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随着网络的普及和深入应用,人们希望共享和集成丰富的网络信息资源,以满足其个性化需求。文中提出了一个用户主导的情景数据集成应用构造环境DSS,用以支持大量不具备专业编程知识的最终用户自行利用既有的网络信息资源即时构造应用。DSS支持当前常见的网络信息资源,实现了交互式的网页资源个性化服务封装,并将Spreadsheet和嵌套关系模型相结合,提供了可视化的嵌套电子表格操作和公式语言,以支持用户进行数据服务的组合。通过案例和相关工作的分析比较,表明了DSS上述功能的有效性。  相似文献   

CDEZ开发工具包括3个集成的应用开发工具即OracleForms、OracleGraphics和OracleReports。这些工具利用集成的、可重用的模块,极大限度地提高开发者的生产率,并生产出跨越所有平台的具有优美图形用户界面的可扩展的应用程序。引言1.什么是生产率对于开发者来说,生产率是构造和维护应用程序速度的。对于最终用户来说,生产率指应用程序对运行环境的适应性,如应用的设计和构造风格如何、性能如何、与运行环境的交互如何、是否易用等等。开发者和最终用户的生产率是相互关联的:最终用户的生产率对于开发者的生产率可能有一种潜在的影…  相似文献   

使安卓应用具有适应用户个性化使用习惯的能力可提升其用户体验。针对该目标,提出了一种面向用户使用习惯的安卓应用自适应方法。该方法结合软件自适应技术,以用户使用习惯为自适应的上下文因素,同时将自适应目标聚焦在动态管理应用的活动跳转序列上。为了支持开发者实现这样的应用,归纳了一组设计需求,并以两个用户使用场景为例展现了安卓应用构造过程中对设计需求的实现细节。  相似文献   

一种基于近距离最大子图优先的业务流程推荐技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
业务流程的动态性和不确定性,为企业流程建模过程带来了巨大挑战,传统基于流程挖掘或流程检索的方式在一定程度上提高了建模的智能性,但仍需大量人工参与,如何更大程度地提高业务流程建模效率和准确度成为当前企业亟待解决的问题.论文借鉴传统推荐技术思想,提出了一种业务流程推荐技术,该技术以业务流程资源库作为出发点,利用图挖掘方法进行流程模式的提取,基于近距离最大子图优先的流程匹配策略对参考流程与流程模式的相同性进行判断,进而选取相关候选节点集作为推荐结果,基于业务流程推荐系统原型JTangWFR,通过对比现有相关技术表明,文中方法能够支持实际应用中的复杂流程结构,其效率和准确度方面能够满足实际应用的需求.  相似文献   

JBuilder 8新特性 Borland公司在2002年11月份发布了JBuilder的新版本JBuilder 8。Borland公司在Java开发工具市场上一直占有领先的地位,其产品可以满足不同层次开发者的需求,JBuilder 8不仅支持JDK(Java Development Kit)1.4.1版本规范,Borland Web Services Kit for Java也集成到该版本中。另外,JBuilder 8还增加了对Jakarta Struts的支持,让目标管理和调  相似文献   

社交化编码是当前软件开发生产的一个重要方式,其开发模式的灵活性与开放性吸引了大量的开发者.开发者通过参与开源项目能够提升自己的开发能力并在社区中形成自己的影响力.许多开源社区如GitHub上有大量的开源项目.开发者将花费大量的时间与精力去寻找自己感兴趣的项目.开源项目推荐引起了研究者的兴趣,然而,目前的方法中仅仅基于开发者过去参加过的项目的相似性进行项目推荐,没有对开发者的兴趣迁移进行考虑.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于项目主题迁移频繁模式挖掘的推荐算法.该方法结合了概率主题模型与顺序频繁模式挖掘,并考虑项目社交关联和流行度,从而为开发者提供个性化开源项目推荐.本文所提方法的召回率比传统的方法高出了10.9%,推荐效果显著提升.  相似文献   

