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Prolonged heart ischaemia causes an inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation and an increase of Ca2+ in mitochondria. We investigated whether elevated Ca2+ induces changes in the oxidative phosphorylation system relevant to ischaemic damage, and whether Ca2+ and other inducers of mitochondrial permeability transition cause the release of cytochrome c from isolated heart mitochondria. We found that 5 microM free Ca2+ induced changes in oxidative phosphorylation system similar to ischaemic damage: increase in the proton leak and inhibition of the substrate oxidation system related to the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. The phosphorylating system was not directly affected by high Ca2+ and ischaemia. The release of cytochrome c from mitochondria was caused by Ca2+ and 0.175-0.9 mM peroxynitrite but not by NO, and was prevented by cyclosporin A. Adenylate kinase and creatine kinase were also released after incubation of mitochondria with Ca2+, however, the activity of citrate synthase in the incubation medium with high and low Ca2+ did not change. The data suggest that release of cytochrome c and other proteins of intermembrane space may be due to the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, and may be partially responsible for inhibition of mitochondrial respiration induced by ischaemia, high calcium, and oxidants.  相似文献   

This study addresses the direct effect of fluid flow shear stress on production of the vascular mediators, PGE2 and PGI2 by vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC). Results indicate that shear stress increases PGE2 and PGI2 release in SMC. The production patterns, however, differ between PGE2 and PGI2. For PGE2, the rate of production is moderate for the first three hours after the onset of shear stress, then dramatically increases between the fourth and fifth hours, returning to basal levels in the sixth hour. On the other hand, the rate for PGI2 production is maximal right after the onset of shear and remains elevated for the first three hours. The rate then plateaus and remains at a moderate level during the next three hours. The results also indicate that SMC production of PGI2 is more sensitive to shear stress than PGE2 production since a level of 0.5 dynes/cm2 produces a maximal PGI2 release whereas 1 dyne/cm2 produces only 1/4 the response seen at 20 dynes/cm2 for PGE2. The physiological implications of fluid shear stress regulation of SMC are discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that cytokines such as interleukin-1beta (IL-1), IL-4, and IL-8 may play an important role in the chronic inflammation and cellular growth observed in cardiovascular diseases. The lipoxygenase (LO) pathway of arachidonate metabolism has also been related to the pathology of hypertension and atherosclerosis. LO products have chemotactic, hypertrophic, and mitogenic effects in vascular cells, and the LO enzyme has been implicated in the oxidation of LDL. Furthermore, earlier studies have shown that vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth factors such as angiotensin II and platelet-derived growth factor can increase LO activity and expression in VSMCs. In the present study, we have examined whether vasoactive and inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-4, and IL-8 can modulate 12-LO activity and expression in porcine VSMCs and also whether they have growth-promoting effects in these cells. Treatment of porcine VSMCs with these cytokines led to significant increases in the levels of a cell-associated 12-LO product, 12-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid, as well as intracellular 12-LO enzyme activity. Furthermore, each of these cytokines led to a dose-dependent increase in 12-LO mRNA expression (333-base pair PCR product) as well as 12-LO protein expression (72 kD). In addition, all three interleukins could induce significant increases in VSMC DNA synthesis as well as proliferation. These results suggest that these cytokines have mitogenic effects in VSMCs and are also potent positive regulators of the 12-LO pathway. Thus, enhanced 12-LO activity and expression may be a key mechanism for cytokine-induced VSMC migration and proliferation.  相似文献   

Earlier experiments with animal and human arteries have shown that farnesol, a natural 15-carbon (C15) isoprenoid, is an inhibitor of vasoconstriction (Roullet, J.-B., Xue, H., Chapman, J., McDougal, P., Roullet, C. M., and McCarron, D. A. (1996) J. Clin. Invest. 97, 2384-2390). We report here that farnesol reduced KCl- and norepinephrine-dependent cytosolic Ca2+ transients in fura-2-loaded intact arteries. An effect on Ca2+ signaling was also observed in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells (A10 cells). In these cells, farnesol reduced KCl-induced [Ca2+]i transients and mimicked the inhibitory effect of Ca2+-free medium on the [Ca2+]i response to both 12,13-phorbol myristate acetate, a protein kinase C activator, and thapsigargin, a specific endoplasmic reticulum ATPase inhibitor. Perforated patch-clamp experiments further showed in two vascular smooth muscle cell lines (A10 and A7r5), a reversible, dose-dependent inhibitory effect of farnesol on L-type Ca2+ currents (IC50 = 2.2 microM). Shorter (C10, geraniol) and longer (C20, geranylgeraniol) isoprenols were inactive. L-type Ca2+ channel blockade also occurred under tight (gigaohm) seal configuration using cell-attached, single-channel analysis, thus suggesting a possible action of farnesol from within the intracellular space. We finally demonstrated that farnesol did not affect Ca2+-sensitive pathways implicated in smooth muscle contraction, as tested with alpha-toxin permeabilized arteries. Altogether, our results indicate that farnesol is an inhibitor of vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ signaling with plasma membrane Ca2+ channel blocker properties. The data have implications for the endogenous and pharmacological regulation of vascular tone by farnesol or farnesol analogues.  相似文献   

