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The field response ofTomicus piniperda (L.) andHylurgops palliatus (Gyll.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to the attractant ethanol in combination with volatile wood constituents released from the nonhost tree speciesPopulus tremula L. (Salicaceae) andBetula pendula Roth (Betulaceae) was studied using flight barrier traps. The attraction of both species decreased when aspen or birch wood was added to the ethanol bait. The same was true forRhizophagus depressus (F.) (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae), a predatory species associated with conifer bark beetles.Glischrochilus quadripunctatus (L-),Epuraea bickhardti St.-Claire Deville,E. unicolor (Oliv.) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), andRhizophagus parvutus (Payk.) (Coleoptera: Rhizophagidae) were caught in higher numbers in traps baited with both ethanol and wood of aspen or birch than in traps baited with ethanol alone. In a separate experiment, landings ofT. piniperda andH. palliatus on nonhosts (black plastic tubes) were demonstrated with sticky traps.  相似文献   

Tree killing and saprophytic bark beetles exert important ecological and economic roles in North American spruce forests. Chemical signaling among bark beetles, and responses by associate insects such as predators and competitors, have significant effects on the population dynamics and ecology of this community. Synthetic pheromones of primary (tree killing) and secondary (saprophytic) bark beetle species and blank controls were tested using multiple funnel and lower stem flight traps in white spruce forests in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. Six phloeophagous and four predaceous species were collected with significant attraction by the bark beetles Dryocoetes affaber, Dryocoetes autographus, and Polygraphus rufipennis, and the predatory checkered beetles (Coleoptera: Cleridae) Thanasimus dubius and Enoclerus nigrifrons. In general, trap catches to synthetic lures resembled the species composition obtained by felling trees and collecting emerging beetles in a companion study, although several species showed differing trends. Some cross attraction occurred among bark beetles and between bark beetles and predatory beetles. For example, P. rufipennis was abundant in traps baited with Dryocoetes spp. pheromones. Thanasimus dubius and E. nigrifrons were collected in significant numbers in traps baited with the pheromone of the spruce beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis), frontalin plus -pinene. This is a new observation for E. nigrifrons. Attraction of T. dubius to the pheromones of at least three bark beetle species in the Great Lakes region, as well as to several southern and western species, reflects its role as a habitat specialist and feeding generalist. Several other important predators and competitors commonly obtained in pine forests in this region were not obtained in these spruce stands, either in response to synthetic pheromones of spruce colonizing beetles, or in host material colonized by these beetles. Potential differences in predator prey dynamics between spruce and pine ecosystems in the Great Lakes region are discussed.  相似文献   

The attraction of bark and ambrosia beetles as well as associated beetles to -pinene and ethanol was studied in field experiments with flight barrier traps. -Pinene and ethanol were released individually and as combinations in approximately 11 or 110 ratios and at four different release rates. Ethanol attractedTomicus piniperda (L.),Hylurgops palliatus (Gyll.),Trypodendron lineatum (Oliv.),Hylastes cunicularius Er.,H. brunneus Er.,H. opacus Er., andAnisandrus dispar (F.) (Scolytidae);Glischrochilus quadripunctatus (L.) andEpuraea spp. (Nitidulidae);Thanasimus formicarius (L.) (Cleridae); andRhizophagus depressus (F.) (Rhizophagidae). -Pinene attracted all these species with the exception ofT. lineatum, H. cunicularius, andA. dispar. Combinations of a-pinene and ethanol resulted in synergistically increased attraction of all species with the exception ofH. opacus andA. dispar. A. dispar, the only hardwood-associated species in the study, was repelled by -pinene. Both the release rates and the ratio at which the two substances were released influenced the response of the beetles. The differences in response between the beetle species seem to reflect dissimilarities in the release of the two substances among the various types of breeding material to which the species are adapted.  相似文献   

