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In recent years, biodiesel has become more attractive as an alternative fuel for diesel engines because of its environmental benefits and the fact is that it is made from renewable resources. The role of biodiesel is not to replace petroleum diesel, biofuels help to improve the economical growth and positive impacts on the environment. The main purpose of this research is to reduce the emission such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon dioxide (CO2). And to increase the performance characteristics such as break thermal efficiency (BTE), specific fuel consumption (SFC) of diesel engines. Here we used dual biofuel (lemongrass oil plus mint oil) blended with diesel and cerium oxide is added as an additive and undergone the test of engine performance and emission parameters of diesel. The measuring parameters are BTHE, specific fuel conception, CO2, CO, NOx and HC.  相似文献   

In this experiment, the performance, emission, and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine were tested using bio-fuel (Anise oil) at different loads. The main focus of this study was to compare the existing biodiesel blends with the proposed mixture (anise?+?cerium oxide) of biodiesel blends in terms of engine parameters, cost, efficiency, and pollution control. The blends used in this experiment are B10 (Biodiesel-10%), B20 (Biodiesel-20%), and B30 (Biodiesel-30%). The emission and performance parameters considered for the test are SFC (specific fuel consumption), CO (carbon monoxide), NOX (nitrogen oxide), and HC (hydrocarbon). These parameters were tested for different load conditions such as 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. From the results, it shows that SFC is lower for B20 blend compared to that of pure diesel fuel, while B10, B30, B40, and B50 blends have slightly higher values. From the experiment, it is found that emissions of the HC and NOx were reduced and CO emission is slightly higher than the pure diesel.  相似文献   

Tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO) blend with diesel can be used as an alternate fuel. Tests have been carried out to analyse the energy and exergy characteristics of diesel engine fuelled by B10, B20 and B30 blend of TPO with diesel fuel. TPO was derived from waste automobile tyres through vacuum pyrolysis process (batch type). In this paper, the brake thermal efficiencies of TPO of different blends (10%, 20% and 30%) are compared with the pure diesel and discussed. Further, exergy and energy values of TPO–diesel with different blends are analysed.  相似文献   


Biodiesel as an alternative source of petroleum fuel could reduce the dependence on petroleum products and control pollution problems. These biofuels are derived from various sources and if directly used in the engine it will not completely burn and will cause an increase in the emission level. In this experiment, 20% of rubber seed oil (B20) blended with pure diesel fuel along with aluminium oxide (Al2O3) was used in the proportions of 10?, 20 and 30?ppm. The obtained experimental results showed that the brake thermal efficiency was increased and the engine emission was reduced. And the brake-specific fuel consumption was reduced, but the NOx level increased at the proportion level at 10?ppm of nano additives. This experiment has been carried out in a single cylinder water-cooled engine connected to an electrical dynamometer without engine modification and the injection pressure and timings were maintained at the standard level designed for the engine. The dynamic energy of aluminium oxide blend with the biodiesel improved the combustion characteristics in the engine, and caused a reduction in carbon deposits by 44.8% in the cylinder wall.  相似文献   

In this article, the mahua tree’s high importance in the present-day plantations is described and the preparation of mahua methyl ester (MME) from the raw mahua seed oil by the two methods of the transesterification process is described. The tested physical properties were compared with the requirement of ASTM D-6751. The obtained MME and its blends of B20, B40, B60, and B80 were investigated in an unmodified diesel engine. From the results of the performance, it has been observed that brake-specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency are slightly improved (B20 and B40) at part-load conditions and approach diesel at full-load conditions. From combustion analysis, it was seen that ignition delay was shorter for biodiesel and its blends compared with the diesel fuel. The emission characteristics of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and smoke opacity were reduced for all the fuel blends, but at high temperatures they undergo an endothermic reaction and produced various oxides of nitrogen.  相似文献   


In the recent times, the limitations on the exhaust emissions of the internal combustion engines are becoming increasingly rigorous due to environmental safety. Carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, particulates and hydrocarbon are the prime noxious waste emitted by diesel engines. This experimental study involves the analysis of engine performance and emission characteristics of a single cylinder diesel engine with yttria- and ceria-stabilised zirconia coating on a cylinder liner and piston head. Varied dosing levels were added to diesel in both uncoated and coated engines. The experiment resulted in noticeable changes in the selected thermal barrier coating and dosing of cerium oxide additive nanoparticle in diesel. A surge of 2.1% in the brake thermal efficiency and downturn of 3% brake-specific fuel consumption when compared to standard diesel mode in the uncoated engine was discerned. Emission level of nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon also underwent a considerable decline.  相似文献   

