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A common problem encountered in salinity-gradient solar ponds is the growth of various types of algae and bacterial populations, which affects the brine clarity and hence reduces thermal performance. Algae and bacterial populations are enhanced by the presence of organic nutrient such as nitrogen and phosphorus. A comprehensive study was undertaken on three salinity-gradient solar ponds in Australia: a 3000 m2 sodium chloride solar pond at Pyramid Hill in Northern Victoria; a 50 m2 sodium chloride; and 15 m2 magnesium chloride solar pond at RMIT University in Bundoora, Victoria. The experimental study involved monitoring the clarity of these three ponds and testing chemical and biological treatment methods to see their effect on the brine transparency. The sources of turbidity and their impacts on clarity and efficiency of salinity-gradient solar ponds are presented in detail in this paper. The initial observation showed that the amount of sunlight is reduced due to the heavy algal growth creating instability in the solar pond as it absorbs light. Two treatment methods were applied to these solar ponds and experiments were conducted to study the turbidity reduction in the solar ponds. In the RMIT magnesium chloride solar pond, diluted hydrochloric acid was injected in the pond to reduce the pH and turbidity levels. Algal blooms were observed and found in the pond where the pH was between 5.5 and 8. It was observed from the experimental study that pH values should be kept below 4.5 to maintain low turbidity and prevent algae growth. The introduction of brine shrimps was also found to be very effective and economical to control algae, provided the oxygen has not depleted due to advanced heavy algal growth. The investigation concluded that hydrochloric acid could be used initially as a shock treatment to kill all the algae and then brine shrimps could be introduced to control the growth of algal and maintain transparency. This analysis showed that by using a combination of chemical and biological treatment methods, the pond clarity can be maintained and the thermal efficiency of the solar pond can be improved.  相似文献   

M. R. Jaefarzadeh   《Solar Energy》2004,77(3):281-290
The thermal behavior of a small-scale salinity-gradient solar pond has been studied in this paper. The model of heat conduction equation for the non-convective zone has been solved numerically with the boundary conditions of the upper and lower convective zones. The variation of the solar radiation, during a year, and its attenuation in the depth of the pond has been discussed. The wall shading area for a vertical wall square pond has been elaborated and its effect on the reduction of the sunny area has been included in the model. The temperature variation of the storage zone has been calculated theoretically and compared with the experimental results. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates the importance of the side and bottom insulation and the thickness of the non-convective zone, as well as the wall shading effect on the performance of the pond. The application of several loading patterns gives an overall efficiency of 10% for the small pond.  相似文献   

