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Accurate determination of time-of-flight (TOF) is crucially important for precise ultrasonic flow measurement. Detection of ultrasonic signal onset (USO) is considered as an effective approach to determine the actual value of TOF. The USO can be estimated by signal fitting methods. However, the estimation accuracy and reliability of existing methods still need to be improved. This paper proposes a signal fitting method based on artificial fish swarm algorithm and particle swarm optimization combined algorithm (AFSA-PSO). In the method, AFSA is introduced to search all possible solution spaces firstly, considering the multi-modal characteristic of the objective function in signal fitting which is easily being amplified by the strong noise. Then, a feasible solution extraction strategy is proposed to extract the local optimal solution in every space. Finally, PSO is employed to further process the local solutions to obtain the accurate USO. The method is validated by both numerical and experiment tests, using simulated signals with different strength noise and measured signal in actual ultrasonic flowmeter respectively. Comparisons with the methods proposed by other researchers are also given in the paper. The proposed AFSA-PSO is found to be more accurate, more robust, having better anti-noise ability and less time-consuming under a given accuracy requirement.  相似文献   

基于空腔流激振荡原理,提出一种结构简单、又无运动部件的流量测量装置。该装置在测量过程中,具有压损小、动态响应快等特点。同时,提出可利用空腔流激振荡进行能量收集,为测量过程中的信号测量、数据处理、数据传输等供电。  相似文献   

Dye tracer technique is a successful tool for measuring liquid flow in closed conduits and open channels. The technique is based on the continuous injection of a tracer into the flow and on the measurement of the dilution ratio. As one of the requirements, the tracer injection rate must be known and well controlled. A device was designed to obtain this control. Such device implements a volumetric flow measurement technique and provides accurate digital display readout. Experimental results indicate that the apparatus can be used to measure the injection flow rate in a range from 235 to 2000 ml min−1 with a relative error smaller than 1.5% of the reading. Even with these low injection flow, the dilution method can be applied to determine the much higher flow rates typically found in domestic or industrial outfalls as well as in artificial or natural channels. This paper also presents an application of the dilution method to flow rate measurement of an industrial outfall and the uncertainty analysis associated with the obtained values. The results indicate that the main errors of discharge estimation can arise from non-steady state flow conditions, incomplete tracer mixing, uncertainty of tracer concentration and tracer injection rate measurements.  相似文献   

液体超声流量测量中的传播时间精度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
液体超声流量高精度测量中使用传播时间法需要精确测量绝对传播时间和相对传播时间,针对绝对传播时间的基波信号不易得到的情况,提出了一种基波信号提取方法,通过设定能量和相位约束边界保证提取基波信号的准确性,划分流速分布区间根据实际测量流速自适应调整基波信号;通过仿真对影响相对传播时间精度的采样率、峰值搜索因素进行了深入分析;设计实验系统并在液压平台上对提出的方法和仿真分析进行验证,结果证明了基波信号提取方法的有效性和仿真分析的正确性。  相似文献   

基于互相关理论的超声波气体流量测量电路系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍一种基于互相关理论的超声波流量测量电路系统。该系统以数字信号处理器(DSP)为核心,通过采集上、下游流动信号并做互相关运算,计算出互相关函数峰值对应的渡越时间,间接测出流量。采用抛物线插值计算互相关函数峰值,减少测量误差。它对流场不敏感,测量精度高,在气体的测量实验中,取得了比较理想的效果。  相似文献   

Ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeters (USCF) are popular among measurement technologies due to the versatility of applications, increasing accuracy, and easy, non-intrusive mounting, with the sensors being mounted directly on the external surface of the pipe. In industrial applications, installation space is usually restricted and therefore, flowmeters must be mounted often directly downstream of flow disturbances (FD). A major issue of USCF is the long inlet run needed downstream of FD to achieve a measurement within the specified accuracy. A configuration of two V-paths is proposed, axially rotated 90° relative to each other, that compensates for the flow error introduced due to disturbed flow conditions, independent of the rotational position of the flowmeter. Flow disturbance compensation (FlowDC) is achieved, i.e., accurate measurements within the specification of 2% flow rate accuracy, when the flowmeter is mounted as close as 2 pipe diameters (D) downstream of a FD. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are employed to generate rotationally independent correction factors that compensate for the error introduced from disturbed inlet conditions. An automated simulation method is developed to generate correction factors for 90° bend, out-of-plane bend, expansion, and contraction, at mounting distances from 2D to 100D, several flow rates, and rotational positions 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°. This study would be practically impossible with non-automated simulations or solely with measurements. In-house experiments were performed with an industrial clamp-on device at selected distances from the FD with the aim of verifying the simulation results. An independent field-test is presented that showcases the value of FlowDC in USCF applications. The automated simulations have the capability to simulate further FDs on-demand, with the aim of creating a database for the needs of the respective application in industry.  相似文献   

介绍了一种用于流量测量的德尔塔巴流量计,简述了德尔塔巴的测量原理以及基本结构,详细的介绍了德尔塔巴流量计的特点并与孔板、转子流量计、涡街流量计等常见的流量仪表进行了对比,通过实例阐述了德尔塔巴在实际工程应用中的价值。  相似文献   

