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This work characterizes microfluidic mixers fabricated using soft lithography without grooves or with grooves on the top and/or bottom of the channels. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether grooves on the top and bottom of the channel significantly improve mixing in microfluidic systems. The channels studied were 200 μm wide with repeating sets of alternating patterns of diagonal stripes and chevrons. The study employed confocal microscopy to investigate the mixing of a 0.1 wt% fluorescein solution with a deionized water solution. The results of the study indicate a 10% improvement in mixing over systems with grooves only on the top of the channel.  相似文献   

Micro bearing systems for Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS) have drawn attention for several decades as critical components for micro rotating machinery. Ideally, frictionless bearings are needed, and in practice, micro gas bearings approach the ideal. Typically, bearings function as a separate component, assembled onto sliding counterparts. However, in micro scale devices, assembly procedures are known to be very tedious and time consuming. This leads to the pursuit of single material monolithic structures. Critical issues arising from these approaches include: limitation of materials, friction, and reliability, among others. In this paper, new approaches have been pursued. Micro gas bearings were fabricated as a single component through X-ray lithography. A stainless steel gauge pin, machined to ultra precision, was used as a journal shaft. Simple and very easy assembly processes using self-aligning concepts were developed as an alternative method to conventional assembly. This article presents the design, fabrication, assembly, and testing of micro gas bearings.This project was funded from National Science Foundation (DMI-0115527) and Atoz CompuNet Ltd. The authors also acknowledge partial support from Center for Nano and Molecular Science and Technology and Welch foundation in The University of Texas at Austin.  相似文献   

A new method and fluid filter with micro through capillary array for high-throughput micro fluidics were proposed and fabricated. The method, utilizing liquid surface tension and directing fluid flow in vertical direction, was achieved by using the fluid filter we originally proposed. The computational fluid dynamics analysis was conducted to examine the feasibility of vertical fluid flow operation using the fluid filter. And the results indicated that the vertical fluid flow operation is useful and the good properties of the fluid filter. Fabrication of fluid filter was successfully conducted by using deep X-ray lithography. And vertical fluid flow operation and its high throughput properties were successfully demonstrated.  相似文献   

This paper describes fabrication techniques for the fabrication of glassy carbon microstructures. Molding of a resin of poly(furfuryl alcohol) using elastomeric molds yields polymeric microstructures, which are converted to free-standing glassy carbon microstructures by heating (T ∼500–1100°C) under argon. This approach allows the preparation of macroscopic structures (several mm2) with microscopic features (∼2 μm). Deformation of the molds during molding of the resin allows preparation of curved microstructures. The paper also presents a method of incorporating these structures on a chip by masking and electroplating.  相似文献   

We have investigated and report in this paper the factors influencing the deformation caused by the dependence between the absorbed X-ray energy on the resist and the shape of the absorber on the X-ray mask. Based on the measurement of errors that occurred during the transferring process between the 2-D shape of mask pattern and the resulting wall of the fabricated 3-D structure, we have developed newly useful graphical data on the absorbed X-ray energy, dosage, and shape of a microstructure. As a result, it is being reported as a method for compensation for the deformed shape after the fabrication of a quadruplets-microneedle. We have considered a number of factors affecting the deformation and finally realized that the effect of a dose–depth nonlinear curve is the most possible cause. Without the compensation of the mask design, we could observe the deformed shapes of the sloped sidewall on the exposed structures. Polymethylmethacrylate microneedle structures fabricated by X-ray lithography with an additional plane-pattern to cross-section transfers technique are directly influenced by the absorber on the X-ray mask pattern. The sidewall of the microneedle was improved by changing the mask pattern from a double right-triangular pattern to a double semi-circular pattern, modeled by comparing the results from a mask-pattern and the actual structure.  相似文献   

