变化对动弹性模量的衰减规律影响很小;在相同的动应变水平下,随着初始偏移应力的增加,土体动弹性模量有较大幅度的增加;对于超固结比较大的土体,其动弹性模量衰减较小,超固结比较小的土体,其动弹性模量随应变增大衰减较大.通过对试验结果进行回归分析,得到了软土在循环荷载作用下动弹性模量衰减的经验公式  相似文献   

Dynamic response and failure behavior of rock under static-dynamic loading were studied. The effects of initial static load on the total energy dissipated during the failure process of specimen were analyzed. To simulate the engineering situation that in-situ rock experienced and obtain the dynamic loading with an intermediate strain rate, a low cycle fatigue load with the frequency from 0.5 to 5 Hz was adopted by servo-controlled Instron material testing system. The results show that the obtained strain rate increase with the increase of load frequency. The initial static load has great influence on both the energy and dynamic response of rock. Both the energy and the maximum failure load Pf decreases with the increase of initial static load. Pf under the static-dynamic loading is larger than that under only the static loading but less than that under only the dynamic loading. The load-displacement curves become nonlinear as the pre-added static load reaches the transition point which is about one third of static strength. With the increase of initial static load, Young‘s modulus decreases and poisson ratio increases. It shows that rock has a lower strength and a tendency to soften under a higher initial static load. Rock may be broken more easily static-dynamic loading than under only the dynamic loading. The proposed method is useful in the investigation of constitutive relationship and failure behavior of rock under quasi-dynamic loading.  相似文献   

将压电陶瓷片使用环氧树脂进行防水和绝缘处理后封装在大理石块内形成"智能骨料",为研究智能骨料在单向动力荷载作用下的工作机理和性能,进行了理论分析和数值模拟计算.通过压电方程建立压电陶瓷片电压与电荷量数学关系,进而推导出电压与应力的数学模型.在理论分析的前提下,利用有限元软件ABAQUS进行数值模拟,选用C3D8E压电单元模拟压电陶瓷片,选用C3D8R单元模拟大理石块和环氧树脂,最终建立智能骨料外加动荷载与压电陶瓷片输出电压之间的数学模型.结果表明:数值模拟结果与理论分析结果一致性较好,说明利用该方法制作的智能骨料可以较好地用于监测结构内部动应力.  相似文献   

铁路路基承受的列车动荷载作用由列车通过时产生的周期性振动和无列车通过时的加载间歇组成, 针对此工程背景,开展不同围压、水的质量分数、动应力条件下的连续加载与加载-停振的动三轴试验,研究间歇性循环荷载作用下细粒土的超孔隙水压力、弹性应变、回弹模量和累积塑性应变的变化规律. 试验结果表明,加载间歇对路基变形特性有显著影响. 由于加载间歇阶段试样卸载以及排水作用,试样在加载阶段积累的超孔隙水压力在间歇阶段消散,土体内部颗粒及结构得到调整,试样抵抗后续荷载的能力得到提高. 此外,加载间歇显著减缓了后续加载阶段的塑性应变发展,降低了试样的累积塑性应变. 加载间歇对提高试样回弹模量、降低弹性应变的效果有限. 加载-停振的间歇加载方式可以更准确地模拟实际列车荷载作用,进而获得更具实际意义的试验结果.  相似文献   

强动载荷下离散多层圆筒的弹性动力响应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对离散多层圆筒(DMC)在动载荷作用下研究的不足,研究了DMC在强动载荷作用下的弹性动力响应.在轴对称平面应变条件下,将内筒和钢带层的径向位移分别分解为满足非齐次应力边界条件的准静态解和满足齐次应力边界条件的动态解,准静态解由齐次线性方法和边界条件确定,动态解通过有限Hankel积分变换和Laplace积分变换求得.数值算例结果表明,与几何尺寸、材料均相同的单层圆筒(MC)相比,在相同的内部动载荷作用下,DMC有更大的径向位移和更大的径向应力峰值.DMC内筒的环向应力峰值比相应内径处的MC大,而钢带层中的环向应力峰值比单层圆筒小.  相似文献   

针对交通荷载循环应力水平低、循环次数大的特点,利用英国GDS公司生产的振动三轴仪在不同固结围压、不同循环应力比下对温州原状饱和软黏土进行了大周数(50 000次)不排水循环加载试验,研究了循环应力比对饱和软黏土应力-应变曲线、回弹模量和累积应变的影响.研究表明:循环应力比对饱和软黏土应力-应变曲线的形状及其发展规律影响明显.相应地,随着循环应力比的增大,回弹模量的衰减程度加大,达到稳定所需的循环次数增多.通过对50 000次循环后的回弹模量和累积应变进行分析,发现循环应力比在0.60-0.70是一个临界应力水平,当循环应力比大于该水平时,回弹模量不随循环应力比的变化而改变,达到“渐近线刚度”;而累积应变则开始迅速增长,变得不稳定.  相似文献   

A series of dynamic behavior tests on Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand were performed by using the WFI cyclic triaxial apparatus made in England. The dynamic behaviors of Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand under different static deviator stress levels and cyclic stress ratios were studied. Through comparing the effective stress path under cyclic loading with static loading, the processes of liquefaction of saturated Nanjing flake-shaped fine sand with development of dynamic pore-water pressure, including the initial compact state, compression state and dilative state, were investigated. The variation of the shear stiffness with the number of cycles and cyclic strain was investigated by analyzing the secant shear modulus in each unload-reload loop of dynamic stress-strain relationship. And by means of the exponential function, the empirical equations of the relationship between secant shear modulus Gsec, shear modulus ratio Gsec/Gmax and cyclic strain ε were established based on series of test results. The results show that according to different combinations of static deviator stress and cyclic stress, two kinds of failure patterns with deviator stress reversal or no deviator stress reversal are observed in the samples tested in this series, including cyclic mobility and the failure of accumulation residual strain. In addition, the degradation of dynamic shear modulus is due to the development of vibration pore-water pressure and it is observed that the shear modulus reduces with the progressive number of cycles.  相似文献   

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