为适应核反应堆堆芯冷却剂流量测量的需要,开发研制了新型低速涡轮流量变送器,按流量信号输出不同,分别为磁感应模拟信号输出和数字开关量输出低速涡轮流量变送器。实际标定和应用表明,低速涡轮流量变送器的精度和重复性是好的,相对误差的均方根为1.0%,使用寿命长,阻力小,线性范围宽。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for measuring flow rates in pipelines based on the flow induced vibration principle using water as fluid, eliminating the need for interrupting the flow and opening of the pipeline for installation of traditional water flow meters. Experimental measurements are carried out in an accredited laboratory for calibration of rate flow meters and a metrological validation, followed by an uncertainty evaluation, are presented. Data analysis is accompanied by a method of optimization that minimizes adjustment errors of measurement using regression by parts and by the selection of the optimum period to estimate more accurately the flow rate. The results meet the specifications of Brazilian Metrology Institute.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel ultrasonic array signal processing scheme for wind speed and wind direction measurement. Two ultrasonic array structures are illustrated and the corresponding array signal processing method is proposed. The statistical performance of proposed scheme, such as estimation variance and Cramer Rao Bound (CRB), is derived. The ambiguity problem for traditional uniform line array (ULA) structure is theoretically discussed. The hardware experiment results verify the feasibility of the proposed wind measurement method.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of an elastic nanocomposite sensor to measure the water flow rate in open and closed hydraulic circuits. A sensor was constructed of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) dispersed in silicone rubber (SR) and subsequently tested to verify its ability to measure water flow rate. The results reveal that the correlation between the fluid flow rate and the pressure variation across the sensor entails that its electrical resistance can be correlated to the flow rate. The sensor constructed of 2 and 3 wt,% of MWCNTs in SR-based nanocomposite sensors exhibited a low percolation threshold. An electron microscope (HRSEM) was used to characterize the manufactured nanocomposite sensors and confirm the conductive networks. The variation in the electrical resistance of the sensor in terms of both water pressure and flow rate is described. The elastic sensor was calibrated to measure the water flow rate in the range of 0–35 l/min. The results show that an elastic sensor fabricated from MWCNTs dispersed in silicone rubber does exhibit sensitivity to the slight strain levels produced by dynamic water pressure and, as such, can be used to measure flow rate. In addition, the sensor's response to water flow in the presence of bubbles enables pump cavitation monitoring. This paper also investigates the reduction of sensor electrical conductivity in response to water immersion. The findings reveal that the elastic nanocomposite sensor could potentially be used as a liquid sensor to detect water leakage in hydraulic circuits.  相似文献   

Flow regime is one of the key characteristics of gas-liquid two-phase pipe-flows and its identification is essential for several industrial applications. In this paper, the ultrasonic phased array technology is used to identify flow regimes of two-phase (air-water) vertical flow. The ultrasonic phased array can perform multi-point, omnidirectional detection to obtain high-resolution data suitable for image processing. The scanned images, which have distinctive features, are subjected to a series of image-treatment techniques, such as principle component analysis, to extract information necessary for flow regime identification. The K-nearest neighbors (KNN) classification algorithm is then used to identify flow regimes with high accuracy.  相似文献   

It is shown that small density changes can give rise to misinterpretation of flow rate signals in unsteady (reciprocating) flows. Basically a flow rate measured at some point A cannot simply be assigned to a remote point B. Depending on the way of plotting a hysteresis appears which, in fact, does not exist. Unsteady conservation of mass is applied to a volume and orifice flow system to obtain an equation which explains and predicts the apparent hysteresis. The equation in dimensionless form contains a key parameter β which holds the flow determining quantities. Experiments are conducted with respect to a wide spread of β. It is shown that the equation predicts reality quite well.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the generalization of the Acoustic Transit Time (ATT) flow measurement method currently embodied in ultrasonic flow meters. First, the existing theoretical fundamentals that cover flow measurement in regular conduits are presented and relevant design features of typical ultrasonic flow meters are described. A detailed derivation of a measurement method for the generalized theoretical fundamentals of multipath ATT flow is then presented. This generalization consists of extending the existing theoretical background in the case of an irregular section, which is defined as a section that has a non-standard shape and/or a varying shape and size, e.g. one that has transition from a rectangular to a circular section. On the basis of the derived generalized theory, the approach for flow measurement in such irregular sections is developed. This approach is then tested numerically using an example of a converging measurement section that represents the water intake of the Kaplan unit. During the test of the new approach, the flow rate and flow profile at the inlet were varied to investigate the effect of such variations on the accuracy of flow rate determination. Results for a significant flow profile and flow rate variations show that the overall error dispersion of the flow rate evaluation is of the order of 0.5%.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of water flow rates in large diameter pipelines is a challenge for water companies that need to produce, transport and distribute increasing quantities of water. To a large extent, this challenge results from the impossibility of recalibration of the flow meters within the periodicity established in the metrological regulations since the removal of a large size flow meter from its site of operation in the field and its transport to a calibration laboratory is in most cases technically and economically impracticable. Because of this scenario, this paper presents the pitometry technique as an interesting alternative to solve problems related to the validation of water flow measurements performed by flow measurement systems installed in large diameter conduits. The technique is based on the determination of the water flow rate by mapping the velocity profile of the water flow inside the pipe by means of Cole type Pitot tubes. The water flow rate is determined in a cross section of the pipe located near and in series to the flowmeter to be evaluated. Based on the results obtained in a great number of water flow measurements already performed by applying the pitometry technique in large diameter pipelines in the field, it is possible to conclude that this methodology is perfectly applicable in the validation of the performance of flow meters installed in these conduits solving satisfactorily the issues related to its operation.  相似文献   

