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In this work we demonstrate a novel integration approach to fabricate CMOS circuits on plastic substrates (poly-ethylene naphthalate, PEN). We use pentacene and amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin-film transistors (TFTs) as p-channel and n-channel devices, respectively. The maximum processing temperature for n-channel TFTs is 180 °C and 120 °C for the p-channel TFTs. CMOS circuits demonstrated in this work include inverters, NAND, and NOR gates. Carrier mobilities for nMOS and pMOS after the CMOS integration process flow are 0.75 and 0.05 cm2/V s, respectively. Threshold voltages (Vt) are 1.14 V for nMOS and −1.89 V for pMOS. The voltage transfer curve of the CMOS inverter showed a gain of 16. Correct logic operation of integrated flexible NAND and NOR CMOS gates is also demonstrated. In addition, we show that the pMOS gate dielectric is likely failing after electrical stress.  相似文献   

In this paper, charge-plasma-based tunnel FET is proposed by employing dual material gate with hetero gate dielectric technique and it is named hetero-dielectric dual material gate doping-less TFET(HD_DMG_DLTFET). It is compared with conventional doping-less TFET(DLTFET) and dual material gate doping-less TFET(DMG_DLTFET) on the basis of analog and RF performance. The HD_DMG_DLTFET provides better ON state current(ION=94 μA/μm), ION/IOFF(≈ 1:36×1013), point(≈ 3 mV/dec) and average subthreshold slope(AV-SS=40.40 mV/dec). The proposed device offers low total gate capacitance(Cgg)along with higher drive current. However, with a better transconductance(gm) and cut-off frequency(fT), the HD_DMG_DLTFET can be a good candidate for RF circuitry. The early voltage(VEA) and output conductance(gd) are also moderate for the proposed device with comparison to other devices and therefore can be a candidate for analog devices. From all these simulation results and their study, it is observed that HD_DMG_DLTFET has improved analog/RF performance compared to DLTFET and DMG_DLTFET.  相似文献   

The analog performance of gate misaligned dual material double gate junctionless transistor is demonstrated for the first time. The cases considered are where misalignment occurs towards source side and towards drain side. The analog performance parameters analyzed are: transconductance, output conductance, intrinsic gain and cut-off frequency. These figures of merits (FOMs) are compared with a dual material double gate inversion mode transistor under same gate misalignment condition. The impacts of different length of control gate (L1) for a given gate length (L) are also studied and the optimum lengths L1 under misalignment condition to have better analog FOMs and high tolerance to misalignment are presented.  相似文献   

The challenge of analogue operation of CMOS devices and its parameters is a very important study for future technologies. In this article, the performance of dual material gate bulk MOSFETs for analogue/mixed signal applications is explored. Moreover, the optimisation of the device is done based on the variation of length and work-function difference of the two gate metals. The effect of drain induced barrier lowering in this structure is studied in detail. Moreover the different analogue parameters such as transconductance (g m), output resistance (R o) tuning for high performance of the device are also investigated by extensive simulations.  相似文献   

An analytical surface potential model for the single material double work function gate(SMDWG) MOSFET is developed based on the exact resultant solution of the two-dimensional Poisson equation. The model includes the effects of drain biases, gate oxide thickness, different combinations of S-gate and D-gate length and values of substrate doping concentration. More attention has been paid to seeking to explain the attributes of the SMDWG MOSFET, such as suppressing drain-induced barrier lowering(DIBL), accelerating carrier drift velocity and device speed. The model is verified by comparison to the simulated results using the device simulator MEDICI. The accuracy of the results obtained using our analytical model is verified using numerical simulations. The model not only offers the physical insight into device physics but also provides the basic designing guideline for the device.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》2014,45(11):1508-1514
In this paper Gate Material Engineered (GME) Gate-Stack (GS) silicon nanowire Schottky-Barrier (SB) Gate All Around (GAA) MOSFET and Single Material Gate Stack Schottky-Barrier Source/Drain Gate All Around (SM-GS-SB-S/D GAA) structures are proposed for low- power wireless applications. The Analog/RF performance for wireless applications of these devices are demonstrated. The effect of Schottky-Barrier (Metal) S/D is studied for Single Metal (SM)–SB-GAA, (Dual Metal) DM-SB-GAA, SM-GS-SB-GAA and GME-GS-SB-GAA MOSFETs, and it is found that GME-GS-SB-GAA MOSFET with metal drain source shows much improved performance in terms of transconductance (gm), output conductance (gd), Early Voltage (VEA), Maximum Transducer Power Gain, cut-off frequency (fT), and Ion/Ioff ratio. Further, harmonic distortion for wireless applications is also studied using ATLAS-3D device simulator. Due to low parasitic S/D resistance the metal Source/Drain DM-GS-SB-S/D-GAA MOSFET demonstrates remarkable Ion of~31.8 μA/μm and saturation transconductance gm of~68.2 μS with improved third order derivative of transconductance gm3.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous integration in modern System-On-Chips (SOCs) drives the design automation process for analog and mixed signal circuit components, where matching constraints for certain analog signals are critical for correct functionality. This paper presents a detailed routing solution for analog nets with the single-layer length matching constraint called LEMAR, i.e., a single-layer LEngth MAtching Router.  相似文献   

