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广播电台的网络化广播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高馨 《电声技术》2003,(8):68-68
1 网络广播的构成。乌鲁木齐人民广播电台的广播网络是基于WEB服务器和Media服务器通过使用MMS协议进行接收、解压缩和播放的。实时传输时,音频内容被编码并直接发送给服务器,服务器将内容发送给一个或多个客户端。  相似文献   

Technical advances in digital audio radio broadcasting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The move to digital is a natural progression taking place in all aspects of broadcast media applications from document processing in newspapers to video processing in television distribution. This is no less true for audio broadcasting which has taken a unique development path in the United States. This path has been heavily influenced by a combination of regulatory and migratory requirements specific to the U.S. market. In addition, competition between proposed terrestrial and satellite systems combined with increasing consumer expectations have set ambitious, and often changing, requirements for the systems. The result has been a unique set of evolving requirements on source coding, channel coding, and modulation technologies to make these systems a reality. This paper outlines the technical development of the terrestrial wireless and satellite audio broadcasting systems in the U.S., providing details on specific source and channel coding designs and adding perspective on why specific designs were selected in the final systems. These systems are also compared to other systems such as Eureka-147, DRM, and Worldspace, developed under different requirements.  相似文献   

刘明 《电视技术》2015,39(8):87-88
贵州广播电视台播控中心在2014年对现有的播出系统进行较大规模的改造,以适应台事业的快速发展,原有的供电系统明显不能满足需求,首先对UPS供电系统进行了较为复杂的改动.对改造后UPS电源供电系统的配电方案以及UPS供电系统电源改造具体措施进行了介绍,并对该供电系统改造过程中的一些关键环节和数据进行了阐述.  相似文献   

《IEE Review》1998,44(4):178-182
Seventy five years ago, the newly formed British Broadcasting Company moved into new quarters in the west wing of the IEE's Savoy Place building in London. Here, the author describes how during its nine year residence the BBC expanded into all available space at the IEE and adjoining buildings to create the complex that became known as Savoy Hill  相似文献   

无线电管理是一项政策性、科学性、社会性都很强的工作.在具体的无线电管理业务工作中.要多依靠群众的帮助.才能快速解决问题。2007年12月,河北省枣强县大营镇居民接收卫星广播的电视信号一度受到严重干扰,群众纷纷打电话向我们投诉。按照信息产业部紧急通知的要求,我们迅速派人查找非法的无线电干扰器。干扰器安装在很隐蔽的地方,并且只在晚上进行干扰.这给我们的监测、查找工作造成了困难。  相似文献   

Wireless Networks - Communication systems play an important role in smart grid (SG). Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is hybrid architecture in smart grid comprising of smart meters and...  相似文献   

在分析互联网模式和传统广电网络局限性的基础上,基于云计算架构(IPS)与面向服务架构(SOA),通过研究平台建设模式,提出了具有对等互联特点的广电云联邦模式,并给出了广电云联邦平台架构.广电云联邦模式与架构的实施,将促进各地广电网络业务跨平台运营,有助于提高资源利用率,提升广电网络服务水平和业务核心竞争力,对广电网络创新发展具有积极意义.  相似文献   


Broadcasting is an important phenomenon, because it serves as simplest mode of communication in a network, via which each node disseminates information to their neighboring nodes simultaneously. Broadcasting is widely used in various kind of networks, such as wireless sensor networks, wireless networks, and ad-hoc networks. Similarly, in cognitive radio networks (CRNs), broadcasting is also used to perform many tasks including neighbor discovery, spectrum mobility, spectrum sharing, and dissemination of message throughout the network. The traditional approach that has been used as broadcasting in CRNs is simple flooding in which a message is disseminated in the network without any strategy check. Simple flooding can cause major setbacks in the network, such as excessive redundant rebroadcasts, and collision drops which collectively are termed as broadcast storm problem. To reduce the effects of broadcast storm problem in wireless networks, we propose and compare four broadcasting strategies for cognitive radio networks in this paper. These four strategies are: (1) probability based, (2) counter based, (3) distance based, and (4) area based. Extensive NS-2 based simulations are carried out on different threshold values for each broadcasting strategy. After experimental evaluation, it is demonstrated that counter based broadcasting surpasses other broadcasting strategies by achieving maximum delivery ratio of 60% and by decreasing redundant rebroadcasts and collision drops up to 44 and 37% respectively.