The antennal response ofDendroctonus valens to host monoterpenes from the resin of ponderosa pine was studied using the electroantennogram (EAG) technique. Male and female beetles were given a single dose of each of 11 different monoterpenes. Response amplitude to the different compounds did not vary between sexes and was generally well correlated with results from field attraction studies. Response to (S)-(–)--pinene was greatest. The relative amplitude of the responses to the (R)-(+) and (S)-(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, however, were reversed from their relative attractiveness in the field. A dose-response study was conducted for the (R)-(+) and (S) -(–) enantiomers of a-pinene, plus a reciprocal differential saturation test with successive doses of first one enantiomer of-pinene and then the other. Comparison of EAG traces suggests different receptors for the two stereoisomers of-pinene. Differential saturation curves suggest that while one set of receptors may respond to both enantiomers, some receptors respond only to the (S)-(–) enantiomer.  相似文献   

The white pine cone beetle, Conophthorus coniperda, exhibited dose and enantiospecific responses to -pinene in stands of mature eastern white pine, Pinus strobus, in a seed orchard near Murphy, North Carolina, USA. (–)--Pinene significantly increased catches of cone beetles to traps baited with (± )-trans-pityol. (+)--Pinene did not increase catches of beetles to pityol-baited traps and interrupted the response of beetles to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol and (–)--pinene. Maximal attraction of cone beetles to pityol-baited traps was obtained with lures releasing (–)--pinene at a rate of 103 mg/day at 23°C. Lures releasing (–)--pinene at rates lower or higher than 103 mg/day resulted in reduced catches to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol. The sex ratio in all catches was heavily male biased. Attraction of the clerid predator, Thanasimus dubius, to traps baited with (±)-trans-pityol increased significantly with the presence of -pinene, irrespective of enantiomeric composition. Maximal attraction of T. dubius to pityol-baited traps occurred with devices releasing (–)--pinene at the highest rate tested, 579 mg/d at 23°C, a sub optimal rate for cone beetles.  相似文献   

Attraction of maleIps paraconfusus to male-infested ponderosa pine logs was inhibited by volatiles from logs infested with mated males and females over an 8-day period in the field. The response of females during this time was not significantly inhibited by these volatiles. Synthesis of the male-specific pheromones, ipsenol and ipsdienol, appeared negligible after 8 days in males allowed to mate with 3 females in these logs while males alone contained levels of these pheromones at about half their maximum rate. The decline in pheromone production in mated males appears to result, at least in part, from a reduction in the activity of the biosynthetic system that converts the host monoterpene, myrcene, to ipsenol and ipsdienol. Mating and feeding have apparently no effect on the biosynthetic system that converts the host monoterpene, (–)--pinene, to the pheromone,cis-verbenol in either males or females. The reduced production and release of pheromones by males after mating appears to play a major function in the process of terminating the aggregation phase of host colonization.  相似文献   

When yeasts associated withIps typographus beetles were grown in an aqueous phloem medium for two days, the main oxygenated monoterpenes produced were -terpineol and borneol. Terpinene-4-ol, myrtenol, andtrans-pinocarveol were also found but in lesser amounts. Of the six strains used in this study,Hansenula capsulata andCandida nitratophila produced the largest amounts of oxygenated monoterpenes. Addition of -pinene to the phloem medium generally reduced the amounts of oxygenated monoterpenes, probably because this substance is toxic to all tested yeast species. OurCandida diddensii strain seemed to be particularly sensitive to -pinene. None of the yeast strains producedcis-verbenol,trans-verbenol, or verbenone from the medium or from added -pinene.This study was made within the project Odour Signals for Control of Pest Insects.  相似文献   

