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In this study, heat and mass transfer in static tray fermentation, which is widely used in solid-state fermentation (SSF) to produce fungal products, such as enzymes or koji, is investigated. Specifically, kinetic models of transport phenomena in the whole-tray chamber are emphasized. The effects of temperature, moisture, and humidity on microbial growth in large-scale static tray fermentation are essential to scale-up SSF and achieve uniform fermentation. In addition, heat and mass transfer of static tray fermentation of Trichoderma fungi with two tray setups??traditional linen coverings and stacks in a temperature?Chumidity chamber is examined. In both these setups, the following factors of fermentation were measured: air velocity, air temperature, illumination, pH, carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, and substrate temperature, and the effects of bed height, moisture of substrate, and relative humidity of air are studied. A thin (1 cm) bed at 28 °C and 95 % relative humidity is found to be optimum. Furthermore, mixing was essential for achieving uniform fermentation of Trichoderma fungi. This study has important applications in large-scale static tray fermentation of fungi.  相似文献   

提出了同时测量粒子尺寸和速度的三光束激光散射系统,叙述了系统的组成、测量原理、以及信号采集和数据处理。并给出了应用本系统对电动喷枪喷雾水滴的尺寸和速度分布的同时测量结果。  相似文献   

Experimental studies concerning the characterization of a dilute swirling gas-solid flow were carried out in a vertical pipe with a height of 12 m and an inner diameter of 80 mm. Polyethylene pellets, with mean diameter of 3.2 mm, were used as test particles. The initial swirl number varied from 0.0 to 0.94, the mean gas velocity varied from 9 to 25 m/s, and the solid-gas ratio varied from 0.2 to 0.7. In this study, the particle velocity and concentration profiles were measured by the photographic image technique for both nonswirling (axial) and swirling gas-solid flows. It was found that the particle velocity of the swirling flow is lower than that of the axial flow in the range of high gas velocity; however, high particle velocity in the former flow can be obtained in the range of low gas velocity. The particle velocity profiles, on the other hand, were found to be nearly uniform in both the swirling and axial flows. The particle concentration profiles in the swirling flow exhibited symmetric distributions with respect to the pipe axis, and a higher particle concentration appeared in the vicinity of the wall located in the acceleration region.

gas-solid two-phase flow particle concentration particle velocity pipeline swirling flow  相似文献   

粒径计分析均匀细沙时沉降速率和粒径的误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究粒径计法分析均匀细沙时沉降速率和沉降粒径产生误差的原因和规律,从而实现对粒径计分析成果资料进行修正,本文中分析了采用粒径计法分析均匀细沙时,沉降速率和沉降粒径误差产生的原因,根据粒径计分析过程,推导出沉降速率和沉降粒径理论计算公式;通过实验资料与理论计算进行对比,总结出采用粒径计法分析均匀细沙时沉降速率和沉降粒径误差分布规律。  相似文献   

This paper presents an adapted stabilisation method for the equal-order mixedscheme of finite elements on convex polygonal meshes to analyse the high velocity and pressure gradient of incompressible fluid flows that are governed by Stokes equationssystem. This technique is constructed by a local pressure projection which is extremely simple, yet effective, to eliminate the poor or even non-convergence as well as theinstability of equal-order mixed polygonal technique. In this research, some numerical examples of incompressible Stokes fluid flow that is coded and programmed by MATLAB will be presented to examine the effectiveness of the proposed stabilised method.  相似文献   

热管传热性能的评价方法及其测试装置   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
热管是一种利用工质相变进行热量传递的高效传热元件。文中介绍了一种等效的评价热管传热性能的方法即管内等效对流换热系数法。此外 ,还介绍了等效对流换热系数法测量装置。利用该装置还可研究不同的充液率、不同成分的工质以及倾角对热管传热性能的影响 ,从而研制出高效传热性能的热管  相似文献   

