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Examined whether (a) a relatively small number of 2-point code types could account for a large proportion of MMPI protocols in a psychiatric setting, and (b) reliable behavioral and demographic correlates of these 2-point code types could be identified. MMPI protocols of 588 hospitalized psychiatric patients were randomly divided into 2 subsamples. Within each, the profiles were classified according to 19 frequently occurring 2-point code types (identified in a pilot study), permitting classification of 84% of the 588 profiles. For each subsample, each code type was compared with the remaining Ss on 68 behavioral and demographic variables. Although 300 or more significant differences were found for the comparisons in each subsample, in only 66 instances were the same differences significant in both subsamples. The relevance of these findings to MMPI interpretational practices is discussed. (21 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Attempted to determine whether reliable demographic and behavioral correlates could be found for singe-scale Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) code types. Ss were 661 patients in a psychiatric hospital. Utilizing a split-sample technique to allow for replication, high-point, low-point, high-score, and low-score code types were studied. Each code type was compared with other Ss on 73 demographic and behavioral variables. Separate analyses were done for male and female code types. Only correlates reliable across both samples are reported. A sufficiently large number of reliable correlates were identified, suggesting that single-scale code types can be considered a meaningful approach to MMPI interpretation. The importance of using replication procedures was confirmed. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
90 indicted sex offenders (aged 21+ yrs) were divided into no-, part-, and full-denial groups and were administered the MMPI to examine the utility of MMPI validity indicators in successfully identifying Ss known to have engaged in defensive denial in real-life situations involving serious personal consequences. Part- and full-denial Ss were similar enough to be combined into a single-denial group. Group membership was predicted with 83% accuracy by a discriminant function involving the validity scales alone. (3 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
In this article, we review the research literature on sexual offenses committed by adolescents. Given the large number of adolescent sex offenders and the even larger number of their victims, most of whom are younger children, this is a subject matter in need of much more empirical study than it has so far received. Topics covered are incidence statistics, offense and victim characteristics, offender characteristics, and recidivism and treatment. Gaps between the clinical and research literature are highlighted and recommendations for future research are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Archer Robert P.; Pancoast David L.; Klinefelter Donna 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1989,1(1):23
Adolescent norms for the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) have recently been produced by Gottesman, Hanson, Kroeker, and Briggs (1987) and by Colligan and Offord (1987), thereby providing MMPI users with potential alternatives to the traditional norms published in Marks, Seeman, and Haller (1974). The current study examined the MMPI responses of 300 adolescents from normal, outpatient, and inpatient settings, with each MMPI protocol scored for the three normative sets noted above, as well as for a fourth norm set based on a linear T-score transformation of the Colligan and Offord data. Findings indicate that profile elevation and frequency of specific code type assignments varied substantially between these normative sets. Further, the Marks et al. and Gottesman et al. norms achieved the highest sensitivity values in accurately identifying subjects from clinical samples, whereas the Colligan and Offord norms produced the highest specificity values in accurately identifying normal adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
What is needed to carry out a thorough risk assessment of an ex-offender? This article describes four major components: (a) a functional analysis of the offense process in order to determine how the offenders' problems contributed to their offending and to identify the modus operandi used in their offense(s); (b) the application of a suitable actuarial risk predictor to assess the offender's global level of risk; (c) identification of stable dynamic risk factors that make potential treatment targets; and (d) monitoring of acute dynamic factors that indicate offending is imminent. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
TW Haywood HM Kravitz LS Grossman OE Wasyliw DW Hardy 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,20(6):527-536
Cleric sexual misconduct with minors is a problem receiving increased attention from the media, victims groups, and church authorities. Mental health professionals are increasingly being asked to assist church and civil authorities to help better understand the problem of cleric sexual misconduct with minors. In the current study we compared self-reported sexual functioning among cleric alleged child molesters, noncleric alleged child molesters, and normal control subjects. We hypothesized clerics would differ from nonclerics and normals in reported sexual functioning. Our sample included 30 Roman Catholic clerics and 39 nonclerics who were alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct with minors, and 38 normal control subjects, all of whom took the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory (DSFI) as part of their forensic psychiatric evaluation. Our results indicated clerics were more likely to report fewer victims, older victims, and victims of male gender than noncleric alleged child molesters. Clerics differed from nonclerics and normal control subjects on several dimensions of self-reported sexual functioning. Lower offense rate histories among clerics suggest that, as a group, clerics may be less seriously psychologically disordered than noncleric child molesters. Low DSFI scores among Roman Catholic clerics may be accounted for in part by their unique training and socialization process. Future studies should attempt to study the influence of social desirability on DSFI scores. Normative data from nonoffending celibate clergy are needed. 相似文献
P Weiss 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,16(4):753-764
The author provides a brief review of the current state of therapy for sex offenders in different countries and emphasizes psychotherapeutical models of treatment. He describes the course, complications and objectives of this therapy. The Czech model of specialized comprehensive treatments of paraphilic sex offenders is described. After twenty years of specialized approach in the therapy of sex offenders in the Czech Republic, the re-offense rate of 953 treated patients was 17.1%. 相似文献
