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住宅小区公共服务设施性能评价是我们方案评选中经常要面临的问题。但迄今为止还未有一种科学的,客观的,全面的评价方法和体系。本文利用层次分析法构造了住宅小区公共服务设施评价模型,提出了较完整的评价指标体系。利用该评价体系能为我们方案优选提供依据。  相似文献   

Several investigations by parliament, cabinet, justice and antitrust authorities have shown a widespread use of cartels and structural bid rigging within the Dutch construction industry. The reputation of the Dutch construction industry has been dented with both the general public and clients. As a response, the Netherlands' parliamentary inquiry Committee on Construction Fraud adopted the guiding principle of ‘competition is good’ and urged the restoration of the proper functioning of the market. The proposed default approach to public sector procurement is design–bid–build with public tendering and selection of the lowest price. A concise overview of the investigations is provided, relating the collusions and their persistence to emerging insights from the field of industrial organization theory into underlying factors and causes. A tougher public sector procurement policy and the continued reliance on lowest bid prices may not contribute to the reform of the Dutch construction industry as intended. One-dimensional, price-oriented competition only provides a static, project-based efficiency. However, it neither addresses a number of organizational issues nor resolves the underlying pressures leading to collusion. An alternative approach allowing for a balance of competition and collaboration with a wider number of selection criteria variables would create a more dynamic, iterative competitive process over a longer timeframe and would develop an innovative, efficient and profitable industry. Although the inquiry committee acknowledges these new methods of procurement, it is expected that the overriding ambition to restore proper market function (through increased competition) will steer towards the more traditional procurement approaches.  相似文献   


Many governments have begun to demand that large public facility agencies adopt and implement building information modelling (BIM) in their business processes. Some have published BIM guides. Most of these are technical specifications that are useful at the project level, but they provide no support for the organization-level adoption effort. On the basis of a literature review, action research and case studies of five large UK government facility agencies, a BIM adoption impact map (BIM AIM) is proposed. It describes a set of possible relationships between the actions taken by public facility agencies, the intermediate outcomes of their actions and the eventual achievement of value for the occupants of the facilities they build. BIM AIM can be used by public facility agencies with a wide variety of construction project types to analyse and visualize the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities in their BIM adoption efforts, potentially enabling them to focus on social impacts and outcomes rather than on the technological or management actions that intermediate stakeholders promote.  相似文献   

刘利刚  袁镔 《华中建筑》2010,28(9):53-55
该文结合某老年住区规划设计实践,探索中国式的把家庭养老和社会化服务结合起来的养老模式。从老年社区功能分区与公共服务设施规划、交通系统与室外环境设计、公寓类型与套型设计等方面出发探索适应老人生理、心理、行为特点和生活要求的住区规划设计。  相似文献   

Several investigations by parliament, cabinet, justice and antitrust authorities have shown a widespread use of cartels and structural bid rigging within the Dutch construction industry. The reputation of the Dutch construction industry has been dented with both the general public and clients. As a response, the Netherlands' parliamentary inquiry Committee on Construction Fraud adopted the guiding principle of 'competition is good' and urged the restoration of the proper functioning of the market. The proposed default approach to public sector procurement is design-bid-build with public tendering and selection of the lowest price. A concise overview of the investigations is provided, relating the collusions and their persistence to emerging insights from the field of industrial organization theory into underlying factors and causes. A tougher public sector procurement policy and the continued reliance on lowest bid prices may not contribute to the reform of the Dutch construction industry as intended. One-dimensional, price-oriented competition only provides a static, project-based efficiency. However, it neither addresses a number of organizational issues nor resolves the underlying pressures leading to collusion. An alternative approach allowing for a balance of competition and collaboration with a wider number of selection criteria variables would create a more dynamic, iterative competitive process over a longer timeframe and would develop an innovative, efficient and profitable industry. Although the inquiry committee acknowledges these new methods of procurement, it is expected that the overriding ambition to restore proper market function (through increased competition) will steer towards the more traditional procurement approaches.  相似文献   

Eleven input–output tables are used for analysing the technological changes of the US construction industry from 1947 to 2002. Over the years, the industry has been characterized by a significant input shift that reflects the evolution of the USA towards services and away from a manufacturing‐based economy. This evolution is also reflected in the 1997 adoption of a new classification system of the US industries by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Changes are also found in analysing the direct requirements of two key sectors of the industry, residential and highway construction, during the 1967–1997 period. New materials and labour‐saving machinery have been some of the major drivers in the changing input structure of the two considered sectors. The study demonstrates the importance of using very long series of data and input–output tables with more than 400 industries for the further understanding of the secular changes of the construction industry and its constituent sectors.  相似文献   

Value is a crucial construct in project delivery. Yet, it is also a complex construct, with varied meanings. This study uses triangulated, empirical methods to examine competing terms used to imply value in the literature (focusing on construction projects). Deeper meaning is also provided on the subject from both the manifest and latent perspectives.  相似文献   

为提升老龄人口居住质量,在调查研究基础上进行了归纳总结,针对老年住宅小区建设的基本要求,提出了老年住宅设计方案、住宅小区公共服务设施和生态环境建设方案,从而解决了老年人的养老问题。  相似文献   