最大功耗估计问题是一个NP难题。提出的方法利用遗传模拟退火算法(GSAA)在整个解空间快速搜索问题的最优解,实现组合电路最大功耗的快速、精确估计。仿真结果表明,提出的方法比基于遗传算法(GA)的估计方法在估算精度和收敛速度上都有提高,适合于大规模组合电路最大功耗的估计。  相似文献   

An impact ionization MOSFET (IMOS) is evolved for overcoming the constraint of less than 60 mV/decade sub-threshold slope (SS) of conventional MOSFET at room temperature.In this work,first,the device performance of the p-type double gate impact ionization MOSFET (DG-IMOS) is optimized by adjusting the device design parameters.The adjusted parameters are ratio of gate and intrinsic length,gate dielectric thickness and gate work function.Secondly,the DMG (dual material gate) DG-IMOS is proposed and investigated.This DMG DG-IMOS is further optimized to obtain the best possible performance parameters.Simulation results reveal that DMG DG-IMOS when compared to DG-IMOS,shows better ION,ION/IOFF ratio,and RF parameters.Results show that by properly tuning the lengths of two materials at a ratio of 1.5 in DMG DG-IMOS,optimized performance is achieved including ION/IoFF ratio of 2.87 × 109 A/μm with ION as 11.87 × 10-4 A/μm and transconductance of 1.06 × 10-3 S/μm.It is analyzed that length of drain side material should be greater than the length of source side material to attain the higher transconductance in DMG DG-IMOS.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained with a specific test mask designed at Motorola for the study of the electromagnetic parasitic emissions in integrated circuits (IC). First, origins of parasitic emissions are presented for CMOS circuits, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) measurements of IC emissions are detailed: a radiated measurement method with respect to the IEC61967-2 standard and a conducted one with respect to the IEC61967-4 standard. The REGINA test chip is then described, with a focus on particular structures allowing to test and verify some design guidelines for EMC, like delay cell, emissive structure or on-chip sensor. The printed circuit board that is use to implement the test chip and the experiment test bench are also described. A set of measurements is presented and some guidelines are deduced and recommended as design rules.  相似文献   

Up to date, MOSFETs have been made through well established techniques that use SiO2 as the gate dielectric and the related design issues are well established. The need to scale down device dimensions allowed researchers to seek for alternative materials, in order to replace SiO2 as the gate dielectric. The implementation of such MOS devices in memory or logic circuits needs to take into account the effects that the use of the new gate dielectrics has on parameters such as the threshold voltage and the drain current. Hence, parameters such as the high dielectric constant values, extra oxide charges and process related defects at the physical level must be taken into account during the device design. As far as circuit applications are concerned, these changes may substantially affect the required performance. This paper presents and provides proposals about the issue of replacing commonly used parameters of the MOSFET modelling with new parameters, in which the presence of a gate dielectric with different properties from those of SiO2 is taken into account. A stepwise procedure is described for the new device design. Moreover, a case study is presented which examines a memory circuit built up by such new technology devices. In particular, this paper presents and analyses the design of a DRAM cell made up of MOSFETs with an alternative gate dielectric. The 90 nm technology and the BSIM4 model equations are used to derive the single MOSFET behaviour and subsequently the DRAM circuit performance. The results are analysed and compared to those obtained from conventional SiO2 devices. A cell layout is provided and the DRAM circuit characteristics are also presented.  相似文献   

代子阔  史可鉴  宋仕达  刘扬  徐妍 《红外技术》2023,20(12):1351-1357
电力稳定器在电网中起到稳定电压的作用,一旦该设备出现异常,电网运输电力质量会受到直接影响。面对这种情况,研究一种基于红外成像技术的中低压电网电力稳定器高温运行可靠性图像识别技术。该研究中利用红外成像技术采集电力稳定器图像并实施预处理。分割电力稳定器红外图像,划分目标区域和背景区域。提取目标区域5个直方图-阶统计特征。以5个直方图-阶统计特征为基础,结合判别系数,构建分类器,实现电力稳定器状态识别。针对存在异常的电力稳定器,计算图像目标区域处的相对温差,确定可靠性等级。结果表明:5个测试稳定器中只有2个稳定器处在异常状态,具体为稳定器2中组成部分3异常,稳定器5中组成部分1异常。稳定器2组成部分3相对温差为82.32%,对应可靠等级为2级,可靠性低;稳定器5组成部分1相对温差为91.35%,对应可靠等级为3级,可靠性非常低。对比实验结果表明,所提方法识别准确率达到92.3%以上,优于对比方法,具有更大的应用价值。  相似文献   

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