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蔡亮  范元瑞  鄢萌  夏鑫 《软件学报》2019,30(5):1288-1307
软件缺陷预测一直是软件工程研究中最活跃的领域之一,研究人员己经提出了大量的缺陷预测技术,根据预测粒度不同,主要包括模块级、文件级和变更级(change-level)缺陷预测.其中,变更级缺陷预测旨在于开发者提交代码时,对其引入的代码是否存在缺陷进行预测,因此又被称作即时(just-in-time)缺陷预测.近年来,即时缺陷预测技术由于其即时性、细粒度等优势,成为缺陷预测领域的研究热点,取得了一系列研究成果;同时也在数据标注、特征提取、模型评估等环节面临诸多挑战,迫切需要更先进、统一的理论指导和技术支撑.鉴于此,从即时缺陷预测技术的数据标注、特征提取和模型评估等方面对近年来即时缺陷预测研究进展进行梳理和总结.主要内容包括:(1)归类并梳理了即时缺陷预测模型构建中数据标注常用方法及其优缺点;(2)对即时缺陷预测的特征类型和计算方法进行了详细分类和总结;(3)总结并归类现有模型构建技术;(4)总结了模型评估中使用的实验验证方法与性能评估指标;(5)归纳出了即时缺陷预测技术的关键问题;(6)最后展望了即时缺陷预测的未来发展.  相似文献   

Incremental Maintenance of Software Artifacts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Software is multidimensional, but the tools that support it are not. This lack of tool support causes the software artifacts representing different dimensions to evolve independently and to become inconsistent over time. In order to properly support the evolution of software, one must ensure that the different dimensions evolve concurrently. We have built a software development tool, CLIME that uses constraints implemented as database queries to ensure just this. Our approach makes the tool responsible for detecting inconsistencies between software design, specifications, documentation, source code, test cases, and other artifacts without requiring any of these to be a primary representation. The tool works incrementally as the software evolves, without imposing a particular methodology or process. It includes a front end that lets the user explore and fix current inconsistencies. This paper describes the basis for CLIME, the techniques underlying the tool, the interface provided to the programmer, the incremental maintenance of constraints between these artifacts, and our experiences  相似文献   

The developers’ physical dispersion in Distributed Software Development (DSD) imposes challenges related to awareness support during collaboration in such scenario. In this paper, we present a systematic literature review and mapping that gathered, analyzed, and classified studies that improve awareness support in DSD, providing an overview of the area. Our initial search returned 1967 papers, of which 91 were identified as reporting some awareness support to DSD. These papers were then analyzed, and classified according to the 3 C collaboration model and to the Gutwin et al. Awareness Framework. Our findings suggest that awareness in DSD is gaining increasingly attention, 71 out of 91 papers were published from 2006 to 2010. Most part of the papers presented tools with some awareness support. The classification showed that the coordination is by far the most supported dimension of the 3C model, while communication is the less explored. It also showed that workspace awareness elements play a central role on DSD collaboration.  相似文献   

In recent years, a large number of relatively advanced and often ready-to-use robotic hardware components and systems have been developed for small-scale use. As these tools are mature, there is now a shift towards advanced applications. These often require automation and demand reliability, efficiency and decisional autonomy. New software tools and algorithms for artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help here. However, since there are many software-based control approaches for small-scale robotics, it is rather unclear how these can be integrated and which approach may be used as a starting point. Therefore, this paper attempts to shed light on existing approaches with their advantages and disadvantages compared to established requirements. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in the target group. The software categories presented include vendor-provided software, robotic software frameworks (RSF), scientific software and in-house developed software (IHDS). Typical representatives for each category are described in detail, including SmarAct precision tool commander, MathWorks Matlab and national instruments LabVIEW, as well as the robot operating system (ROS). The identified software categories and their representatives are rated for end user satisfaction based on functional and non-functional requirements, recommendations and learning curves. The paper concludes with a recommendation of ROS as a basis for future work.  相似文献   

