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The radioactivity in tobacco leaves collected from 15 different regions of Greece before cigarette production was studied in order to estimate the effective dose from cigarette tobacco due to the naturally occurring primordial radionuclides, such as (226)Ra and (210)Pb of the uranium series and (228)Ra of the thorium series and or man-made radionuclides, such as (137)Cs of Chernobyl origin. Gamma-ray spectrometry was applied using Ge planar and coaxial type detectors of high resolution and high efficiency. It was concluded that the annual effective dose due to inhalation for adults (smokers) for (226)Ra varied from 42.5 to 178.6 microSv y(-1) (average 79.7 microSv y(-1)), while for (228)Ra from 19.3 to 116.0 microSv y(-1) (average 67.1 microSv y(-1)) and for (210)Pb from 47.0 to 134.9 microSv y(-1) (average 104.7 microSv y(-1)), that is the same order of magnitude for each radionuclide. The sum of the effective doses of the three natural radionuclides varied from 151.9 to 401.3 microSv y(-1) (average 251.5 microSv y(-1)). The annual effective dose from (137)Cs of Chernobyl origin was three orders of magnitude lower as it varied from 70.4 to 410.4 nSv y(-1) (average 199.3 nSv y(-1)).  相似文献   

Measurements of external radiation level, radon/thoron daughters concentrations in air and uranium/thorium concentrations in airborne mineral dust at 16 amang plants in Malaysia were carried out for three consecutive months to assess radiation dose to workers. Estimated occupational dose was within the range of 1.7-10.9 mSv y(-1). The mean total dose at the amang plants was 4.1 mSv y(-1). Overall, it was found that the major dose contribution of 80% came from external radiation. Radon/thoron daughters and airborne mineral dust contributed to only 11 and 9% of the total dose, respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, dose area product measurements have been performed to propose diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) in intraoral dental radiology. Measurements were carried out at 60 X-ray units for all types of intraoral examinations performed in clinical routine. The third quartile values calculated range from 26.2 to 87.0 mGy cm(2). The results showed that there exists a large difference between the patient exposures among different dental facilities. It was also observed that dentists working with faster film type or higher tube voltage are not always associated with lower exposure. The study demonstrated the necessity to have the DRLs laid out as guidelines in dental radiology.  相似文献   

The Raman spectroscopy of polymer gel dosimeters has been investigated with a view to developing a novel dosimetry technique that is capable of determining radiation dose within a micrometer of spatial resolution. The polymer gel dosimeter, known as the PAG dosimeter, is typically made up of acrylamide, N,N'-methylene-bis--acrylamide, gelatin, and water. A polyacrylamide network within the gelatin matrix forms in response to an absorbed dose. The loss of monomers may be monitored by corresponding changes to the Raman spectrum. Principal component analysis offers a simple method of quantifying the absorbed radiation dose from the Raman spectrum of the polymer gel. The background luminescence in the spectrum increased significantly with dose and is shown to originate in the glass of the sample vial. The competing effects of elastic scatter, which increases with dose due to the formation of polymer, and sample absorption were quantified and found to introduce errors of up to 5% under certain conditions. Raman spectra as a function of distance from the air-surface interface have been measured for samples that were subjected to doses delivered by a clinical linear accelerator. The depth dose profile thus obtained compared favorably with "gold standard" ion-chamber measurements.  相似文献   

The active dosemeter DOSTEL based on two silicon planar detectors was flown on civil aircraft flights to study the radiation exposure of air crew members. The altitude and latitude dependence of count and dose rates as well as long-term variations are measured. After calibration of the DOSTEL response against measurements of a TEPC instrument, total dose-equivalent values for various flights are compared with H*(10) calculations by EPCARD yielding a ratio of 1.02 +/- 0.09 (standard variation).  相似文献   

Conclusions It is suggested that the ICRU term dose equivalent should be translated into Russian as equivalent dose (ED).It is proposed that the equivalent dose should be expressed in terms of equivalent rads (eq. rad).Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 15–17, November, 1966.  相似文献   

