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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Advancing age is associated with declines in motor function; understanding age-related changes in the basal ganglia, therefore, is imperative for comprehension of such functional changes. The purpose of this study was to examine the age, sex, and hemispheric differences in volume of the caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the globus pallidus. METHODS: In a sample of 148 healthy right-handed adults (18-77 years old) with no evidence of age-related motor disorders, we estimated the volume of the head of the caudate nucleus, the putamen, and the globus pallidus from MR images. RESULTS: The analyses revealed bilateral age-related shrinkage of the head of the caudate nucleus and the putamen in both sexes. In men, the age-related shrinkage of the caudate was stronger on the left, whereas, in women, the opposite trend was evident. In both sexes, age-related shrinkage of the right putamen was greater than of its left counterpart. The mild bilateral age-related shrinkage of the globus pallidus was observed only in men. In both sexes, we observed significant rightward asymmetry in the putamen, significant leftward asymmetry in the caudate, and no asymmetry in the globus pallidus. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral age-related shrinkage of the neostriatum is found in healthy adults. The shrinkage of the globus pallidus is less pronounced and may be restricted to men only.  相似文献   

The production of female germline chimeras is invaluable for analyzing the tissue specificity of recessive female sterile mutations as well as detecting the maternal effect of recessive zygotic lethal mutations. Previously, we developed the "FLP-DFS" technique to efficiently generate germline clones. This technique uses the X-linked germline-dependent dominant female sterile mutation ovoD1 as a selection for the detection of germline recombination events, and the FLP-FRT recombination system to promote site-specific chromosomal exchange. This method allows the efficient production of germline mosaics only on the X chromosome. In this paper we have built chromosomes that allow the use of this technique to the autosomes. We describe the various steps involved in the development of this technique as well as the properties of the chromosomes utilized.  相似文献   

E. coli homologs of the signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor are essential for viability, but their role in protein export is unclear. To elucidate their function, we devised a genome-wide screen to identify genes that encode SRP substrates. Inhibition of the SRP pathway sharply blocked the membrane insertion of several polytopic inner membrane proteins (IMPs) that were predicted to be SRP substrates, but had a smaller effect on the insertion of other IMPs and no significant effect on preprotein translocation. Our results suggest that whereas most E. coli preproteins and some IMPs can utilize SRP-independent targeting pathways effectively, the structural features of a subset of IMPs have required the conservation of an SRP-based targeting machinery.  相似文献   

Maternal Nanos (Nos) protein is required for germline development in Drosophila embryos. Here we show that Nos regulates zygotic gene expression in the germline progenitors, or pole cells. In order to probe the gene expression in pole cells, we screened ten enhancer-trap lines which showed beta-gal expression in pole cells. All of these enhancer-trap markers were fully activated in pole cells after their migration to the embryonic gonads. In the pole cells lacking Nos, the expression of nine out of ten enhancer-trap markers was affected. Among nine markers, five (Type-A) were prematurely expressed in the pole cells during the course of their migration. The expression of other four markers (Type-B) initiated correctly after pole-cell migration, but their expression was significantly reduced. Thus, we conclude that the maternal Nos plays a dual role in zygotic gene regulation in pole cells: to define the stages of expression for Type-A markers, and to enhance expression for Type-B markers. Contrary to our results, "Heller and Steinmann-Zwicky (1998)" have recently reported that no premature expression of Type-A markers occurs in the pole cells of embryos derived from nos mutant females. This discrepancy is due to the difference in the nos mutant alleles used for these analyses. We used the much stronger allele, nosBN.  相似文献   

New genes for male accessory gland proteins in Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The accessory gland of male insects produces components of the seminal fluid that alter the behavior, physiology and life span of the mated female, and contribute to her efficient storage and utilization of sperm. As a step towards understanding how this occurs, we have isolated genes encoding 12 previously unreported accessory gland-specific mRNAs from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We report here the restriction maps of the new genes, the chromosome positions--which are all autosomal--of the 11 non-repetitive genes, their expression patterns, and the sequences of the accessory gland proteins (Acps) encoded by nine of the genes. Eight of the proteins predicted from these sequences begin with putative secretion signals. Following their signal sequences, three of the predicted molecules are peptides and the other five are larger polypeptides with characteristics of cleavable prohormones. The ninth molecule, which has an N-terminal hydrophobic region but no consensus signal peptide cleavage site, is predicted to be a 716 amino acid glycoprotein. Of the nine proteins, two have intriguing similarities to sequences in protein databases. Acp76A is a 388 amino acid pro-protein which contains a signature sequence for the serpin class of protease inhibitors. The 115 amino acid Acp62F has a 28 amino acid region of high sequence similarity to a neurotoxin of the Brazilian armed spider Phoneutria nigriventer. Models are discussed in which Acp76A plays a role in the observed regulation of Acp proteolysis and/or in the coagulation of seminal fluid to form a mating plug, and in which Acp62F contributes to the reported toxicity of Drosophila seminal fluid.  相似文献   

