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宋哲琛 《浙江水利水电专科学校学报》2008,20(1):73-76
论述了体视化的基本原理和方法,针对地质模型与地质数据的特点,对原有体视化方法进行了简化和改进,提高了模型重构的速度;对体视化中用到的三维人机交互问题进行了研究,提出了一些关键问题的解决方案,实现了三维仿真环境中基本的人机交互功能,提高了系统的易用性和灵活性,并以武汉程潮铁矿为例,对系统进行了验证,取得了良好的效果. 相似文献
三维地质建模软件是计算机技术在地质中应用的重点和发展方向,它将大量地质资料和地质人员分析判断结果抽象为可视化的地质模型,使复杂的空间关系可视化,通过对模型的旋转,从不同的角度观看模型,形象直观,它充分利用计算机管理和分析的手段,将数据的输入、规模指数的计算、模型测算、成果输出综合为一个数据流,实现了全数字化信息处理,为快速、有效、准确地进行水利水电工程提供良好的现代化工具。本文以GeoEngine软件为建模工具,介绍了三维地质建模的过程以及模型的可视化方法。 相似文献
3D GIS支持下的城市三维地质数据管理与服务系统研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
城市地质数据的数字化管理与服务是“数字城市”工程的重要内容.3D GIS将在未来的城市数字化建设中扮演核心角色.介绍了3D GIS的发展现状及应用前景.详细讨论了基于3D GIS构建的城市地质数据管理与服务系统的设计思路和结构功能,在分析城市三维地质数据多种建模方法的基础上,采用一种基于TIN和TEN的混合数据结构来构建城市三维地质数据建模系统.另外,针对城市三维地质数据的特点,探讨了城市三维地质海量数据的采集与管理、城市三维地质数据信息的Web发布等重要问题,力求为系统的最终实现提供完整的解决方案. 相似文献
Regional Geological Information System combines the multi-dimensional and dynamic spatial information into an integrated spatial information system. 3D geological modeling and its preprocessing or post-processing are the most difficult problems for constructing the system. Based on the current 3D GIS technique, some basic problems in establishing the system are discussed in this paper, including 3D spatial data model, 3D geological modeling, and visualization of 3D geological data. A kind of 3D vector data model based on boundary representation for geological object and its topology was developed in order to model and visualize complex geological structures. In addition, some key techniques are pointed out for further study. 相似文献
采用传统木模线法设计叶轮需要根据物理样机的试验结果反复修改,费时费力且精度不高。基于Pro/E建立了虚拟样机,并创建了网络虚拟现实展示环境。在提高设计质量、缩短研发周期的同时,为三维协同设计构建了可视化环境,提出了CAD与虚拟现实技术集成化的未来设计模式。 相似文献
三维地质模型可视化中直接三维交互的实现 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
人机交互是可视化系统中不可缺少的组成部分,三维交互的技术关键是建立屏幕二维坐标与三维空间坐标的对应关系.基于改进三棱柱3D地质模型,在其可视化过程中采用几何变换方法,并借鉴OpenGL的选择、反馈等技术,实现了矿床地质模型的直接三维交互操作,提高了3D地质建模软件的易用性与灵活性. 相似文献
在三维地震波动方程模拟或射线追踪正演研究与应用中,需要构建复杂的三维地震模型,因此,研究复杂地震模型的计算机建模方法是必要的。本文提出了采用基本几何形体及形体间的布尔运算来构建复杂模型的思想与方法,并在VTK可视化工具包和MFC开发平台的基础上,对该方法进行了算法与软件实现。应用设计的软件进行了建模实验,结果表明该方法用于地震建模是完全可行的,并大幅度地提高了地震建模的效率。 相似文献
工程岩体三维可视化构模系统的开发 总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10
根据工程岩体地质模型的几何特征,从三维可视化的构模角度,将工程岩体分为连续型(非倒转褶皱),非连续型(非倒转褶皱)与倒转褶皱3大类,在此基础上开发了工程岩体三维可视化构模系统,该系统由建模分析,通用工具与数据库3部分组成,介绍了3 类工程岩体的构模方法,形成了面向对象的模型类,最后,用此构模系统建立了抚顺西露天矿北帮边坡三维可视化模型。 相似文献
本文利用普通数码影像,基于Lensphoto数字近景摄影测量系统,对吉林建筑大学校内边坡进行信息采集和三维基于近景摄影测量方法建立的边坡三维模型效果良好,为获取边坡三维信息提供了一种快速可行的方法. 相似文献
介绍了基于钻孔数据三维地层可视软件的实现过程及系统总体设计、相关数据库的设计,提出了基于钻孔数据三维地层建模的总体思路及其实现步骤,并从整体上介绍了系统的模块组成.建立的软件可实现对钻孔数据的三维建模、可视化分析,具有丰富的二维成图和三维显示功能. 相似文献
层状岩体三维构模方法与空间数据模型 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
岩体的结构特征是决定工程稳定性的重要因素.对岩体结构特征的刻画,已成为工程稳定性分析中不可缺少的手段与依据.根据岩体的结构特征,从三维构模的角度上,将层状岩体划分成连续型非褶皱岩体、断裂型非褶皱岩体与褶皱型岩体3种基本类型的结构单元.在此基础上,形成分别适用于3种类型结构单元的柱体构模方法、表面构模方法与断面构模方法;对应3种基本结构单元,建立3种空间数据模型,即:柱体模型、TIN面模型与断面模型.并通过模型实例验证了构模方法与空间数据模型的可行性。 相似文献
By generating a high accuracy and high resolution geological model in Liuchu oil field, the technique of geological modeling is expanded and involved in primary geological study, making the sand bodies and reservoir be easily described in detail. The 3D visualization and 3D interactive editing of geological structure model are the key for modeling procedure. And a high accuracy and resolution geological model has been well applied in optimizing the production scheme. 相似文献
Probe into Key Techniques of Regional-Oriented 3D GIS 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