Out-of-plane microlenses and microoptical fiber holder are two of the most important components for building an integrated microoptic system with a precise alignment accuracy. In this paper, a simple and convenient method to fabricate these components from SU-8 by using inclined UV lithography in water is proposed. It consists of two perpendicular exposures in SU-8 at ±45°. DI water possesses a low absorption coefficient and a moderate and stable value of refractive index in near UV. Using water, the exposure angle in SU-8 can be increased to 50° from 35° in air necessary to pattern the desired 45° slope of the sidewalls. The principle of the proposed technique and the detailed fabrication process of the microoptic components will be presented. The integratability of the fabricated components was demonstrated by the fabrication of the microoptical fiber holder with a pre-aligned out-of-plane microlens.  相似文献   

An asymmetric microlens with a given inclination angle was fabricated. Two circular pattern masks with different diameters were used to form a metal pattern and photoresist column on the substrate using the photolithography process. The metal pattern on the substrate was used to control the asymmetric microlens profile using thermal reflow. A lift-off process was applied to the first lithography to precisely define the metal pattern. A second lithography used deviation counterpoint exposure to pattern the photoresist column. The photoresist column was converted into a rubbery state when its temperature was increased to its glass transition temperature (Tg) during the thermal reflow. The asymmetric microlens structure was formed by shifting the arc vertex of the microlens toward one direction taking into account the fact that the copper coating surface has superior hydrophobicity to the silicon substrate surface. A 55° asymmetric microlens array was fabricated in this research by properly controlling the copper pattern size and the offset of two centers.  相似文献   

A novel fabrication method for LIGA (from the German “Lithographie”, “Galvanik”, and “Abformung”) microneedles with through holes is presented. Such microneedles are in demand by most bio-medical MEMS applications and in some fluidic MEMS applications. We propose a technique that combines conventional deep X-ray lithography, plane-pattern to cross-section transfer (PCT) process, and alignment X-ray lithography. The technique provides precise hole alignment with ± 3 μm tolerance. Finite-element simulations on various hole locations were performed to determine the optimum position. We previously fabricated a microneedle with a 100-μm base and a 300-μm height by a right-triangular mask. The resultant microneedle had a very sharp tip but was excessively steep, and thus resulted in a very low strength. Improved strength and tip sharpness was consequently achieved by changing the mask-pattern from a triangular pattern to a polygonal mask and changing the dimensions of the microneedle to have a 300-μm base with various heights between 350 and 800 μm. Using the proposed technique, we could produce a total of 100 hollow microneedles on a 5 × 5 mm2 chip. Moreover, we successfully fabricated sharpened microneedles that were stronger than that we have fabricated so far. The molding process or electroplating and the cost list of the LIGA microneedle will also be included.  相似文献   

 In this paper, a process for 200 μm high-aspect-ratio micro-optical (HARM) structures fabricated by deep X-ray lithography (DXRL) of polymethylislesuioane-based spin-on glass (SOG) thick films is presented. The SOG material used in the whole procedures is polymethylsilsesquioxane (GR650), which is a kind of sol-gel derived material and can be cured at a reasonable low temperature (75 °C). A technique to cast thick GR650 films was established in the overall process. After consolidation, the GR650 thick films were machined to reach 200 μm uniformly. Then, as negative resists, the GR650 thick films were patterned directly by DXRL. X-ray irradiated regions can be selectively retained with high structural resolution by development in an organic solvent, such as methanol. Parameter screening was done to find minimum and maximum doses needed for patterning/cross-linking, to vary development time, and to explore different film thickness. The whole process is a novel of technique to create HARM structures based on SOG materials without using molds. This technique can be extended to considerably larger structural heights. Surface and bulk compositions of the irradiated films were measured by XPS and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Surface quality by roughness testing system (WYKO RST) was investigated to fabricate the microstructure with a high-accuracy surface. Received: 31 October 2001/Accepted: 23 January 2002 This work was partially supported by NSF/LEQSF (2001-04)-RII-02 grant “Micro/Nanodevices for Physical, Chemical and biological Sensors”.  相似文献   

