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根据工作实践,认识到项目经理在总承包项目中的关键作用,分析了项目经理在总承包项目中的角色和地位,并指出项目经理应具备的个人素质、综合能力以及应发挥的控制作用,旨在探讨施工总承包模式下如何当好项目经理.  相似文献   

建立国有施工企业项目经理激励机制的原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵显情 《山西建筑》2003,29(8):187-188
介绍了建立国有施工企业项目经理激励机制的原则,对当前国有施工企业项目经理激励与约束机制中存在的问题进行了分析,指出建立有效的项目经理激励与约束机制是施工企业健康发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

Projectification of the economy and society has contributed to the emergence of the field of macro-project studies which call for more research on the role that project organizations play in the transformation of their environments. Macro perspectives on projects call for a multiple-level perspective (MLP) approach and reveal new theoretical challenges related to complex project organizing. Based on the MLP framework in the field of transition studies (Geels, 2002; Geels and Schot, 2007; Geels and Turnheim, 2022), this article presents an MLP framework that establishes systemic relationships between micro, meso, and macro-level projects. The framework describes three areas of the project: project structure, project performance, and project organization. It establishes bridges between macro project studies and the fast-growing field of sustainability transitions research.  相似文献   

Many project managers do not feel adequately respected and compensated for their work. They often see their role as a temporary one and focus more on their advancement in traditional leadership career paths. Although a lot has been done with respect to qualification and certification programs for project managers, the special role of motivation and retention of project managers has not extensively been researched in the past. Moreover, human resource management has neglected career possibilities and career design for project managers so far. Consequently, our research builds on different streams of research from human resource management, project management, and motivational theory to identify the key ingredients for a project managers' career path. A qualitative study with 20 companies that have already implemented a project managers' career path has been conducted. The findings of this research are used to derive key success factors for the design and implementation of a project managers' career path.  相似文献   

在我国住宅产业化技术创新动力不足的现实背景下,通过建立政府——住宅企业的委托代理模型来研究住宅产业化技术创新的激励机理,得出结论:政府在制定激励政策时不能一刀切,应根据行业的实际采取不同的激励措施:重点激励行业龙头企业、参与保障房建设的企业等,进行住宅产业化技术创新。  相似文献   

刘峰 《山西建筑》2012,38(6):247-248
针对当前大量中介机构介入政府投资项目施工过程造价控制,探讨了中介机构如何在政府投资项目中开展工作、发挥审计作用,并着重阐述了审计工作的重点,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

建设项目中,施工管理人员的安全管理效果直接影响着整个建设项目的生命财产安全,针对我国施工安全管理的现状,基于双重委托代理理论,构建了建设项目中包括业主、施工单位和施工管理者在内的双重代理多任务的委托代理激励模型,定量地研究了安全工作风险、业主的惩罚力度和安全工作绩效对管理者安全工作努力程度的影响。结果表明:风险规避的施工管理者,业主对安全绩效激励系数的增加以及增大的安全工作绩效系数都会促使其安全管理努力水平的增加,然而,安全管理努力水平会随着安全工作风险程度的增大而减小。业主可通过加大对施工管理者安全工作任务的激励系数来激励其更好地进行安全管理工作。研究结论对建设项目的安全管理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Different project goals provide different prerequisites for project work and team processes. Two important aspects of project goals are technological certainty/uncertainty and adequacy of goal definition. Product development projects and construction projects are different in these respects. The study explores differences between the two types of projects with regard to psychosocial aspects of the work situation. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire study (n=98). The items in the questionnaire were designed to investigate social processes, individual work environment, and input/output factors. Results indicate that there were more developed team processes in the product development projects, and that co-workers on such projects experienced development of professional skills to a greater extent. In general, social processes requiring conceptual co-operation and communication were less pronounced in the construction projects investigated. The paper discusses how the differences found between the two kinds of projects can be related to work settings. Possible implications for future research are considered.  相似文献   