陈秋远  李善平  鄢萌  夏鑫 《软件学报》2019,30(4):962-980
代码克隆(code clone),是指存在于代码库中两个及以上相同或者相似的源代码片段.代码克隆相关问题是软件工程领域研究的重要课题.代码克隆是软件开发中的常见现象,它能够提高效率,产生一定的正面效益.但是研究表明,代码克隆也会对软件系统的开发、维护产生负面的影响,包括降低软件稳定性,造成代码库冗余和软件缺陷传播等.代码克隆检测技术旨在寻找检测代码克隆的自动化方法,从而用较低成本减少代码克隆的负面效应.研究者们在代码克隆检测方面获得了一系列的检测技术成果,根据这些技术利用源代码信息的程度不同,可以将它们分为基于文本、词汇、语法、语义4个层次.现有的检测技术针对文本相似的克隆取得了有效的检测结果,但同时也面临着更高抽象层次克隆的挑战,亟待更先进的理论、技术来解决.着重从源代码表征方式角度入手,对近年来代码克隆检测研究进展进行了梳理和总结.主要内容包括:(1)根据源代码表征方式阐述并归类了现有的克隆检测方法;(2)总结了模型评估中使用的实验验证方法与性能评估指标;(3)从科学性、实用性和技术难点这3个方面归纳总结了代码克隆研究的关键问题,围绕数据标注、表征方法、模型构建和工程实践4个方面,阐述了问题的可能解决思路和研究的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

ContextGeographically distributed teams have adopted agile practices as a work strategy. One of these practices is Distributed Pair Programming (DPP). DPP consists in two developers working remotely on the same design, algorithm or code.ObjectiveIn this paper we sought to identify and synthesize papers that describe and analyze DPP both from teaching and practice perspectives.MethodWe conducted a Systematic Literature Review to search for empirical evidence in eight digital libraries.ResultsMost of the 34 DPP primary studies identified explore DPP from a teaching perspective. We found that DPP requires a specific infrastructure, but the existing studies do not explore the impact of the distribution in the details. There are many tools proposed that support DPP practice, but few of them are evaluated within a software development team.ConclusionWe need more studies that explore the effects of Pair Programming in the context of Distributed Software Development, such as coordination and communication. Most of the studies do not empirically evaluate DPP in industry. There is also a need to propose guidelines to use DPP in industry and as a teaching strategy.  相似文献   

电子商务环境下供应链协作策略研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着电子商务的迅速发展,大量的电子商务市场也应运而生,为供应商提供了新的销售渠道,也同时改变了供应链的结构和模式,传统的供应链协作理论在新的形势下遇到了挑战。越来越多的学者开始把注意力转向电子商务环境下的供应链理论的研究,因此,文章基于目前这一形式,阅读大量关于这方面的最新文献,对目前的研究进展进行了总结,并提出了今后研究的方向和需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

A recommender system is employed to accurately recommend items,which are expected to attract the user's attention.The over-emphasis on the accuracy of the recommendations can cause information over-specialization and make recommendations boring and even predictable.Novelty and diversity are two partly useful solutions to these problems.However,novel and diverse recommendations cannot merely ensure that users are attracted since such recommendations may not be relevant to the user's interests.Hence,it is necessary to consider other criteria,such as unexpectedness and relevance.Serendipity is a criterion for making appealing and useful recommendations.The usefulness of serendipitous recommendations is the main superiority of this criterion over novelty and diversity.The bulk of studies of recommender systems have focused on serendipity in recent years.Thus,a systematic literature review is conducted in this paper on previous studies of serendipity-oriented recommender systems.Accordingly,this paper focuses on the contextual convergence of serendipity definitions,datasets,serendipitous recommendation methods,and their evaluation techniques.Finally,the trends and existing potentials of the serendipity-oriented recommender systems are discussed for future studies.The results of the systematic literature review present that the quality and the quantity of articles in the serendipity-oriented recommender systems are progressing.  相似文献   

Academic libraries continue to face challenges of physical space, changing access demands from technology, and the delivery and accessibility of resources to populations both on- and off-campus. To address these challenges, academic libraries increasingly turn to e-books to build and supplement existing print collections. This review article examines the various streams within the library and information science literature related to e-book adoption in academic libraries. Topics within the literature examined include e-book technology, academic library adoption, cost, and modes of reading. This review of the literature is relevant to all academic librarians and administrators engaged in collection development decisions.  相似文献   