Particle characterization is an important component in product research and development, manufacturing, and quality control of particulate materials. In this article a laser-based phase Doppler particle analyzer (PDPA) was used to measure particle size and velocity. Two different particles, humid particles and fog particles, were tested using the PDPA. Several tests were conducted under different conditions and all data were analyzed using the statistical method and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to see which factor affects particle performance. The humid particle flow rate has a significant effect on both the particle mean diameter and the particle mean velocity with 90% confidence. The type of oil particle has a significant effect on the particle mean velocity with 90% confidence.  相似文献   

王建萍  葛宝臻 《光电工程》1999,26(5):23-26,30
通过理论推导以及对实测数据的回归分析,得到了激光粒度仪环形探测器各环信号的两个补偿系数。并对国家标准物质研究中心提供的标准颗粒GBW(E)120005进行了测试,证了该方法可有效地提高激光粒度测量的准确性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm for the joint estimation of acoustic and mean flow velocities from laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) measurements. The usual algorithms used for measuring with LDV purely acoustic velocity or mean flow velocity may not be used when the acoustic field is disturbed by a mean flow component. The LMS-based algorithm allows accurate estimations of both acoustic and mean flow velocities. The Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) of the associated problem is determined. The variance of the estimators of both acoustic and mean flow velocities is also given. Simulation results of this algorithm are compared with the CRB, and the comparison leads us to validate this estimator.  相似文献   

The first international pilot study of thermal-diffusivity measurements using the laser flash (LF) method was organized by the working group 9 (WG9) of the Consultative Committee for Thermometry (CCT) of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Four National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) participated in this comparison. Thermal-diffusivity measurements on the Armco iron and the isotropic graphite IG-110 were carried out from room temperature to about 1200 K. The sample sets consist of five disk-shaped specimens of 10 mm in diameter and (1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8, and 4.0) mm in thickness, each cut from the same block of material. These sample sets were specifically prepared for the comparison and sent to the participants. In the pilot comparison, the thermal diffusivity of each sample was estimated using the LF method with a specific extrapolating procedure. This procedure has the advantage of determining the inherent thermal diffusivity of the material. The extrapolated value in a plot of measured apparent thermal-diffusivity values versus the amplitude of the output signal corresponding to the temperature rise during each measurement is defined as the inherent thermal diffusivity. The overall results showed good agreement between independent laboratories, measurement equipment, and specimen thicknesses. The thermal diffusivities of the materials were determined using our measured results. A quantitative evaluation of the variability of the data obtained by the participants has been done, by evaluating the deviations from the reference value, the Z-value, and the En-number. Some data showed a large deviation from the reference value. It was concluded that these are caused by an insufficient time response of the measurement equipment and some difficulties with changing the pulsed heating energy. The effect of the thermal expansion on the thermal diffusivity was checked. It was found that the thermal-expansion effect was very small and negligible in this case.  相似文献   

Equations and estimates are obtained for the errors in measuring the mass of petroleum and petroleum products by an indirect method. Versions of measurements of the level of a product using a tape measure and a level gauge are considered. Examples of calculations of the errors in measuring the mass of a product and the mass of a dose are given, which enable both methods to be compared.  相似文献   

A laboratory optical probe was developed to simultaneously determine the following particle characteristics: circularity, particle projection area, equivalent diameter of a circle, length of the particle outline or perimeter, maximum chord length, aspect ratio, and particle velocity. Using the projection area and the perimeter, the particle shape factor circularity can be determined. The aspect ratio was approximated by the ratio of the equivalent diameter to the maximum chord length. The basic measuring principle is multi-point scanning of the particle shadow image by a line of optical fibers. In addition, the particle velocity can be measured by a differential spatial filter of optical fibers. These fibers are step index fibers with a core diameter of 64 µm and cladding of 70 µm. The shadow image of a single particle was generated by a parallel laser beam. The uncertainty of the measured circularity and aspect ratio was investigated by using metal wires with diameters of 0.12 to 0.5 mm as test particles with known circularity and aspect ratio. The standard deviations were 1.9% for the circularity and 15.5% for the approximated aspect ratio. In addition, the optical probe system was investigated by measurements of solid particles with different shapes. As an example, the results of sand, marjoram seed, and metallic oxide particles are shown. Using 1000 sand particles, the correlation between equivalent diameter and particle velocity could be demonstrated. The presented configuration of the optical probe is applicable in the size range of 0.1 to 0.9 mm and up to a particle velocity of 5 m/s.  相似文献   

