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The three access modifiers—public, protected, and private—control the accessibility of the members of a type in the Java programming language. Furthermore, the accessibility may be transmitted along the two structures—package structure and inheritance structure. It is difficult to identify the weaknesses of the access modifiers from the informal semantics stated in the language manual. We develop a formal framework for specifying the accessibility in Java programs based on attribute grammars. With the help of this framework, we found several situations in the language specification that are irregular or counter-intuitive or ambiguous. These situations may confuse the programmers and hence may create weaknesses in Java programs.  相似文献   

When a mobile application is supported on multiple major platforms, its market penetration is maximized. Such cross-platform native applications essentially deliver the same core functionality, albeit within the conventions of each supported platform. Maintaining and evolving a cross-platform native application is tedious and error-prone, as each modification requires replicating the changes for each of the application׳s platform-specific variants. Syntax-directed source-to-source translation proves inadequate to alleviate the problem, as native API access is always domain-specific.In this paper, we present a novel approach—Native-2-Native—that uses program transformations performed on one platform to automatically synthesize equivalent code blocks to be used on another platform. When a programmer modifies the source version of an application, the changes are captured. Based on the changes, Native-2-Native identifies the semantic content of the source code block and formulates an appropriate query to search for the equivalent target code block using popular web-based programming resources. The discovered target code block is then presented to the programmer as an automatically synthesized target language source file for further fine-tuning and subsequent integration into the mobile application׳s target version. We evaluate the proposed method using common native resources, such as sensors, network access, and canonical data structures. We show that our approach can correctly synthesize more than 74% of iOS code from the provided Android source code and 91% of Android code from the provided iOS source code. The presented approach effectively automates the process of extracting the source code block׳s semantics and discovering existing target examples with the equivalent functionality, thus alleviating some of the most laborious and intellectually tiresome programming tasks in modern mobile development.  相似文献   

Java code is organised around objects and classes rather than just functions, which enables the reuse of code in a very structured manner. Although Java syntax is similar to C++, it has not suffered from feature overload and is much less complex. In addition, some Java features, like garbage collection, are not entirely new but were pioneered by languages such as Lisp and Smalltalk. The paper discusses Java language features such as: inheritance, robustness, type safety, access modifiers, null pointer checking, array bounds checking, memory management, multithreading, garbage collection and security  相似文献   

Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) has been successfully applied to application code thanks to techniques such as Java bytecode instrumentation. Unfortunately, with existing AOP frameworks for Java such as AspectJ, aspects cannot be woven into the standard Java class library. This restriction is particularly unfortunate for aspects that would benefit from comprehensive aspect weaving with complete method coverage, such as profiling or debugging aspects. In this article we present MAJOR, a new tool for comprehensive aspect weaving, which ensures that aspects are woven into all classes loaded in a Java Virtual Machine, including those in the standard Java class library. MAJOR includes the pluggable module CARAJillo, which supports efficient access to a complete and customizable calling context representation. We validate our approach with three case studies. Firstly, we weave existing profiling aspects with MAJOR which otherwise would generate incomplete profiles. Secondly, we introduce an aspect for memory leak detection that also benefits from comprehensive weaving. Thirdly, we present an aspect subsuming the functionality of ReCrash, an existing tool based on low-level bytecode instrumentation techniques that generates unit tests to reproduce program failures. Our aspect-based tools are concisely implemented in a few lines of code, and leverage MAJOR and CARAJillo for comprehensive aspect weaving and for efficient access to calling context information.  相似文献   

Lai  C. 《Software, IEEE》2008,25(1):13-19
Conscientious Java developers are typically aware of the numerous coding guidelines that they should follow when writing code, such as validating inputs, minimizing accessibility to classes and members, and avoiding public static nonfinal fields. Java developers follow such guidelines to avoid common programming pitfalls (often called antipatterns), thereby reducing the likelihood of bugs or security vulnerabilities in their programs.  相似文献   