A competent project manager is vital to project success. While many studies have examined competency of project managers, few have done so in the context of green construction. Therefore, this study aims to identify challenges faced by project managers who execute green construction projects and to determine the critical knowledge areas and skills that are necessary to respond to such challenges. Through literature review, surveys and interviews with project managers, this study will help establish a knowledge base for project managers to be competitive and to effectively execute sustainable projects.  相似文献   

In the information age, organization theories have addressed problem‐solving as an information‐processing activity. However, in this era, with the realization of knowledge‐based views of the organization, shared problem‐solving is increasingly recognized as a knowledge creation trigger. During shared problem‐solving, stakeholders bring different types of knowledge into the problem situation and it is captured, created and shared by the team members. In construction projects, shared problem‐solving often takes place through pragmatic problem‐solving on site, in particular, through managing project changes. However, this significant role of knowledge in managing project change is not well appreciated in the extant literature. Accordingly, to explore how knowledge is created during project changes in construction a case study approach was adopted using two change events in two collaborative settings within the UK construction industry. The case study findings revealed that different forms of knowledge are created during the project change process within construction projects. However, this knowledge remains largely tacit and does not disseminate to the wider organization due to imbalanced codification and personalization strategies existing in such settings. A knowledge management perspective is introduced to manage project change so that construction project teams can successfully resolve and learn from change events.  相似文献   

As businesses become more dependent on technology, effective project management has been recognised as a necessity, in order to lead and deliver quality software applications on time and within budget. One possible option in software projects is the use of a project management methodology. This exploratory research examines why organisations with an existing project management methodology are transitioning to an internationally-recognised methodology, and why organisations that do not have a project management methodology are implementing an internationally-recognised methodology. Results of five case studies suggest that while an in-house project management methodology can work well within an organisation, the benefits of using an internationally-recognised methodology should be considered. These include: the assurance that the organisation is using what is considered to be best-practice; demand from external customers that a recognised methodology is used; assistance with external recruitment; and the availability of suppliers of the methodology for training and support.  相似文献   

Construction project management (CPM) is a technical-oriented service for construction project clients. Evaluating the performance of service providers is beneficial both to purchasers, enabling them to appraise the services received, and to providers, helping them to improve their services. However, no appraisal system for such services exists. This study developed a novel customer satisfaction evaluation model for CPM services that was developed using a questionnaire-based survey and statistical analysis. Test results show that the developed model is a feasible system. Research using this model reveals that CPM services in Taiwan are satisfactory with acceptable performance for clients. The developed model is a good reference for evaluating and assessing CPM performance.  相似文献   

Large and complex project networks are characterized by the collaboration of heterogeneous organizations and individuals. In addition to project management techniques and complementary skills, relational competence, i.e. the ability to actively create and develop collaborative relationships is an essential asset for managing project networks. Networks represent structured role systems which may be a substitute for stable organizational structures and routines. This study investigates relational competence in the network of a large construction project of a French hospital. Based on network data and qualitative interviews, we compare the formal roles and positions of actors in the network to their actual roles and positions and analyze how relational competence promotes the coordination of project work. We find several actors whose network position and relational competence correspond to the formal organization and several actors with a mismatch between the formal organization and the actual role and position. In the latter cases, other network members step in and contribute to an effective coordination. The concept of relational competence in combination with network analysis contributes to a better understanding of the functioning of project networks. In particular, it reveals dysfunctions in the project network and allows for identifying the reasons for failure.  相似文献   

