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The flotation results show the mixed sodium oleate (NaOL)–benzohydroxamic acid (BHA) collectors at a molar ratio of 4:1 exhibit excellent performance in the flotation separation of ilmenite (FeTiO3) from titanaugite than NaOL alone at pH 6.0. The mixed collectors NaOL–BHA increase the contact angle, which improves the minerals’ surface hydrophobicity and results in good corresponding flotation recovery. NaOL and BHA are mainly adsorbed chemically on FeTiO3 and titanaugite, as confirmed by zeta potential tests and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis. The contact angle results indicated that there is a positive synergistic adsorption of mixed collectors NaOL–BHA on FeTiO3, thereby enhancing their collecting capacity and selectivity.  相似文献   


In this study, effect of calcium and gypsum on scheelite and fluorite was investigated using sodium oleate as collector. Micro-flotation and contact angle results showed that the adsorption of calcium could inhibit the hydrophobicity of scheelite and fluorite. Moreover, sulfate could enhance the inhibition. FT-IR results showed that calcium could be priori precipitated into calcium oleate and adsorb on mineral surface. The adsorption of calcium could increase the scheelite potential to IEP, while it showed limited effect on fluorite potential. However, the interaction of calcium on scheelite and fluorite in gypsum solution was more complex than that in calcium solution.  相似文献   

由于在烃链上引入表面活性分子,使捕收剂溶解性能好,利于在矿浆中的分散,在改善浮选行为,降低浮选温度,消除钙镁离子的影响方面起到重要作用,为实现无碱或少碱的常温浮选奠定了基础。AW系列捕收剂适用于选别磷灰石类型和沉积变质磷灰岩型的磷矿石,选别矾山磷矿石、甜水磷矿石、江淮磷矿石、肥东磷矿石都取得了较好指标。  相似文献   

针对煤泥浮选捕收剂分散难、选择性差、用量大等问题,利用不同化工产品及表面活性剂,将煤油制备成复合捕收剂用于煤泥浮选。分别进行了煤油、复合捕收剂的优选试验及浮选速度试验。优选试验表明:当煤油用量为900 g/t,仲辛醇用量为450 g/t时,煤油浮选效果最佳;当Fy-4复合捕收剂用量为500 g/t,仲辛醇用量为450 g/t时,精煤灰分为9.96%,精煤产率为88.72%,可燃体回收率为94.82%,在精煤灰分相近的条件下,Fy-4复合捕收剂的用量比煤油降低了44.44%,精煤产率和可燃体回收率分别提高了0.06%和0.16%。浮选速度试验表明:Fy-4复合捕收剂不仅节省了药剂用量,而且提高了煤泥浮选活性,提升了精煤浮选速度。最后探讨了无机电解质NaCl对复合捕收剂浮选效果的影响,当NaCl浓度为0.05 mol/L时,煤泥颗粒Zeta电位更趋近零电点,降低了煤泥颗粒的相对接触角,改善了煤泥浮选效果。  相似文献   

The flotation separation of scheelite from calcite using sodium humate (SH) as a potential depressant has been studied through micro-flotation experiments, zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra measurements. The flotation results indicate SH exhibited selective depression effect on calcite in the presence of sodium oleate, achieving the flotation separation of scheelite from calcite. Zeta potential results indicate that SH strongly absorbed on calcite surface but negligibly on scheelite surface, which prevents the adsorption of sodium oleate on calcite surface. The FT-IR results also show that SH can be adsorb on the surface of calcite. Results shown a higher Ca density on the calcite than on scheelite surface, and that calcite can accommodate the interaction of SH.  相似文献   

硫化矿捕收剂的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马鑫  钟宏  王帅  胡元 《陕西化工》2012,(10):1791-1795
综述了硫化矿捕收剂的合成及浮选应用,混合捕收剂与组合用药的应用现状,捕收剂在硫化矿表面的作用机理。研究捕收剂分子结构和它们与矿物表面的作用机理,为硫化矿物新药剂的分子设计、开发与应用提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