In feature-oriented programming (FOP) a programmer decomposes a program in terms of features. Ideally, features are implemented modularly so that they can be developed in isolation. Access control mechanisms in the form of access or visibility modifiers are an important ingredient to attain feature modularity as they allow programmers to hide and expose internal details of a module’s implementation. But developers of contemporary feature-oriented languages have not considered access control mechanisms so far. The absence of a well-defined access control model for FOP breaks encapsulation of feature code and leads to unexpected program behaviors and inadvertent type errors. We raise awareness of this problem, propose three feature-oriented access modifiers, and present a corresponding access modifier model. We offer an implementation of the model on the basis of a fully-fledged feature-oriented compiler. Finally, by analyzing ten feature-oriented programs, we explore the potential of feature-oriented modifiers in FOP.  相似文献   

The transition from Java 1.4 to Java 1.5 has provided the programmer with more flexibility due to the inclusion of several new language constructs, such as parameterized types. This transition is expected to increase the number of class clusters exhibiting different combinations of class characteristics. In this paper we investigate how the number and distribution of clusters are expected to change during this transition. We present the results of an empirical study were we analyzed applications written in both Java 1.4 and 1.5. In addition, we show how the variability of the combinations of class characteristics may affect the testing of class members.  相似文献   

Modern programs make extensive use of reusable software libraries. For example, we found that 17 percent to 30 percent of the classes in a number of large Java applications use the container classes from the java.util package. Given this extensive code reuse in Java programs, it is important for the reusable interfaces to have clear and unambiguous documentation. Unfortunately, most documentation is expressed in English and, therefore, does not always satisfy these requirements. Worse yet, there is no way of checking that the documentation is consistent with the associated code. Formal specifications present an alternative that does not suffer from these problems; however, formal specifications are notoriously hard to write. To alleviate this difficulty, we have implemented a tool that automatically derives documentation in the form of formal specifications. Our tool probes Java classes by invoking them on dynamically generated tests and captures the information observed during their execution as algebraic axioms. Although the tool is not complete or correct from a formal perspective, we demonstrate that it discovers many useful axioms when applied to container classes. These axioms then form an initial formal documentation of the class they describe.  相似文献   

Various attacks are designed to gain access to the assets of Java Card Platforms. These attacks use software, hardware or a combination of both. Manufacturers have improved their countermeasures to protect card assets from these attacks. In this paper, we attempt to gain access to assets of a recent Java Card Platform by combining various logical attacks. As we did not have any information about the internal structure of the targeted platform, we had to execute various attacks and analyze the results. Our investigation on the targeted Java Card Platform lead us to introduce two generic methods to gain access to the assets of Java Card Platforms. One of the new methods we present in this paper is based on the misuse of the Java Card API to build a type confusion and get access to the objects (including cryptographic keys) of a Java Card applet. The other method is a new approach to get access to the return address of the methods in Java Cards with Separate Stack countermeasure. We also propose a pattern that the targeted platform uses to store data and code of applets on the card plus the ability to read and write in the data and code area of the applets in different security contexts. These new attacks occur even in the presence of countermeasures such as Separate Stack for kernel and user data, indirect mapping for objects addressing and firewall mechanisms.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Phipps 《Software》1999,29(4):345-358
An experiment was conducted to compare programmer productivity and defect rates for Java and C++. A modified version of the Personal Software Process (PSP) was used to gather defect rate, bug rate, and productivity data on C++ and Java during two real world development projects. A bug is defined to be a problem detected during testing or deployment. A defect is either a bug, or an error detected during compile time. A typical C++ program had two to three times as many bugs per line of code as a typical Java program. C++ also generated between 15 per cent and 50 per cent more defects per line, and perhaps took six times as long to debug. Java was between 30 per cent and 200 per cent more productive, in terms of lines of code per minute. When defects were measured against development time, Java and C++ showed no difference, but C++ had two to three times as many bugs per hour. Statistics were generated using Student's t‐test at a 95 per cent confidence level. Some discussion of why the differences occurred is included, but the reasons offered have not been tested experimentally. The study is limited to one programmer over two projects, so it is not a definitive experimental result. The programmer was experienced in C++, but only learning Java, so the results would probably favour Java more strongly for equally‐experienced programmers. The experiment shows that it is possible to experimentally measure the fitness of a programming language. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of today's challenges is producing reliable software in the face of an increasing number of interacting components. Our system CHET lets developers define specifications describing how a component should be used and checks these specifications in real Java systems. CHET is able to check a wide range of complex conditions in large software systems without programmer intervention. It does this by doing a complete and detailed flow analysis of the software and using this analysis to build a simpler, model program. This paper explores the motivations for CHET, the specification techniques that are used, and the methodology used in statically checking that the specifications are obeyed in a system.  相似文献   