In the primary systems of nuclear power plants (NPPs), various radionuclides including fission products and corrosion products are generated due to the complex water chemistry conditions. In particular, (3)H, (14)C, (58)Co, (60)Co, (137)Cs, and (131)I are important or potential radionuclides with respect to dose assessment for workers and the management of radioactive effluents or dose assessment for the public. In this paper, the dominant contributors to the dose for workers and the public were reviewed and the process of dose assessment attributable to those contributors was investigated. Furthermore, an analysis was carried out on some examples of dose to workers during NPP operation.  相似文献   

Commercial glasses have been investigated for their application in accidental gamma dose measurement using Thermoluminescent (TL) techniques. Some of the glasses have been found to be sensitive enough that they can be used as TL dating material in radiological accident situation for gamma dosimetry with lower detection limit 1 Gy (the dose significant for the onset of deterministic biological effects). The glasses behave linearly in the dose range 1-25 Gy with measurement uncertainty +/- 10%. The errors in accidental dose measurements using TL technique are estimated to be within +/- 25%. These glasses have shown TL fading in the range of 10-20% in 24 h after irradiation under room conditions; thereafter the fading becomes slower and reaches upto 50% in 15 d. TL fading of gamma-irradiated glasses follows exponential decay pattern, therefore dosimetry even after years is possible. These types of glasses can also be used as lethal dose indicator (3-4 Gy) using TL techniques, which can give valuable inputs to the medical professional for better management of radiation victims. The glasses are easy to use and do not require lengthy sample preparation before reading as in case of other building materials. TL measurement on glasses may give immediate estimation of the doses, which can help in medical triage of the radiation-exposed public.  相似文献   

CT剂量指数(CTDI)测量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文章给出了CT剂量指数(CTDI)的定义、以及在临床医学和设备质量控制方面的应用。并对多排螺旋CT中CT剂量指数的物理意义作了特别说明。重点讨论了CT剂量指数(CTDI)的测量原理、方法等相关技术,并且比较了国际电工委员会(IEC)和美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)关于CT剂量指数(CTDI)的定义及计算方法的差异,使读者了解CT剂量指数(CTDI)发展和演变。  相似文献   

At AWE, an annual faecal sample forms part of the internal monitoring strategy for insoluble forms of plutonium. The setting of a derived investigation level (DIL) and assessment of doses from results for faecal samples can pose some difficulties in view of uncertainties related to: (a) the time and number of intakes during the monitoring period and (b) the result from a single sample. This paper uses Monte Carlo simulation to investigate the activity that would be expected in faeces following varying numbers of intake events during the monitoring period. The variation in faecal activity of a long-term excretor is also investigated. The implications of the results for the setting of the DIL and assessment of dose are discussed.  相似文献   

In retrospective dosimetry using luminescence it is never possible to obtain a sample of the unaltered phosphor as it was at somc time in the past and before radiation exposure. This prevents direct calibration using conventional personnel dosimetry techniques, and so measurement protocols must be devised which allow accurate estimation of the dose using only the exposed phosphor. This has led to the use of complex protocols, requiring many tens of notionally identical subsamples, to obtain one estimate of the unknown dose. More recently, considerable effort has gone into devising protocols which provide an estimate of the unknown dose from only one subsample. These avoid the need to assume homogeneity in the sample. These protocols also allow faster measurement, which for the first time makes it practical to obtain multiple estimates of the unknown dose and thus externally calculated random errors. This paper discusses the development of single-aliquot protocols, with particular reference to those devised for use with quartz, and finally reviews some of their applications in the retrospective assessment of dose.  相似文献   

A systematic radiological survey has been carried out in the region of high-background radiation area in Kollam district of Kerala to define the natural gamma-radiation levels. One hundred and forty seven soil samples from high-background radiation areas and five samples from normal background region were collected as per standard sampling procedures and were analysed for (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K by gamma-ray spectroscopy. External gamma dose rates at all sampling locations were also measured using a survey meter. The activities of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K was found to vary from 17 to 3081 Bq kg(-1), 54 to 11976 Bq kg(-1) and BDL (67.4 Bq kg(-1)) to 216 Bq kg(-1), respectively, in the study area. Such heterogeneous distribution of radionuclides in the region may be attributed to the deposition phenomenon of beach sand soil in the region. Radium equivalent activities were found high in several locations. External gamma dose rates estimated from the levels of radionuclides in soil had a range from 49 to 9244 nGy h(-1). The result of gamma dose rate measured at the sampling sites using survey meter showed an excellent correlation with dose rates computed from the natural radionuclides estimated from the soil samples.  相似文献   