Tree volatiles and pheromones produced by southern bark beetles were bioassayed for response by the clerid predatorThanasimus dubius (F.). Upwind flights in a laboratory olfactometer, modified from Visser (1976), were used to determine the attractiveness of compounds. Differences in response to a solvent control and pheromone treatment were tested for statistical significance using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test. Both sexes ofT. dubius responded to frontalin, ipsdienol, and -pinene in a dose-dependent manner with different but overlapping concentration ranges. Strong differences between the sexes were observed in response totrans-verbenol, verbenone, andl--pinene. Neither sex responded to ipsenol orendo-brevicomin.Miss. Agric. and For. Exp. Sta. Publication No. 5251.  相似文献   

The total amounts of, and proportions among, components of the aggregation pheromone produced byIps typographus were found to vary considerably among individuals excised from attacks on standing spruce trees. Chemical analyses of 392 individual male beetles were made by GC-MS. Both unmated and mated males had log-normal frequency distributions in their content of the pheromone components 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB) andcis-verbenol (cV), since a large fraction of males had a low content. The amount of MB in male hindguts varied independently of cV and the other oxygenated monoterpenes, while the amount of cV covaried with the other pinene alcohols and showed a variation between beetles from different spruce trees. Mated males had, on average, lower amounts of MB than unmated, while the average content of cV in mated males varied with the resin content of their host trees. Ipsdienol and ipsenol were only found in mated males, but in less than 40% and 10%, respectively, of these mated males. Even-aged males exposed to -pinene in the laboratory showed slightly less variation in the amounts of verbenols, and the variations in ratio between cV and tV were similar to those among males attacking the same spruce tree.Coleoptera, Scolytidae.This study was made within the Swedish project Odour Signals for Control of Pest Insects.  相似文献   

Responses of threeHylastes species,Dryocoetes autographus, and twoHylobius species to terpenes and ethanol were studied in field experiments on clear-cut forest sites in Sweden using baited ground traps.-Pinene alone did not attract any of the six species. A terpene blend (spruce turpentine consisting mainly of-pinene,-pinene, and 3-carene) attractedHylastes cunicularius, H. brunneus, andHylobius abietis in some experiments, but not in others. The attractiveness of ethanol also varied; the only species consistently attracted wasH. abietis. Baits containing both terpenes and ethanol, particularly the combination of spruce turpentine and ethanol, were attractive to all species exceptHylobius pinastri. InH. abietis, the terpene plus ethanol/ ethanol catch ratios increased during early summer. Seasonal differences in catch levels were observed inH. cunicularius andH. abietis. The addition of-pinene reduced the attractiveness of the combination of spruce turpentine and ethanol toH. cunicularius, H. opacus, andD. autographus. The differences in response to the volatiles between species are probably related to differences in reproductive behavior and host preferences.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays (two methods) and field tests demonstrated synergistic action of the three components [(–)-4-methyl-3-heptanol (I); (–)-2,4-dimethyl-5-ethyl-6,8-dioxabicylo[3.2.1]octane (-multistriatin) (II); and (–)--cubebene (III)] of the pheromone bouquet ofScolytus multistriatus. Individually and in pairs the components were slightly attractive; I+II was clearly the most active doublet. Indirect evidence indicates that only one of the four enantiomers of I is active. Of the , , and isomers of II, only the is active. With the addition of compound I, slightly attractive extract from mated females became nearly as active as extract from virgin females.  相似文献   

The response ofT. lineatum to ethanol and -pinene, when used with the pheromone lineatin, was tested for two trap types. Funnel traps, which are passive barrier traps, caught significantly more beetles than drainpipe traps, which require an active response by the beetle to enter the trap. However, the response ofT. lineatum to the semiochemical treatments did not significantly differ for the two trap types. Treatments that included -pinene with the pheromone, either with or without ethanol, caught significantly moreT. lineatin than those with the pheromone alone. When ethanol and or -pinene were added to the pheromone significantly more female beetles were trapped than with pheromone alone. Male-female ratios were significantly lower for both types of traps when ethanol was included in the bait than for lineatin alone or with -pinene. A higher percentage of male beetles entered the drainpipe traps than was captured with funnel traps.  相似文献   

