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There is general belief that the rate of firefighter injury can be lowered by creating fire service cultures where firefighters more closely follow their training and standard operating guidelines (SOGs). That is, there is a desire to minimize cases where firefighters operate outside of the SOGs. Interestingly, there is scant data on the rate of adherence to SOGs in the fire service. In an attempt to better understand the compliance to fireground standard operating guidelines, an analysis of firefighter compliance to Austin Fire Department’s guidelines was performed. We analyze over 1000 survey responses taken from Austin firefighters on fireground operations over a 1.5 year time frame. This paper does not critique the department’s procedures or the officers’ actions, but simply reports the compliance data and discusses some implications of the data. Austin Fire Department (AFD) in the process of creating their current version of standard operating guidelines developed an initial tactical function assignment rule called the “90/10” rule. This rule states that in 90% of situations, personnel are expected to comply with their SOG specified initial tactical functions. Although this rule was proposed several years ago there had not been testing to indicate if the rule was being upheld. By analyzing the initial tactical functions, we first discuss the rate of adherence to the 90/10 rule. We then conducted a more in-depth study to test if other SOG directives (e.g., tactics) are complied to with the same frequency. There were three specific tactics studied – a size-up tactic, a primary firefighter safety tactic, and a fire attack tactic - which had varying ranges of compliance compared to the “90/10” rule. After examining the compliance data, computer simulations were conducted on the fire attack tactic to better understand how a change in the tactic could affect firefighter working conditions.  相似文献   

本标准适用于花岗石墓石产品各工序的质量控制和检验 1 引用标准 ——花岗石墓石产品标准<企业标准> ——质量管理标准<企业标准>  相似文献   

<正>项目简介:2010上海市世博会城市最佳实践区位于世博会东北尽端的浦西E区,包括南北两个街坊,占地面积约15hm2,该项目中部和北部街区为中国2010年上海世博会永久保留项目。"城市最佳实践区"是往届世博会从未有过的新概念,是世博会发展史上的一次创新。在"城市最佳实践区",有逼真的模拟城市街区——一比一的实物模型让游人体验全球最有代表性的城市实践案例;有展馆——为游人介绍世界各地的城市为提高城市生活质量所做的公认的、创新的和有价值的各种实践方案;另通过宽阔的主题广场,供游人参与探讨交流城市管理及发展的话题。  相似文献   

为了更好地演绎"城市,让生活更美好"的主题,2010年上海世博会特别设立了"城市最佳实践区",这是世博会历史上的一个创举.城市最佳实践区不仅是来自世界各国的城市最佳实践案例的展区,其本身也应当成为街区改造的城市最佳实践,在街区规划、工业建筑再生和环境设计三个领域体现可持续发展理念.  相似文献   

城市最佳实践区肩负上海城市的“后世博发展”新标杆的使命,本文依托城市最佳实践区的低碳发展实践,根据城市最佳实践区的功能定位特点和3大低碳发展目标,结合国内外的低碳发展经验,对实践区的低碳建设及运营提出了可量化的低碳指标体系、低碳规划和绿色建筑导则,为实践区的低碳建设与发展提供科学依据。同时介绍了实践区开展低碳实践的具体案例和相关举措,以及低碳实践的经济成本和效益分析。  相似文献   

针对国内BIM标准现状,以CBIMS框架为桥梁,将国际通行的3项BIM标准与我国正组织编制的各项BIM标准进行研究与对比,明确CBIMS框架继承与发展的理论基础。对BIM标准化模型的建模过程进行研究,结合CBIMS框架实践经验与现有软件平台,分别提出BIM模型图元属性标准、信息分类与编码标准和模型建立流程的相关建议及具体实现方法。将国内外BIM标准及CBIMS框架进一步拓展与实践,为BIM标准编制人员与技术应用人员提供参考。  相似文献   

2000年3月7日美国钢结构协会(AISC)和AISLE规范委员会正式批准发布《建筑和桥梁钢结构应用标准法规》。该法规是一个指导性标准,本对这一法规进行了介绍。本是第一部分。  相似文献   

以"城市,让生活更美好"为主题的上海世博会将于2010年5月开幕,介绍了其城市最佳实践区法国罗纳-阿尔卑斯大区展馆和马德里竹屋的节能措施,如在法国罗纳.阿尔卑斯大区展馆采用伊通保温石、植物净化屋面、植物墙、竹子表皮等;在马德里竹屋采用开启式竹子百叶、双层玻璃幕墙等.展示了国外设计师对节能生态建设的重视及设计思路,探索降低建筑能耗的新途径.  相似文献   

