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张雪 《现代装饰》2014,(11):135-136
波普艺术作为一种艺术语言在当今广泛传播并在一定程度上影响着各个领域,最为突出的影响是在绘画领域和设计领域。通过对其产生的背景和发展的总体氛围进行分析,可以看出,波普艺术在中国以其特定的艺术形式存在并与其他艺术间相互渗透,经过一段时期的发展,已经具有一定的稳定性。  相似文献   

Yves Klein(伊夫克莱因)被视为波普艺术最重要的代表人物之一,与沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)和博伊于斯(Joseph Beuys)一起,并称为20世纪后半叶对世界艺术贡献最大的四位艺术家。  相似文献   

色彩是人们通过眼睛看到,进而在大脑中处理所反映的一种知觉效应。色彩表现作为绘画创作的重要组成部分,是实现绘画作品情感表达的主要途径。早在文艺复兴时期,西方画家就开始了对于作品中色彩的研究,经过不断的实践,现代西方绘画中的色彩表现日益成为创作者的情感表达方式。  相似文献   

正IN THE MIDNIGHT CITY—BRENDAN EARLEY午夜城——Brendan Earley个展爱尔兰艺术家Brendan Earley在中国的首个展览将展出他于2012年8月至11月驻留在麦勒画廊北京部期间创作的作品。Earley的新作呈现了他对城市主题的反思。正如他自己所说,这些新的绘画作品和雕塑作品延续了我对实体和图像更加浓厚的兴趣。与此同时,在通过构建去寻求设计务实切入点的过程中,也融入了更多关于我对人文历史遗产和语境效应的关注。  相似文献   

在当前的绘画教学中,有很多学生已经习惯于用模式化、概念性的思维来观察观察艺术对象和表现事物。一种很肤浅且极其表面的程式已经被很多学生套用在自己的绘画实践中了,他们的这种绘画方式往往缺少对绘画对象的深入的细致的了解。这种学习绘画的方式就是艺术创作中的思维定势。当这种学习方式被经常运用到绘画创作中的时候,我们的绘画作品会或多或少的缺乏生机和活力,因为它会使学生产生概念化,在学习上模式化和教条化。  相似文献   

上海当代艺术馆推出第二届年轻艺术家群展“+关注2013-存在”。主旨在于为当代艺术圈注入新鲜的概与元素,同时为当代年轻艺术家提供尽情展现才华的舞台,七位拥有独特视角的艺术家以多元化的艺术表现,包含绘画,装置、摄影、影像、文本等形态,用各自的语境描绘出对这个社会的观察与疑问,而当观众进入展厅那一秒时就仿若直接走八艺术家的内心世界,身历其境的体会艺术家以作品反映出的种种情绪。  相似文献   

夏加尔是二十世纪杰出的艺术家,他具有诗人般的气质,善于取他人之长以为己用,如高更的多时空结构、野兽派的色彩、立体派的造型,以及象征派和超现实主义的某些手法,都在他的绘画艺术中融会贯通,最终形成为他所独有的富于诗意的童稚和梦幻的抒情表现风格。  相似文献   

王海涛 《现代装饰》2008,(1):145-145
2007年9月上海舞蹈节“舞在上海”的标志“奥林匹亚”的设计者,来自意大利的艺术家Matteo Lo Greco。于2007年11月19日在北京BB画廊举行了雕塑与绘画作品展,为迎接奥运Matteo先生不仅带来他著名的“奥林匹亚”还特意创作了“毛泽东的雕像”。  相似文献   

绘画作品见证及记录着人类文明的脚步,中、西方文明的发展在每个时期都彰显出各自的风格,而这种风格在绘画作品中被表现的淋漓尽致。本文以时间为基础,对比分析相同时期中、西方绘画作品的差异,简述中西方文明在其中的演变与发展。  相似文献   