The alpha-mannosidases are implicated in both the catabolism of carbohydrates and the N-linked glycosylation pathway in insects, but little is known of the biochemistry of these glycosidases. In order to study the soluble alpha-mannosidases of Drosophila melanogaster we have used artificial fluorogenic substrates for detection of activity in situ following non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. This approach also permitted examination of the mannosidases present in different tissues and the sensitivity of the enzymes to known mannosidase inhibitors. Fluorogenic substrates were also used to determine the pH optima of partly purified mannosidases. We report that D. melanogaster contains several soluble alpha-mannosidase activities. Acidic mannosidases were detected in the gut, fat body and haemolymph of third-instar larvae. The major activity detected in larval guts was a neutral mannosidase presumed to be involved in digestion.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is implicated in neuronal apoptosis that occurs in physiological settings and in neurodegenerative disorders. Superoxide anion radical, produced during mitochondrial respiration, is involved in the generation of several potentially damaging reactive oxygen species including peroxynitrite. To examine directly the role of superoxide and peroxynitrite in neuronal apoptosis, we generated neural cell lines and transgenic mice that overexpress human mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD). In cultured pheochromocytoma PC6 cells, overexpression of mitochondria-localized MnSOD prevented apoptosis induced by Fe2+, amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta), and nitric oxide-generating agents. Accumulations of peroxynitrite, nitrated proteins, and the membrane lipid peroxidation product 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE) after exposure to the apoptotic insults were markedly attenuated in cells expressing MnSOD. Glutathione peroxidase activity levels were increased in cells overexpressing MnSOD, suggesting a compensatory response to increased H2O2 levels. The peroxynitrite scavenger uric acid and the antioxidants propyl gallate and glutathione prevented apoptosis induced by each apoptotic insult, suggesting central roles for peroxynitrite and membrane lipid peroxidation in oxidative stress-induced apoptosis. Apoptotic insults decreased mitochondrial transmembrane potential and energy charge in control cells but not in cells overexpressing MnSOD, and cyclosporin A and caspase inhibitors protected cells against apoptosis, demonstrating roles for mitochondrial alterations and caspase activation in the apoptotic process. Membrane lipid peroxidation, protein nitration, and neuronal death after focal cerebral ischemia were significantly reduced in transgenic mice overexpressing human MnSOD. The data suggest that mitochondrial superoxide accumulation and consequent peroxynitrite production and mitochondrial dysfunction play pivotal roles in neuronal apoptosis induced by diverse insults in cell culture and in vivo.  相似文献   

We investigated the fate of dicentric chromosomes in the mitotic divisions of Drosophila melanogaster. We constructed chromosomes that were not required for viability and that carried P elements with inverted repeats of the target sites (FRTs) for the FLP site-specific recombinase. FLP-mediated unequal sister-chromatid exchange between inverted FRTs produced dicentric chromosomes at a high rate. The fate of the dicentric chromosome was evaluated in the mitotic cells of the male germline. We found that dicentric chromosomes break in mitosis, and the broken fragments can be transmitted. Some of these chromosome fragments exhibit dominant semilethality. Nonlethal fragments were broken at many sites along the chromosome, but the semilethal fragments were all broken near the original site of sister-chromatid fusion, and retained P element sequences near their termini. We discuss the implications of the recovery and behavior of broken chromosomes for checkpoints that detect double-strand break damage and the functions of telomeres in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Three new unusual compound chromosomes have been synthesized in Drosophila melanogaster. They consist of two homologous autosomes joined together in the new order: right arm, left arm, centromere, left arm, right arm, for each of the two major autosomes, and one in which chromosomes 2 and 3 have been combined in the order: right arm of 2, left arm of 2, centromere, left arm of 3, right arm of 3. The attachments of the autosomal arms were accomplished by obtaining chromosome breaks at or very close to the ends of the left arms of the autosomes such that no essential chromosome material has been removed; the compounds derived from them are therefore referred to as entire compounds. These large chromosomes are recovered in progeny with frequencies lower than expectation partly because of zygote mortality associated with these chromosomes, and partly because of a failure of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   

A survey of 29 laboratory populations of Drosophila melanogaster for glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) variation revealed that the Got-1 locus was polymorphic in three stocks recently collected from nature. The Got-1 locus was fixed for the same allozyme in the remaining 26 laboratory populations. Testcross matings to multiply marked stocks established that Got-1 is located at 4.8 centimorgans on chromosome 2.  相似文献   

Characteristics are given of 57 Drosophila melanogaster mutants catched in the South and Soeth-West Iran.  相似文献   