We fabricated the electrophoresis microchips using the UV polymerization technique. We employed plastic substrates that were suitable for rapid prototyping instead of glass and quartz. A thick UV negative photo resist was used to form molds and poly-dimethylsilozane (PDMS) was polymerized by a thermal curing process on the mold to obtain replica microchips. Electroosmotic flow (EOF) was measured to evaluate the surface. Characteristic differences between UV-fabricated and SR-fabricated microchips were evaluated by electro osmotic flow (EOF) measurement. It was observed that microchannels fabricated by SR lithography show constant peak heights and FWHMs. We also investigated the effect of the change of the channel width along the EOF direction. It is demonstrated that broadening width channel significantly restricts the sample diffusion towards the EOF direction and leads to the high resolusion separation on the PDMS microchips. Thus the advantage of the application of SR lithography to the mold fabrication is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

利用电子束光刻技术,在正性光阻上加工三维微结构。为了模拟预测微结构的表面轮廓,需要建立电子束光刻模型。通常有两种方法建立能量沉积模型,获得能量密度分布函数,分别是随机函数方法和近似函数方法。对能量密度分布函数作线性处理,设计加工三维微结构。借助Monte Carlo和元胞自动机综合算法模拟电子束光刻的加工过程,模拟结果与实验结果在很大程度上相一致,说明电子束光刻模型的建立和对能量密度分布函数的线性处理过程是合理的。  相似文献   

This paper describes the fabrication of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) microstructures with three-dimensional (3-D) sloped sidewalls using synchrotron-radiated (SR) deep X-ray lithography (DXRL). Here, the developer temperature was varied to produce variations in the inclination angle of the sloped sidewalls. We found that the PMMA sidewall inclination angle and height were controlled by the dosage, development time, and development temperature. When the development temperature was low, the inclination angle was nearly 0°, regardless of dosage amounts or exposure time. When the development temperature was high, microstructures with sloped sidewalls were fabricated; as the dosage amount and development time increased, the inclination angle increased. The ability to control the PMMA sidewall inclination angle suggests the application of this technique to microstructure fabrication technologies, such as 3-D microelectromechanical system (MEMS) device components, in which the inclination angle becomes the draft angle for moulding processes.  相似文献   

A submicron-scale surface acoustic wave (SAW) resonator fabricated by high-aspect-ratio X-ray lithography (XRL) and metal lift-off that operates at microwave frequencies is presented. We demonstrate that XRL is especially well suited for SAW device templating, as long submicron-scale interdigitated transducer structures can be batch patterned with excellent structure quality. 0.4–2.0 μm thick PMMA layers were structured by X-ray lithography shadow projection using silicon nitride-based X-ray masks. Structures with a critical lateral feature size of down to 200–700 nm were processed. The polymer structures served as templates in a subsequent aluminum lift-off process. The metal electrodes were successfully tested as SAW resonators for high frequency applications, e.g. around 1.3 GHz, using calibrated 1-port RF wafer probing measurements. Compared with standard fabrication techniques, the high structure quality of submicron-scale polymer templates made of unusually thick PMMA layers offers additional possibilities to fabricate thicker metal transducers.  相似文献   

High focusing efficiency Fresnel zone plates for hard X-ray imaging is fabricated by electron beam lithography, soft X-ray lithography, and gold electroplating techniques. Using the electron beam lithography, Fresnel zone plates which has an outermost zone width of 100 nm and thickness of 250 nm has been fabricated. Fresnel zone plates with outermost zone width of 150 nm and thickness of 660 nm has been fabricated by using soft X-ray lithography.  相似文献   