为了满足移动阅读用户在不同阅读情境中的服务需求,提高移动阅读平台的服务质量,文章将情境感知理论融入移动阅读个性化推荐服务中,对基于情境感知的移动阅读个性化推荐服务模式进行探析。首先阐述基于情境感知的移动阅读个性化推荐服务流程,然后构建基于情境感知的移动阅读个性化推荐服务模型,并详细介绍模型中的各个构成模块,最后对如何科学、有效地评估基于情境感知的移动阅读个性化推荐服务效果进行讨论,介绍三类推荐服务效果评估方式。  相似文献   

5月14日,爱立信与SUN公司联合推出了“爱立信-SUN移动应用开发商计划”,为移动应用开发商提供包含MMS多媒体信息技术及Java技术的统一开发平台,通过这一计划的执行,移动应用开发商将一次性获得来自两家公司的最先进软、硬件平台、技术讲座及市场支持,从而推动移动应用开发的发展。合作计划的内容包括技术和市场支持两个方面。一方面,移动应用开发商及个人开发者将以优惠的价格获得包含相关软硬件的开发包,其中包括爱立信公司提供的多媒体信息应用开发工具、支持多媒体信息应用的手机以及SUN公司提供的用于Java技术开发的硬件  相似文献   

针对当前移动餐饮个性化推荐存在的准确度差和自适应性差等问题,提出利用本体构建技术和情境感知技术来实现个性化推荐。对移动餐饮平台的情境要素进行了全面的分析,建立了基于情境感知的移动餐饮个性化推荐模型框架,构建了情境语义的两层本体模型,并介绍了推荐模型运行的基本工作流程,重点介绍了情境获取、情境推理、情境更新合成和规则匹配关键环节,以期提高个性化推荐服务的质量和效果。  相似文献   

现代的软件开发集成开发环境(IDE)为开发者提供了错误提示、代码补全、代码分析、版本管理等多方面的辅助开发支持,大大提高了开发效率。同时,开发者在日常开发过程中还常常依赖于互联网获取代码样例、配置说明、错误处理等Web开发资源。由于需要频繁地在IDE和浏览器之间进行切换并通过各种方式进行信息检索,开发者往往需要在Web开发资源的获取上花费大量的时间和精力。为此,提出一种基于开发者开发行为分析和挖掘的Web信息资源推荐方法。该方法通过自动记录和抓取开发者在IDE中的代码浏览和修改等动作以及在浏览器中的页面浏览信息获取基础信息。在此基础上,该方法从所抓取的浏览器页面中抽取结构化的信息资源,并通过聚类和基于时间的关联分析确定IDE开发行为与Web信息资源之间的相关性,从而在开发者在IDE中执行开发任务时自动推荐相关的Web信息资源。最后通过一个实验分析初步验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

MM是一款面向最终用户的数据整合应用开发平台,它能够使没有计算机背景的普通用户利用网络上的各种资源,通过简单的可视化操作,快速地构建个性化的数据整合应用,并且可以通过手机随时随地方便地使用这些应用。重点描述了平台的框架,对非专业用户建模的支持,以及数据整合引擎的设计;提出了通过个人电脑开发、手机订制使用的Mashup应用模式;基于原型系统的案例分析验证了平台的可用性。  相似文献   

As the new HTML5 specification is being accepted, comprehensive HTML5-based mobile applications provide users with better experiences. Huge amount of existing Internet-based resources are rapidly integrated into mobile applications based on HTML5. However, this could result in some difficulties in adapting the resources into various types of existing mobile devices. To enhance the utilization of existing HTML5 based Internet resources into various mobile terminals, this paper proposed a new integration approach for mobile web applications, which can assist application service providers to provide HTML5-based mobile hybrid applications for various types of mobile ends. It is a novel attempt to quickly transplant huge emerging HTML5 Internet resources into mobile applications accepted by various mobile terminals. This work also examines necessary mechanisms and means to support the proposed framework seamlessly working with existing infrastructures. Finally, a prototype integration platform is built and comprehensive simulations are implemented to test and prove its high feasibility.  相似文献   