[Arg8]-vasopressin (AVP) is both a potent vasoconstrictor and a mitogen for vascular smooth muscle cells. AVP binds to a single class of receptors (V1a) in the A7r5 rat aortic smooth muscle cell line (Kd approximately 2 nmol/L). Stimulation of these cells with AVP results in an increase in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) by releasing intracellular Ca2+ stores and increasing Ca2+ influx; the EC50 for these effects is approximately 5 nmol/L. AVP has recently been reported to stimulate arachidonic acid release in primary cultures of rat aortic smooth muscle over a much lower concentration range (EC50 approximately 0.05 nmol/L). The present study examined the effects of varying concentrations of AVP on spontaneous Ca2+ spiking activity in fura 2-loaded A7r5 cells. Frequency of CA2+ spiking increased with increasing [AVP] in the range of 10 to 500 pmol/L. Higher concentrations of AVP inhibited spiking but elicited the characteristic [Ca2+]i changes ascribed to the release of Ca2+ stores and increased Ca2+ entry. The effects of both low and high concentrations of AVP were inhibited by [1-(beta-mercapto-beta,beta,-pentamethylenepropionic acid),2-0-methyltyrosine]arginine vasopressin, a selective V1a vasopressin antagonist. Nimodipine (50 nmol/L), a blocker of L-type voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels, abolished the Ca(2+)-spiking activity without inhibiting a maximal [Ca2+]i response to AVP (1 mumol/L). AVP-stimulated Ca2+ spiking, but not release of intracellular Ca2+ stores, was also abolished by ONO-RS-082 (1 mumol/L), an inhibitor of phospholipase A2. These results suggest that occupation of a small fraction of V1a vasopressin receptors by AVP results in stimulation of phospholipase A2 and leads to increased Ca(2+)-spiking activity. This effect may be important for fine tuning of vascular tone, whereas maximal stimulation by AVP (full receptor occupancy) may be required for more vigorous or sustained vasoconstriction or mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Ang II) induces vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth by activating Gq-protein-coupled AT1 receptors, which leads to elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) and activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and mitogen-activated protein kinases. To assess the link between these Ang II-induced signaling events, we examined the effect of Ang II on the proline-rich tyrosine kinase (PYK2), previously found to be activated by a variety of stimuli that increase [Ca2+]i or activate PKC. PYK2 distribution was demonstrated in rat aortic tissue and in cultured VSMC by immunohistochemistry, revealing a cytosolic distribution distinct from smooth muscle alpha-actin, focal adhesion kinase, or paxillin. The involvement of PYK2 in Ang II signaling was measured by immunoprecipitation and immune complex kinase assays. Treatment of quiescent VSMC with Ang II resulted in a concentration- and time-dependent increase in PYK2 tyrosine phosphorylation and kinase activity in PYK2 immunoprecipitates. PYK2 phosphorylation was inhibited by AT1 receptor blockade and was attenuated by downregulation of PKC or the chelation of [Ca2+]i. Treatment with either phorbol ester or Ca2+ ionophore also increased PYK2 phosphorylation, suggesting that PKC activation and/or increased [Ca2+]i are both necessary and sufficient to activate PYK2. Activation of PYK2 by Ang II was also associated with increased PYK2-src complex formation, suggesting that PYK2 activation represents a potential link between Ang II-stimulated [Ca2+]i and PKC activation with downstream signaling events such as mitogen-activated protein kinase activation involved in the regulation of VSMC growth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of estradiol and progesterone on the proliferation of normal human breast epithelial cells in vivo. DESIGN: Double-blind randomized study. SETTING: Departments of gynecology and of cell biology at a university hospital. PATIENT(S): Forty postmenopausal women with untreated menopause and documented plasma FSH levels of >30 mIU/mL and estradiol levels of <20 pg/mL. INTERVENTION(S): Daily topical application to both breasts of a gel containing a placebo, estradiol, progesterone, or a combination of estradiol and progesterone during the 14 days preceding esthetic breast surgery or excision of a benign lesion. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Plasma and breast tissue concentrations of estradiol and progesterone. Epithelial cell cycles were evaluated in normal breast tissue by counting mitoses and performing quantitative proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunolabeling analyses. RESULT(S): Increasing the estradiol concentration enhanced the number of cycling epithelial cells, whereas increasing the progesterone concentration significantly limited the number of cycling epithelial cells. CONCLUSION(S): Exposure to progesterone for 14 days reduced the estradiol-induced proliferation of normal breast epithelial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