Complex microstructures can be fabricated in large quantities by thermoplastic molding processes. The shape of the microstructures is determined mainly by the mold insert. Until now, multi-level mold inserts have been fabricated either by deep etch X-ray lithography and electroforming, Harmening et al. (1992), or by milling of a brass substrate, Schaller et al. (1995). In both cases there are limitations on structuring either by the fabrication effort or by the sizes of the smallest available milling heads. To avoid these limitations on structuring, a new process for manufacturing multi-level mold inserts has been developed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Milling, drilling, deep etch X-ray lithography and electroforming have been combined to manufacture a mold insert which is characterized by high aspect ratios with small lateral dimensions and various level heights. Samples with two levels and an aspect ratio of 15 have been manufactured. Much higher aspect ratios seem to be achievable. This paper covers the fabrication process, first tests, and experimental results of manufacturing a multi-level mold insert for molding three-dimensional components of a microvalve system. The development of this technology has been supported by the European Community as part of the Esprit project IMICS.  相似文献   

 Complex microstructures can be fabricated in large quantities by thermoplastic molding processes. The shape of the microstructures is determined mainly by the mold insert. Until now, multi-level mold inserts have been fabricated either by deep etch X-ray lithography and electroforming, Harmening et al. (1992), or by milling of a brass substrate, Schaller et al. (1995). In both cases there are limitations on structuring either by the fabrication effort or by the sizes of the smallest available milling heads. To avoid these limitations on structuring, a new process for manufacturing multi-level mold inserts has been developed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Milling, drilling, deep etch X-ray lithography and electroforming have been combined to manufacture a mold insert which is characterized by high aspect ratios with small lateral dimensions and various level heights. Samples with two levels and an aspect ratio of 15 have been manufactured. Much higher aspect ratios seem to be achievable. This paper covers the fabrication process, first tests, and experimental results of manufacturing a multi-level mold insert for molding three-dimensional components of a microvalve system. Received: 30 October 1995 / Accepted: 17 January 1996  相似文献   

Due to the limitation of traditional microlens arrays (MLAs) in integral imaging display, the depth of field (DOF) is restricted in space and the center depth plane is difficult to extend in a large range. Here, we propose a microfabrication method based on bifocal MLAs to improve DOF. The bifocal MLAs for extended DOF were fabricated by using two-step photolithography and thermal reflow. This method allows diverse microlenses of high to low numerical aperture to achieve high spatial resolution as well as accurate depth estimation. Microlenses of different focal lengths were simultaneously deposited on a substrate by repeated photolithography with multiple photomasks with alignment mark to define micro-posts of different thicknesses. Hexagonally packaged bifocal MLAs clearly show the DOF extended from 0.004 to 4.908 mm for 57.6 μm in lens diameter, and their corresponding object distance ranges from 0.125 to 0.165 mm. Based on the proposed scheme, this method provides potential applications in integral imaging 3D display or light field display.  相似文献   

介绍了一种可用于软光刻操作的恒温实验台的设计与实现.在一个密闭的小型箱体中集成了温度与压力控制、照明及紫外光照、操作手套等组件,可以实现无尘、恒温、压力可控、紫外光照等多种功能.在该恒温实验台中,利用聚二甲基硅氧烷进行微传递模塑实验研究,考察了温度、压力等对聚二甲基硅氧烷成模特性的影响.同时,还利用聚二甲基硅氧烷与聚亚胺脂的两次复制完成了硅微芯片结构向玻璃基底的转移.研究结果表明:这一新的实验研究平台可以实现恒温、无尘操作、一定的真空度以及紫外照射,满足普通实验室进行微传递模塑等软光刻操作的要求.  相似文献   

一款基于软光刻技术的液态金属天线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种新型的频率可重构的微带贴片天线,以液态金属合金和高度可拉伸的弹性体分别作为辐射贴片和介质基板。液态金属使用的是由质量比为75%的镓和25%的铟组成的共晶镓铟合金(EGaIn),弹性体为聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS),通过实验测量了PDMS在3种配比下的拉伸量,当质量比为10:1时,PDMS的粘性较低,拉伸性较好。采用软光刻技术制备天线的PDMS模型,然后进行表面处理,使其能够更好地封装,最后将EGaIn包裹在PDMS中形成天线。在PDMS的拉伸极限内,通过对微带天线进行轴向拉伸,随着长度的增加,谐振频率逐渐降低,在4~6 GHz范围内实现了频率可重构。  相似文献   

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