Fuel crisis and environmental concerns have led researchers to look for alternative fuels of bio-origin sources such as vegetable oils, which can be produced from forests and oil-bearing biomass materials. Vegetable oils have energy content comparable to that of diesel fuel. Straight vegetable oils posed several operational problems and durability problems when subjected to long-term usage in compression ignition engine. These problems are attributed to higher viscosity and lower volatility. In this study, performance and emission parameters of a diesel engine operating on neem oil and its blends of 5, 10, 15 and 20?vol% with ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol and 1-pentanol are evaluated and compared with diesel operation. The results indicate that the brake thermal efficiency is improved with the use of neem oil–alcohol blends with respect to those of neat neem oil. The smoke intensity, CO and HC emissions with neem oil–alcohol blends are observed to be lower with respect to those of neat neem oil at higher loads. The NO x emission is very slightly reduced with the use of neem oil–alcohol blends except for the neem oil–ethanol blend compared with that of neat neem oil.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, the effect of thermal barrier coated piston on the performance and emission characteristics of mahua-biodiesel-fuelled diesel engine was studied and compared with those of neat diesel fuel. The piston, cylinder walls and the valves of the engine were coated with 0.25?mm thickness of Al2O3 material without affecting the compression ratio of the engine. Experiments were conducted using diesel and biodiesel blend (B20) in the engine with and without coating. The results revealed that specific fuel consumption was decreased by 8.5% and the brake thermal efficiency was increased by 6.2% for biodiesel blend with coated engine compared with the base engine with neat diesel fuel. The exhaust emissions CO, NOx and HC emissions were also decreased for biodiesel blend with coated engine compared with base engine.  相似文献   

In day today's applications, it is obligatory to devise the usage of diesel in an economic and environmentally benign way. The present work was aimed at studying the performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a four-stroke diesel engine by adding n-pentane at different proportions such as 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% by volume with diesel. The performance, combustion and emission characteristics obtained from the experiment revealed that the addition of n-pentane augments the brake thermal efficiency of the engine. At full load, the brake thermal efficiency increased by 3.17% for an addition of 6% n-pentane, 4.31% for an addition of 8% n-pentane and 6.36% for an addition of 10% n-pentane. From the emission test, it was concluded that at full load, the NOx emission decreased by 8.67% for an addition of 6% n-pentane, 17.43% for an addition of 8% n-pentane and 18.09% for an addition of 10% n-pentane.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation to measure the evaporation rates, PSZ-coated engine performance and emissions of radish biodiesel (Methyl Ester of radish oil) and its blends in different volumetric proportions with diesel is presented. The thermo-physical properties of all the fuel blends have been measured and presented. Evaporation rates of neat radish biodiesel, neat diesel and their bends have been measured under slow convective environment of air velocity of 0.2?m/s with a constant temperature of 200°C. Evaporation constants have been determined by using the droplet regression rate data. The neat fuels and fuel blends have been utilised in a test engine with different load conditions to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of the fuels. From the observed evaporation, performance and emissions characteristics, it can be suggested that a blend of B25–B75 could be optimally used in coated diesel engine settings without any modifications on it.  相似文献   


Biodiesel is proved to be a better substitute of conventional diesel. Economically good biosource is a needed one. In this study, freshwater algae (micro algae) are used for producing the biodiesel. The fuel properties of the biodiesel sample were tested and found within the limits. The B10 and B20 biodiesel blends with diesel are tested in a single cylinder CI engine. The blends show a better performance in CI engine and the values are closer to the conventional diesel. The important engine parameter compression ratio is also made to vary. At the three compression ratios, the biodiesel’s performance trend is quite comparable with diesel.  相似文献   