Dynamic coupling measurement for object-oriented software   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between coupling and external quality factors of object-oriented software have been studied extensively for the past few years. For example, several studies have identified clear empirical relationships between class-level coupling and class fault-proneness. A common way to define and measure coupling is through structural properties and static code analysis. However, because of polymorphism, dynamic binding, and the common presence of unused ("dead") code in commercial software, the resulting coupling measures are imprecise as they do not perfectly reflect the actual coupling taking place among classes at runtime. For example, when using static analysis to measure coupling, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to determine what actual methods can be invoked from a client class if those methods are overridden in the subclasses of the server classes. Coupling measurement has traditionally been performed using static code analysis, because most of the existing work was done on nonobject oriented code and because dynamic code analysis is more expensive and complex to perform. For modern software systems, however, this focus on static analysis can be problematic because although dynamic binding existed before the advent of object-orientation, its usage has increased significantly in the last decade. We describe how coupling can be defined and precisely measured based on dynamic analysis of systems. We refer to this type of coupling as dynamic coupling. An empirical evaluation of the proposed dynamic coupling measures is reported in which we study the relationship of these measures with the change proneness of classes. Data from maintenance releases of a large Java system are used for this purpose. Preliminary results suggest that some dynamic coupling measures are significant indicators of change proneness and that they complement existing coupling measures based on static analysis.  相似文献   

The flexibility offered by dynamically typed programming languages has been appropriately used to develop specific scenarios where dynamic adaptability is an important issue. This has made some existing statically typed languages gradually incorporate more dynamic features to their implementations. As a result, there are some programming languages considered hybrid dynamically and statically typed. However, these languages do not perform static type inference on a dynamically typed code, lacking those common features provided when a statically typed code is used. This lack is also present in the corresponding IDEs that, when a dynamically typed code is used, do not provide the services offered for static typing. We have customized an IDE for a hybrid language that statically infers type information of dynamically typed code. By using this type information, we show how the IDE can provide a set of appealing services that the existing approaches do not support, such as compile-time type error detection, code completion, transition from dynamically to statically typed code (and vice versa), and significant runtime performance optimizations. We have evaluated the programmer׳s performance improvement obtained with our IDE, and compared it with similar approaches.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(2):480-495
One of the most difficult tasks in software development is that the programmer must implement a feature going through a laborious and error prone process of modifying the programs of other features. The programs of the different features entangle in the same reusable program units of the programming language, making them also difficult to be verified, maintained and reused. We show that if (C1) the features interact, (C2) they are executed by the same process and (C3) they are implemented in a programming language that requires the programmer to specify execution flows, program entanglement is inevitable and the problem cannot be solved by software design alone. Applications with interacting features are common including those that require exception handling.The feature language extensions (FLX) is a set of programming language constructs designed to enable the programmer to develop interacting features as separate and reusable program modules even though the features interact. The programmer uses FLX to specify non-procedural program units, organize the program units into reusable features and integrate features into executable feature packages. He develops a feature based on a model instead of the code of other features. FLX supports an automatic procedure to detect the interaction condition among features; the programmer then resolve the interaction in a feature package without changing feature code. FLX features and feature packages are reusable; the programmer may package different combinations of them and resolve their interactions differently to meet different user needs. An FLX to Java compiler has been implemented; our experience of using it has been very positive.  相似文献   

Many Object-Oriented Databases (OODBs) use programming languages that predate Java, such as C++, CLOS and Smalltalk. Thus, there is a growing need for interoperating these OODBs with new applications that require Java. Unfortunately, there are few mechanisms that allow software developers to easily integrate Java applications with non-Java OODBs. Although various interoperability mechanisms have been developed over the years, these approaches have some significant drawbacks in practice. They are often difficult to use, provide little, if any, automated support, and produce software that is difficult to engineer and maintain. In this paper, we describe an interoperability approach that allows application developers to seamlessly and transparently access non-Java OODBs from Java applications. We first present JOQL, a Java-based object query language that we are developing. JOQL queries are embedded in Java applications and are used to perform queries over C++-based OODBs. We also describe an accompanying toolset that processes Java programs containing JOQL queries. The toolset produces all the necessary code allowing Java applications to access and manipulate a C++-based OODB. As a result, application developers are free to work in Java without having to concern themselves with the details of interoperating with C++. Finally, we provide some preliminary experimental data that demonstrates our approach incurs a reasonable performance overhead.  相似文献   