The dreams of convicted institutionalized sex offenders were analyzed to see if they contained high sexual content and "uncamouflaged unlawful sex activity." Dreams of sex criminals and non-sex-crime-offenders in therapy supported the hypothesis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Blaske David M.; Borduin Charles M.; Henggeler Scott W.; Mann Barton J. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1989,25(5):846
This study examined the individual functioning, family relations, and peer relations of 60 male adolescents who were divided into 4 demographically matched groups (sex offenders, assaultive offenders, nonviolent offenders, and nondelinquent controls). Mothers and adolescents completed self-report inventories and a video-taped interaction task, and teachers completed a rating measure. Results showed that assaultive offenders' family relations were characterized by rigidity and low cohesion and that their peer relations evidenced high levels of aggression. Nevertheless, assaultive offenders and their mothers reported little anxiety or interpersonal discomfort. In contrast, sex offenders and their mothers reported high rates of neurotic symptoms, and the peer relations of sex offenders showed relatively low levels of emotional bonding. Implications for research and emerging theories of delinquency are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
H Zonana 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,278(5341):1248-1249
Seto Michael C.; Lalumière Martin L.; Blanchard Ray 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2000,12(3):319
The authors examined the responses of adolescent sex offenders against children on a phallometric test of pedophilic interests. Participants were 40 adolescent sex offenders against children, 75 young adult sex offenders against children, and 39 young adult comparison participants. The responses of adolescents with female victims resembled those of comparison participants; adolescents with any male victims had larger relative responses to child stimuli than comparison participants. Young adult offenders, regardless of victim sex, had larger relative responses to child stimuli than comparison participants. Using a cut score of 0 (indicating equal or greater arousal to children than to adults), sensitivity was 42% for adolescents with any male victims, and specificity was 92% for the comparison participants. Results suggest phallometric testing can identify pedophilic interests among these adolescent sex offenders. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The Chinese Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) profiles of 1,112 neurotic patients were scored with the Chinese norm, the original MMPI norm, and the MMPI—2 Uniform T scores. In comparison with the Chinese normative sample, the neurotic profiles were elevated on all the clinical scales except Scale 5 (Mf). The neurotic patients also scored higher than schizophrenic patients on Scales 1 (Hs), 2 (D), 3 (Hy), 7 (Pt), 8 (Sc), and 0 (Si). The Chinese normative profiles produced typical neurotic code types of 12/21, 13/31, 23/32, and 27/72. However, the overall T score elevations of the clinical scales were much lower than those found on the American norms. Profiles based on the 3 American norms bore the characteristic peaks on Scales 2 and 8 found among Chinese samples. The authors recommend using both the Chinese and the American norms in the interpretation of the Chinese MMPI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Compared Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) scores of 57 native and 218 non-native Canadian Prairie psychiatric offenders. All Ss were adult males. In uncontrolled comparisons, considerable cross-cultural profile similarity was observed. Separate native and non-native multiple regressions were performed, using the 13 MMPI scales as criterion variables with age, time served, education level, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) Full Scale IQ, and Verbal Comprehension as the predictors. WAIS Full Scale IQ and education level were the strongest predictors of native and non-native MMPIs, respectively. When controlled MMPI comparisons were made using IQ and education as covariates, the previous differences were erased. With covariates, significantly lower native scores were found on Mf, Pa, and Si, while K was significantly higher. The lowered native profile was due primarily to the IQ covariate. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Compared 130 male sex offenders with 239 male controls on the MMPI special scales of sexual deviance. Offenders differed from controls on 3 sexual deviance scales, but these differences were accounted for by admitters alone. Comparison of admitters with controls who had a comparable degree of psychopathology showed that the differences were not based on general psychopathology. On the same 3 sexual deviance scales, nonadmitters differed from a control group that had comparable defensiveness, showing that nonadmitters could be discriminated from nonoffenders on the basis of sexual deviance and not simply on defensiveness. The results have implications for the eventual development of procedures for assessing sexually deviant men even when they do not admit their offenses. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Reports that 27 states have legislation controlling the disposition of accused or adjudicated sex offenders. All allow for or mandate the evaluation, examination, and treatment of the sex offender by psychologists and/or psychiatrists. Although the states vary in their recognition and use of psychologists compared to psychiatrists, it is concluded that psychologists are discriminated against under these laws. (1 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
Recent personality research on collegiate marihuana users has not found the psychopathology noted in earlier studies conducted in prison settings, perhaps because of cultural changes or to more rigorous research methods. To determine whether a well-controlled, prison-based study would still show the users to be more disturbed, 4 groups of 24 18-28 yr old offenders differing in their use of marihuana were compared on the MMPI, California Psychological Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Beta IQ test. It was found that nonusers and occasional users had typical criminal profiles, with the nonusers being somewhat more rigid and authoritarian and less intelligent or impulsive. Heavy users of marihuana plus other drugs were the most deviant of the 4 groups. Regular users of marihuana only were the best socialized and adjusted, although still more deviant than noninstitutionalized samples. The data were compared with data from previous studies, and the implications are discussed. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
How would a good lives model of sex offender treatment differ from a risk-need model? In the good lives model, risk factors are viewed as obstacles that erode individuals' capacities to live more fulfilling lives. The therapeutic focus is thus on implementing offenders' good lives plans rather than simply managing risk. To develop our argument, we first outline the risk-need approach and briefly comment on its core assumptions. We then present the good lives model and discuss the clinical utility of an integrated approach by way of a case example. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献