A new model for Ultrasonic Cross Correlation Flow Meters (USCCFM) has been developed as result of industrial experience at Ontario Power Generation (OPG). Industrial applications of USCCFM have encountered cases where the frozen pattern model failed. The new model is based on the mathematical properties of turbulent velocity fields and correlation functions. It contains a proof that USCCFM measurement in a particular situation is successful, if and only if certain mathematical conditions are satisfied. In this document, the term “successful” means that the USCCFM is able to obtain a consistent cross correlation peak, and a stable time delay from the flow condition; otherwise the measurement is considered unsuccessful. This model applies to all measurement conditions encountered so far.  相似文献   

Uncertainty variation of a fiscal orifice measurement system used in an Algerian natural gas exportation station is studied using data from a natural gas production field known as Gas Tin Fouye Tabankort (GTFT) located in the south-east of Algeria. The expected results are uncertainty calculus over a range of temperature and pressure variation and to the customs authorities’ allocation.In fact, each quantity of measured fluid flow has certain uncertainty and then the fiscal measurement station is very important for gas exportation, which means the income. Therefore, the pursuit of flow metering device uncertainty and its influence on the measured quantities in the transmission networks is very important.For that, the uncertainty caused by flowmeter in the measurement station causing economical revenue fluctuations is studied. The work was done to justify why there is a production decrease of hydrocarbons without identifying reasons during summer. The difference between the mass flow rate quantity produced and the transmitted value was important that is why our work is done to clarify exactly from where the problem can come.The measurements setting with two operating conditions (gas temperature and pressure) show that the uncertainty is dominated by seasonal temperatures and pressures variations which induce fluctuation in gas and pipe temperatures and influence the metrological performance of the transmitters. Indeed, the metrological measurement chain performance is affected also by these two operating conditions.The present work is done according to the ONML (National Legal Metrological Office) instructions regarding differences between the measured and the seller values represented by the mass flow rate.In natural gas transmission network, the important problem in the management and control of the network is represented by the unaccounted for gas, a quantity of measuring error which is to be considered in the equation of network balancing. One of the unaccounted for gas sources are the environmental conditions and systematic measurement errors.In this work, the calculation of the combined uncertainty of the mass flow rate measured by an Orifice fiscal gas metering plant is done. From the results founded, the authors confirm that the uncertainty in the measurement system causing by the climatic conditions generates unaccounted for gas.  相似文献   

In order to improve the measurement performance of dry calibration on ultrasonic flowmeter, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) modeling approach of the effect on transducer protrusion and recess are mainly discussed in the paper while its effects on ultrasonic flowmeter accuracy are also presented. Through comparing simulation results to experimental data, the CFD modeling is firstly determined. Then, detail analysis on flow field for two typical transducer installations are obtained based on the CFD method. Besides, the mechanism of both flow effects on measurement accuracy are explained and compared respectively, which indicates that negative velocities generated at protrusion and recess locations are the indispensable factors for negative measurement errors. Finally, comparison results show that smaller measurement error can be achieved with protruding transducers, which is a better arrangement type of transducer for ultrasonic flowmeters.  相似文献   

流量测量是影响水轮机效率测试精度最主要的因素。大管径流量测量的方法主要采用超声波法,然而,其测量精度及误差构成尚无有效的校验方法。结合时差法超声波流量计的测流原理,推导得到流量综合误差,建立测流误差描述模型。提出一种基于流量测量理想系统来进行误差分析的量化方法,为超声波测流系统的误差分析与控制提供一种新的途径。通过测流理想系统对超声波测流精度的影响因素进行仿真研究,分析了各项参数测量误差对系统综合误差的影响,针对影响较大的主导因素提出了相关修正方法,并对系统综合误差的控制进行了分析。最后搭建实验系统进行研究,实验结果初步验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Flow rate in closed conduits is one of the most frequently measured parameters in industrial processes and in gas and water supply. For an accurate measurement, flow meters typically require a fully developed symmetric flow profile with preferably no radial or tangential velocity components. This is commonly secured by mounting flow meters in a pipe at a sufficiently long distance downstream any change in cross-section or pipe direction. In this paper, we introduce a new approach for flow rate measurement of gases or liquids that employs a novel spatially resolving fluid velocity sensor basing on thermal anemometry. The new principle allows accurate flow rate measurements for non-axisymmetric velocity profiles, even directly after pipe bends, T-junctions or other alterations in the pipe geometry. This is exemplified for air flow in three different pipe bend configurations.  相似文献   

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