Heat has generally been successfully extracted from the lower convective zone (LCZ) of solar ponds by two main methods. In the first, hot brine from the LCZ is circulated through an external heat exchanger, as tested and demonstrated in El Paso and elsewhere. In the second method, a heat transfer fluid circulates in a closed cycle through an in-pond heat exchanger, as used in the Pyramid Hill solar pond, in Victoria, Australia. Based on the experiences at the El Paso and Pyramid Hill solar ponds, the technical specifications, material selection, stability control, clarity maintenance, salt management and operating strategies are presented. A novel method of extracting heat from a solar pond is to draw the heat from the gradient layer. This method is analysed theoretically and results of an experimental investigation at Bundoora East, RMIT, are presented. An in-pond heat exchanger made of polyethylene pipe has been used to extract heat for over 2 months. Results indicate that heat extraction from the gradient layer increases the overall energy efficiency of the solar pond by up to 55%, compared with conventional method of heat extraction solely from the LCZ. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical analysis. A close agreement has been found. From this small-scale experimental study, convection currents were found to be localised only and the density profiles were unaffected. An experimental study using an external heat exchanger for brine extraction and re-injection at different levels within the gradient layer still needs to be conducted to determine the effect of the heat extraction from the non-convective zone (NCZ) on the stability of the salinity gradient (both vertically and horizontally) and an economic analysis needs to be conducted to determine the economic gains from increased thermal efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of experimental and theoretical analysis on the heat extraction process from solar pond by using the heat pipe heat exchanger. In order to conduct research work, a small scale experimental solar pond with an area of 7.0 m2 and a depth of 1.5 m was built at Khon Kaen in North-Eastern Thailand (16°27′N102°E). Heat was successfully extracted from the lower convective zone (LCZ) of the solar pond by using a heat pipe heat exchanger made from 60 copper tubes with 21 mm inside diameter and 22 mm outside diameter. The length of the evaporator and condenser section was 800 mm and 200 mm respectively. R134a was used as the heat transfer fluid in the experiment. The theoretical model was formulated for the solar pond heat extraction on the basis of the energy conservation equations and by using the solar radiation data for the above location. Numerical methods were used to solve the modeling equations. In the analysis, the performance of heat exchanger is investigated by varying the velocity of inlet air used to extract heat from the condenser end of the heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE). Air velocity was found to have a significant influence on the effectiveness of heat pipe heat exchanger. In the present investigation, there was an increase in effectiveness by 43% as the air velocity was decreased from 5 m/s to 1 m/s. The results obtained from the theoretical model showed good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Turbidity study of solar ponds utilizing seawater as salt source   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of experiments were conducted to study the turbidity reduction in solar ponds utilizing seawater as salt source. The experiment on the turbidity reduction efficiency with chemicals indicates that alum (KAl(SO4)2·12H2O) has a better turbidity control property because of its strongly flocculating and also well depressing the growing of algae and bacteria in the seawater. In comparison with bittern and seawater, our experiment shows that the residual brine after desalination can keep limpidity for a long time even without any chemical in it. Experiments were also conducted on the diffusion of turbidity and salinity, which show that the turbidity did not diffuse upwards in the solution. In the experiment on subsidence of soil in the bittern and saline with the same salinity, it was found that soil subsided quite quickly in the pure saline water, but very slowly in the bittern. In this paper we also proposed an economical method to protect the solar pond from the damage of rain. Finally, thermal performance of a solar pond was simulated in the conditions of different turbidities using a thermal diffusion model.  相似文献   

Desalination is a process that involves the removal of salts and non-ionic minerals from seawater to produce freshwater that is fit for human consumption. This process produces brine, which is typically redisposed into the sea. The relatively high salt concentration in the disposed brine increases the salinity of water and soil, which adversely affects the environment. However, brine is found to be rich in economically valuable minerals. In order to effectively manage the disposed brine, this study proposes an integrated technique using solar and evaporation ponds to filter valuable minerals from concentrated brine. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed technique can be effectively employed for this purpose. Furthermore, this helps reduce desalination costs and complies with the notion of renewable energy production and eco-friendliness.  相似文献   

A salinity gradient solar pond (SGSP) is a simple and effective way of capturing and storing solar energy. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has very good solar energy resources and very rich salt lake brine resources. It lacks energy for its mineral processes and is therefore an ideal location for the development and operation of solar ponds. In China, solar ponds have been widely applied for aquaculture, in the production of Glauber’s salt and in the production of lithium carbonate from salt lake. As part of an experimental study, a SGSP using the natural brine of Zabuye salt lake in the Tibet plateau has been constructed. The pond has an area of 2500 m2 and is 1.9 m deep. The solar pond started operation in spring when the ambient temperature was very low and has operated steadily for 105 days, with the LCZ temperature varying between 20 and 40 °C. During the experimental study, the lower convective zone (LCZ) of the pond reached a maximum temperature of 39.1 °C. The results show that solar ponds can be operated successfully at the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and can be applied to the production of minerals.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional transient mathematical model is used for the study of the salt diffusion and stability of the density gradient in a solar pond. A finite difference method with a diffusion coefficient dependent on both temperature and salt concentration is used to solve the salt diffusion equation. On the basis of simple considerations we analyze the influence of the salinity-gradient thickness on the useful energy which can be withdrawn from the bottom layer of the solar pond. Finally some considerations on the effect of the velocity of injected brine in rising solar ponds are presented, making use of the Rayleigh analysis of the small perturbations in order to study the stability of the system.  相似文献   