After prolonged use of transformer oils they become waste and utilised in minor applications. Used transformer oil (UTO) possess physical properties similar to diesel fuel. Earlier investigation reveals that the UTO fuelled in a single cylinder, four stoke, direct injection diesel engine developing 4.4?kW at a rated speed of 1500?rpm at 200 bar standard nozzle opening pressure, gave lower brake thermal efficiency and nitric oxide emission and higher smoke compared to diesel fuel operation. In this investigation, the fuel injector in the same engine was subjected to five different injection nozzle opening pressures (200, 210, 220, 230, 240 and 250). The effect on the performance and emissions of a compression ignition engine were evaluated, compared with standard diesel fuel operation and presented in this paper. Results indicated that UTO at 230 bar fuel nozzle opening pressure gave a better performance with lower emissions than UTO at 200 bar.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on a 4-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine using ultra-low sulfur diesel, bi oesel and their blends, to investigate the regulated and unregulated emissions of the engine under five engine loads at an engine speed of 1800 rev/min. Blended fuels containing 19.6%, 39.4%, 59.4% and 79.6% by volume of biodiesel, corresponding to 2%, 4%, 6% and 8% by mass of oxygen in the blended fuel, were used. Biodiesel used in this study was converted from waste cooking oil.The following results are obtained with an increase of biodiesel in the fuel. The brake specific fuel consumption and the brake thermal efficiency increase. The HC and CO emissions decrease while NOx and NO2 emissions increase. The smoke opacity and particulate mass concentrations reduce significantly at high engine load. In addition, for submicron particles, the geometry mean diameter of the particles becomes smaller while the total number concentration increases. For the unregulated gaseous emissions, generally, the emissions of formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, toluene, xylene decrease, however, acetaldehyde and benzene emissions increase.The results indicate that the combination of ultra-low sulfur diesel and biodiesel from waste cooking oil gives similar results to those in the literature using higher sulfur diesel fuels and biodiesel from other sources.  相似文献   

The aim of our project is to experimentally access the practical applications of ethanol and blending it with some lubricating oils in a direct injection compression ignition engine. This replacement of conventional diesel with ethanol requires some of the properties of ethanol to be altered. In order to increase the lubricating property of ethanol, it is blended with some lubricating oils. Some of the preferred lubricating oils are methyl esters of Jatropha oil, Pongamia oil, etc. Ethanol is blended with these lubricating oils to reduce the corrosive property of ethanol. The different fuel blends [Pongamia–ethanol (50–50) and Jatropha–ethanol (50–50)] are used in the direct injection CI engine, the combustion characteristics are calculated and they are compared with diesel and a perfect blend is analysed. The engine combustion parameters such as peak pressure, heat release rate (HRR) and cumulative heat release rate were computed. The combustion analysis revealed that the early rate of pressure rise causes the cylinder pressure to rise early in the case of alternate fuels with a resulting lower rate of pressure rise and peak pressure. However, HRR and cumulative HRR show a maximum for Pongamia–ethanol (50–50) when compared with the neat diesel fuel.  相似文献   


Achieving the new emission norms is a difficult task to today’s compression ignition (CI) engine without any exhaust gas after-treatment technologies. It is necessary to find the practical method which reduces the unsafe emission, with minor modifications of the CI engine. Dual fuel homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine has been recognised as one of the solutions to minimise the emissions and achieve higher performance. In the present study the dual fuel HCCI engine mode of operation carried out by supply of ethanol fuel-air mixture to the engine cylinder through the carburetor and diesel fuel is directly injected at the end of compression for the initiation of ignition. Dual fuel HCCI engine is one of the most promising engines suitable for alternative fuels and lower NOX emissions. An experimental investigation is carried out on dual fuel HCCI engine. Fuel consumption and exhaust emissions such as NOX, CO2, CO, HC are measured and compared with conventional CI engine. The results show that NOX emission tends to decrease at low and moderate loads of the engine, but at full load condition it is slightly higher. Further, thermal efficiency is calculated and compared in CI engine; it is observed that there is a slight improvement in thermal efficiency at high load operation. In the dual fuel HCCI engine mode, there is a provision to use of ethanol or any other alternate fuel for better energy efficiencies and low NOX emission.  相似文献   

