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汪蒙  陈杳朋 《山西建筑》2006,32(10):191-192
根据工程设计实践,提出了地下人防工程中有关消防、给水、排水的一些常见问题,给出了其解决方法,并提出了相关建议,以使人防地下室的改排水设计更完善。  相似文献   

清水出芙蓉 湘赣之陲,(氵米)水之滨,如出水芙蓉般伫立着一座亮丽而精致的小城,这里便是建设部“乡村城市化试点县”——攸县。 伴随着改革开放的隆隆春雷声,攸县人民从贫困走向富裕,攸河两岸生机勃发,各项事业蒸蒸日上,作为“乡村城市化”试点,城乡建设迅速发展,基础设施日臻完善,乡乡通油路,村村通电话,家家点电灯。一片片豪华住宅拨地而起,一幢幢高楼耸入云端…… 近年来,全县各乡镇发挥各自的地理优质和资源优势,大力发展特色经济,走产业化道路,经济实力不断壮大,人民生活水平日益提高,30个乡镇全部通过小康乡(镇)验收。17个建制镇的小城镇建设更是长足发展,为全县乡村城市化奠定了坚实的基础。 鸟瞰今日攸县,高楼林立,道路交错,一幅融山水舟城为一体的美丽画面映入眼帘。入夜,一江渔火,一街华灯,处处闪烁着新世纪的希望之光。  相似文献   

杨树  钟金辰 《山西建筑》2015,(5):111-112
介绍了平战结合防空地下室的定义,阐述了防空地下室的重要意义,着重对防空地下室给排水、消防管道、管道的阀门等设计中易出现的问题进行了分析探讨,为类似工程的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The settlement of the northern border regions of Mexico over the past three centuries is described. The author notes that land use has changed over time from the use of vacant lands to urbanization and industrialization, and that these changes are closely linked to economic conditions in the southwestern United States.  相似文献   

In urban studies scholarship, Beirut is often theorized on the frontiers of sectarian conflict as well as on the frontlines of neoliberalism. Entangling real estate, banking and transnational financial circulations, managed by the Banque du Liban, its political economy was – and still is – swayed by the fortunes of war. According to literature on the political economy of violence, profits are often made in times of conflict, a context appropriate to the civil war and postwar eras, during which the spoils of war enriched the pockets of warlords-turned-politicians. Yet as the fighting in Syria spills over the border, encumbering Lebanon's long paralyzed politics and straining Beirut's already deteriorated infrastructure, its political economy prospers – if only for a few – not because of violence but in spite of it. Beirut's skyline is covered in construction cranes erecting affluent, if empty, apartments; the banks are infused with deposits invested in the debt of a sovereign bankrupt in ways not simply financial. Both sectors are said to be resilient, a discourse so often repeated that resilience has become the dominant mode by which Beirut is understood. Excavating these discourses, this article presents Beirut's political economy as an assemblage of real estate investment, sovereign debt and emigration, and in so doing theorizes the Banque du Liban as a city builder fusing the political and the economic into an apparatus of transnational investment.  相似文献   

针对创鲁班奖工程,全面系统地从各个方面阐述了所必须具备的条件,供创精品工程人员参考。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine and contextualise the architecture and infrastructure projects developed by the British during the occupation of Iraq in the First World War and the Mandate period that immediately followed. Relying heavily on military-political events for its structure and underlying narrative, the paper demonstrates how architecture, planning and ‘development’ were integral to the act of creating the new state and were very much part of the colonisers’ vision to create a nation in their own image. Works were deployed to imbue a sense of collective belonging and national identity through the creation of new town plans, as well as through institutions such as museums and universities. A certain dissonance emerges between the infrastructure and prestige projects, with the latter presenting an imagined and fabricated notion of Iraqi history, blended with a grandiose colonial style imported from India, and designed predominantly by James M. Wilson. The infrastructure projects began with sanitation improvements, road and rail installation, and expansion of the Basra docklands to attract international shipping and for the export of oil. Further building projects undertaken by the Public Works Department included a large number of administrative buildings called serais. Built at strategic locations, they were deployed as multi-functional centres for justice, taxation and land registration as well as places where local devolved empowerment was instigated. Iraqi architecture from this period has been largely overlooked in the emerging global histories of architecture, yet it offers an important view of the quandaries that faced late British colonial architecture in its attempts to respond to, and reflect changing and hostile political conditions.  相似文献   

