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全光网络中的MEMS光开关 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
介绍了目前国内外光纤通信系统中所涉及的电磁驱动移动式MEMS光开关、静电驱动式光开关、基于MEMS光大器的可扩展型光开关矩阵、喷墨气泡MEMS光开关、开环式1×N波长选择MEMS光开关。对这些器件的结构原理,制造方法及其性能指标作了分析。把这些器件的性能指标和当前光纤通信系统中的光开关的性能要求进行比较,分析了这些器件的应用前景。最后,对MEMS光开关做出了展望,指出了今后MEMS光开关的进一步研究方向。 相似文献
在 WDM全光网的波长数优化设计中 ,本文采用最长路径优先的波长分配策略对 Naohide Nagatsu等人提出的 WP优化方案进行了改进。改进后的方案比原 WP优化方案更加简洁 ,并且仍然能够达到原 WP优化方案的优化效果。 相似文献
波长转换是实现光子网络(Photonic Network)中的灵活波长控制的关键技术之一。在光子网络的光互连节点上,波长转换技术的应用能够降低通道阻塞的概率,并能实现波长的重复使用。波长资源的有效利用也有利于促进灵活网络的构筑。全光波长转换(All-Optical WavelengthConversion)由于无需光电(OE)/电光(EO)转换器件,而且不受光信号格式(Signal Format)及位速率的限制,使得光子网络具有透明性,其自身也因此成为一项引人关注的技术。本文将扼要介绍一些有关全光波长转换器件的研发现状。一、光子网络中的波长转换技术波长转换器件的基本要求… 相似文献
混合光波长转换在波分复用光网络中的应用 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
在全光网络中,如何合理利用波长转换来降低光网络的阻塞率是一个非常关键的问题。研究了最新的波长转换体系结构和波长转换手段,提出一种全新的混合波长转换方法,在减少网络中波长转换器个数的同时,维持拥塞概率类似于全波长转换。提出了5种不同的波长转换器使用策略,并利用数值模拟的方法,比较了这5种不同的波长转换器使用策略,分析结果,得出了最小化光网络的阻塞概率的波长转换使用策略。结合混合波长转换和波长转换器使用策略,进一步提出了光网络中优化波长转换器配置的遗传算法,通过对14个节点的美国自然科学基金网(NSF Net)的数值模拟,结果表明它是十分有效的,在减少光网络中波长转换器数量,且不增加光网络波长数量的情况下,基本保持原有网络性能。 相似文献
Due to power considerations, it is possible that not all wavelengths available in a fiber can be used at a given time. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to evaluate the blocking performance of wavelength-routed optical networks with and without wavelength conversion where the usable wavelengths in a fiber is limited to a certain maximum number, referred to as wavelength usage constraint. The effect of the wavelength usage constraint is studied on ring and mesh-torus networks. It is shown that the analytical model closely approximates the simulation results. We also evaluate the performance of the first-fit wavelength assignment algorithm and compare its performance with the random wavelength assignment algorithm through simulation. It is observed that increasing the total number of wavelengths in a fiber is an attractive alternative to wavelength conversion when the number of usable wavelengths in a fiber is maintained the same. 相似文献
研究了全光网中采用分级复用系统的波长分配问题,充分考虑到分级复用系统在降低整个网络成本上的重要意义,以最小化光纤数量和波长路径为优化目标,提出一种启发式波长分配算法。 相似文献
A wavelength-routed optical network can suffer inefficiencies due to the wavelength-continuity constraint (under which a signal has to remain on the same wavelength from the source to the destination). In order to eliminate or reduce the effects of this constraint, a device called a wavelength converter may be utilized. Due to the high cost of these wavelength converters, many studies have attempted to determine the exact benefits of wavelength conversion. However, most of these studies have focused on optical networks that implement full wavelength conversion capabilities. An alternative to full wavelength conversion is to employ only a sparse number of wavelength converters throughout the network, thereby reducing network costs. This study will focus on different versions of sparse wavelength conversion--namely, sparse nodal conversion, sparse switch-output conversion, and sparse (or limited) range conversion--to determine if most of the benefits of full conversion can be obtained using only sparse conversion. Simulation and analytical results on these three different classes of sparse wavelength conversion will be presented. In addition, this study will present heuristic techniques for the placement of sparse conversion facilities within an optical network. 相似文献
This paper considers the problem of wavelength conversion in optical networks using wavelength division multiplexing technique. In the previous literature, two main wavelength routing and assignment strategies have been introduced: wavelength path (WP) and virtual wavelength path (VWP), depending on whether the signal stays on the same wavelength or is converted to another during its travel throughout the network. While the former method does not require any wavelength conversion, the latter needs wavelength conversion in each optical node and, in particular, a wavelength converter per each signal handled by the node itself. From the previous literature emerged that the VWP leads to optical cross-connect (OXC) with lower dimensions compared to the ones required by the WP scheme, and that the difference between the WP and VWP schemes increases as the number of wavelengths carried by each fiber increases. In this paper a new strategy is introduced, named partial virtual wavelength path (PVWP), with the related wavelength routing and assignment algorithm, which makes limited use of wavelength conversion compared to the VWP scheme, and allows the same advantages of VWP to be attained with lower OXC dimensions. The paper reports a comparative analysis among the different strategies, considering both the cases of a network without failures and a network with the possibility of failure restoration. The main result is that the proposed PVWP strategy allows the same advantages of the VWP scheme with a strongly reduced number of wavelength converters (around 5% of the number required by VWP scheme). This figure does not vary appreciably if failure restoration is considered. The new strategy can be adopted by using an opportune OXC architecture, as illustrated in the paper, which allow a limited number of converters to be shared among all the channels as a common pool. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose and evaluate a new approach for implementing efficient routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. In our method, the state of a fiber is given by the set of free wavelengths in this fiber and is efficiently represented as a compact bitmap. The state of a multiple-fiber link is also represented by a compact bitmap computed as the logical union of the individual bitmaps of the fibers in this link. Likewise, the state of a lightpath is represented by a similar bitmap computed as the logical intersection of the individual bitmaps of the links in this path. The count of the number of 1-valued bits in the bitmap of the route from source to destination is used as the primary reward function in route selection. A modified Dijkstra algorithm is developed for dynamic routing based on the bitmap representation. The algorithm uses bitwise logical operations and is quite efficient. A first-fit channel assignment algorithm is developed using a simple computation on the bitmap of the selected route. The resulting bitwise routing algorithm combines the benefits of least loaded routing algorithms and shortest path routing algorithms. Our extensive simulation tests have shown that the bitwise RWA approach has small storage overhead, is computationally fast, and reduces the network-wide blocking probability. The blocking performance of our RWA method compares very favorably with three routing methods: fixed alternate routing, shortest path using flooding, and Dijkstra’s algorithm using mathematical operations. Our simulation experiments have also evaluated the performance gain obtained when the network access stations are equipped with finite buffers to temporarily hold blocked connection requests. 相似文献