A novel approach, based on the doping of rich estuarine oil sands with calcium and/or clays, was developed to study bitumen extraction. The batch flotation tests showed that the addition of either calcium ions up to 40 p.p.m., or kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite clays at 1 wt% of oil sands processed had marginal effect on bitumen recovery from the estuarine ores. A sharp reduction in bitumen recovery was observed only when calcium ions greater than 30 p.p.m. and 1 wt% montmorillonite clays were added together. While bitumen recovery correlated well with changes in water/air/bitumen contact angle, no correlation was found between bitumen recovery and measured zeta potential of clays or surface tension of the supernatants from the flotation slurry. The wettability of bitumen was identified as a key element in determining bitumen recovery. The aqueous solution analysis for calcium ions showed that most of the added calcium ions disappeared from the solution when montmorillonite clays were present. The addition of illite or kaolinite clays changed the calcium ion concentration in the slurry only marginally. Stronger adsorption of calcium ions on montmorillonite than on either kaolinite or illite is considered to be responsible for the increased bitumen wettability, and hence reduced bitumen recovery.  相似文献   

浮选捕收剂与起泡剂的相互作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了浮选中捕收剂和起泡剂的相互作用,通过试验探究药剂用量和配比对浮选各指标的影响,起泡剂对捕收剂效能有重要影响,通过适当提高其用量可改善浮选完善指标。  相似文献   

以二水硫酸钙为原料在氢氧化钠-水体系中水热合成不同形貌的半水硫酸钙晶体,并通过XRD、XPS和电导率等手段对水热产物进行表征,研究了OH-对水热产物晶体形貌的影响机理。结果表明,在碱性条件下可获得不同形貌的半水硫酸钙晶体,随着OH-浓度的增大,纤维状形貌水热产物的含量减小而短柱状形貌的含量增多,且当OH-浓度为1.0×10-2 mol/L时水热产物以短柱状形貌为主。OH-影响半水硫酸钙晶体形貌的原因:OH-会消耗溶液中的Ca2+,从而促进二水硫酸钙的溶解,而Ca2+浓度的减少不利于半水硫酸钙晶体的成核生长;同时,OH-对二水硫酸钙的促溶作用会增加溶液中SO42-的浓度,从而促进半水硫酸钙晶体沿(110)和(200)晶面的生长;此外,OH-在(002)晶面选择性吸附并与该晶面的Ca2+反应生成Ca(OH)+和Ca(OH)2,从而阻碍半水硫酸钙晶体沿该晶面的生长。在以上3种作用下半水硫酸钙晶体形貌由纤维状向短柱状转变。本研究可为碱性条件下生产不同形貌半水硫酸钙晶体提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

海藻酸钠与钙或锌离子吸附平衡过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王康  何志敏 《化学工程》2004,32(4):5-7,17
使用原子吸收分光光度法测定了海藻酸钠对锌、钙离子的吸附平衡过程。试验结果表明,海藻酸钠对钙离子的结合能力较强,对锌离子的吸附容量较高。吸附平衡热力学数据表明海藻酸钙体系较为稳定;混合离子吸附的试验结果表明对钙、锌离子的选择性系数为1.35;钙锌离子交换试验表明钙离子与锌离子在海藻酸古洛糖醛酸片段的离子交换会影响锌离子与甘露糖醛酸片段的结合。  相似文献   

黄铜矿浮选工艺及捕收剂研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄真瑞  钟宏  王帅  刘广义 《陕西化工》2013,(11):2048-2051,2055
阐述了黄铜矿的矿物特征和浮选特性,对黄铜矿的浮选工艺、新型浮选捕收剂以及浮选捕收剂的组合应用进行了概述,认为研制出捕收性能强、选择性好的新型捕收剂是黄铜矿浮选捕收剂的发展方向。  相似文献   

张冠军  李涛 《水泥工程》2016,29(1):29-31
研究了利用白钨浮选矿渣代替铁质原料配料烧制水泥熟料,探讨了白钨浮选矿渣对水泥熟料煅烧和性能的影响。研究结果表明,白钨浮选矿渣配料有利于固相反应时的质点扩散和矿物的均匀分布,促进A矿的形成和生长,改善熟料的岩相结构;通过白钨浮选矿渣配料都能烧制出性能优良的水泥熟料。  相似文献   

组合用药提高黄铁矿浮选回收率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高金山店矿黄铁矿浮选回收率,对其浮选药剂制度进行了系统试验研究。结果表明:组合捕收剂(乙基黄药:异丁基黄药=4:1)与新型起泡剂RB1相配合,在相同浮选条件下,硫精矿品位提高2.08%的同时,硫回收率提高5.87%。  相似文献   

根据钟祥磷矿的性质,采用正-反浮选工艺处理该胶磷矿。通过试验探索了不同性质的捕收剂对浮选的影响,最终选用合适的捕收剂按一定的配比进行试验,从原矿P2O5品位为19.20%,获得了磷精矿品位为30.51%,回收率80.13%的选矿指标,实现了目的矿物与脉石矿物的有效分离。  相似文献   