The DNA base sequence changes induced by diethyl sulfate (DES) were analyzed in postmeiotic male germ cells of Drosophila melanogaster. 31 transmissible vermilion mutants were recovered in F1 and F2 generations, with a frequency of 2.6 x 10(-4) for the F1, and of 1.8-13 x 10(-4) for the F2. The results show that DES induces both base pair substitutions (93%) and deletions (7%). In accord with its relatively high ability to alkylate oxygens in DNA, the most frequent type of sequence alteration among the basepair changes are GC-AT transitions, accounting for 73% of mutations, followed by transversions AT-TA (10%). DES also induced AT-GC transitions and AT-CG transversions. Both induced deletions were intralocus deletions, not occurring between basepair repeats. No influence of neighboring bases on the mutation position was found.  相似文献   

We have examined expression of the neurogenic gene, Delta (Dl), and the regulatory relationships between the Delta-Notch signalling pathway and the proneural gene, achaete, during microchaeta development in Drosophila. Delta is expressed in all microchaeta proneural cells and microchaeta sensory organ precursors (SOPs) and is expressed dynamically in SOP progeny. We find that Delta expression in microchaeta proneural cells is detected prior to the onset of achaete expression and arises normally in the absence of achaete/scute function, indicating that initial Delta expression in the notum is not dependent on proneural gene function. Activation of the Delta-Notch pathway results in loss of Delta protein accumulation, suggesting that Delta expression is regulated, in part, by Delta-Notch signalling activity. We find that Delta signalling is required for correct delineation of early proneural gene expression in developing nota. Within microchaeta proneural stripes, we demonstrate that Delta-Notch signalling prohibits adoption of the SOP fate by repressing expression of proneural genes.  相似文献   

Lethal phases of the hybrids between Drosophila melanogaster and its sibling species, D. simulans are classified into three types: (1) embryonic lethality in hybrids carrying D. simulans cytoplasm and D. melanogaster X chromosome, (2) larval lethality in hybrids not carrying D. simulans X, and (3) temperature-sensitive pupal lethality in hybrids carrying D. simulans X. The same lethal phases are also observed when either of the two other sibling species, D. mauritiana or D. sechellia, is employed for hybridization with D. melanogaster. Here, we describe genetic analyses of each hybrid lethality, and demonstrate that these three types of lethality are independent phenomena. We then propose two models to interpret the mechanisms of each hybrid lethality. The first model is a modification of the conventional X/autosome imbalance hypothesis assuming a lethal gene and a suppressor gene are involved in the larval lethality, while the second model is for embryonic lethality assuming an interaction between a maternal-effect lethal gene and a suppressor gene.  相似文献   

A range of biogenic amines were measured in the heads from four strains of Drosophila melanogaster. Quantitation was carried out using gas chromatography-negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry (GC-NICIMS) with stable isotope dilution. The principal amines detected in the heads were dopamine, noradrenaline and 5 HT with small amounts of p- and m-tyramine; p-octopamine could not be detected in samples of 25 heads with a limit of detection of 10 pg per sample. In addition to conventional neurotransmitters or putative neurotransmitters the amines 5- and 6-hydroxydopamine were detected in the heads in substantial amounts.  相似文献   

Levels of nucleotide polymorphism in the Drosophila melanogaster genome are correlated with rates of recombination. This relationship may be due to hitchhiking of advantageous mutations (selective sweeps) or to continual removal of deleterious mutations from the genome (background selection). One test of the relative contributions of selective sweeps and background selection to the observed levels of variation in the genome of D. melanogaster is to compare levels of nucleotide variability (with a mutation rate on the order of 10(-9) per nucleotide per generation) with more rapidly evolving DNA loci such as microsatellites. This test depends critically on details of the mutational process of microsatellites. In this paper, we summarize our studies of microsatellite characteristics and mutation rates in D. melanogaster. We find that D. melanogaster microsatellites are short and have a mutation rate (6.5 x 10(-6) per locus per generation) several orders of magnitude lower than mammals studied to date. We further show that genetic variation at 18 dinucleotide repeat microsatellites in a population of D. melanogaster from Maryland is correlated with regional rates of recombination. These and other microsatellite data suggest that both background selection and selective sweeps may contribute to the correlation between DNA sequence variation and recombination in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Using Drosophila lines pre-selected for adaptive characters, studies have been made on the relationship between the intensity of lipid peroxidation and life span in flies of different genotype, age and physiological condition. It was shown that the intensity of lipid peroxidation depends mainly on different factors (sex, age, virginity) in different lines. No expected negative correlation was found between the level of lipid peroxidation and life span in hybrids between two inbred lines. The intensity of lipid peroxidation was inherited like a dominant character, the dynamics of aging--like a codominant one in females and superdominant in males. Both the level of lipid peroxidation and life span appeared to be sex-dependent characters.  相似文献   

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