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Studies of estrogen effects on growth hormone (GH) and its pulsatile release in postmenopausal women have typically utilized estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) of relatively short duration (days to weeks). The purpose of this study was to compare GH measures from healthy postmenopausal women who were on oral ERT for 3 years or more (n = 24; mean ERT duration = 16.1 years) with women not on ERT (NERT; n = 40). Blood samples were drawn remotely every 20 min for 24 h and then analyzed for mean 24-h GH, mean GH during sleep, and mean 24-h insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). GH peak analyses were also performed. Mean 24-h GH and GH during sleep were significantly higher and IGF-I was significantly lower in ERT women compared with NERT women. In addition, use of long-term ERT was associated with more GH peaks relative to women not on ERT, but no change in GH peak amplitude or area. GH was not related to age in either group. GH was strongly and negatively correlated with measures of adiposity in NERT women but not in ERT women. In conclusion, long-term oral ERT is associated with increased circulating GH and decreased IGF-I levels, even after many years of treatment.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of estrogens in replacement doses have not been fully clarified; therefore, we studied the acute hemodynamic changes after 0.625 and 1.25 mg of conjugated estrogens, administered intravenously, using a thermodilution catheter, in postmenopausal women without structural heart disease. Pulmonary and systemic pressures and resistances and stroke volume did not change compared with baseline, but heart rate and cardiac output decreased significantly, which may be associated with estrogen's previously described calcium-blocking effect or with a more recently contemplated beta-blocking action.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lipoproteins affect endothelium-dependent vasomotor responsiveness. Because lipoprotein effects of estrogen and cholesterol-lowering therapies differ, we studied the vascular responses to these therapies in hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. METHODS AND RESULTS: We randomly assigned 28 women to conjugated equine estrogen (CE) 0.625 mg, simvastatin 10 mg, and their combination daily for 6 weeks. Compared with respective baseline values, simvastatin alone and combined with CE reduced LDL cholesterol to a greater extent than CE alone (both P<0.05). CE alone and combined with simvastatin raised HDL cholesterol and lowered lipoprotein(a) to a greater extent than simvastatin alone (all P<0.05). Flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery (by ultrasonography) improved (all P<0.001 versus baseline values) on CE (4.0+/-2.6% to 10.2+/-3.9%), simvastatin (4.3+/-2.4% to 10.0+/-3.9%), and CE combined with simvastatin (4.6+/-2.0% to 9.8+/-2.6%), but similarly among therapies (P=0.507 by ANOVA). None of the therapies improved the dilator response to nitroglycerin (all P>/=0.184). Only therapies including CE lowered levels of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and the cell adhesion molecule E-selectin (all P<0. 05 versus simvastatin). CONCLUSIONS: Although estrogen and statin therapies have differing effects on lipoprotein levels, specific improvement in endothelium-dependent vasodilator responsiveness is similar. However, only therapies including estrogen improved markers of fibrinolysis and vascular inflammation. Thus, estrogen therapy appears to have unique properties that may benefit the vasculature of hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women, even if they are already on cholesterol-lowering therapy.  相似文献   