Extending Nicolini’s notion of project ‘chemistry’, a ‘leader–follower chemistry’ model associated with the quality of dyadic interpersonal communication in construction projects is developed. The focus is on the project manager as leader in an attempt to deepen understanding of the effect of a project manager’s emotional intelligence (EI) on the quality of interpersonal communication with their followers, being other members of the project team. While a project manager’s EI, with its associated emotional competencies, is often seen as critical in achieving good relationships with members of the project team, it remains a largely understudied concept, particularly in construction projects. Primary data collected using a series of analytical surveys and live observations of site-based project meetings was used to examine the relationship between a project manager’s emotional competencies, particularly sensitivity and expressiveness, and leader–follower chemistry. Overall, 68 construction professionals participated in the study. The findings suggest that a project manager’s emotional sensitivity and expressiveness (particularly head gestures) may explain variance in the quality of leader–follower chemistry. Based on the empirical evidence in the context of team communication, a leader–follower chemistry model is introduced, which emphasizes the importance of leaders’ emotional sensitivity and expressiveness in a leader–follower communication dyad. The model may be particularly salient in complex project networks with a large number of prominent actors.  相似文献   

Organizational learning (OL) seems to be a legitimate contractors' response to project monitoring feedback. However, findings from previous studies reveal that contractors' responses to feedback are mercurial and difficult to model by using conventional approaches. This study applies catastrophe theory to model the contractors' learning behavior in response to feedback. An industry survey was conducted in Hong Kong for data collection. To test the conceptual model, Cusp fit program was employed. The results indicate that not until they perform worse than the client's anticipation, the contractors may not practice double-loop learning as a response to the project monitoring feedback. Contractors' learning from feedback may be conditional. This study demonstrates a new approach to model a dynamic characteristic of the contractors' learning behavior.  相似文献   

A simplified model for total project cost is developed in this paper to meet the numerous requests from decision makers for a model that can be used to estimate the total project cost from the estimated cash flows and, more importantly, to check the accuracy of the project cost estimates in feasibility studies that require prudent decisions. It begins with a base cost estimate in constant dollars and discrete cash flows with discrete inflation rates as practised by the construction industry. The discrete inflation rates are used to estimate the current dollar costs of the project. The effects of inflation are estimated as escalation during construction. Using the future value concept, interest during construction is estimated, in a simplified approach, to estimate the total project cost. Data from an actual feasibility study is used to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the simplified model. The model is extended to treat discrete cash flows with continuous inflation rates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to identify the parameters defining how Lean Construction (LC) is being implemented (current condition) and how LC can be further promoted (future direction) from a Small-Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) perspective. Although SMEs constitute the largest group in construction supply chains, LC, as an emerging phenomenon in civil construction project management, has been rarely investigated from an SMEs perspective. Also, overlooking the more macro factors like project governance and supply chain management, LC deployments have been mainly discussed from a production process perspective to date. After a review of the extant literature and 20 interviews with managers from the highways sector, a list of 31 current condition and 40 future direction statements were produced, classified under the delivery, process, training, project governance and supply chain related headings and used in a questionnaire survey with 110 responses. The current condition highlights problems like a short-term relations structure, competitive tendering mechanisms, fragmentation, problems in engaging with SMEs for LC, unstandardised LC techniques, and issues with convincing SMEs to deploy LC by demonstrating the business case on mutual benefits. Action items relating to the current project delivery structure were given the highest importance by the supply chain, alongside the LC training and project governance issues for the future of LC at highways SMEs. Additionally, a statistically significant correlation was identified among many future action items.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain a better understanding of factors that influence Exploration and Production (E&P) project management success and corporate financial performance. The study follows structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology to achieve greater understanding of the intricate network of relationships between variables involved in E&P project management. A comprehensive theoretical framework was needed to formulate the conceptual basis of research. Observation of the real world and practical experiences were also important. To that end, we conducted a case study in a large Brazilian oil company. Field research was essential because of the lack of similar studies in the oil and gas sector. The model developed is a theoretical construct known as a structural and measurement model (set of latent variables, observed variables and hypotheses, depicted in a path diagram). This model contributes significantly to the company because it is a global representation of the main factors for improving E&P project management. However, the findings should be interpreted with caution because adjustment and validation of the theoretical model were not performed.  相似文献   

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