The problem of gradient zone-boundary migration in solar ponds has been investigated. Models based on thermal burst stability theory and microconvection theory of boundary undulation and temperature modulation have been considered. Computational results of solutions for stability problem of the double diffusive interface are presented for an extended range of salinity gradient (1-10000 kg m−4) and examined with empirical correlations as well as experimental data. The results indicate that the erosion or growth of the gradient zone at the interface is a strong function of the ratio of diffusivities τ and density stability ratio Rρ.  相似文献   

In the present communication, the kinetics of diffusion of salt in a stacked layer solar pond has been investigated by using the step function for the initial state of salt distribution and a closed form solution for the salt concentration has been obtained with the boundary conditions of an operational solar pond. It has been predicted that the time required for a two layered solar pond with non-convective zone of about 1 m depth to reach equilibrium concentration gradient is about 585 days, whereas that required for a ten layered pond is only 96 days.  相似文献   

Three types of no-salt solar ponds, which do not exhibit environmental or operational problems of the kind observed for salt ponds, are examined on a laboratory scale. The negative temperature gradient necessary for heat storage was obtained by using appropriate arrangements in such a way that narrow passages appear which reduce substantially the heated water currents, or by using two (or more) transparent immiscible liquids which constitute a density gradient serving the same purpose. The influence of the dissolved air in the water mass is discussed.  相似文献   

A solar pond (SP) is a remarkable growth of renewable energy technology that has stored solar energy for storage purposes and is used in many solar thermal applications. It is also utilized for many purposes, such as heating, cooling, space heating, air conditioning, and many more. The present paper shows the use of an SP to improve the yield of solar still (SS) by providing hot water through the heat energy stored in it. It also reveals the use of shallow and mini SPs with SS to improve yield. Various future research works on SS using SPs have also been included in this paper. From the current review paper, it was concluded that the SP increases the yield of the SS.  相似文献   

太阳池的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自从1902年Kalecsinsky首次发现了天然太阳池现象以后,经过长期的研究和发展,太阳池技术已被广泛应用于发电、取暖、海水淡化.矿物加工等领域,太阳池成为近期内进行大规模太阳能热利用的最有前景的低温热源装置。主要综述了太阳池的集热原理及建造方法、太阳池中热量的贮存及提取方式、太阳池的应用以及研究动向等,并指出目前我国太阳池技术还处于实验研究的阶段,而我国具有丰富的太阳能和盐资源,大力开发太阳池技术将为发展地方经济起到重要的作用。  相似文献   

西藏地区盐湖太阳池技术开发应用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
盐湖太阳池是一种具有广阔应用前景的太阳能热利用技术,同时也为开发盐湖资源提供了能源支持。西藏地区常规能源缺乏,而太阳能和盐湖资源都非常丰富,是开发盐湖太阳池最适宜的地区之一。  相似文献   

提出了沼气、太阳能生态海岛模型.利用太阳池淡化海水,为官兵提供饮用水,在太阳池底铺设换热器,为官兵提供生活用热水,并对沼气池进行加热.利用海岛官兵的生活废弃物生产的沼气进行炊事,大约可以满足51%左右的炊事用能需求.  相似文献   

A mathematical model with various parameters such as effective absorptivity-transmitivity product and total heat loss factor, including ground losses and angle of refraction, which are related to the physical properties and dimensions of the pond, is developed to study the thermal behaviour of salt gradient solar ponds at different operational conditions. A linear relation is found between the efficiency of the solar pond and the function (ΔT/H ). The convective heat loss, the heat loss to the atmosphere due to evaporation through the surface of the pond and ground heat losses have been accounted for in finding out the efficiency of the pond. The dependence of the thermal performance of the solar pond on the ground heat losses is investigated and minimized using low cost loose and insulating building materials such as dry dunes and, Mica powder and loose asbestos at the bottom of the pond. The ground heat losses are considerably reduced with the asbestos (loose) and the retention power of solar thermal energy of the pond increases.  相似文献   