The massive destruction of historic city centres during the Second World War was used, first in Britain and then in the rest of Europe, by contemporary architects and planners for justifying a modernist ‘clean slate’ approach to urban reconstruction; for them, war was ‘a blessing in disguise’ that could be exploited for adopting revolutionary planning concepts. In 1948 Tel Aviv, similar justifications were used for the total demolition of Manshiya, a centrally located ‘slum’ neighbourhood which allegedly suffered extensive and irrecoverable war damages during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. This article argues that contrary to common perceptions, the 1948 Manshiya demolitions were not a ‘complementary’ act obligated by the destruction of war, but rather a deliberate exploitation of wartime confusion and misinformation in order to launch an ambitious (and illegal) ‘modernization’ project for the whole area of southern Tel Aviv. Unlike European post-war urban reconstruction, in Manshiya, war was deliberately used by Tel Aviv’s leadership as a camouflage for a large-scale planned ‘civilian’ destruction that realized town planning ideals in their most radical form. This made the events exceptional not only in the backdrop of the 1948 War, but also in the local history of urban planning as a whole.  相似文献   

Hart S 《Architectural record》2005,(2):143-6, 148, 150; quiz 150

曹玉梅 《山西建筑》2009,35(15):192-192
结合工程量清单计价的推广,对清单报价中标后的工程管理进行了探讨,从人工费、材料费、机械费、其他费的管理等多个方面,提出了成本控制的措施,以帮助施工企业在清单报价中标后适应日益发展的建筑市场需要,提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

本文以一门实践课程教学为例分析了建筑设计类实践教学如何完成对学生职业能力的培养,提出了贯彻过程控制法的教学模式,营造职业氛围对高职院校人才培养势在必行。  相似文献   

独家旺 《山西建筑》2013,(31):249-250
针对我国建筑行业法规不健全,在日趋激烈的市场竞争中引发的质量问题,探讨了建筑行业道德的作用,并论述了注册建造师在职业过程中加强职业道德教育学习和做好职业道德建设的重要性。  相似文献   

The public space surrounding war memorials and military monuments has always been important in the iconography of remembrance. In the 19th century these spaces often took the form of garden cemeteries and memorial plantations; after the First World War large tracts of former battlefield were preserved as sacred spaces which were essential to the process of ritual pilgrimage. After 1945 there was a considerable shift in the landscapes of war: memorial schemes more often took a pragmatic and utilitarian form, and desolated cities such as Hiroshima (and to a lesser extent Dresden and Coventry) became the cornerstone for anti-war movements in the late 1950s and 1960s. This period saw the emergence of a symbolic landscape of protest, which often co-existed uncomfortably as a place of tourism. Through a study of such sites the various types of 'peace landscape' are analysed, from environmental schemes such as trans-border parks to political interventions in the form of peace gardens. In the final section a recent design competition for a peace park in Turkey is examined and compared with similar complex environments in the US and Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

《Landscape Research》2013,38(2):213-228

The public space surrounding war memorials and military monuments has always been important in the iconography of remembrance. In the 19th century these spaces often took the form of garden cemeteries and memorial plantations; after the First World War large tracts of former battlefield were preserved as sacred spaces which were essential to the process of ritual pilgrimage. After 1945 there was a considerable shift in the landscapes of war: memorial schemes more often took a pragmatic and utilitarian form, and desolated cities such as Hiroshima (and to a lesser extent Dresden and Coventry) became the cornerstone for anti-war movements in the late 1950s and 1960s. This period saw the emergence of a symbolic landscape of protest, which often co-existed uncomfortably as a place of tourism. Through a study of such sites the various types of 'peace landscape' are analysed, from environmental schemes such as trans-border parks to political interventions in the form of peace gardens. In the final section a recent design competition for a peace park in Turkey is examined and compared with similar complex environments in the US and Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

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