Entrance surface dose (ESD) and effective dose (E) to premature infants were estimated at three neonatal intensive care units in Kuwait for three standard X-ray examinations--abdominal, chest and skull X rays using a simple water phantom. The ESD was found to vary between 58 and 102 microGy for abdominal X rays, between 51 and 102 microGy for chest X rays and between 58 and 145 microGy for skull examinations. These doses are comparable to the entrance skin doses published elsewhere. The E-values were estimated using normalised organ dose dataset from the National Radiological Protection Board. The E-values for abdominal, chest and skull examinations were in the ranges of 30-46, 20-36 and 8-18 microSv per examination, respectively. The risk of developing childhood cancers from each of the three examinations was estimated to be in the range (9-117) x 10(-6) for infants undergoing 25 of these X-ray examinations during their stay in the NIC unit.  相似文献   

A prototype ionisation chamber for direct measurement of the personal dose equivalent, Hp(10), similar to the one developed by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesantalt (PTB), was designed and constructed by the Metrological Laboratory of Ionizing Radiation (LMRI) of Nuclear and Technological Institute (ITN). Tests already performed have shown that the behaviour of this chamber is very similar to the PTB chamber, mainly the energy dependence for the X-ray radiation qualities of the ISO 4037-1 narrow series N-30, N-40, N-60, N-80, N-100 and N-120 and also for gamma radiation of 137Cs and 60Co. However, the results obtained also show a dependence on the energy and angles of incident radiation and a low magnitude of the electrical response of the ionisation chamber. In order to optimise the performance of the chamber, the LMRI initiated numerical simulation of this ionisation chamber by Monte Carlo method using the MCNPX code.  相似文献   

Different radon measurement methods were applied in the old and new buildings of the Turkish bath of Eger, Hungary, in order to elaborate a radon measurement protocol. Besides, measurements were also made concerning the radon and thoron short-lived decay products, gamma dose from external sources and water radon. The most accurate results for dose estimation were provided by the application of personal radon meters. Estimated annual effective doses from radon and its short-lived decay products in the old and new buildings, using 0.2 and 0.1 measured equilibrium factors, were 0.83 and 0.17 mSv, respectively. The effective dose from thoron short-lived decay products was only 5 % of these values. The respective external gamma radiation effective doses were 0.19 and 0.12 mSv y(-1). Effective dose from the consumption of tap water containing radon was 0.05 mSv y(-1), while in the case of spring water, it was 0.14 mSv y(-1).  相似文献   

The aim of our investigation was to prospectively measure the patient radiation exposure from different cardiological procedures performed in the Catheterisation laboratory of the University Hospital Gasthuisberg in Leuven. The following local reference values were proposed: 40, 47 and 80 Gycm2 for coronary angiography (CA) or angioplasty (PTCA and stent implantation for elective patients), radio frequency ablation with angiographic images and CA plus ad hoc PTCA, respectively.  相似文献   

The use of episcleral plaques containing radioactive 125I seeds for brachytherapy treatment of selected retinoblastoma cases of patients is being done in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia since 1994. There are about three to four patients per year. A total of 31 patients were treated with a tumour dose in the range of 40-60 Gy using 8 seeds of 125I each from 1994 to 2002. This study determines the trend of occupational doses received by surgeons, anaesthesiologists and nurses and the dose rate profile around the eyes. Only 3% of the 275 persons monitored for Hp(10) have measurable doses with a weighted average of 4 microSv and 7% of the 175 persons monitored for Hp(0.07) have measurable doses with a weighted average of 0.3 mSv. The dose rate is maximum (110 microSv h(-1)) at the point of contact with the eye plaque and reduces to approximately 40% on the side of the other eye.  相似文献   

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