In this work cerium oxide (CeO2) nanoparticle was added to pongamia methyl ester (PME) to study its impact on emission characteristics in a diesel engine. It was found that CeO2 nanoparticles act as an oxygen shelter owing to its high surface energy content due to its huge surface to volume ratio which expedites the process of combustion. Cerium oxide nanoparticles were mixed with neat PME at a different dose of 50?ppm and 100?ppm on a mass basis. CeO2 nanoparticles are mixed to biodiesel by means of ultrasonicator and magnetic agitator to make sure homogenous. A diesel engine was used for the experimental analysis and fuelled with neat PME, diesel, PME dozed with CeO2 nanoparticles at 50?ppm (PMEA50) and 100?ppm (PMEA100). Experimental results revealed that nanoparticle had an affirmative effect on emissions of PME as CeO2 nanoparticles acted as a catalyst of oxidation. Amid the fuels containing CeO2 nanoparticles, PMEA100 showed an improvement in various emissions as compared to conventional fuels. CeO2 nanoparticles were to be the superior oxidising catalyst as it could effectively reduce CO and HC emissions. NOx emission reduced appreciably owing to the catalytic activity of CeO2 nanoparticles.  相似文献   

Euro V diesel fuel, pure biodiesel and biodiesel blended with 5%, 10% and 15% of ethanol or methanol were tested on a 4-cylinder naturally-aspirated direct-injection diesel engine. Experiments were conducted under five engine loads at a steady speed of 1800 r/min. The study aims to investigate the effects of the blended fuels on reducing NOx and particulate. On the whole, compared with Euro V diesel fuel, the blended fuels could lead to reduction of both NOx and PM of a diesel engine, with the biodiesel-methanol blends being more effective than the biodiesel-ethanol blends. The effectiveness of NOx and particulate reductions is more effective with increase of alcohol in the blends. With high percentage of alcohol in the blends, the HC, CO emissions could increase and the brake thermal efficiency might be slightly reduced but the use of 5% blends could reduce the HC and CO emissions as well. With the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC), the HC, CO and particulate emissions can be further reduced.  相似文献   

Aqueous cerium oxide at the rate of 50cc per liter was dispersed into diesel and diesel–biodiesel using mechanical agitator and an ultrasonicator for preparing the test fuels. Cerium oxide nanomaterials present in the aqueous cerium oxide exhibit higher catalytic activity because of their large contact surface area per unit volume and can react with water at high temperature to generate hydrogen and improve fuel combustion. Also, cerium oxide nanomaterials act as oxygen buffers causing simultaneous oxidation of hydrocarbons (HCs) as well as the reduction of oxides of nitrogen. The neat diesel and test fuels were tested in an engine without changing the engine system at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% load condition and resulted in a considerable enhancement in the brake thermal efficiency, improved brake-specific fuel consumption and decreased concentration of HC, NOx and smoke in the exhaust emitted from the diesel engine due to incorporation of aqueous cerium oxide in the test fuels.  相似文献   


There is an entanglement over the rapid exhaust of fossil fuel and soreness of environmental changes. Biofuels are acting as an alternative resource for petroleum products and also salve of emissions control and engine performance improvement. Scholars have seen the supreme use of bio-fuel apparent, as it will influence greenhouse effect. Investigation results show the diminished heating value in congruence with conventional pabulum, so it had depleted more in brake mean effective-fuel power ratio and proliferated NOx compared with diesel fuel. The article mainly focuses on the selection – process of biofuel and analysis of performance (BSFC, EGT and brake thermal efficiency), emissions (CO, NOx, CO2, PM and HC) and combustion (NHR and CP) of the engine are exclusively discussed and summarised. Finally, stability, opportunity, and restraint of a selection of alternative fuel and investigation and study on the engine were asserted to guide further future exploration and evolution in that domain.  相似文献   

Waste engine oil (WEO) as an alternative fuel for compression ignition (CI) engine is investigated in this study. WEO was thermally cracked with alumina catalyst in the catalytic fuel reformer (CFR). The gas obtained from the CFR was condensed using a water-cooled condenser for analytical purposes. The output of the condenser was named as WEOA (reformulated WEO with alumina catalyst). The different chemical properties of WEOA were analysed. The compositional analysis for diesel and WEOA was made using Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC–MS). The experimental investigation was conducted in a single-cylinder diesel engine and the performance and emissions were compared with those of diesel fuel. Experimental results concluded that the performance and emission level are better than those of diesel fuel. This study concludes that environmentally hazardous waste material such as WEO is recycled and converted into a useful resource and serves as an alternative source of fuel for CI engine.  相似文献   

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