Robust electronic commerce will require several proprietary systems to interoperate. CommerceNet is proposing Eco System, a cross industry effort to build a framework of frameworks, involving both e-commerce vendors and end users. Eco System will consist of an extensible object oriented framework (class libraries, application programming interfaces and shared services) from which developers can assemble applications quickly from existing components. These applications could subsequently be reused in other applications. We are also developing a Common Business Language (CBL) that lets application agents communicate using messages and objects that model communications in the real business world. A network services architecture (protocols, APIs, and data formats) will insulate application agents from each other and from platform dependencies, while facilitating their interoperation. Functionally, Eco System fills three distinct roles. It is: a layer of middleware that facilitates agent interoperation through services such as authentication, billing, payment, and directories; an object oriented development environment that encourages the reuse of e-commerce modules (even modules that represent the product line of an entire company); and an industry roadmap and interoperability example that promotes open standards and helps technology vendors communicate with end users about product features  相似文献   

The mobile Internet introduces new opportunities to gain insight in the user’s environment, behavior, and activity. This contextual information can be used as an additional information source to improve traditional recommendation algorithms. This paper describes a framework to detect the current context and activity of the user by analyzing data retrieved from different sensors available on mobile devices. The framework can easily be extended to detect custom activities and is built in a generic way to ensure easy integration with other applications. On top of this framework, a recommender system is built to provide users a personalized content offer, consisting of relevant information such as points-of-interest, train schedules, and touristic info, based on the user’s current context. An evaluation of the recommender system and the underlying context recognition framework shows that power consumption and data traffic is still within an acceptable range. Users who tested the recommender system via the mobile application confirmed the usability and liked to use it. The recommendations are assessed as effective and help them to discover new places and interesting information.  相似文献   

This article introduces Hybreed, a software framework for building complex context-aware applications, together with a set of components that are specifically targeted at developing hybrid, context-aware recommender systems. Hybreed is based on a concept for processing context that we call dynamic contextualization. The underlying notion of context is very generic, enabling application developers to exploit sensor-based physical factors as well as factors derived from user models or user interaction. This approach is well aligned with context definitions that emphasize the dynamic and activity-oriented nature of context. As an extension of the generic framework, we describe Hybreed RecViews, a set of components facilitating the development of context-aware and hybrid recommender systems. With Hybreed and RecViews, developers can rapidly develop context-aware applications that generate recommendations for both individual users and groups. The framework provides a range of recommendation algorithms and strategies for producing group recommendations as well as templates for combining different methods into hybrid recommenders. Hybreed also provides means for integrating existing user or product data from external sources such as social networks. It combines aspects known from context processing frameworks with features of state-of-the-art recommender system frameworks, aspects that have been addressed only separately in previous research. To our knowledge, Hybreed is the first framework to cover all these aspects in an integrated manner. To evaluate the framework and its conceptual foundation, we verified its capabilities in three different use cases. The evaluation also comprises a comparative assessment of Hybreed’s functional features, a comparison to existing frameworks, and a user study assessing its usability for developers. The results of this study indicate that Hybreed is intuitive to use and extend by developers.  相似文献   

Switching behaviors of mobile payment application received scarce attention. This study investigates the key factors influencing the switching behaviors of mobile payment application through the perspective of the push–pull–mooring framework. Privacy concerns, alternative rewards, and inertia are identified as push, pull, and mooring factors, respectively. The model was tested with 3785 valid responses among Alipay users. Inertia was found to attenuate the relationship between alternative rewards and switching behavior. This study sheds new light on the switching behavior of mobile payment application users. Our findings inform service providers to retain existing users as well as attract potential users.  相似文献   

随着科技的不断发展,智能化的移动设备被广泛应用,移动互联网在人们生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。为了满足人们对智能移动设备的要求,适应不断发展的Web技术的应用需求,各种基于HTML5技术的移动应用大量涌现。本文首先从HTML5技术的新特征入手,介绍了移动应用开发的现状,进而分析HTML5在移动应用开发上的应用,最后将这种技术应用于中小学学习资源平台的建设和开发,指出了HTML5给移动学习和与开发者带来的新机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

该平台可为无线城市、各大商场搭建智慧商务服务平台,能为合作伙伴提供个性化Portal和基于WLAN的移动特性、精确定位特性、高带宽特性开发的各类增值应用服务,为终端用户提供应用快速获取、三屏融合体验和应用个性化定制服务。  相似文献   

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