The attraction of the red turpentine beetle,Dendroctonus valens, to the resin volatiles of its host,Pinus ponderosa, is elicited by three chiral monoterpenes. In field assays response was greatest to (S)-(–)--pinene; 92% (S)-(–)--pinene found inP ponderosa resin was not attractive. However, 75% (R)-(+)--pinene, which occurs inPinus lambertiana, a sympatric host ofD. valens, was attractive. (S)-(–)--Pinene interrupted response to (R)-(+)--pinene. (S)-(+)-3-Carene from both hosts was attractive at the (R)-(+)--pinene level. Three sympatric coniferous nonhosts each have the same attractive monoterpenes but produce less resin. These studies demonstrate the importance of chirality of host compounds in the host finding behavior of this bark beetle.  相似文献   

Capture of spruce beetles, Dendroctonus rufipennis, in multiple-funnel traps baited with frontalin and -pinene was reduced by up to 42% in the presence of synthetic (+)-exo- and (+)-endo-brevicomin, aggregation pheromones of the sympatric species Dryocoeles affaber. (±)-endo-Brevicomin was inhibitory to spruce beetles in two experiments and (±)-exo-brevicomin was inhibitory in one experiment, reducing spruce beetle trap catches by up to 87% and 75%, respectively. Spruce beetle trap catches were also reduced by 85% by (±)- or (+)-ipsdienol, but not by (–)-ipsdienol. Ips tridens, a second sympatric species, produces both enantiomers of ipsdienol in its pheromone blend. Responses by D. affaber to its own pheromone were significantly enhanced by addition of the spruce beetle lure. Enantiospecific pheromones of secondary competing species, or less costly racemic substitutes, may be useful for managing spruce beetles using competitive displacement or exclusion. Baiting susceptible hosts with pheromones of secondary species may enhance attack by secondary species, while partially repelling spruce beetles.  相似文献   

This study characterized the chemical response of healthy red pine to artificial inoculation with the bark beetle-vectored fungusLeptographium terebrantis. In addition, we sought to determine whether stress altered this induced response and to understand the implications of these interactions to the study of decline diseases. Twenty-five-year-old trees responded to mechanical wounding or inoculation withL. terebrantis by producing resinous reaction lesions in the phloem. Aseptically wounded and wound-inoculated phloem contained higher concentrations of phenolics than did constitutive tissue. Trees inoculated withL. terebrantis also contained higher concentrations of six monoterpenes,-pinene,-pinene, 3-carene, limonene, camphene, and myrcene, and higher total monoterpenes than did trees that were mechanically wounded or left unwounded. Concentrations of these monoterpenes increased with time after inoculation. Total phenolic concentrations in unwounded stem tissue did not differ between healthy and root-diseased trees. Likewise, constitutive monoterpene concentrations in stem phloem were similar between healthy and root-diseased trees. However, when stem phloem tissue was challenged with fungal inoculations, reaction tissue from root-diseased trees contained lower concentrations of-pinene, the predominant monoterpene in red pine, than did reaction tissue from healthy trees. Seedlings stressed by exposure to low light levels exhibited less extensive induced chemical changes when challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis than did seedlings growing under higher light. Stem phloem tissue in these seedlings contained lower concentrations of-pinene than did nonstressed seedlings also challenge inoculated withL. terebrantis. It is hypothesized that monoterpenes and phenolics play a role in the defensive response of red pine against insect-fungal attack, that stress may predispose red pine to attack by insect-fungal complexes, and that such interactions are involved in red pine decline disease. Implications to plant defense theory and interactions among multiple stress agents in forest decline are discussed.To whom correspondence should be addressed at USDA Forest Service, 2500 Shreveport Hwy., Pineville, Louisiana 71360.  相似文献   