One purpose of software metrics is to measure the quality of programs. The results can be for example used to predict maintenance costs or improve code quality. An emerging view is that if software metrics are going to be used to improve quality, they must help in finding code that should be refactored. Often refactoring or applying a design pattern is related to the role of the class to be refactored. In client-based metrics, a project gives the class a context. These metrics measure how a class is used by other classes in the context. We present a new client-based metric LCIC (Lack of Coherence in Clients), which analyses if the class being measured has a coherent set of roles in the program. Interfaces represent the roles of classes. If a class does not have a coherent set of roles, it should be refactored, or a new interface should be defined for the class.We have implemented a tool for measuring the metric LCIC for Java projects in the Eclipse environment. We calculated LCIC values for classes of several open source projects. We compare these results with results of other related metrics, and inspect the measured classes to find out what kind of refactorings are needed. We also analyse the relation of different design patterns and refactorings to our metric. Our experiments reveal the usefulness of client-based metrics to improve the quality of code.  相似文献   

Java动态类加载分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动态类加载是Java的一个重要功能,它支持Java在运行时安装程序组件。Java的动态加载具有惰性加载、用户自定义加载策略以及动态名字空间等新特征。本文详细讨论了Java的动态加载机制,研究了动态加载与Java平台安全性之间的关系,分析了针对类加载的典型攻击,讨论了形式化验证的方法和存在的相应问题,最后总结全文并指出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Using cloud-based services can improve the performance, reliability, and scalability of a software application. However, transitioning an application to use cloud-based services is difficult, costly, and error-prone. The required re-engineering effort includes migrating to the cloud the functionality to be accessed as remote cloud-based services and re-targeting the client code accordingly. In addition, the client must be able to detect and handle the faults raised in the process of invoking the services. As a means of streamlining this transitioning, we developed a set of refactoring techniques—automated, IDE-assisted program transformations that eliminate the need to change programs by hand. In particular, we show how a programmer can extract services, add fault tolerance functionality, and adapt client code to invoke cloud services via refactorings integrated with a modern IDE. As a validation, we have applied our approach to automatically transform two third-party Java applications to use cloud-based services. We have also applied our approach to re-engineer a suite of services operated by General Electric to use cloud-based resources to better satisfy the GE business requirements.  相似文献   

According to modern relaxed memory models, programs that contain data races need not be sequentially consistent. Executions that are not sequentially consistent may exhibit surprising behavior such as operations on a thread occurring in a different order than indicated by the source code, or different threads having inconsistent views of updates of shared variables. Java Racefinder (JRF) is an extension of Java Pathfinder (JPF), a model checker for Java bytecode. JRF precisely detects data races as defined by the Java memory model and can thus be used to verify sequential consistency. We describe an extension to JRF, JRF-Eliminator (JRF-E), that analyzes information collected during model checking, specifically counterexample traces and acquiring histories, and provides advice to the programmer on how to eliminate detected data races from a program. Once data races have been eliminated, standard model checking and other verification techniques that implicitly assume sequential consistency can be soundly employed to verify additional properties.  相似文献   

Dynamic software updating is critical for many systems that must provide continuous service. In addition, the Java language is gaining increasing popularity in developing distributed systems. Most previous works on updating are concerned with safely updating one class every time. It has many limitations on updating classes, such as not allowing deleting methods invoked in other classes. In this paper, the update transaction is purposed to dynamically update the class set, and some of its properties are discussed, such as atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID). Then the property of type-safety is proven formally. In order to update without changing the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java programming language, this paper proposes a new implementation method. The method makes use of the Java class loading mechanism and reflection mechanism. We also present how to design an updatable Java program and a Java updating program. At the end of the paper, an experiment is made for analysis.  相似文献   

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