浮选槽中颗粒的速度及对浮选的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用PDA激光流速测试技术,在固-液-气三相体系中对浮选槽中固体颗粒进行了流速测定,获得了固体颗粒的速度气体,并用它分析解释了包头白云鄂博磁选铁精矿反浮选脱除萤石精选中所出现空泡问题的原因。  相似文献   

云南某磷矿浮选工艺流程探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据人选原矿性质,经过试验确定:云南昆阳磷矿及晋宁磷矿单独选别可采用单一反浮选及常温正反浮选流程,昆阳、晋宁混合矿可采用常温正反浮选工艺流程.三种工艺的技术经济指标对比和分析结果表明:常温正反浮选流程最适合选别以2:1比例组成的昆阳、晋宁矿混合矿.  相似文献   

生物吸附剂对废水中钙离子的去除试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用活性污泥与沸石按一定比例配制成一种生物吸附剂,并在静态条件下,进行了生物吸附剂对废水中钙离子的去除试验和机理探讨。考察了生物吸附剂配方中活性基体用量、沸石用量及搅拌条件、溶液浓度、pH值等因素对钙离子去除效果的影响。结果表明:用生物吸附剂去除钙离子可以获得较好的效果,去除速度快,出水钙离子的质量浓度可降到200mg/L以下,满足工业循环水回用要求;去除机理可能有生物吸附、静电吸附、化学沉淀和离子交换;适当的剪切力可以加速吸附反应的进程,证实了流体力化学效应的存在。  相似文献   

混合浮选剂的最佳配比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用十六烷基吗啉与十二烷基吗啉作混合浮选剂对NaCl进行了浮选试验.结果表明,十六烷基吗啉体积分数为30%时浮选效果最好,即十二烷基吗啉与十六烷基吗啉体积比的最佳配比为7:3。  相似文献   

以二水硫酸钙为原料,采用水热法制备了半水硫酸钙晶须。通过单因素实验得出制备半水硫酸钙晶须的较优工艺条件为:反应温度120℃、料浆质量分数2%、反应时间2h、搅拌速度200r/min,此时所得晶须产物平均直径2.4μm,长径比103.9,晶须呈长针状、规则统一,分散性好。探讨了K+、Mg2+、Cu2+、Fe3+、Al3+对较优工艺条件下制备的半水硫酸钙晶须形貌及粒径的影响,结果表明:金属离子对晶须产物形貌及粒径有显著影响。其中低浓度的Mg2+、Cu2+有助于获得小直径、高长径比的晶须产物;Al3+、Fe3+对晶须的生长有较强的抑制作用,特别是低浓度的Al3+、Fe3+使得晶须的形貌发生明显的变化,导致长径比较低;除K+外,金属离子浓度越高,所得晶须产物直径越大,长径比越小,并发生团聚现象,晶须由针状变为短棒状,分散性变差。同时探讨了金属离子的作用机理。  相似文献   

The catalytic effects of single and mixed catalysts, i.e. single 3%Ca and 5%Na-BL(black liquor) catalysts and mixed 3%Ca+5%Na-BL catalyst, on carbon conversion, gasification reaction rate constant and activation energy, relative amount of harmful pollutant like sulphur containing gases have been investigated by thermogravimetry in steam gasification under temperature 750℃ to 950℃ at ambient pressure for three high-metarnorphous anthracites (Longyan, Fenghai and Youxia coals in Fujian Province). The mixed catalyst of 3%Ca+5%Na-BL increases greatly the carbon conversion and gasification rate constant by accelerating the gasification reaction C+H2O→CO+H2 due to presence of alkali surfacecompounds [COM], [CO2M] and exchanged calcium phenolate and calcium carboxylate (-COO)2. By adding CaCO3 into BL catalyst in gasification, in addition to improving the catalyst function and enhancing the carbon conversion, the effective desulphurization is also achieved, but the better operating temperature should be below 900℃. The homogenous and shrinking core models can be successfully employed to correlate the relations between the conversion and the gasification .time .and to estimate the reaction rate constant, The reaction acUvaUon energy and pre-exponential factor are estimated and the activation energy for mixed catalyst is in a range of 98.72-166.92 kJ·mol^-1, much less than 177.50-196.46 kJ·mol^-1 for non-catalytic steam gasification for three experimental coals.  相似文献   

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