This study explored the contribution of 2 working memory (WM) systems (the phonological loop and the central executive) to reading performance in younger (9-year-old) and older (14-year-old) children. The results showed that (a) significant age-related differences in verbal and visual-spatial WM performance were maintained when articulation speed and short-term memory (the phonological system) were partialed from the analysis and (b) WM predicted age-related differences in word recognition and comprehension performance independent of the contribution of a short-term memory and articulatory rate. The results were interpreted as support for the notion that both the phonological and the executive systems are important predictors of age-related changes in reading but that these processes operate independent of each other in predicting fluent reading. Several implications of the results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most publications during the past decade have condemned the use of anatomic resection for liver trauma and advocated a conservative surgical approach when operative intervention was required. This policy has been supported by the high mortality rate reported by most authorities. The purpose of this study was to assess the results of anatomic hepatic resection for liver trauma in an institution in which the hepatobiliary surgeons are responsible for the management of severe liver injuries. METHODS: During the period 1983 to 1996, 287 patients with liver injuries were admitted to the hospital and 37 patients with severe liver trauma underwent anatomic resection. Demographic, clinical, operative, and postoperative data were collected and analyzed. The resections performed included right hemihepatectomy (n = 27), left hemihepatectomy (n = 1), left lateral segment resection (n = 5), and segmental resection (n = 4). RESULTS: There were three postoperative deaths after right hemihepatectomy (11.1%) and an overall mortality rate of 8.1%. There were no intraoperative deaths. Postoperative complications occurred in 22 patients (60%) and were most frequent in patients with concomitant injuries to other systems. Liver-related morbidity occurred in seven patients (19%). The median postoperative stay was 20 days. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomic hepatic resection for trauma is associated with low mortality and liver-related morbidity rates when performed by experienced hepatobiliary surgeons, and its role in the management of severe hepatic trauma should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We compared the effects of aerobic exercise training on lipid and lipoprotein levels in 18 postmenopausal women who were (N = 8) or were not (N = 10) receiving estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). METHODS: Each group was tested for lipids, diet recall and VO2max before and after a 12 wk exercise program, consisting of 30-50 min of an aerobic activity at 75-85% of VO2max, 3-4 sessions per week. RESULTS: Both groups increased VO2max by 8% and neither group changed their diet. The ERT group had higher levels of triglycerides and lower levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL-C) (P < 0.01) before training. There were no mean group changes in any of the lipid variables with training. However, individual changes in LDL-C and Total Cholesterol (TC) were strongly related to baseline weight in the nonestrogen group (r = 109.91, r = -0.82) but not in ERT (r = -0.30, r = -0.51). Subsequently, all subjects were redivided into two groups based on BMI (< or = 27 or > or = 27) regardless of ERT status. TC decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in the < or = 27 BMI group. CONCLUSIONS: Exercise training had little effect on the lipid profiles of the ERT and the nonestrogen groups, but body weight seems to be a modulating factor. Heavier subjects did not respond as favorably to 12 wk of exercise training as postmenopausal women with less body mass, regardless of the presence of exogenous estrogen.  相似文献   

Deltamethrin (CAS registry No. 52918-63-5), a synthetic dibromo-pyrethroid insecticide is highly effective against a broad spectrum of insects, and is widely used on crops and in public health programs. Data on the genotoxicity and carcinogenicity of deltamethrin are rather controversial, depending on the genetic system or the assay used. The aim of the present study was to analyze previously demonstrated metabolic changes using aspecific noninvasive methods in rats which are potentially applicable for monitoring occupational exposure. Since human exposure to pesticides occurs not only to active principles but to all chemicals present in a commercial formulation, we tested both the pure compound and a deltamethrin-based commercial formulation. Groups of rats were treated, i.p., consecutively for 7 days. The daily doses tested were 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight for pure deltamethrin, corresponding to volumes of 178.57 and 377.14 microliter/kg body weight for the commercial formulation (containing 2.8% deltamethrin). Urine was analyzed for mutagenic metabolites, thioethers, and D-glucaric acid content. Faeces extracts were tested for mutagenicity. Results show that DGA urinary excretion values did not mirror the phase I enzyme induction capability of the insecticide. Results obtained for urinary thioethers do not agree completely with those obtained on the influence of deltamethrin on glutathione S-transferase activity in rat liver. In fact, after administration of the deltamethrin commercial formulation, highest thioether excretion values were obtained during the treatment time for treated animals, as compared to controls. The mean values (+/-SEM) of thioether excretion were 0. 033 +/- 0.002 micromole -SH/24 h for control animals, 0.122 +/- 0. 004 and 0.185 +/- 0.025 for the two treatment groups. Thence, thioether determination in urine samples seems to be a suitable aspecific noninvasive method for assessing exposure to deltamethrin-based formulations, particularly those containing xylene and mesitylene as solvents, as in the tested formulation. Negative or toxic results obtained in the urinary and faecal mutagenicity test seem to exclude the formation and excretion of mutagenic metabolites following treatment with deltamethrin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and compare the lipid-altering effects of conjugated estrogens and pravastatin, alone and in combination, in postmenopausal women with hypercholesterolemia. METHODS: This was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 4 parallel groups. Participants (N = 76) were randomly assigned to receive conjugated estrogens, 0.625 mg/d; pravastatin sodium, 20 mg/d; conjugated estrogens plus pravastatin; or a placebo for 16 weeks. RESULTS: Primary end points were changes in serum lipid parameters. Among participants treated with conjugated estrogens, levels of non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) (13.0%) and calculated low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (13.5%) decreased, while levels of HDL-C (22.5%) and triglycerides (4.2%) increased. Participants in the pravastatin group achieved reductions of 23.7% and 25.4% in non-HDL-C and calculated LDL-C levels, respectively. Levels of HDL-C increased slightly (3.7%) and triglycerides decreased by 12.1%. Among participants treated with a combination of conjugated estrogens plus pravastatin, the non-HDL-C (-25.2%) and calculated LDL-C (-28.7%) responses were similar to those of the pravastatin group, and the HDL-C response (21.2%) was similar to that observed in the conjugated estrogens group. Triglyceride levels remained similar to baseline (-0.9%) in the combined treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: Administration of conjugated estrogens resulted in potentially antiatherogenic changes in levels of non-HDL-C, HDL-C, and calculated LDL-C. The HDL-C response to combined treatment was similar to that observed in women taking conjugated estrogens alone, while the non-HDL-C and LDL-C responses to combined treatment were similar to those produced by pravastatin therapy alone. These findings support the position of the National Cholesterol Education Program that estrogen replacement, with a progestin where indicated, should be given consideration as a therapeutic option for the management of hypercholesterolemia in postmenopausal women.  相似文献   