This study compared markers of the metabolic processes occurring in male and female adolescent triathletes from two age groups (over 15 years of age [O15] and under 15 years of age [U15]) during a laboratory based duathlon. Participants were tested on three separate occasions; two peak VO2 tests on a treadmill and cycle ergometer, and a third session involved a simulated duathlon (2 km run, 12 km ride and 4 km run for the O15 group or 1 km run, 8 km ride and 2 km run for the U15). Data collection included performance speed, cardiorespiratory responses and blood borne markers of exercise metabolism. The performance speeds selected by the two age groups did not differ. The mean relative percentage of VO2peak at which subjects participated were 79+/-3, 77+/-4%, for the O15 males and females, and 71+/-5 and 82+/-2%, for the U15 males and females, respectively. While the plasma metabolites of ammonia [NH3] and lactate [La] were not different between age groups and sex (p>0.05) there were however, higher concentrations recorded during the cycling phase when compared with the running phases (p < 0.05). The respective mean concentrations for NH3 and La were 80.5+/-5.6 microM, and 4.9+/-0.3 microM for cycling, and 56.3+/-2.7 microM, and 2.7+/-0.2 microM for the combined running phases.  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞(VSMC)增殖已成为目前心血管疾病研究领域里的热点,VSMC增殖、迁移及凋亡在冠状动脉粥样硬化(AS)、冠状动脉搭桥术、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后血管再狭窄的发生和发展过程中起重要作用.本文作者对VSMC增殖及促增殖因素和机制进行综述.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Abnormal proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) is a key event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and many vascular diseases. It is known that nitric oxide released from the endothelium participates in the regulation of VSMC proliferation via a cyclic 3',5'-guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-mediated mechanism. In a series of experiments, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and A02131-1 were evaluated for their antiproliferative effect and the mechanism of their cGMP-elevating action. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effect of SNP and A02131-1 on epidermal growth factor (EGF)-stimulated proliferation of rat aortic smooth muscle cells (VSMC) was examined. Cell proliferation was measured in terms of [3H]thymidine incorporation, flow cytometry, and the cell number. Further, their effect on the EGF-activated signal transduction pathway was assessed by measuring mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK), MAPK kinase (MEK). Raf-1 activity, and the formation of active form of Ras. SNP and A02131-1 inhibited EGF-induced DNA synthesis and subsequent proliferation of VSMC. These two increased cGMP but only a little cAMP in VSMC. A similar antiproliferative effect was observed with 8-bromo-cGMP. The antiproliferative effect of the two was reversed by KT5823 but not by dideoxyadenosine nor Rp-cAMPS. SNP and A02131-1 blocked the EGF-inducible cell cycle progression at the G1/S phase. Further experiments indicated that the two cGMP-elevating agents primarily blocked the activation of Raf-1 by EGF-activated Ras. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that cGMP-elevating agents inhibit [3H]thymidine incorporation and thus the growth of VSMC, and this inhibition appears to attenuate EGF-activated signal transduction pathway by preventing Ras-dependent activation of Raf-1.  相似文献   

We have examined the use of presurgical morphine-midazolam combination in 80 children aged 2-10 y undergoing repair of hypospadias. They were allocated randomly, in a double-blind study, to receive one of four morphine-midazolam combination doses (n = 20 each); (group I: 75 microg/kg each) [corrected] (group II: 75 microg/kg [corrected] morphine, 50 microg/kg [corrected] midazolam); (group III: 50 microg/kg [corrected] morphine, 75 microg/kg [corrected] midazolam); (group IV: 50 microg/kg [corrected] each). Drugs were given after induction of anesthesia and before the start of surgery. Observational scoring system, using crying, movement, agitation, posture and localization of pain as scoring criteria, was used to assess the children during their stay in the recovery room together with their sedative and/or analgesic requirement. Pre-surgical morphine-midazolam administration produced stable hemodynamic variables with satisfactory postoperative analgesia suggesting 75 microg/kg [corrected] dose of both morphine and midazolam as upper permissible dose, and 50 microg/kg [corrected] each as lower effective dose.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Catecholamines have been shown to aggravate atherosclerosis in animals and humans, and abnormal proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) is a key event in the early stage of atherosclerosis. Catecholamines may be involved in such cell growth. Therefore, a series of experiments using cultured VSMC was performed to elucidate their possible mitogenic effect. METHODS AND RESULTS: We examined the mitogenic effect of catecholamines using rat aortic smooth muscle cells (VSMC) by measuring [3H]thymidine incorporation, checking with flow cytometry, and counting the cell number directly. Furthermore, the catecholamine-activated signal transduction pathway was assessed by measurement of the formation of inositol 1, 4, 5-triphosphate, intracellular Ca2+ concentration, mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity, and mitogenic gene expression. Norepinephrine (NE) and phenylephrine stimulated [3H]thymidine incorporation and cell growth. Clonidine and isoproterenol showed little of such effects. Prazosin was more effective than either yohimbine or propranolol in suppressing the mitogenic effect of NE, indicating that catecholamine-induced VSMC proliferation is mediated by alpha 1-adrenoceptors. The alpha 1-adrenoceptor activation was coupled to pertussis toxin-insensitive Gq-protein and triggered phosphoinositide hydrolysis with subsequent activation of protein kinase C and MAPK in VSMC. In response to NE, both 42- and 44-kD MAPK were activated and tyrosine was phosphorylated. alpha 1-Adrenoceptor stimulation with NE also caused accumulation of c-fos, c-jun, and c-myc mRNA. Chloroethylclonidine completely blocked the alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated mitogenesis. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of catecholamines appears to be mediated via the activation of the chloroethylclonidine-sensitive alpha 1-adrenoceptors that triggers the phosphoinositide hydrolysis and activates the MAPK pathway, leading to DNA synthesis and cell proliferation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate that an agreement approach to applying equations on the basis of clinical and exercise test variables is an accurate, self-calibrating, and cost-efficient method for predicting severe coronary artery disease in clinical populations. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of consecutive patients with complete data from exercise testing and coronary angiography referred for evaluation of possible coronary artery disease. After developing an equation in a training set, this equation and two other equations developed by other investigators were validated in a test set. The study was performed at two university-affiliated Veteran's Affairs medical centers. PATIENTS: 1080 consecutive men studied between 1985 and 1995 who had coronary angiography within 3 months of the treadmill test. The population was randomly divided into a training set of 701 patients and a test set of 379 patients. Patients with previous coronary artery bypass surgery, valvular heart disease, marked degrees of resting ST depression, and left bundle branch block were excluded. MEASUREMENTS: Recording of clinical and exercise test data along with visual interpretation of the electrocardiogram recordings on standardized forms and abstraction of visually interpreted angiographic data from clinical catheterization reports. RESULTS: Simple clinical and exercise test variables improved the standard application of exercise-induced ST criteria for predicting severe coronary artery disease. By setting probability thresholds for severe disease of <20% and >40% for the three prediction equations, the agreement approach divided the test set into three groups: low risk (patients with all three equations predicting <21% probability of severe coronary disease), no agreement, and high risk (all three equations with >39% probability) for severe coronary artery disease. Because the patients in the no agreement group would be sent for further testing and would eventually be correctly classified, the sensitivity of the agreement approach was 89% and the specificity was 96%. The agreement approach appeared to be unaffected by disease prevalence, missing data, variable definitions, or even angiographic criteria. CONCLUSIONS: Requiring diagnosis of severe coronary disease to be dependent on agreement between these three equations has made them likely to function in all clinical populations. The agreement approach should be an efficient method for the evaluation of populations with varying prevalence of coronary artery disease, limiting the use of more expensive noninvasive and invasive testing to patients with a higher probability of left main or triple-vessel coronary artery disease. This approach provides a strategy that can be applied by inputting the results of basic clinical assessment into a programmable calculator or a computer to assist the practitioner in deciding when further evaluation is appropriate, thus assuring patients access to subspecialty care.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y(NPY) inhibits Ca2+-activated K+ channels reversibly in vascular smooth muscle cells from the rat tail artery. NPY (200 microM) had no effect in the absence of intracellular adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) and when the metabolic poison cyanide-M-chlorophenyl hydrozone (10 microM) was included in the intracellular pipette solution. NPY was also not effective when ATP was substituted by the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue adenosine 5'-[beta gamma-methylene]-triphosphate (AMP-PCP). NPY inhibited Ca2+-activated K+ channel activity when ATP was replaced by adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (ATP [gamma-S]) and the inhibition was not readily reversed upon washing. Protein kinase inhibitor (1 microM), a specific inhibitor of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate-dependent protein kinase, had no significant effect on the inhibitory action of NPY. The effect of NPY on single-channel activity was inhibited by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (10 microM) but not by daidzein, an inactive analogue of genistein. These observations suggest that the inhibition by NPY of Ca2+-activated K+ channels is mediated by ATP-dependent phosphorylation. The inhibitory effect of NPY was antagonized by the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein.  相似文献   

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