There are two licenses, 12.5 MHz each, in the S-band for digital satellite-to-vehicle radio broadcasting in the United States. The potential advantages of such a system is that a motorist can enjoy commercial-free music, digital-quality sound and seamless coast-to-coast coverage. One proposal for the broadcast system is to have two satellites covering the continental USA at any given time. There will also be terrestrial repeaters in cities where the receivers on the vehicles cannot see the two satellites. The channels of these systems are affected by Rician, Rayleigh and flat fading caused by shadowing. This paper proposes a forward error correction (FEC) scheme that is not only robust against fading but also enables a low-delay tuning channel so that minimum tuning delay will occur when a user is switching and selecting programs. The scheme uses multiple source coded bit streams employing different interleaver depths. Large interleavers are used to ensure good decoded signal quality while small interleavers are used to minimize tuning delay. The proposed scheme also ensures that a program will not be interrupted by momentary shadowing frequently experienced by a motorist when, for example, a vehicle goes under a highway overpass. The impact of interleaver design on the real-time end-to-end delay and fading due to shadowing is analyzed. Finally, the channel code performance in Rician and Rayleigh fading channels are also presented  相似文献   

高馨 《电声技术》2003,(12):59-61
1引言自从1999年广播电台音频网络建立以来,已经彻底从磁带、开盘带、CD、MD、DAT中解脱出来,实现了数字化的录制、播出,并实现了与多种音频资料的数字化联通。节目源的CD质量在很大程度上提高了播出效果,即使是中波信号,也提高不少。而且使广告便于管理和查询,使广告的经济效益得到提高。2003年乌鲁木齐人民广播电台又引进了LINK2000采编文稿系统,将繁重的文字录入和修改功能进行数字化,并与音频网络连通,实现广播数字化的进一步发展。系统也增加了方便采编部门工作的电话系统,使记者可通过电话录音方式发回最新、最快的新闻,实现新…  相似文献   

This paper discussed the different ways radio stations in North America engage listeners and provide immersive experiences via the use of mobile technology. The paper described several uses of mobile technology in radio and talked about ways broadcasters can improve engagement and, as a consequence, increase the number of listeners by deploying participatory or citizen journalism type of experiences on the part of the audience. A discussion on the best practices and utilization of convergent technology on radio is also included. Furthermore, the paper analyzed some of the pitfalls and challenges of using social media and mobile technology in today’s radio broadcasting.  相似文献   

Access to broadcast infrastructure is vital for community radio services, however the switch-over from analogue to digital, as envisaged by European policy-makers, creates challenges for such stations. In this article, we will set out the general environment within which the transition to digital is occurring, illustrate the current state of the digital migration debate, identify potential difficulties for community radios, but also highlight opportunities that digital technologies may provide.  相似文献   

过去两年.华东地区民航飞行量超过了同期全国飞行总量的三分之一.空管工作十分繁重.但承担空中交通管制服务的民航华东空管局还不得不面对一个难以依靠自身力量解决的问题:商业调频广播对地空通信频率造成的干扰。如何快速有效地解决商业调频广播对地空通信的干扰问题.对于保障飞行安全显得十分迫切。  相似文献   

李尊峰 《电子测试》2016,(20):107-108
本文以英夫美迪Air5播出系统为例,描述了播出系统的整体关系、S1config数据关系,对节目安排和节目播出的处理流程作全面剖析,对这套播出系统存在的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

提出了一种多用户自动请求重传的方法。采用网络编码基站将多个用户的重传数据包线性组合在一起后广播;用户利用置信传播算法从中检测出基站发给本用户的重传数据包,并和以前传输的数据包软合并后译码。分析表明:多用户自动请求重传能够将无线通信系统的频谱效率提高10%左右,并且复杂度和单用户自动请求重传相近。另外,该方法适用于所有类型的自动请求重传机制。  相似文献   

近年来,随着广播电视事业的发展,广播电视系统的无线电台大量增加,极大丰富了人民群众的精神文化生活,但广播电视系统无线电管理存在的一些问题也暴露出来,其中,调频广播电台对民用航空无线电专用频率的干扰就是亟需解决的问题之一。  相似文献   

喻春 《中国无线电》2003,(10):47-48
广播电视系统是无线电频率使用大户,设有广播、电视发射台、差转台、实验台、地球站、微波等无线电台。近年来,随着广播电视事业的发展,广播电视系统无线电台大量增加,极大丰富了人民群众的精神文化生活,但也暴露出了广播电视系统无线电管理存在一些亟待解决的问题。管理体制广播电视系统无线电管理体制可以用一句话概括,即“广电批频率、无委批台站”,这是原国家无委根据《关于发布〈加强国务院各部门无线电管理的若干规定〉的通知》(国无管[1994]18号)精神,于1996年6月委托原国家广播电影电视部行使部分无线电管理职权决定的。国无管[1996…  相似文献   

黄峥 《电声技术》2003,(11):63-65
探讨了应用无线技术拓展广播电台音频编播网的应用,就无线局域网的构成、原理、特点以及在无锡电台音频编播网的工程中具体组网使用均作了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

江西省无线电监测站近期收到江西移动南昌运行维护中心信息,反映江西移动公司在其使用的GSM频段,894-909MHz(上行)、939-954MHz(下行),自今年3月份以来,在北京东路彭家桥至洪都钢厂之间,上海路至洛阳路之间,用户大量投诉手机打不出电话,偶尔打出也是信号非常差,他们已对基站进行反复检查测试,排除了自身设备故障,怀疑为外部干扰,请求江西省无线电监测站排除干扰。收到干扰申诉后,我们立即在省中心站使用无线电监测设备(嵘兴公司3.0系统)对江西移动公司使用GSM频段进行监测,发现在其上行频…  相似文献   

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