Based on the Profiles Reading Test, 32 2nd graders were identified as poor and 32 as good readers. Ss were then tested individually for sentence memory. Results indicate that (a) the highest percentage of recognition errors occurred for true inference sentences, (b) good readers showed superior performance on false inference and false premise sentences, and (c) silent readers made more errors than oral readers. (French summary) (4 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) is known to prevent bone loss following the menopause, but the mechanism for this is unclear. Estrogen may suppress the secretion of certain bone-resorbing cytokines. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of ERT on the levels of cytokines measured in peripheral blood. We measured cytokines in 10 postmenopausal women (ages 56-59, 3-9 years since menopause) treated with ERT and 10 age-matched (54-59 years, 4-10 years since menopause) untreated women as controls. Samples of blood were taken and used for mononuclear cell cultures, whole blood (WB) cultures, and the separation of serum. The cultures were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 500 ng/ml) and hydrocortisone (10(-6) M). The conditioned medium from cultures and the serum were then assayed for interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-1alpha IL-1beta, IL-1 IL-1ra, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. M-CSF and the soluble cytokine receptors soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6r) and soluble TNF receptor type 1 (sTNFr1) were also measured in serum and M-CSF in stimulated WB cultures. Measurements were corrected for mononuclear cell count. We also measured serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (ibAP) in all subjects. We found that LPS stimulated secretion of all cytokines both in WB and isolated cell cultures, and that this was attenuated by hydrocortisone. A significantly higher ratio of IL-1beta/IL-1ra (p = 0.02) in LPS stimulated WB cultures was seen in the untreated women. Levels of IL-1beta and IL-1alpha measured in WB cultures were lower and IL-1ra was higher in the ERT-treated group but these results were not significant. BAP was higher in the untreated group (p = 0.005) and correlated with IL-alpha/IL-1ra in the whole group (r = 0.49, p = 0.03). Results of other measurements showed no significant differences between groups. We conclude that estrogen may prevent bone loss following the menopause by altering the balance between IL-1beta and IL-1ra.  相似文献   

Seed storage globulins of the 7S and 11S type are synthesized in the seeds of angiosperms and gymnosperms. We have isolated and characterized a vicilin-like gene expressed in the cycad Zamia furfuraceae. Sequence comparisons reveal clear similarities to a sucrose-binding protein isolated from soybean. We suggest the existence of a superfamily of related genes including both vicilin-like and legumin-like seed globulin genes as well as genes coding for spherulins, germins and sucrose-binding-proteins.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with ESRD have excessive cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In postmenopausal women with normal renal function, estrogen replacement therapy decreases cardiovascular mortality by 50%, in part because of their beneficial effects on the lipoprotein profile. Because of similarities in the lipoprotein profile between healthy, postmenopausal women, and women with ESRD, we examined the effects of estrogen replacement on lipoproteins in 11 postmenopausal women with ESRD. METHODS: In a randomized, placebo-controlled crossover study (8 week treatment arms) using 2 mg daily of oral, micronized estradiol, 11 postmenopausal women with ESRD were treated. Neither baseline lipid nor lipoprotein abnormalities were used as entry criteria for study participation. RESULTS: Blood estradiol levels were 19 +/- 4 with placebo and 194 +/- 67 pg/ml (P = 0.024) with estradiol treatment. Total HDL cholesterol concentrations increased from 52 +/- 19 mg/dl to 61 +/- 20 mg/dl (16%), with placebo and estradiol treatments, respectively (P = 0.002). Apolipoprotein A1 increased by 24.6% (P = 0.0002) with estradiol intervention. HDL2 concentrations were 19 +/- 13 with placebo and 24 +/- 16 with estradiol treatment (P = 0.046). There were no differences in total or LDL cholesterol, other lipoprotein fractions including Lp(a), and triglycerides with 2 mg daily estradiol treatment. No significant side effects were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Therefore, using standard dosage regimens for estrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women with ESRD, HDL cholesterol is increased to an extent that would be expected to improve their cardiovascular risk profile. Further studies are needed to assess whether estrogen replacement therapy decreases the incidence or severity of cardiovascular disease in ESRD patients to a similar degree compared with other women.  相似文献   