On the key techniques of D GIS used for regional Geological Information System ZHU Liang-feng WU Xin-cai PAN Xin Faculty of Information Engineering China University of Geosciences Wuhan Hubei China Tourism College Hainan University Haikou Hainan China 《中国矿业大学学报(英文版)》2005,(2)
1 Introduction Geological exploration is one of the most im- portant approaches to study and solve multitudinous geological problems in the development of modern times. Since 1990s, geological work has been con- fronted with a new opportunity that is brought by the rapid development and extensive application of in- formation technology all over the world. It becomes a new working model for studies based on digital spa- tial database, computer cartography and Geographi- cal Information System … 相似文献
Uncertainty in 3D geological structure models has become a bottleneck that restricts the development and application of 3D geological modeling.In order to solve this problem during periods of accuracy assessment,error detection and dynamic correction in 3D geological structure models,we have reviewed the current situation and development trends in 3D geological modeling.The main context of uncertainty in 3D geological structure models is discussed.Major research issues and a general framework system of uncertainty in 3D geological structure models are proposed.We have described in detail the integration of development practices of 3D geological modeling systems,as well as the implementation process for uncertainty evaluation in 3D geological structure models.This study has laid the basis to build theoretical and methodological systems for accuracy assessment and error correction in 3D geological models and can assist in improving 3D modeling techniques under complex geological conditions, 相似文献
LIU Ya-jing MAO Shan-jun YAO Ji-ming JIANG Yun-feng 《中国矿业大学学报(英文版)》2006,16(3):254-257
In order to safely exploit coal resource, protection coal pillars must be prepared in coal mines. Some correlative parameters of protection coal pillar are calculated by Drop face and Drop line methods. Models of protecting surface objects and coal pillars are established by TIN modeling and object-oriented technique. By using ACCESS2000as the database and the VC++ and OpenGL as the language, the calculation of protective coal pillars is realized and the 3D-visulizaiton system for protected objects on ground surface and for coal pillars is developed. The system can obtain the data of characteristic points on the surface interactively from the digitized mine topography map, constructing 3D model automatically. It can also obtain the interrelated parameters of the coal seam and drill hole data from existing geolog!cal surveying database to calculate the location, surface area and the total coal columns. The whole process can be computed quickly and accurately. And the 3D visualization system was applied in a mine, showing that the system solve the problem of complex calculation, not only realized the automatic 3D mapping and visualization of coal pillars for buildings protection, but also greatly improves the working efficiency. 相似文献
针对3D打印产品个性化程度高的特点,普通的产品质量检测方法并不适用.对3D打印额面肿瘤导板导向孔,为取得更高精准的检测,提出了一种模型引导、机械系统配合、视觉系统监控相结合的质量检测方法.整个方法框架包括机械系统、控制模块、视觉模块,在检测算法的统一调度下实现3D打印额面肿瘤导板导向孔精度检测.首先,利用导板和相应三维模型上对应的各3个不共线点对齐导板和模型.然后,根据三维模型上的导向孔位置和方向,控制机械系统引导模型导向孔移动到视觉模块的中心,通过分析导向孔的圆度、长宽比、直径、孔心间距等特征参数,判断导向孔是否合格.结果表明:该算法和系统,相比于人工质量检测,缩短了检测周期,提高了检测精度.提出的算法框架可用于其他3D打印产品与模型的形状一致性检测. 相似文献
维地质模型是地质体的一种数字化表述,因此,它还在数字化油藏方面起到了重要作用。 相似文献