构建表面积为1.50 m×1.50 m的小型实验用盐梯度太阳池,并与平板太阳能集热器配合使用,分别对普通太阳池和集热增强型太阳池进行了储热、放热实验。实验研究与理论分析表明:单独盐梯度太阳池的放热量为3.5×103k J,热效率为13.6%;集热增强型太阳池放热量可以达到4.8×103k J,且热效率增至28.1%。另外后者下对流层温度最高可提升10℃以上,从而证明太阳能集热器可以有效提高太阳池热效率,增加下对流层储热量。此外,考虑了放热过程换热器对太阳池下对流层的扰动,对比实验前后的溶液浓度,可以看出实验后太阳池盐度曲线合理,非对流层呈良好梯度分布,太阳池稳定性并未遭到破坏。  相似文献   

In this study, the energetic and exergetic efficiencies of a salt gradient cylindrical solar pond (SGCSP) that integrated and nonintegrated evacuated tube solar collectors (ETSCs) are investigated to improve daily heat preservation performance of the heat storage zone (HSZ). The integrated system is consisted of an SGCSP and four ETSCs. The SGCSP has a surface area of 2 m2, a depth of 1.65 m, salty water layers at different densities, and HSZ in which the cylindrical serpentine type heat exchanger (CSHE) is located. Thus, the daily effects of the heat storage performance of both the ETSCs and the SGCSP in the winter season was determined experimentally. The analysis of the data regarding the efficiencies of the system is investigated separately by means of experimental studies where the SGCSP is integrated and nonintegrated with the ETSCs. The number of ETSCs integrated with SGCSP is increased to 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and each of the five different experimental systems is performed separately. The temperature distributions of the integrated system are measured by a data acquisition system on 11 different points per hour. The efficiencies are calculated using the data obtained from these studies. Consequently, the energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the SGCSP are obtained without collectors as 10.4% and 4.3% and with one collector as 12.83% and 6.15%, with two collectors 14.88% and 8.25%, with three collectors 16% and 9.35%, and finally with four collectors 16.94% and 10.3%, respectively. Furthermore, the theoretical efficiencies are found to be consistent with the experimental results obtained by increasing the collector numbers.  相似文献   

It is stated by Garg et al. [Energy Convers. Mgmt 22, 117 (1981)] that, for a shallow solar pond where the gap spacing is large (300 mm), the convective heat loss is somewhat lower than for a conventional collector with a shorter gap spacing (20 mm). How much the total heat transfer coefficient is lowered, and what is the effect of the gap spacing on the performance of the shallow solar pond were not mentioned. In this study, the effect of gap spacing on shallow solar pond performance is studied. For this purpose, a computer program is constructed and is experimentally tested using a shallow solar pond of 6.6 m2 area. It is concluded from the results that the effect of gap spacing on the top loss coefficient is independent of the temperature difference between the upper film of the water bag and the glazing of the shallow solar pond. The results also show that the change in gap spacing of the shallow solar pond has not an important effect on the pond performance. Hence, the large gap spacing in the conventional design shallow solar pond (300 mm) cannot be considered as a major difference with the flat plate collector design (20 mm), as Garg et al. stated.  相似文献   

In this study, thermal performance of the salt gradient solar pond (SGSP), which of density gradient is artificially with sodium carbonate solution, was tested under Karabuk prevailing weather conditions in Turkey. A small‐scale prismatic glass tank was constructed with an area of 0.45 × 0.20 m2 and a depth of 0.25 m as solar pond. A series of experiments with four different density levels were conducted in July–August 2004. The variations of the temperature and density profiles were observed for each of experiment for a week. It was found that the maximum temperature difference between the bottom and surface of the pond is 21°C and maximum temperature in the lower convective zone (LCZ) has been measured as 49°C at the first experiment. The efficiency of the pond was evaluated 13.33% weekly mean radiation intensity of 524 W m?2 for the first experiment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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