在我国城镇化的下半场,以人为本、存 量规划和集约发展成为当下城市的主旋律,作 为承载城市记忆的老城区社区生活圈亟待更新 优化。以宜宾市老城组团为例,采用连锁网络模 型和基于真实路网的设施可达性分析等方法,结 合10大类公服设施POI数据、当地居民对设施的 重要性评价数据,对研究区域进行了10分钟社 区生活圈的测度探索,并在测度结果的基础上, 以生活圈为视角提出了相应公服设施的优化及 择址建议。研究结果表明:第一,宜宾老城共可 划定出4个10分钟社区生活圈,平均用地规模较 小于平原、省会、特大型城市;第二,4个生活圈 整体都存在公园广场、社会福利、科教文化这3 类设施数量较为欠缺及覆盖范围较小的共性问 题;第三,各生活圈生活便利度差异明显,发展不均衡。未来宜侧重优化过渡区、边缘生活圈欠缺设施;第四,基于设施覆盖率及居民可达程度 考虑,每个生活圈宜提供中心度前三的地块中心点作为10分钟层级设施的推荐设置点。  相似文献   

乡村人口收缩是城镇化进程持续推进 的必然,为满足村镇居民不断提升的需求并避 免人口收缩造成的资源浪费,亟待对村镇公共 服务设施配置体系进行优化与重构。以黑龙江 省肇源县为例,引入生活圈理论探讨收缩型村 镇公共服务设施配置优化方法。首先基于对村 镇收缩类型与强度的分类,结合居民出行意愿 的时距转换调查,将肇源县村镇划分为“县域— 扩展—基本—基础”四级动态半径生活圈。然 后通过筛选与生活圈等级对应的公共服务中心, 并依据相关规范及居民实际需求,确定各级公 共服务中心配置的项目内容和优化建议。  相似文献   

In most Western countries, home owners are much less likely to change residence than renters. In the last few decades, the rise in home ownership in the Netherlands has been spectacular. This would imply that the population has become less mobile, which has consequences for the functioning of the housing market—at least, if the relationship between home ownership and residential mobility has not changed. This research addresses the question of whether the effect of home ownership on the probability of residential mobility has changed over the last few decades and if so, how. Using data from the 1981–98 Netherlands Housing Demand surveys and logistic regression models, it is found that the difference between home owners and renters in residential mobility has changed over time. The results indicate a decrease in the effect of home ownership with an interruption in 1984–85. This finding might indicate stability in the effect of home ownership, except for periods of booms or busts on the housing market.  相似文献   

Past studies have found that network strategies can contribute to better company and project performance. The adoption of network strategies is motivated by a set of factors (i.e., drivers), but also faces numerous challenges (i.e., barriers). The appreciation of the factors motivating and deterring networking strategies is beneficial to the successful implementation of network strategies. In the context of public construction projects, this study aims to examine the quantitative effect of drivers and barriers on three network strategies (i.e., trust, information sharing and joint problem solving). The results of a questionnaire-survey of 104 public projects show that the adoption of network strategies in public construction is mainly cost-driven. The results indicate that four barriers impede network strategies in public projects: (i) a lack of continuity and (ii) ethos of public services are harmful to trust; (iii) institutional constraints hinder information sharing; and (iv) a lack of capability is a hurdle to information sharing and trust. It is also found that one barrier (i.e., ethos of public services) has a positive influence on trust between clients and consultants. Recommendations on enhancing network strategies through the appreciation of drivers and barriers are provided.  相似文献   

分析了河南省城市公共消防设施建设的状况和造成公共消防设施建设滞后于社会发展的原因,对加强城市公共消防设施建设提出了改进的思路和措施。  相似文献   

石磊 《山西建筑》2014,(14):270-271
结合价值工程理论分析了价值工程在建设工程管理中的应用特点和意义,在此基础上研究了价值工程在建设项目管理中以及在规划设计阶段应用的步骤,以期为未来建设项目管理模式提供新视角和新思路。  相似文献   

Public clients in the construction sector face a number of challenges in designing, procuring and managing major construction projects. The client’s role in bringing about project delivery has more recently been emphasized, particularly with respect to developing capabilities that facilitate the coordinating of projects through its different phases. In line with these developments, this paper sets out to examine the management of capabilities in a client organization through the lens of the dynamic capabilities framework. In particular, what is investigated is how the client organization senses, seizes and transforms opportunities. In pursuit of this objective, an exploratory case study approach is adopted which examines one of Sweden’s largest public client organizations. The study explores the concept of dynamic capabilities and its applicability to the public construction context. Although the usefulness of dynamic capabilities as an interpretive framework is recognized, it is suggested that the concept of dynamic capabilities is inadequate for addressing the specific context in which public client organizations operate. Particularly with respect to the project-based characteristic of these organizations and the difficulty in framing what constitutes “competitive advantage” for public organizations.  相似文献   

重大突发公共危机事件与中国共产党的基层组织建设密切相关、紧密相连。重大突发公共危机事件对中国共产党的基层党组织建设是考验,而中国共产党的基层组织作为事件发生后参与处理的主体,要坚定"四个自信",做到"两个维护",迎难而上,不断提升组织建设水平。基层党组织在应对重大突发公共危机事件的过程中要防患于未然,做好突发事件应急预案;强基固本,提升基层党组织公信力;敢于担当,发挥党员先锋模范作用;双管齐下,注重精神和物质双保障。在实践中提升基层党组织的能力和建设水平,赢得重大突发公共危机事件处理的胜利。  相似文献   

胡波 《山西建筑》2014,(27):235-236
对我国桥梁工程施工成本控制管理中存在的诸多问题进行了分析,结合工程实例,研究了将价值工程用于桥梁施工成本控制的策略,实践表明该策略具有一定的可行性,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

基于价值工程的绿色施工节水措施研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以合肥市某住宅小区项目为研究对象,针对项目采用的各项绿色施工节水措施,全面搜集其增量成本和施工用水费用降低额。运用价值工程方法和决策实验室分析法,计算并分析绿色施工节水措施的价值和影响,评价项目实施绿色施工节水措施的可行性,对推广绿色施工节水措施具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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