A pheromone mixture containing enantiomerically pure (–)--multistriatin of known absolute configuration prepared by total synthesis was found to be as attractive as the natural pheromone to the smaller European elm bark beetle,Scolytus multistriatus, a vector of Dutch elm disease. Its (+)-enantiomer, on the other hand, was no more active than controls in both laboratory and field tests, and at high levels it appeared to inhibit the response to the (–)-enantiomer.  相似文献   

Electroantennograms were recorded fromScolytus multistriatus in response to 4-methyl-3-heptanol, the four geometric isomers of multistriatin, and cubeb oil. Charateristic dose-response curves for response amplitude and the time required for the voltage trace to return to 1/2 baseline (recovery rate) were established. Recovery rates were significantly more rapid following stimulation with 4-methyl-3-heptanol or cubeb oil than with the multistriatin isomers. At most intensities, -multistriatin, the isomer that evokes behavioral response, gave significantly larger EAGs with significantly longer recovery rates than the other isomers. Results of differential adaptation experiments suggested that 4-methyl-3-heptanol interacted with the processes involving multistriatin and cubeb oil activity. However, cross-activity of acceptors for these compounds seems unlikely; single sensillum recordings are needed to ascertain the response spectra for individual receptor neurons.From a thesis submitted as partial fulfillment of the Masters of Science degree, Department of Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, New York 13210.  相似文献   

The solitary, endoparasitic ichneumonid,Hyposoter exiguae (Viereck) is a parasitoid of the tomato fruitworm,Heliothis zea (Boddie). However, the parasitoid is deleteriously affected by the tomato glycoalkaloid, -tomatine, ingested from hosts (H. zea) fed on artificial diets or semipurified extracts of tomato plants that contained -tomatine. -Tomatine causes prolonged larval development; disruption or prevention of pupal eclosion; deformation of antennal, abdominal, and genital structures; and reduction in adult weight and longevity of the parasitoid. These toxic effects are exacerbated when the dietary dose of -tomatine is increased from 12 mol to 20 mol/g dry wt of diet. However, the toxicity of -tomatine is attenuated in parasitoids reared from hosts fed on artificial diets that contain equimolar or supramolar amounts of 3-OH-sterols admixed with -tomatine. Further, the toxicity of extracts from the foliage of different cultivars of tomatoes toH. exiguae is contingent upon the composite levels of -tomatine and total phytosterol (free and esterified). Cultivars with a low total sterol-tomatine ratio are more toxic toH. exiguae. The possible mode of action of -tomatine toxicity toH. exiguae by disruption of sterol metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

In studies of the lysis of rabbit erythrocytes, red beet cells, andPenicillium notatum protoplasts by the potato glycoalkaloids -solanine and -chaconine, the latter was consistently the more membrane-disruptive compound and erythrocytes the more susceptible cell type. A 11 mixture of solanine and chaconine produced pronounced synergistic effects in all three test systems. In beet cells, such effects were apparent from an early stage of treatment and persisted over a period of several hours. With erythrocytes and fungal protoplasts, the synergism was maximal with mixtures containing approximately 70% chaconine, whereas with beet cells it peaked at approximately 40% chaconine. Synergistic interactions between solanine and chaconine also occurred with regard to cholesterol binding in vitro, with a maximum response corresponding to the 50% mixture. The implications of these findings for the nature and efficacy of chemical defense systems in plants are discussed.  相似文献   

The enantiomeric composition of -pinene in individual Norway spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] was determined on a chiral GC column after stereoselective hydroboration-oxidation followed by a reaction with isopropyl isocyanate to form the carbamate derivative. The enantiomeric composition varied considerably between trees of different genetic origin. There was a strong correlation between the chirality of -pinene in host spruce trees and thecis/trans ratio of verbenols found in the hindguts of the bark beetleIps typographus (L.) infesting the trees.Coleoptera; Scolytidae.Parts of this work have been presented at the 14th International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products in Poznan, Poland, July 9–14, 1984.  相似文献   

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