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汽车主动悬挂控制的研究现状和未来挑战   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
主动悬挂系统能提高车辆的乘坐舒适性和操纵性,得到了广泛的研究和重视.掌握悬挂控制的研究现状,可以更好地研究和利用主动悬挂技术.本文立足现有文献,依照不同的控制策略,从七个方面阐述了主动悬挂控制的研究现状,总结出了尚需解决的非线性悬挂建模、悬挂集成控制、控制系统性能评估等六个基本问题.文章最后分析了鲁棒控制、自适应控制、智能控制在车辆悬挂控制中的局限性及出现的挑战性课题,提出了车辆主动悬挂技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

We propose 10 challenges for making automation components into effective "team players" when they interact with people in significant ways. Our analysis is based on some of the principles of human-centered computing that we have developed individually and jointly over the years, and is adapted from a more comprehensive examination of common ground and coordination.  相似文献   

In the first paper of this series it was shown that any unquantified formula p in the collection MLSSF (multilevel syllogistic extended with the singleton operator and the predicate Finite) can be decomposed as a disjunction of set-theoretic formulae called syllogistic schemes. The syllogistic schemes are satisfiable and no two of them have a model in common, therefore the previous result already implied the decidability of the class MLSSF by simply checking if the set of syllogistic schemes associated with the given formula is empty.In the first section of this paper a new and improved searching algorithm for syllogistic schemes is introduced, based on a proof of existence of a minimum effort scheme for any given satisfiable formula in MLSF. The algorithm addressed above can be piloted quite effectively even though it involves backtracking.In the second part of the paper, complexity issues are studied by showing that the class of () o 1 -simple prenex formulae (an extension of MLS) has a decision problem which is NP-complete. The decision algorithm that proves the membership of this decision problem to NP can be seen as a different decision algorithm for MLS.Research supported by ENI and ENIDATA within the AXL project.  相似文献   

A recent and dramatic increase in the use of automation has not yielded comparable improvements in performance. Researchers have found human operators often underutilize (disuse) and overly rely on (misuse) automated aids (Parasuraman and Riley, 1997). Three studies were performed with Cameron University students to explore the relationship among automation reliability, trust, and reliance. With the assistance of an automated decision aid, participants viewed slides of Fort Sill terrain and indicated the presence or absence of a camouflaged soldier. Results from the three studies indicate that trust is an important factor in understanding automation reliance decisions. Participants initially considered the automated decision aid trustworthy and reliable. After observing the automated aid make errors, participants distrusted even reliable aids, unless an explanation was provided regarding why the aid might err. Knowing why the aid might err increased trust in the decision aid and increased automation reliance, even when the trust was unwarranted. Our studies suggest a need for future research focused on understanding automation use, examining individual differences in automation reliance, and developing valid and reliable self-report measures of trust in automation.  相似文献   

The employment of cyber-physical systems allows the control of processes in modern production lines. On the other hand, several research works have recently presented how ontology-based knowledge representation can be a suitable method for modelling industrial systems. However, system models are located far away from where the data is generated which adds complexity for cross-domain communications and resource management. Current embedded devices can encapsulate ontological models that can be accessed as local resources. This article presents the integration of interconnected devices as the computational nodes of a cloud which is private and local. In this way, functionalities, such as knowledge management and process control can be performed closer to the industrial equipment. Moreover, this research work discusses the potential and challenges for performing distributed reasoning in the private local automation cloud. In addition, the article describes main aspects of the system architecture and the behaviour of the networked embedded devices in the cloud. The research work results will be used as a high-level roadmap for further system implementation.  相似文献   

An architecting perspective is derived as part of a more global perspective, related to manufacturing automation modeling and control through four industrial revolutions. This historical survey (Pereira et al., 2017) highlights the impact of digitalization both on isolated machines and devices, and on the architecting of large-scale manufacturing and logistics systems. To distribute the holistic control over related components, two main paradigms have been followed for the engineering of those System of Systems (SoS): (1) technology-enhanced, and (2) bio-inspired. In both, the cognitive orchestration of the knowledge and skills involved in a system project remains challenging for the interdisciplinary togetherness and harmony required beyond the disciplinary boundaries. Finally, lessons learned, as well as acquired knowledge through this innovative history are addressed with several open questions and emerging challenges related to the cyber-physical systems evolution.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,计算机技术在社会的各个领域都得到了应用。作为办公自动化载体的计算机贯穿于办公自动化的各个环节,给办公自动化带来了十分显著的成效。本文首先论述了计算机技术和办公自动化的发展,然后对计算机文字以及数据处理技术、多媒体技术和计算机网络技术在办公自动化工作中的应用进行说明,希望能够为办公自动化中的计算机技术应用的提高提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) have the potential to substantially improve the productivity of mid-volume, mid-variety production. The introduction of these systems into industry must be done on the basis of cost justification. Such justification has historically been possible through the use of easily measurable costs such as labor, inventory reduction, and reduced scrap. In the case of flexible automation, the value of flexibility is difficult if not impossible to measure. This paper attempts to provide a measure of the value of flexibility by comparing the costs of a typical fixed automation approach, with those of a transfer line (TL) in the same management environment. It is concluded that there is economic value to flexibility under many circumstances.  相似文献   