Os acromiale, failure of fusion of the secondary centers of ossification of the acromion process, has been noted as a contributing factor in shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff tears. Treatments for symptomatic os acromiale with or without rotator cuff tears have been reported in the literature and range from excision of small fragments to fusion of larger, fragments with internal fixation and bone grafting. Generally, rotator cuff repairs have been performed when possible. We report an acromion splitting approach through an existing os acromiale to gain exposure for the repair of a massive rotator cuff tear. Subsequent to this repair, the acromion was repaired with internal fixation. Good functional use of the patient's upper extremity was obtained and the patient expressed satisfaction with the surgical outcome. The acromion splitting approach is a viable approach in patients with an os acromiale and a coexistent rotator cuff tear.  相似文献   

Examined women's occupancy of the social roles of paid worker, wife, and mother, and the quality of their experience in these 3 roles in relation to psychological well-being. Data were from a disproportionate (i.e., women from high-prestige occupations) random sample of 23 White women (aged 35–55 yrs). Well-being was measured by indices of self-esteem, depression, and pleasure; pleasure was assessed by a scale consisting of single-item measures of happiness, satisfaction, and optimism. Role quality was measured by scales developed for this study that assessed the balance between the positive and negative attributes women perceived in their roles. Hierarchical regression analyses controlling for age, education, and income indicated that role occupancy was unrelated to well-being with one exception: Occupying the role of paid worker significantly predicted self-esteem. In contrast, the 3 role-quality variables were significant predictors of the well-being indices, except that quality of experience in the role of mother did not predict pleasure. Findings suggest the importance of qualitative rather than quantitative aspects of role involvement and the need to examine different dimensions of well-being in relation to social roles. (45 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Women (N = 83) in their early 50s indicated whether they were increasing, maintaining, or decreasing momentum in their career. On the basis of their career momentum, women were classified into 3 groups and compared on work and family patterns, the importance of work to their identity, personality characteristics, and psychological well-being. Women with high career momentum were in higher status jobs and viewed their work as more central to their identity than women who were maintaining or decreasing their career momentum. Also, women with high career momentum scored higher on measures of self-acceptance, independence, and effective functioning in their early 50s and also rated their physical health higher than the other groups. Prospective longitudinal analyses showed that personality and life context patterns differentiated among the career momentum groups as far back as 30 years before the assessment of career momentum. The significance of the results for women's career development in midlife and coping with retirement is discussed.  相似文献   

Exemestane is an irreversible, steroidal, oral aromatase inhibitor under evaluation in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. A phase I study was conducted in 27 postmenopausal patients who were candidates for hormone therapy because they had advanced breast cancer and estrogen receptor-positive or unknown status. Most patients were moderately or heavily pretreated. Cohorts of at least three patients received sequentially escalating daily oral doses of 5-600 mg. The median duration of exemestane treatment was 13 weeks (range: 3-166 weeks). The maximal tolerated dose was not reached because of lack of treatment-related grade 3 or 4 toxicity. The most common adverse events, including those not related to treatment, were mild to moderate headache (44% of patients), dizziness (33%), nausea (33%), hot flushes (30%) and tumor-related pain (30%). There were three complete and four partial responses for an objective response rate of 26% (95% CI: 11.1-46.3%) in the intent-to-treat population; the median duration of response was 74 weeks (95% CI: 48-99 weeks). Exemestane, at the dose of 25 mg, maximally suppressed estradiol, estrone and estrone sulfate serum levels to 13, 5 and 10% of baseline, respectively. Exemestane appears to suppress estrogen, be well tolerated and have antitumor activity in postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer. A large, safe therapeutic window of up to 600 mg was defined. In view of its safety and estrogen-suppression profiles, the most favorable effects were observed at the 25 mg daily dose.  相似文献   

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