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In the past 20 years, the study of dissociation has flourished partly because of the research on the links between traumatic events and dissociation. Epidemiological studies have shown that dissociative symptoms and disorders are not uncommon. The nonspecialist in this area needs a guide to the extensive literature on the evaluation of dissociation across the lifespan to choose the most appropriate form of evaluation. The authors provide summaries of various types of assessment for dissociation in infants, children, teens, and adults. The techniques they review include structured interviews, specialized questionnaires, and scales on more general instruments, along with their psychometric properties. A good evaluation of dissociation can guide diagnosis, help focus treatment, and provide a measure of treatment efficacy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Twenty smoking-deprived cigarette smokers participated in a study to test the ability of smoking cues within a virtual world to provoke self-reported craving to smoke. Participants were exposed to 2 virtual-reality simulations displayed on a computer monitor: a control environment not containing any intentional smoking stimuli and a cue-exposure environment containing smoking stimuli. At various points, participants rated their urge to smoke on a scale of 0-100. Results indicated that baseline urge ratings were equivalent in both conditions, but the maximum increase in urge ratings was significantly higher in the cue-exposure environment than in the control environment. This is comparable to what in vivo studies have reported, but with the advantage of simulating more naturalistic and complex settings in a controlled environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Haptic interfaces are becoming more commonplace in virtual environment and teleoperation systems. There is a growing need to not only continue to improve hardware platforms and rendering algorithms, but evaluate human performance with haptic interfaces. This review summarizes two recent studies inspired by perception problems in using haptic interfaces to interact with virtual environments. The first study evaluated perceived quality of virtual haptic textures and discovered several types of perceived instability and their sources. We found that the buzzing type of perceived instability was most likely due to the mechanical resonance of the haptic interface hardware, and the aliveness type of perceived instability due to our inability to sense the slight movements of our hands in free space. The second study focused on the motor strategy employed during interaction with a virtual surface via a force-feedback haptic interface. We found that users tended to maintain a constant penetration force into a virtual surface when interacting with the surface. This can result in a reversal in perceived relative surface heights if the taller surface is rendered with a lower stiffness, thereby resulting in an erroneous perception of the virtual environment being rendered. For both studies, possible solutions to improving human perception of virtual and remote objects via hardware and/or software are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The contemporary psychoanalytic concept of dissociation leads paradoxically to the conclusion that the self is both a unity and a multiplicity. Against the normative interpretations of Stern, Bromberg, and Davies, the present study conceptualizes dissociation categorically in terms of two subtypes with two distinct levels. The proposed classification scheme is consistent with the growing body of research on the subject. However, a categorical view of dissociation vitiates the soundness of the argument for normative multiplicity. In the absence of an intrinsic link to pathological dissociation, multiplicity is more parsimoniously understood without reification in terms of conflicting aims, beliefs, and feelings within an integrated self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Internet use has increased dramatically in the past two decades, including the use of three-dimensional virtual environments in which individuals represent themselves via avatars and can develop and share creative content within those worlds. The authors examine the content of virtual worlds with particular attention to tools that allow expressing individuality, objects that appear to imitate real world content, as well as those that break from real world constraints. The authors also introduce the construct of individualized collaboration. Unlike face-to-face group activities in real world settings, in which the ambient conditions are largely the same for all participants, virtual worlds have properties that make it possible, in principle, for individuals to personalize their experience even while interacting with others in collaborative groups. Virtual worlds provide an opportunity to ask traditional questions about creativity in a new context, but also introduce a range of new questions that can lead to new insights and understandings about creativity in general. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Making up the mind: How the brain creates our mental world by Chris Frith (see record 2007-00531-000). This book directly addresses the fundamental question as to how the brain creates the inner world of humans from an empirical perspective. It provides an excellent introduction to some of the most exciting recent cognitive-neuroscience research along the way. To find an answer to his question, the author takes a broad stance and draws on advances in areas as diverse as action control, visual perception, language, emotion, social cognition, and schizophrenia. From this research, he derives several general principles that aim to capture the relationship between mind and brain in more abstract terms. These principles provide the thread that makes not only for a thought-provoking, unifying theoretical account, but also for an impressively cohesive narrative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article surveys contemporary trends in leadership theory as well as its current status and the social context that has shaped the contours of leadership studies. Emphasis is placed on the urgent need for collaboration among social-neuro-cognitive scientists in order to achieve an integrated theory, and the author points to promising leads for accomplishing this. He also asserts that the 4 major threats to world stability are a nuclear/biological catastrophe, a world-wide pandemic, tribalism, and the leadership of human institutions. Without exemplary leadership, solving the problems stemming from the first 3 threats will be impossible. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Taking charge: How families can climb out of the chaos of addiction by Stephen E. Schlesinger and Lawrence K. Hornberg (1998). In this guidebook the authors present their multimodel approach, which is designed especially for family members of an addict. The authors encourage the reader throughout the book not to feel ashamed to look for professional help. The reviewer can recommend this book as an excellent resource for professional work, either for individual therapy or as an introductory reading for groups. The reviewer appreciates very much the themes of this book--to help family members become more aware of their own needs, to repair the damage caused by addiction, and to reunite them for a more satisfying and happier life. This change in the family interaction holds great promise for the addict who wants to recover. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology with a variety of potential benefits for many aspects of rehabilitation assessment, treatment, and research. Through its capacity to allow the creation and control of dynamic 3-dimensional, ecologically valid stimulus environments within which behavioral responding can be recorded and measured, VR offers clinical assessment and rehabilitation options that are not available with traditional methods. Initial applications of VR in other aspects of medicine and psychology have yielded encouraging results, but continued research and understanding of this evolving technology will be crucial for its effective integration into rehabilitation. This article provides a brief introduction to VR technology, examines the specific benefits VR offers consumers and providers of rehabilitation services and discusses potential areas of application and important considerations in applying this technology. Finally, 2 examples of current Vr applications are presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A learning event can be dissociated into 3 components: acquisition, storage, and recall. When the laboratory wild-type strain of Caenorhabditis elegans (N2 strain) is exposed to benzaldehyde in the absence of food, the worms display a reduction of their attractive response to this volatile odorant. This results from the association between benzaldehyde and a nutrient-deficient environment. Another wild-type isolate, the CB4856 strain, fails to display this decreased response to benzaldehyde after exposure to benzaldehyde in the absence of food. However, like the N2 strain, when tested to isoamyl alcohol after benzaldehyde conditioning, the CB4856 strain displays a decreased isoamyl alcohol response. Therefore, the CB4856 strain does not have an acquisition deficit, but it suffers from a recall deficit specific to benzaldehyde. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present study the authors sought to evaluate the psychological effects of exercise when paired with virtual reality. One-hundred and twelve introductory psychology students (47 male and 65 female) were randomly assigned to one of three 20-min experimental conditions including (a) taking a brisk outdoor walk around a college campus, (b) walking on a laboratory treadmill combined with a virtual reality video presentation of the same college campus walk, or (c) viewing the virtual reality walk without participating in any actual exercise. Several standardized mood and enjoyment measures were administered immediately before and after the experimental conditions. Results suggest that greater energy was experienced while walking outside whereas less energy was reported when viewing the virtual reality walk with no actual exercise. These findings were most pronounced for female participants. Both female and male participants walking in the laboratory with the virtual reality were more relaxed and experienced the least tension of the three conditions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether and when changes in the self lead to mistaken assessments that the world has changed. Survey data revealed that: personal changes in respondents (e.g., parenthood, financial change) were positively correlated with their assessments of various social changes (e.g., crime rates, freedom). Experimental data provided converging evidence. Experimentally induced change in knowledge influenced participants' perceptions of change in an author's writing style from one decade to the next (Study 3). Bringing self-change to participants' attention attenuated their judgments of change in the world when they had sufficient cognitive resources to consider how such self-changes might affect their perceptions (Studies 4-6). Discussion highlights how such misattributions of change contribute to the pervasive belief in societal decline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Psychology and the Internet (second edition) by Jayne Gackenbach (see record 2006-13395-000). This book provides the reader with 13 informationladen chapters dealing with topics ranging from Evelyn Ellerman's first chapter, which places the Internet in the context of its development in the 1960s in response to the strategic problem of how the United States government could maintain communications if conventional means were destroyed in a nuclear war, to Jayne Gackenbach's and Jim Karpen's final chapter concerned with the Internet and higher states of consciousness and lucid dreaming. The authors have taken readers on a real journey down an information-laden highway that leads to a fascinating, limitless world of virtual reality. Especially appreciated throughout the book is the attempt by the authors to support their viewpoints by making reference to empirical findings. Lastly, in keeping with this evidence-based approach, all chapters are referenced very adequately. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article presents strategies for treating child abuse survivors based on a theory of interpersonal protection that integrates research in attachment, developmental psychopathology, trauma, dissociation, and experiential psychotherapy. The theory proposes that abused children do not form internal working models of an effective protector, with the result that they have difficulty defending themselves against interpersonal aggression and internal self-criticism; thus, a core psychotherapy task is to help survivors develop adequate representations of protection. The article provides case examples and describes interventions targeting the client-therapist relationship, other client relationships, client self-criticism, and traumatic memories. The author discusses dissociation as an intervention marker; client verbal and nonverbal feedback to therapist interventions; subselves and internal roles; the "inner critic"; guided imagery, role-plays, and dramatic enactment methods; and directions for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The process-dissociation equations (L. Jacoby, 1991) have been applied to results from inclusion and exclusion tasks to derive quantitative estimates of the influence of controlled and automatic processes on memory. This research has provoked controversies (e.g., T. Curran & D. Hintzman, 1995) regarding the validity of specific assumptions underlying the process-dissociation equations. In this article, the author explores the conclusions one can draw about the ordinal relations between automatic and controlled processes across experimental conditions from results in the inclusion and exclusion tasks. Given relatively neutral assumptions, this article presents and proves 6 theorems that allow investigators to draw conclusions about the ordinal relations between automatic and/or controlled processes across experimental conditions. An illustrative example is presented, and the current approach is compared with the original process-dissociation framework. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The 2 studies reported here use observational data from message boards to investigate how adolescents solicit and share information related to self-injurious behavior. Study 1 examines the prevalence and nature of these message boards, their users, and most commonly discussed topics. Study 2 was intended to explore the correlations between content areas raised for discussion. Both studies were intended to shed light on the role of message boards in spreading information about self-injurious practices and influencing help-seeking behavior. More than 400 self-injury message boards were identified. Most are populated by females who describe themselves as between 12 and 20 years of age. Findings show that online interactions clearly provide essential social support for otherwise isolated adolescents, but they may also normalize and encourage self-injurious behavior and add potentially lethal behaviors to the repertoire of established adolescent self-injurers and those exploring identity options. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the original article, "Implications of near-death experiences for a post-materialist psychology," by B. Greyson (see record 2010-03251-005). Greyson (2010) has argued that complex consciousness (i.e., near-death experiences, or NDEs) under conditions such as cardiac arrest and general anesthesia challenge “materialist reductionism” and require a revised psychology anchored in 21st-century quantum physics that includes consciousness in its conceptual formulation. Unfortunately, Greyson fails to specify how quantum mechanics or a holistic approach can (a) enlighten our understanding of NDEs and (b) pave a foundation for a “new scientific conceptualization of the interface between mind and brain (Greyson, 2010, p. 43).” We agree with Greyson that NDEs are fascinating phenomena, and we further recognize that quantum mechanics undergirds chemistry, and so surely plays some as-yet- undefined role in mental processes. However, we sharply disagree that it is necessary to “expand models of the mind” on the basis of quantum mechanics “before we can progress in our understanding of consciousness and the brain (Greyson, 2010, p. 43).” We do not wish to duel with Greyson regarding if and when the brain is “completely disabled” during NDEs, but instead argue that the future is bright for understanding NDEs in terms of the everyday workings of the brain, and suggest important avenues of inquiry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A key problem in studying a hypothesized spectrum of severity of delusional ideation is determining that ideas are unfounded. The first objective was to use virtual reality to validate groups of individuals with low, moderate, and high levels of unfounded persecutory ideation. The second objective was to investigate, drawing upon a cognitive model of persecutory delusions, whether clinical and nonclinical paranoia are associated with similar causal factors. Three groups (low paranoia, high nonclinical paranoia, persecutory delusions) of 30 participants were recruited. Levels of paranoia were tested using virtual reality. The groups were compared on assessments of anxiety, worry, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anomalous perceptual experiences, reasoning, and history of traumatic events. Virtual reality was found to cause no side effects. Persecutory ideation in virtual reality significantly differed across the groups. For the clear majority of the theoretical factors there were dose–response relationships with levels of paranoia. This is consistent with the idea of a spectrum of paranoia in the general population. Persecutory ideation is clearly present outside of clinical groups and there is consistency across the paranoia spectrum in associations with important theoretical variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article outlines an approach to treatment of sexually abused children with dissociative symptoms. Dissociated self-states are seen as competing interpersonal approaches to handling the many emotional sequela of abuse, including anger, fear, and regressive needs. Parents' responses to their sexually abused children, complicated by guilt and their own histories of trauma, can promote dissociative coping in the children as they have difficulty processing their own real feelings of anger, fear, and responsibility. Children and parents may alternatively take victimizer, victim, and rescuer roles, thus mutually reinforcing a dissociative style of coping with these events. This article illustrates how sensitivity to these family dynamics, along with a problem-solving approach to the child's symptoms, can treat dissociative psychopathology in these children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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