段少峰 《建筑知识》2012,(7):112-115
相对于捷克的文学,我们可能对于捷克的当代艺术了解甚少,至于米兰·葛利噶尔是何方神圣,更是少有人知。葛利噶尔的艺术,我们可能只是在某本书中偶然相识,而大多数中国人可能都是这样的状态,虽然没接触过却不能忽略他的存在价值。葛利噶尔的艺术在西方世界已经得到了广泛认同,在西方艺术史上占有一席之地,脱离西方语境来看葛利噶尔的艺术,评价其作品的价值是一件很艰难的事情,尤其是批评者所处的位置是一个东方语境的前提。由此,也许怎么  相似文献   

世人对丹麦是个富裕国家的印象,大多数是基于媒体报道和数据统计形成的.丹麦的人均国民所得是3.46万美元,在全球国家中排名第七.这是一个几乎没有穷人的国家,国人均享的高福利也居世界前列.但当你漫步于丹麦首都哥本哈根最热闹的欧斯塔路——世界最长的商店步行街,你几乎找不到一位戴LV、GUCCI、PRADA等名牌的女性.在欧斯塔路尽头连接交通枢纽的新国王广场,也很少看到奔驰、宝马轿车,即便有,车主也会刻意去掉车款标志,叫人分不出等级.  相似文献   

Having first established himself as an architectural historian, Terunobu Fujimori (b. 1946) is now more famous for his design work than for his academic publications. He has even been praised as ‘the most influential architect in Japan’ by the critic Kenjiro Okazaki (2006). Fujimori's popularity is attributable in particular to the fairy tale-like image of his architecture, which tends to appear playful as well as natural and nostalgic. However, this research focuses on the other side of the ‘fairy tale’—specifically, the strangely unfamiliar, even unsettling, feeling that his architecture evokes. Using Freud's and Vidler's notions of ‘the uncanny’ for analysis, this study identifies the contradictory sentiment residing in the hidden clashes between the natural and artificial qualities of his design. Arguably, the uncanny aspect of Fujimori's architecture stems from a post-apocalyptic sensibility imprinted in the Japanese unconscious, which is haunted by the trauma of ruin, whether caused by natural or man-made disaster. This research focus can lead to a broader cultural discourse beyond the scope of a single architect's work, relevant to all ‘modern unhomely’ societies.  相似文献   

奥尔森·桑德伯格·库恩迪克·艾伦建筑事务所(Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects)是一家位于美国西雅图的非完全商业化的建筑设计事务所。该事务所获得2009年美国建筑师联合会建筑设计公司奖(2009 AIA Architecture Firm Award)。  相似文献   

The melancholy Jaques has a most important role in Shakespeare's `As You Like It'. He provides the tempi for the plot. Whenever the coterie of the exiled Duke and his followers living their less than idyllic existence in the Forest of Arden begins to fall apart, Jaques comes in from the periphery and pushes the action along. In doing so he gives us an important lesson in the value, indeed the necessity, of measuring processes. To improve you need to measure, and to understand the measurements you need to know about variation. The difficulty is knowing what to measure. Time and physical dimensions are suggested as two important candidates for measurement  相似文献   

As housing markets have overheated recently in urban China, housing price bears substantial risk. The issue of housing price bubbles in these markets has become a popular and significant topic among consumers, policymakers and academia alike. In particular, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as the most important markets for revealing the condition of the housing market in the Pearl River Delta, have attracted much attention in the period of prosperity. As such, an investigation into the bubble issue in these two cities is conducted by using an improved model, the time-varying risk model. The empirical work reveals that explosive bubbles did periodically (2003 Q1 to 2006 Q2 and 2009 Q2 to 2010 Q1) have an impact on the two markets. For the rest of the period, housing markets in both Guangzhou and Shenzhen are found to be significantly influenced by macro adjustments and various economic events. The implication of the research provides a reference for policymaking in addressing the issue of softening in China’s real estate market.  相似文献   

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