配网自动化系统的集成建设方法的要点是,配网自动化系统除了直接采集配电终端的数据之外,还通过遵循IEC 61970 CCAPI系列的规范,搭建PI数据库系统,以多种方式实现配网自动化系统与调度自动化系统、配网地理信息系统和计量自动化系统的数据交互,实现动态数据、静态参数和模型、图形的集成.该集成方法能够满足配网自动化系统对数据的实时性要求.  相似文献   

介绍石灰窑生产工艺的自动化系统设计和实现方法.针对工艺要求,利用高级算法和先进控制理论对设备进行逻辑控制,提升石灰窑工艺的自动化水平和工业控制的科技含量,提高生产效能,降低生产成本.  相似文献   

无论是对于社会经济发展还是对于人们日常生活,人工智能都发挥着不可替代的作用。自动化的应用是电气工程行业可持续发展的重要保障。人工智能技术不仅提高了电气自动化的应用水平,而且在一定程度上推动了我国现代化电气工程事业的发展。与传统的人工劳动相比,自动化的工程模式在整个历史发展进程中有着相当重要的意义。将对人工智能在电气工程自动化的应用作出具体分析和讨论。  相似文献   

该系统通过安装在计算机PCI总线上的光栅计数卡和I/0卡与工业现场的设备进行通信,从而实现灌药系统的控制和检测自动化.该系统通过计算机的PCI总线读取工业现场的光栅线位移传感器的灌药高度数据,再通过计算机上的软件来判断产品是否合格,最后通过PCI总线控制工业现场的PLC做出相应的动作,从而实现检测和控制自动化.  相似文献   

经济全球化背景下,我国的工业产业正朝着多元化方向发展,石油化工业的产业链范围正积极拓宽,适应了国内经济体制改革的需要。顾及到中国科学技术水平与发达国家相比存在明显的差距,为保证石油化工业生产活动的有序进行,必须要配备专业的质量检测设备,以此来适应新产业结构调整的需要。电子商务模式下,石油化工企业的生产经营走向办公自动化,其对产品生产质量的要求更加严格,为自动化仪表配备专业的自动化操控模块,可显著降低人工操作设备的难度。针对这一点,本文分析了石油化工业自动化仪表的运用。  相似文献   

Fully or semi-automatic contouring tools are increasingly being used in the tumor contouring task for radiotherapy. While the fully automatic contouring tools have not reached sufficient efficiency, the semi-automatic contouring tools balance more effectively between the human interaction and automation. This study evaluates the influences of a semi-automation contouring tool, called between-slice interpolation, on the resulting contours and the contouring process. The tumor contouring study was conducted on three patient cases with five physicians in a naturalistic setting. The contouring task consisted of initiating the 2D contour manually or with the interpolation tool and correcting that initial contour. The similarity of the resulting contours was pairwise measured within the manual or the interpolated category. Interactions with the software were recorded, and variations in the contouring workflows steps were compared. Results indicated that using the between-slice interpolation tool for creating the initial contour, instead of initiating it manually, influenced both the contouring process and outcomes. First, it was identified that contours initiated by the interpolation tool showed an increased similarity among themselves compared to the manually initiated contours. At the same time, influences to the resulting contours were below clinical relevance, and toward the desired direction—improved consistency of contours. Second, when interpolation was used, in two cases out of three, the average contouring time also decreased significantly. Therefore, the use of such an automation tool can be encouraged.  相似文献   

文章根据污水处理厂的生产工艺和控制要求,结合国内外污水处理的先进控制技术,进行了污水处理低成本综合自动化系统的总体设计。该系统融计算机控制多媒体监控系统、信息管理于一体,实现了生产过程自动化、领导决策信息化、经营管理现代化,大大减少了运行人员和管理人员,达到了减员增效的目的。另外将优化设定控制方法应用到该系统中,提高了污水处理质量,降低了污水处理成本。  相似文献   

基于COM技术的自动化开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
COM技术是一种优秀的软件组件技术。文章概括地介绍了COM技术中的自动化技术,实现了将Microsoft应用程序的Excel作为客户机,在VBA中调用C 自动化组件DLL的一个例子。  相似文献   

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