A laboratory optical probe was developed to simultaneously determine the following particle characteristics: circularity, particle projection area, equivalent diameter of a circle, length of the particle outline or perimeter, maximum chord length, aspect ratio, and particle velocity. Using the projection area and the perimeter, the particle shape factor circularity can be determined. The aspect ratio was approximated by the ratio of the equivalent diameter to the maximum chord length. The basic measuring principle is multi-point scanning of the particle shadow image by a line of optical fibers. In addition, the particle velocity can be measured by a differential spatial filter of optical fibers. These fibers are step index fibers with a core diameter of 64 µm and cladding of 70 µm. The shadow image of a single particle was generated by a parallel laser beam. The uncertainty of the measured circularity and aspect ratio was investigated by using metal wires with diameters of 0.12 to 0.5 mm as test particles with known circularity and aspect ratio. The standard deviations were 1.9% for the circularity and 15.5% for the approximated aspect ratio. In addition, the optical probe system was investigated by measurements of solid particles with different shapes. As an example, the results of sand, marjoram seed, and metallic oxide particles are shown. Using 1000 sand particles, the correlation between equivalent diameter and particle velocity could be demonstrated. The presented configuration of the optical probe is applicable in the size range of 0.1 to 0.9 mm and up to a particle velocity of 5 m/s.  相似文献   

自1842年奥地利物理学家多普勒发现多普勒效应以来,多普勒效应已经被广泛地应用到我们生活中的方方面面。利川运动物体的多普勒效应进行速度跟踪是多普勒效应的一个基本的应用,这里我们研究的是多普勒速度跟踪的具体实现方法一频域法。  相似文献   

尹华伟  胡传波  姚鑫  陈琪雅  胡雷  卢增辉 《材料导报》2021,35(12):12032-12038
二维平移法是一种新型的晶体生长方法.在该方法中,晶体不再作正反转运动,而是沿着特定轨迹作周期性的平移运动.本工作对二维平移法小尺寸磷酸二氢钾(KDP)单晶生长过程进行了数值模拟研究,获得了不同平移速度、不同平移距离以及不同迎流角度下晶体附近溶液流动与晶面过饱和度分布.结果表明:增加平移速度,晶面过饱和度随之增加,但流场结构并无明显变化;增大平移距离,晶面的过饱和度反而降低,标准差则有逐渐增大的趋势,这不利于提高过饱和度均匀性;不同迎流角度下,柱面的过饱和度分布差异较大,对流的不对称性也更加明显,当迎流角度为45°时,对晶体生长更有利.此外,台阶推移结果表明,不均匀的过饱和度会造成台阶弯曲和聚并,二维平移法更利于台阶稳定推移,有望提高形貌稳定性和晶体质量.  相似文献   

本文介绍了当无线采样遥控器失灵时,采用其他采样方式进行检定的方法,并对该方法进行了不确定度的评定.  相似文献   

提出了一种通过锥顶喷流改善KDP锥面过饱和度的晶体生长方法。采用有限体积法和滑移网格技术,对传统转晶法及喷流转晶法的KDP晶体生长过程进行了数值模拟。展示了两种生长方式下晶体表面过饱和度时均分布云图及均方差,分析了不同转速、不同喷流速度、不同晶体尺寸对晶面时均过饱和度及均方差的影响。结果表明:相比于传统转晶法,喷流转晶法晶体的锥面过饱和度提高且表面均匀性增加。提高喷流速度可以进一步提高锥面过饱和度,但其均方差却呈现先减小后增大的变化。旋转速度的增加能提高锥面过饱和度并减小其均方差。此外,晶体尺寸也会在一定程度上影响喷流的效果。  相似文献   

Kokorin  V. I.  Fateev  Yu. L. 《Measurement Techniques》2002,45(12):1210-1214
Methods and equipment are described for measuring the parameters of radio-navigational apparatus and for checking it at different stages of its development and production. Several components in the error of measuring the coordinates and the spatial orientation of an object are considered.  相似文献   

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