张幸幸  朱振峰  赵亚威  赵耀 《软件学报》2022,33(10):3732-3753
随着信息技术在社会各领域的深入渗透,人类社会所拥有的数据总量达到了一个前所未有的高度.一方面,海量数据为基于数据驱动的机器学习方法获取有价值的信息提供了充分的空间;另一方面,高维度、过冗余以及高噪声也是上述繁多、复杂数据的固有特性.为消除数据冗余、发现数据结构、提高数据质量,原型学习是一种行之有效的方式.通过寻找一个原型集来表示目标集,以从样本空间进行数据约简,在增强数据可用性的同时,提升机器学习算法的执行效率.其可行性在众多应用领域中已得到证明.因此,原型学习相关理论与方法的研究是当前机器学习领域的一个研究热点与重点.主要介绍了原型学习的研究背景和应用价值,概括介绍了各类原型学习相关方法的基本特性、原型的质量评估以及典型应用;接着,从原型学习的监督方式及模型设计两个视角重点介绍了原型学习的研究进展,其中,前者主要涉及无监督、半监督和全监督方式,后者包括基于相似度、行列式点过程、数据重构和低秩逼近这四大类原型学习方法;最后,对原型学习的未来发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Mutation testing is the process whereby a fault is deliberately inserted into a software system, in order to assess the quality of test data, in terms of its ability to find this fault. Mutation testing is also used as a way to drive the test data development process. Traditionally, faults were inserted one by one into a software system, but more recently there has been an upsurge of interest by the area of higher-order mutation, in which multiple faults are inserted into the system at once. Originally, this was thought to be too expensive, as there was already a concern that the size of the pool of mutants for traditional mutation was already too large to handle. However, following a seminal publication in 2008, it was realized that the space of higher-order mutants (HOMs) could be searched for useful mutants that drive testing harder, and to reduce the overall test effort, by clever combination of first-order mutants. As a result, many authors examined the way in which HOM testing could find subtle hard to kill faults, capture partial fault masking, reduce equivalent mutants problem, reduce test effort while increasing effectiveness, and capture more realistic faults than those captured by simple insertion of first-order mutants. Because of the upsurge of interest in the previous issues, this paper presents the first Systematic Literature Review research specifically targeted at a higher-order mutation. This Systematic Literature Review analyzes the results of more than one hundred sixty research articles in this area. The current paper presents qualitative results and bibliometric analysis for the surveyed articles. In addition, it augments these results with scientific findings and quantitative results from the primary literature. As a result of this work, this SLR presents an outline for many future work.  相似文献   

神经机器翻译前沿综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机器翻译是指通过计算机将源语言句子翻译到与之语义等价的目标语言句子的过程,是自然语言处理领域的一个重要研究方向。神经机器翻译仅需使用神经网络就能实现从源语言到目标语言的端到端翻译,目前已成为机器翻译研究的主流方向。该文选取了近期神经机器翻译的几个主要研究领域,包括同声传译、多模态机器翻译、非自回归模型、篇章翻译、领域自适应、多语言翻译和模型训练,并对这些领域的前沿研究进展做简要介绍。  相似文献   

Rapid population ageing triggered by a low fertility rate and a rise in life expectancy is being experienced worldwide, which has raised many formidable social, political and economic challenges. It becomes increasingly important to gain an in-depth understanding into prevailing attitudes towards older people and ageing in society. This article has systematically reviewed the literature on images of ageing. In addition to statistically analysing the characteristics of the reviewed literature, findings of the reviewed articles have been reported using the main themes identified. The review found that older characters, especially older female characters, are underrepresented compared with census figures in both Western and Asian media. Although mixed images are presented, negative ones tend to predominate. Compared with older people, the young and middle-aged people especially those who have less contact with older people tend to have simpler, vaguer and more negative stereotypes for the older population. Through long exposure to the stereotypes held by the public towards their group, older members of the stereotype-target groups may internalise those perceptions, especially for those who are relatively weak in filtering information. In addition, negative self-image and images of ageing held by older people have been found to be detrimental to their physical, mental, behavioural and social functioning. Based on the findings of this review, recommendations are made for research, policy, practice and education so as to construct new images of ageing in the society in which everyone look forward to entering into old age and the older group remain healthy, well-groomed, outgoing, capable, and active members of the community.  相似文献   

问题生成是指机器主动对一段文本进行提问,生成一个自然语言的问题.神经问题生成则是完全采用端到端的训练方式,使用神经网络完成文档和答案到问题的转换,是自然语言处理中一个新兴而又重要的研究方向.文中首先对神经问题生成进行了简单介绍,包括基本概念、主流框架和评价方法.接着介绍了该研究方向的关键问题,包括输入建模、长文本处理、...  相似文献   

需求获取和建模是指从需求文本或记录中获取显式和隐式的需求,并通过表格化、图形化、形式化等方法构建相应模型的过程,是软件开发过程中极为关键的一步,为后续系统设计与实现铺平道路,提高软件开发效率和质量,提升软件系统稳定性和可行性.研究者们在需求获取与建模方面获得了一系列研究成果,根据其关注阶段不同,可以将它们分为需求知识提...  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer Vision - In this paper, we report on the creation of a publicly available, common evaluation framework for image and video visual interestingness prediction. We...  相似文献   

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