Sustainable communities prioritise health, safety and equity among residents. These interdependent dimensions of community well-being require an integrative developmental and evaluation framework to highlight the connections essential for their development. We examine the utility of the social capital construct as a connective framework with the potential to assist urban planners in enhancing these attributes and the sustainability of communities in new or existing developments. Concepts of social capital are already utilised in urban planning contexts, however, we chart a novel approach and demonstrate that a combination of the bonding, bridging and linking dimensions of social capital can provide a comprehensive and multidimensional framework that overcomes the limitations imposed by popular, yet narrower concepts, such as social cohesion and social exclusion. The strength of this combination is that it not only explores connections between individuals and various resources within communities but also includes relationships with broader networks and decision-makers. In this way, planning processes can contribute to more recent notions of sustainable development that include governance as a fourth and essential pillar in quadruple bottom line approaches to sustainable development.  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了一种简单易学、方便快捷的绘图方法——标准布图操作法,将多个图形等距排列在同一张图内进行操作。标准布图操作法软件是以标准布图操作法为数学模型编制的软件,可以极大地提高绘图效率,并提供了强大的查看功能,可以广泛地应用在绘图、校对、专业配合、方案制定等各个设计绘图阶段。  相似文献   

黄程 《建筑电气》2012,31(6):23-28
介绍《绿色建筑评价标准》的评价方法,结合广州设计大厦改造项目,探讨《绿色建筑评价标准》中关于总能耗、照明功率密度、可再生能源、室内光环境、计量等电气条款,以及在执行过程中的实践体会。  相似文献   

阐述了住宅工程质量通病的特性及开展防治工作的重要性,对工作中出现的问题进行了分析,从设计、造价、材料、工艺、过程控制、质量验收、质量管理等方面提出了一些对策和建议,供同行参考。  相似文献   

This article analyses housing provision for Indigenous populations in remote communities, focusing particularly on the Indigenous Australian population. It uses a 'best practice' framework to do this. It then develops a model of best practice which is used to evaluate remote area Indigenous housing in terms of four stages and six components of housing provision. After summarising the results of the application of the model to some 26 examples, with more detailed analysis of two of them, it reaches conclusions about elements of best practice in remote area Indigenous housing, about best practice methodology and about the wider applicability of the model.  相似文献   

曹洪林 《市政技术》2007,25(3):183-186,192
《城镇污水处理厂污泥泥质》(CJ247—2007)为城镇建设产业产品标准,经国家建设部批准自2007年10月1日起实施。主要介绍了标准编写过程、标准价值、运营管理等,并对我国污泥处理发展三个时间阶段、污泥处理工艺流程的三级划分。进行了初步探讨。该标准在我国填补了城镇污水处理厂的污泥处理无单独标准的空白,并从此将成为排水系统工程中专业化很强的一个分项。  相似文献   

临港新城,是上海城市发展建设史上规模最大的新兴产业新城,将在一片滩涂和农田上承担起上海建设国际航运中心、发展现代服务业和先进制造业的历史重任。随着新城规划建设的不断推进,在城市规划的各个层面都开始呈现出了领先一步的探索性和更深一步的思考性。临港新城,已经逐步成为上海探索城市规划学科发展和管理提升的最佳实践区和示范区。  相似文献   

低C/N值城市污水处理厂出水达标的运行条件优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某污水处理厂采用微曝气氧化沟和化学除磷微絮凝过滤工艺,进水为低C/N值城市污水,出水水质执行《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级A标准,针对实际出水TN和TP浓度超标的问题,进行了一系列的工艺调整试验研究。结果表明,在不改变构筑物、不增加投资的条件下,通过采取曝气沉砂池停曝、投加外碳源、氧化沟低氧曝气、关闭内回流、优化化学除磷药剂等措施,可以实现出水水质的稳定达标,其中对TN和TP的平均去除率分别可达到65%和88%。  相似文献   

目前中国一些城市的排水系统由于设计标准不够或者设计不当,以至于在并不罕见的降雨到来时出现了积水和洪水的问题,为此介绍了部分国家和地区排水系统的设计标准、工程实践现状,并进行了讨论,可供同行借鉴.  相似文献   

疾病预防控制中心在我国是一种全新的建筑类型,本文根据我国医疗运营体系下所形成的多种模式的分析比较,阐述其类型特点,尝试性提出适应我国未来发展的疾病预防控制中心模式。  相似文献   

国标《住宅性能评定技术标准MGB/T50362—2005),作为我国目前唯一的有关住宅性能的评定技术标准。2005年11月30日由国家建设部和国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布,于2006年3月1日起正式实施。《住宅性能评定技术标准》的实施,对于完善我国住宅性能认定制度,引导提升住宅品质,保护住宅消费者的权益,进一步推动节能省地型住宅的建设,都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

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